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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

To order this journal, and for more information, go to http://www.elsevierhealth.com

Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine publishes original articles, clinical reports, review articles and correspondence relevant to the practitioner concerned with local anesthetics, regional anesthesia, and pain management.

 Journal Cover

Instructions to Authors


Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, official publication of the American, European, Asian and Oceanic, and Latin American Societies of Regional Anesthesia, is a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal providing scholarly presentation of science and clinical issues of importance to anesthesiologists and other physicians engaged in regional anesthesia and pain medicine. It publishes original articles, case reports, history articles, imaging articles, informatics articles, review articles, special articles, translational vignettes, editorials, book reviews, and letters to the editor. Three or more members of the Editorial Board or outside consultants review all manuscripts except correspondence.

NOTE: Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine now uses Editorial Manager, an Internet-based system for the submission of all incoming manuscripts. To submit a manuscript, visit http://rapm.editorialmanager.com. If you are not registered with the system, click on 'Register' at the menu at the top of the page and proceed as instructed. Then click on 'Submit a Manuscript' and follow the instructions to upload the various elements of your submission, eg, the text, figures, etc. For technical support for uploading items for submission, authors may send an e-mail query to authorsupport@elsevier.com. For other queries, including questions about how to use the system, authors may e-mail the editorial office at rapm@vmmc.org.

Editorial policies

Originality: Manuscripts and all materials are received with the understanding that they have not been published or under consideration for publication in whole or in any significant part elsewhere, and a cover letter to this effect should be enclosed with all materials. Therefore, no substantial part of a paper may have been published elsewhere, except for a scientific abstract. If one has a concern or is in question concerning prior publication, please submit the title page and abstract with submission of materials.

Data Analysis: Manuscripts and all materials are received with the understanding that each author listed has participated in the conception, design, execution, and/or analysis of data (as applicable), as well as the writing of the manuscript. The undersigned attest to the accuracy and validity of the manuscript contents and are listed as authors or otherwise acknowledged for their contributions.

Authorship: Manuscripts and all materials are received with the understanding that all undersigned have reviewed the submission and approve its submission for publication. No additional editing from the author may occur once the manuscript and all materials are received at the editorial office.

Cover Letter and Check List: A Cover Letter and Check List must accompany all submissions. The Cover Letter must contain the following language before the materials can be received: "In consideration of REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE taking action in reviewing and editing my (our) submission, the author(s) undersigned hereby transfers, assigns, or otherwise conveys all copyright ownership to the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine in the event that such work is published by REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE."

All authors will be required to transfer copyright ownership to American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. The original letter of transmittal should name one author as correspondent, with address, phone, Fax, E-mail, and include the signatures of all the authors, which signifies that each listed author must (1) have participated in the work and could publicly defend its contents, and (2) have read the manuscript prior to its submission for publication and agree with its contents. No submission will enter the review process until all authors have undersigned the cover letter. Forms for the Manuscript Submission Cover Letter, Check List, and Author Diskette Description are provided in the Instructions to Authors.

If a manuscript is accepted for revision, the author must submit an Author Agreement form and the Author Diskette Description form with the revised manuscript. The Author Agreement form and Author Diskette Description form must accompany all manuscripts accepted for publication. Manuscripts will not be published without completion of both forms at final acceptance. Forms for both the Author Agreement and Author Diskette Description are provided in Instructions to Authors.

Peer Review Process: After receipt of the manuscript's arrival at the editorial office, an acknowledgement will be provided within 2 weeks to the corresponding author. Then authors are usually advised within 8 weeks if their manuscript has been accepted, rejected, or requires revision before acceptance. All revisions will require a final decision; resubmission does not guarantee acceptance of the revision. Unforeseen delays may occur and are unavoidable (for example: if manuscript is sent for additional review of statistics); should this happen it is customary for the editorial office to contact the author. An author may inquire at any time to the editorial office on the status of their submission.

Ethical concerns

Patient Identification: Patients' names, initials, hospital numbers, and admission case dates are to be avoided in all materials. In addition, a patient must not be recognizable in any photograph unless written permission of the subject has been provided and is included with the submission.

Human Trials: No manuscript describing investigations carried out in humans will be accepted for publication unless the text states that the study was approved by the author's institutional human investigation committee and that informed consent was obtained from all subjects or, in the case of minors, from parents. A statement regarding Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and procedures is required and must be clearly stated in the Methods section.

