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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Radiotherapy & Oncology

Journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology

Cover Page

Radiotherapy and Oncology publishes papers describing original research as well as review articles. It covers areas of interest relating to radiation oncology. This includes: clinical radiotherapy, combined modality treatment, experimental work in radiobiology, chemobiology, hyperthermia and tumour biology, as well as physical aspects relevant to oncology, particularly in the field of imaging, dosimetry and radiation therapy planning. Papers on more general aspects of interest to the radiation oncologist including chemotherapy, surgery and immunology are also published. Papers are accepted on a worldwide basis. Manuscripts should be sent to the following address:

Radiotherapy and Oncology Secretariat, Professor Jens Overgaard, M.D., Danish Cancer Society, Department of Experimental and Clinical Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital, Building 5, Norrebrogade 44, DK 8000 Aarhus C, DENMARK (Tel: +45 89 49 26 29; Fax: +45 86 19 71 09; email: ro@oncology.dk).

A subscription to Radiotherapy and Oncology is included in the membership fee of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO). Further information can be obtained from the ESTRO Office, Av. E. Mounierlaan, 83/4, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium (Tel: +32 2 775 9340; Fax: +32 2 779 5494; E-mail: info@estro.be).


Radiotherapists, Clinical Cancer Researchers, Radiation Oncologists, Medical Physicists.

Abstracting / Indexing

  • Chemical Abstracts
  • Current Contents/Clinical Medicine
  • Elsevier BIOBASE
  • Index Medicus

Instructions to Authors


ARTICLES should deal with original research or reviews of topics defined in the aims of the journal. Radiotherapy and Oncology publishes original material only. It is therefore understood that the content of the paper has not previously been published in the same or a similar form and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The act of submitting a manuscript to the journal carries with it the right to publish that paper.

Articles and other text material published in Radiotherapy and Oncology represent the opinions of the authors and do not reflect the opinions, official policy, or recommendations of ESTRO, the publisher, or the institution with which the author is affiliated, unless the contrary is specified.

Papers and correspondence should be submitted to:

Professor Jens Overgaard, M.D., Radiotherapy and Oncology Secretariat, Department of Experimental Clinical Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital, Nrebrogade 44, Building 5, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark (Tel: +45 89 49 26 29; Fax: +45 86 19 71 09; E-mail: ro@oncology.dk)

Work on human beings that is submitted to the journal should comply with the principles laid down in the DECLARATION OF HELSINKI; Recommendations guiding physicians in biomedical research involving human subjects. Adopted by the 18th World Medical Assembly, Helsinki, Finland, June 1964, amended by the 29th World Medical Assembly, Tokyo, Japan, October 1975, the 35th World Medical Assembly, Venice, Italy, October 1983, and the 41st World Medical Assembly, Hong Kong, September 1989. The manuscript should contain a statement that the work has been approved by the appropriate ethical committees related to the institution(s) in which it was performed and that subjects gave informed consent to the work. Studies involving experiments with animals must state that their care was in accordance with institution guidelines. Where applicable, the dose and schedule of anaesthetics and analgesics should be reported. The editors reserve the right to reject papers in which, in their opinion, the ethical justification is questionable.

1. Full length original papers
Describe original scientific work in the field of radiation oncology or related areas. The content of the paper should be sufficient to reach valid conclusions. Full papers should include a structured abstract and be divided into sections (Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; References; Tables; Figures) and should not normally exceed 10 printed pages, including references and a maximum of 10 tables/figures.

2. Short communications and Technical notes
Provide a brief but complete account of a particular piece of work, and should in total be no longer than 4 printed pages, normally including a maximum of 2 figures or tables. A summary of not more than 50 words should be included (not a structured abstract), but the manuscript can have fewer subheadings (e.g. short introduction; materials and methods; results and discussion). Authors are advised to see a recent issue of the journal for size and lay-out.

3. Review articles
Rigorous critical assessment of clinical and/or laboratory research in a field of interest to the journal and its subscribers. Reviews are normally solicited by the editors, and it is suggested that authors wishing to contribute a review article contact the editor-in-chief.

