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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Remote Sensing of Environment

Remote Sensing of Environment serves the remote sensing community with the publication of results on theory, science, applications and technology of remote sensing of Earth resources and environment. Thoroughly interdisciplinary, this journal publishes on terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric sensing. The emphasis of the journal is on biophysical and quantitative approaches to remote sensing at local to global scales. Areas of interest include, but are not necessarily restricted to:
- agriculture, forestry and range
- biophysical-spectral models
- ecology
- earth and environmental science
- geography and land information
- geology and geoscience
- hydrology and water resources
- image processing and analysis
- atmospheric science and meteorology
- oceanography
- sensor systems and spectral-radiometric measurements

In addition to original research papers, comprehensive review articles are welcome. Brief papers containing significant new data or techniques may be published as Short Communications


 Cover Page

Instructions to Authors


Remote Sensing of Environment serves the remote sensing community with the publication of results on the theory, science, applications, and technology of remote sensing of Earth Resources and Environment. Thoroughly interdisciplinary, RSE publishes on terrestrial, oceanic and atmospheric sensing. The emphasis is on biophysical and quantitative approaches to remote sensing at local to global scales. In addition to original research papers, comprehensive, state-of-the-art review articles are welcome. Brief papers containing significant new data or techniques may be published as Short Communications.

Submission of Papers. Authors should submit papers electronically via the Internet. Instructions for preparing and transmitting papers to our editorial office are at: http://rse.edmgr.com. Contributions are accepted on the understanding that authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication. Submission of an article must be accompanied by a statement that the article is original and unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Upon acceptance of an article by the journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.

Manuscript Preparation. Papers may be prepared in most popular word processor file formats. All material should be typed, double-spaced, allowing ample margins. Flexibility of presentation is allowed, but authors are asked to arrange the subject matter clearly under headings such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, etc. All contributions should include a concise, informative Abstract. All equations, tables, and figure legends should be numbered consecutively and separately throughout the paper. The International System (SI) of units should be used. Language: Papers are to be submitted in and will be published in English. Further text file preparation guidelines can be found at: http://authors.elsevier.com.

Illustrations. Line drawings should be in a form suitable for reproduction. If color figures are included, the publisher will forward an estimate of cost to the author before beginning color reproduction. Further artwork preparation guidelines can be found at: http://authors.elsevier.com.
Colour:Submit colour illustrations as original photographs, high-quality computer prints or transparencies, close to the size expected in publication, or as 35 mm slides. Polaroid colour prints are not suitable. If, together with your accepted article, you submit usable colour figures then Elsevier will ensure, at no additional charge, that these figures will appear in colour on the web (e.g., ScienceDirect and other sites) regardless of whether or not these illustrations are reproduced in colour in the printed version. For colour reproduction in print, you will receive information regarding the costs from Elsevier after receipt of your accepted article. For further information on the preparation of electronic artwork, please see http://authors.elsevier.com/artwork.

Please note: Because of technical complications which can arise by converting colour figures to ?grey scale? (for the printed version should you not opt for colour in print) please submit in addition usable black and white prints corresponding to all the colour illustrations.

References. References should be cited in the text by the name(s) of the author(s), followed by the year of publication in parentheses, e.g., Baret and Guyot (1991). When the same author and year are cited again, these references should have the year followed by (a), (b), etc. The reference list should be typed alphabetically, according to the following examples:
JOURNAL: Baret, F., & Guyot, G. (1991). Potentials and limits of vegetation indices for LAI and APAR assessment. Remote Sensing of Environment, 35, 161-173
BOOK: Schott, J.R. (1997). Remote Sensing: The Image Chain Approach. (pp. 52-62). New York: Oxford University Press
EDITED BOOK: Kaufman, Y.J. (1989). The atmospheric effect on remote sensing and its corrections. In G. Asrar (Ed.), Theory and Applications of Optical Remote Sensing (pp. 336-428). New York: Wiley
REPORTS, THESES, ETC: Style as a journal article with as much source information as possible.

Proofs. Authors will receive proofs that they are requested to correct and return as soon as possible. Corrections must be returned in one communication, as late corrections cannot be made. No new material may be inserted in the text at the time of proofreading.
Offprints. Twenty-five (25) offprints of each paper will be supplied free-of-charge to the author(s). Additional reprints may be ordered at prices shown on the reprint order form.
Page Charges. Except for colour figures, there are no page charges for publication. If colour artwork is paid for, an additional 100 offprints are provided to the corresponding author.
Further Information. Additional information on the journal, including a detailed guide for authors, may be found on the Elsevier Science Web site: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/rse.
Author Inquiries. For inquiries relating to the submission of articles, please visit the Elsevier Science Author Gateway at: http://authors.elsevier.com. The Author Gateway also provides the facility to track accepted articles and set up email alerts to inform you of when an article's status has changed, as well as detailed artwork guidelines, copyright information, frequently asked questions and more.


Editorial Board



Marvin E. Bauer, University of Minnesota, Remote Sensing Laboratory, 1530 Cleveland Ave N., St. Paul, MN 55108-6112, USA.
Associate Editor: Oceanographic Remote Sensing
W.W. Gregg, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Laboratory for Hydrospheric Processes, Code 971, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA.
Editorial Board:
J.W. Campbell, University of New Hampshire, NH, USA.
T.N. Carlson, Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA.
J. Cihlar, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Ottawa, Canada.
W. Cohen, USDA Forest Service, OR, USA.
A. Gillespie, University of Washington, WA, USA.
A.F.H. Goetz, University of Colorado, CO, USA.
H.R. Gordon, University of Miami, FL, USA.
S.N. Goward, University of Maryland, MD, USA.
F.G. Hall, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, USA.
E.S. Kasischke, University of Maryland, MD, USA.
V. Klemas, University of Delaware, DE, USA.
D.A. Landgrebe, Purdue University, IN, USA.
G.A. Maul, Florida Institute of Technology, FL, USA.
P.J. Minnett, University of Miami, FL, USA.
R.K. Moore, University of Kansas, KS, USA.
M.S. Moran, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, USA.
E.G. Njoku, California Institute of Technology, CA, USA.
W. Philpot, Cornell University, NY, USA.
J.A. Richards, University of New South Wales, Australia.
D. Roberts, University of California, CA, USA.
V.V. Salomonson, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, USA.
D. Tanre, Universit¨¦ des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.
P.M. Teillet, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Canada.
C.E. Woodcock, Boston University, MA, USA.


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