Animal Studies: No manuscript describing investigations in animals will be accepted for publication unless the text states that the author's institutional animal investigation committee approved the study. IRB approval must be stated and/or final approval included.

Funding Sources: The author is required to indicate all sources of funding supporting their submission. This does include any corporate or institutional funding sources.

Conflicts of Interest: Authors are required to state clearly on the Check List any conflicts of interests associated with their submitted work. This may be consultancies and licensing arrangements.

Submission categories

Original Article: Describes a clinical or laboratory investigation.

Case Report: Describes any new or instructive cases, anesthetic or pain medicine techniques, or equipment that is original.

History Article: Provides a historical perspective of the heritage of regional anesthesia or pain medicine. May be focused around individuals or concepts.

Imaging Article: Describes any new or instructive material using imaging techniques applicable to regional anesthetic or pain medicine settings.

Evidence-Based Case Report: Describes the presentation of one or more case reports of a common regional anesthesia or pain management scenario, followed by a detailed literature review and analysis aimed at describing evidence-based "best practice."

Review Article: Provides comprehensive coverage of previously published material to aid in the evaluation of important or new concepts. Authors interested in submitting a review article should send a cover letter identifying the topic and an outline of their proposal to the Editor.

Special Article: Describes unique topics or trends relevant to regional anesthesia and pain medicine.

Translational Vignette: Describes relevant basic science topics that are translated in clinical terms for physicians in the fields of regional anesthesia and pain medicine.

Editorial (solicited by the Editorial Board): Comments on articles published in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine and provides relevant information for regional anesthesiologists or those in pain medicine.

Book Review: Report on current literature relevant in the areas of regional anesthesia and pain medicine. All books and multimedia material for review should be sent directly to: Joseph M. Neal, M.D., Editor in Chief, Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Mailstop D2-APM, 1100 Ninth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98111.

Letter to the Editor: Describes brief constructive information on previously published articles or in the area of general interest.

Manuscript preparation

Style: Manuscripts must be prepared and submitted in the manner described in the American Medical Association Manual of Style.

Formatting: All materials (title, abstract, text, references, tables, appendices, and legends) must be in English and should be double-spaced. Fonts should be at least 10 point or larger in a Times New Roman style. A font size of 12 points is requested. Provide margins of 1 inch (2.5 cm) at top, bottom, left, and right sides of all pages. The page number should appear in the upper right-hand corner of each page, beginning with the Title Page. Please number pages consecutively and begin each section on a new page in sequence (title page, abstract, text, references, tables, legends for illustrations, and illustrations).

Organization: Please organize manuscripts submitted for possible publication in this order: Title Page, Abstract, Text, References, Tables, Legends for Illustrations, and Illustrations.

All material submitted for possible publication should observe the maximum limitations for double-spaced text pages, figures/tables, and references for each submission category.

Submission Category Text (double-spaced pages) Figures & Tables (number) References (number) Original Article 14 8 25 Case Report 8 2 15 History Article 10 4 25 Imaging Article 8 4 15 Informatics Article 5 2 5 Review Article 20 4 50 Special Article 10 4 25 Translational Vignette 4 2 15 Editorial 4 ? 10 Book Review 2 ? ? Letter to the Editor 2 1 5

Title page (page 1)

  • All materials submitted must contain a Title Page indicating the title of the article. The title must be succinct and informative to the reader.

  • The names of the authors and their highest degrees and departmental/institutional affiliations must appear on the Title Page. List the first name, middle initial, and last name of each author, with highest academic degree(s) and institutional affiliation. The principal author must justify listing more than five authors in the Cover Letter.

  • Provide the name, full mailing address, telephone number, Fax number, and E-mail address of the corresponding author on the Title Page.

  • Provide name of the department(s) and institution(s) to which the work should be attributed.

  • Identify financial source that supported the work.

  • Indicate any meetings where work may have been presented.

  • A running header of no more than 45 characters (including text and spaces) must be provided on the Title Page.

Abstract?Original article (new page)

Provide an abstract of no more than 250 words with headings of Background and Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Do not include abbreviations, footnotes, or references in the Abstract.

  • Background and Objectives: State the main question or objective of the study and major hypothesis tested, if any.

  • Methods: Describe study design, indicating, as appropriate, use of randomization, blinding, criterion standards for diagnostic tests, temporal direction (retrospective or prospective), and so on. The primary study outcome measures should be indicated as planned before data collection began. If the hypothesis being reported was formulated during or after data collection, this fact should be clearly stated.
  • Results: Describe measurements that are not evident from the nature of the main results and indicate any blinding. If possible, the results should be accompanied by confidence intervals (most often the 95% interval) and exact level of statistical significance. For comparative studies, confidence intervals should be indicated when risk changes or effect sizes are given.
  • Conclusions: State only those conclusions of the study that are directly supported by data, along with their clinical application (avoiding overgeneralization) or whether additional studies are required before the information should be used in the clinical settings. Equal emphasis must be given to the positive and negative of equal merit.

  • Key Words: Provide an alphabetical list of no more than six key words. These words should be simple and will be used for indexing.

Abstract-Case report

Provide an abstract of no more than 250 words with headings of Objective, Case Report, and Conclusions. Do not include abbreviations, footnotes, or references in the Abstract.

  • Objective: State the primary objective of the case report.

  • Case Report: Describe briefly important details of the case report.

  • Conclusions: State main conclusion from the case description.

  • Key Words: Provide an alphabetical list of no more than six key words. These words should be simple and will be used for indexing.

Abstract-History article

The abstract for the history articles will only include the introduction.

  • Introduction: Use one or two sentences to develop the historical issue to be presented.

  • Key Words: Provide an alphabetical list of no more than six key words. These words should be simple and will be used for indexing.

Text-Original article

Text for original articles is usually divided into sections with the headings of: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments.

  • Introduction (new page): Clearly state article purpose. Give only pertinent references, and do not review the subject extensively.

  • Methods (new page): Describe clearly your selection of observational or experimental subjects. Identify methods, apparatus, and procedures in enough detail to allow others to reproduce the results.

  • Results (new page): Present your results in a logical sequence in text, tables, and illustrations. Emphasize or summarize only important observations.

  • Discussion (new page): Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and conclusions that follow from them.

Acknowledgments (new page): Acknowledge only individuals who have made substantive contributions to the study.

Text-Case report

Text for case reports is usually divided into the sections with the headings of: Introduction, Case Report, and Discussion.

  • Introduction (new page): Briefly summarize why this case demands review.

  • Case Report (new page): Provide details or the patient case study to allow readers to understand decision making used in providing care.

  • Discussion (new page): Emphasize new and important understandings that were learned from this case and conclusions that follow from them.

Text-Letter to the editor

Text for letter to the editor should follow a letter format.

References (new page)

References indicated in all manuscripts must be relevant to the work described. Reference citations must be to books or articles and abstracts published in peer-reviewed Index Medicus journals. Please do not include referenced articles published without peer-review. This includes abstracts or articles printed in meeting materials or societal publications. Abstracts appearing more than 3 years ago are not acceptable. All references cited in manuscripts must be available to all readers. Manuscripts in preparation or submitted for peer-review are not acceptable as references. If an author cites a reference as accepted "in press," one must supply six copies marked "in press" along with the submitted manuscript.

  • Numbering: Number references consecutively in the order which they appear in the text, tables, and legends.

  • Formatting: Double-space between all lines of each reference and between references.

  • Identifying: Use Arabic numerals (in parentheses, on line) to identify references in text, tables, and legends.

  • Verifying: References must be verified by the author(s) against the original documents.

  • Style: Titles of journals in references must be abbreviated according to style found in Index Medicus. The style of the references must be based on the format used by US National Library of Medicine in Index Medicus.

1. Standard journal article: (List all authors)

Wong GY, Brown DL, Miller GM, Cahill DR. Defining the cross-sectional anatomy important to interscalene brachial plexus block with magnetic resonance imaging. Reg Anesth Pain Med 1998;23:77-80.

2. Entire book:

Brown DL. Atlas of Regional Anesthesia. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Company; 1999.

3. Chapter in a book:

Brown DL. Spinal, epidural and caudal anesthesia: Anatomy, physiology, and technique. In: Chestnut DH, ed. Obstetric Anesthesia: Principles and Practice. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc; 1999:187-208.

Tables (new page)

  • Numbering: Number tables consecutively, as cited in text using Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2, etc.).

  • Formatting: Type each table on a separate sheet, double-spaced. Supply a brief title for each table. Please provide each column with a short or abbreviated heading. Tables submitted as photographs are not acceptable. Do not repeat information in a table if data is already provided in the text or do not prepare a table for data that is not reported in the text in one or two sentences.

  • Footnotes: Put explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading. Please define all abbreviations used in each table in the footnotes.

  • Permissions: If data presented in tables is from another source, the author is responsible for applying for permission for both print and electronic rights from the original publisher and is responsible for paying any fees related to the applications of these permissions.

Legends for illustrations (new page)

  • Formatting: Type legends double-spaced with Arabic numerals corresponding to illustrations and figures on separate page.

  • Identification: Explain clearly in the legend any symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters used to identify parts of the illustrations. Identify method of staining in photomicrographs and magnifications.

  • Abbreviations: Define all abbreviations used in each illustration.

  • Permissions: If data presented in illustrations is from another source or previously published by the author, the author is responsible for applying for permission for both print and electronic rights and is responsible for paying any fees related to the applications of these permissions.

Illustrations (new page)

  • Electronic Submission: Submit electronic figures in separate files. Black and white pixel-based line art (scans) should be sent in TIFF format with a resolution of 1,000 dpi or greater. Black and white vector-based line art (generated by Freehand, Illustrator, etc.) should be sent in EPS format. Color art should be provided in EPS or TIFF format at a finished resolution of 300 dpi.

  • Manual Submission: Submit 2 original sets of glossy illustrations and 5 copies (total of 7). For imaging (MRI and radiographs) submit 7 original sets of glossy prints (no copies).

  • Reproducing: Black and white illustrations (up to approximately 5-7 inches), in the form of glossy prints, will be reproduced free of charge, but publisher reserves the right to establish a reasonable limit. Color illustrations will be published only at the author's expense, but Editor reserves the right to publish at no expense to the author.

  • Numbering: Number illustrations consecutively, as cited in text using Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). If a figure contains more than one part, each part must be labeled alphabetically (Figure 3A, Figure 3B, etc.). Provide a label on the back of each illustration indicating figure number and an arrow for orientation (top). Also include the first author's last name. Do not write heavily on the back of the figure. In addition, do not mount the figures or clip the figures.

  • Formatting: Line drawings should be professionally executed and photographed, with lettering large enough to be easily read after necessary reduction. Line art should be submitted with no gradations of shading, as they will not reproduce for clarity. Use cross-hatching or patterns where shading is necessary. Do not send roentgenograms, color slides, or glass plates; instead send black and white prints of the correct intensity.

  • Patient Consent: If an illustration contains a human subject that is identifiable, written consent from the patient or guardian must be accompanied with the submission.

Submission of revisions

Authors are required to submit the final version of their manuscript on diskette. Authors may contact W.B. Saunders for more information on submitting manuscripts on diskette or should download a copy of the Instructions for Submitting Manuscript on Diskette from the Journal website at www.rapm.org. Authors are requested to include a 3.5-inch floppy disk and the Author's Diskette Description form found in the journal with their revised manuscript. Authors must ensure the diskette contains the correct version of their revised manuscript. At final acceptance, authors must also submit a completed Author Agreement form from the Journal. No floppy disks will be returned to the author.

Page proofs and reprints

Reprints may be ordered from the reprint order form sent to the corresponding author with the page proofs. All page proofs must be reviewed by the correspondent expeditiously (usually within 24 to 48 hours) of receipt. When reviewing the page proofs, please examine the text, tables, legends, illustrations, references, and answer any author queries. The date, volume, and issue number indicated on the page proof may not necessarily indicate the publication date. The Editor reserves the right to decide publication date.

Guidelines for preparing and submitting a diskette for initial and revised submissions

These guidelines are to be used as a supplement to the instructions to authors provided by Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine.

General Submission Requirements:

  • Submit only the final version of the manuscript as approved by the editor.
  • Include a double-spaced, hard-copy version of the manuscript. The hard copy must be free of handwritten editorial alterations, and it must match the disk file exactly.
  • Photocopy the "Author Diskette Description Form," complete, and include it with the disk and hard copy.
  • Include the manuscript title and author name(s) on the disk label.

Hardware & Software Recommendations:

  • WordPerfect is recommended as the word processing software. Microsoft Word is also acceptable.
  • The preferred storage medium is a 3? diskette in an IBM MS-DOS format. Mac-formatted diskettes should be high density.
  • Write-protect your disk before submitting it:
    -For a 3? disk, slide the tab to the open position.

File Organization:

  • All components of the manuscript must appear within a single electronic file, on a single disk (do not include multiple files or backup versions of the file).
  • References, tables, and figure legends must appear at the end of the manuscript.

Document Formatting:

  • Typographical formatting will be handled by the publisher. This pertains to the design specifications for the final printed product, such as columns widths, page depths, and type styles. Please refrain from using this type of formatting.
  • Editorial formatting may be included in the disk file. This refers to attributes such as italics, superscripts/subscripts, and Greek letters. The coding scheme for each such element must be consistent throughout the file.
Text Style:
  • Type text flush left (ie, do not indent paragraphs) in upper/lowercase letters as appropriate.
  • Enter only one space between words and sentences.
  • For line breaks within a paragraph, use the automatic "wraparound" feature of your word processor (also referred to as "soft return"); do not use the carriage return (or "hard return").
  • Use two carriage returns at the end of each paragraph (ie, one blank line should appear between paragraphs).
  • Use two carriage returns between headings and text.
  • Do not use the word processor's indenting or margin-setting features. (These will be handled during typesetting.)

Your cooperation in complying with these guidelines will expedite the production process. Whenever feasible, the publisher will use the disk version of the manuscript. Because of the complexity of some tabular material, it may be necessary to re-key data from the hard copy. Please note that disks will not be returned to the authors.

Author diskette description form

(must accompany all initial and revised submissions)

Manuscript Title:



Corresponding Author:

Phone Number:____________________

Fax Number:_____________________

Hardware used:

Model name or number: ______________________

IBM/PC compatible? _________ yes _________ no

Software used (name and version): _____________________________

File name: _________________________________________

IMPORTANT NOTE: A double-spaced, hard-copy version of the manuscript must accompany the diskette. The hard copy must be free of handwritten editorial alterations, and it must match the disk file exactly.

I have confirmed that this diskette contains the final version of the manuscript accepted by the editor.

Signature ____________________________ Date _____________________

Author agreement

(must accompany all revised submissions)

Manuscript Title:


I (we) hereby confirm the assignment of all copyrights in and to the manuscript named above, including the exclusive right to publish the manuscript in all forms and media now or hereafter known, to the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA) effective if and when it is accepted for publication by the ASRA. I (we) warrant that the manuscript is original, has not been previously published, contains no material the publication of which violates any copyright or other personal or proprietary rights of any person or entity, and acknowledge that ASRA and W.B. Saunders (Saunders) are relying on this letter of agreement in publishing my (our) manuscript.

I (we) have obtained and included with the manuscript written permission from the respective copyright owners for the use of any textual, illustrative, or tabular materials that have been previously published or are otherwise copyrighted and owned by third parties, and acknowledge that it is my (our) responsibility to pay any fees charged for permissions.

I (we) certify that the author(s) of the manuscript named above has (have) no commercial associations (e.g., consultantships, stock ownership, equity interests, patent-licensing arrangements, etc.) that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted manuscript, other than those expressly disclosed therein. All funding sources supporting the work and all institutional or corporate affiliations of the author(s) are acknowledged in the manuscript. The ASRA and Saunders may use my (our) name(s) or professional affiliations in connection with the manuscript.

Signed ________________________________ Date _________________

Signed ________________________________ Date _________________

Signed ________________________________ Date _________________

To be signed by the senior author and all other contributing authors. If the senior author is signing on behalf of one or more contributing authors, the senior author hereby warrants that he/she is the duly authorized agent of such contributing authors to enter into this agreement. In the case of a work prepared by an employee within the scope of his or her employment, an authorized representative of the employer should sign here:
Employer Name __________________________________

Signature ____________________________

Title _____________________________

Date _____________________________

Manuscript submission cover letter

(must accompany all initial submissions)

Name of Corresponding Author:
Address of Corresponding Author:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
E-mail Address:
Date of Submission:

Joseph M. Neal, M.D.
Editor in Chief, Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
Virginia Mason Medical Center
1100 9th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101

Dear Dr. Neal:

Re: (Title of Manuscript)

I (we) are submitting the enclosed material for possible publication in REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE. This material has not been submitted for publication or published elsewhere in whole or part. The undersigned listed have participated in the work and can publicly defend the manuscripts contents and have read the manuscript prior to its submission for publication and agree with its contents.

In consideration of REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE taking action in nreviewing and editing my (our) submission, the author(s) undersigned hereby transfers, assigns, or otherwise conveys all copyright ownership to the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine in the event that such work is published by REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE.

No submission will enter the review process until all authors have undersigned this Cover Letter.

1. Printed Name ________________________ Signature ______________ Date__________

2. Printed Name ________________________ Signature ______________ Date__________

3. Printed Name ________________________ Signature ______________ Date__________

4. Printed Name ________________________ Signature ______________ Date__________

5. Printed Name ________________________ Signature ______________ Date__________

6.Printed Name ________________________ Signature ______________ Date__________

Manuscript Submission Check List (must accompany all initial submissions)
  • Cover Letter with Signatures
  • Title Page
  • Title
  • List each author: First name, Middle initial, Last name, Highest degree credentials, and Institutional affiliations
  • Corresponding author: First name, Middle initial, Last name, Highest degree credentials, Institutional affiliation, Complete mailing address, Telephone number, Fax number, and E-mail address
  • Identification of Institution of where work is attributed
  • Identification of Financial Source which supports work
  • Identification of any Meetings where work may have been presented
  • Identification of a Running Header (45 characters or less)
  • Abstract (250 words or less)
  • Background and Objectives
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Key Words (6 or less)
  • Text
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgments
  • References
  • Copies of any In-Press Papers
  • Tables
  • Legends for Illustrations
  • Illustrations
  • Conflicts (list below)
  • Electronic File(s)

Editorial Board



Joseph M. Neal, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle, WA
Associate Editor-in-Chief for Pain Medicine:
James P. Rathmell, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Dan Benhamou, La Kremlin Bicetre, France
Honorio T. Benzon, Chicago, IL
John F. Butterworth, Winston-Salem, NC
Vincent Chan, MD, FRCPC, Toronto, Canada
James C. Eisenach, Winston-Salem, NC
Kazuhiko Fukuda, Kyoto, Japan
Joy L. Hawkins, Denver, CO
James E. Heavner, Lubbock, TX
Quinn H. Hogan, Milwaukee, WI
Per H. Rosenberg, Helsinki, Finland
John C. Rowlingson, Charlottesville, VA
Rudolf Stienstra, Leiden, The Netherlands
Associate Editors:
Valerie A. Arkoosh, Philadelphia, PA
Douglas R. Bacon, Rochester, MN, History
David J. Birnbach, Miami, FL
Andr?P. Boezaart, Iowa City, IA
Herv?nbsp;Bouaziz, Nancy, France
Harald P. Breivik, Oslo, Norway
Donal J. Buggy, Dublin, Ireland
Fred Burgess, Providence, RI
Francesco Carli, MD, MPhil, FRCA, Montreal, Canada
James C. Crews, Winston-Salem, NC
Ben J.P. Crul, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Mario Jose Da Conceicao, Florianopolis, Brazil
Bernard J. Dalens, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Jos?nbsp;De Andrés, Valencia, Spain
Shuji Dohi, Gifu, Japan
Ken Drasner, San Francisco, CA
Marcel E. Durieux, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Guido Fanelli, Parma, Italy
Jeffrey A. Grass, Pittsburgh, PA
Admir Hadzic, New York, NY
Robert E. Kettler, Milwaukee, WI
Dan J. Kopacz, Seattle, WA
George Lederhaas, Clive, IA, Translational Vignettes
Spencer S. Liu, Seattle, WA
David P. Martin, Rochester, MN
Michael F. Mulroy, Seattle, WA
Timothy J. Ness, Birmingham, AL
Toshiaki Nishikawa, Akita, Japan
Mark C. Norris, Atlanta, GA
Craig M. Palmer, Tuczon, AZ
Mikko T. Pitkänen, Helsinki, Finland
Julia E. Pollock, Seattle, WA
Narinder Rawal, Orebro, Sweden
Richard W. Rosenquist, Iowa City, IA
Markus C. Schneider, Basel, Switzerland
Herbert C. Spencer, Santiago, Chile
Christophe Stein, Berlin, Germany
Rom A. Stevens, Chicago, IL
Katsuo Terui, Saitama, Japan
Christopher M. Viscomi, Burlington, VT
Mark S. Wallace, La Jolla, CA
Robert S. Weller, Winston-Salem, NC
Christopher L. Wu, Baltimore, MD
Mark P. Yeager, Lebanon, NH
Oscar A. de Leon-Casasola, Buffalo, NY


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