4. Editorials and commentaries
Editorials and commentaries relate to articles in the journal or to issues of relevance for the readership. This type of communication is normally solicited by the editors.

5. Letters to the Editor
On topics of current interest or comment upon material previously or simultaneously published in the journal. They should be limited to 500 words and may include 1 table or figure.

6. Announcements
The inclusion of announcements, etc. is at the discretion of the Editors and the Publisher and subject to space availability. Request for inclusion of meeting announcement should be send to the ESTRO secretariat (see address in journal).

NOTE: The instructions to authors must be followed strictly, and manuscripts not adhering to the instructions may be delayed or omitted from editorial handling. Typical errors are related to the number, quality and format of figures and tables, incorrect list of references (MUST be in alphabetic order), or insufficient description and reporting of endpoints and statistical analysis.

Submit manuscripts in English, with 5 complete and batched copies (i.e. 5 copies of all items including figures and tables). Retain a copy of the submitted manuscript for your files. The manuscript should be typed on one side of the paper only (A4 format), with double spacing and wide margins (2.5 cm). Number each page of the manuscript consecutively, beginning with the title page.
All submitted manuscripts should be associated with the signatures of all authors and an accompanying letter declaring that they have all participated in the design, execution, and analysis of the paper and that they have approved the final version. Also they should declare that they have no conflict of interest in connection with the paper and that the material described is not under publication or consideration for publication elsewhere.
Papers referred to as in press or other material referred to, which are not accessible in the literature, should be mentioned in the covering letter and enclosed as a copy.

Title Page. Make titles brief, informative and specific, but avoid abbreviations in title. State authors' full names and academic addresses of hospital or academic institution where the work was done, mailing address for reprints if different from above. Supply corresponding author's mailing address, telephone and FAX numbers and e-mail address, if available (to be used during editorial communication and for later contacts).
Indicate on the title page the total number of pages, tables and figures included in the manuscript. Include a running head (shortened form of title) of no more than 40 characters.
3-6 keywords for indexing should be provided on the title page.

Acknowledgements. Please include these on a separate sheet of paper. Any person mentioned in the Acknowledgements must give a written permission to be mentioned. This permission should be submitted to the Editor with the manuscript. Source of financial support should be given here.

Abstract. Type abstract on a separate page. Full paper manuscripts should include a structured abstract (of not more than 250 words). The abstract should concisely define the significant aspects of the article and it should contain four paragraphs, labelled Background and Purpose, Material and Methods, Results, and Conclusions. For review articles and special features, a non-structured abstract can be accepted. Short communications and technical notes should have a (less than 50 words) non-structured abstract. Abstracts are not required for editorials, commentaries and Letters to the Editor.

Text style. All units must be clear and either use or relate to the SI-system. Absorbed dose should be given in Gray (Gy). Abbreviations must be defined when first used in the text, and excessive use of abbreviations should be avoided.

Reporting radiotherapy technique. Radiotherapy techniques and dose fractionation schedules should be reported in sufficient detail to allow the reader to evaluate if they are appropriate. The description should include the following: tumour dose definition, permitted dose variation, target volume description, permitted dose to critical normal tissues. For the specification of doses and target volumes the authors are strongly encouraged to follow the ICRU recommendations. Dose-planning, simulation, verification and quality assurance procedures should be described. Dose-fractionation details should include total dose, dose per fraction, overall treatment time, interval between fractions in multiple-fractions-per-day schedules. Dose-rate should be stated when relevant. Biological equivalent dose units (e.g. BED or other derived quantities) should not be reported instead of these details of the fractionation schedule.

Reporting of treatment outcome. All clinical endpoints should be clearly and explicitly defined. Endpoints requiring prolonged observation of the patient, e.g. local control, late toxicity or survival, should be estimated using actuarial methods and the starting date and the date of an event or censoring should be defined. The pattern of follow-up should be stated and the specific diagnostic procedures, for example to detect a relapse, should be described. Any report of the outcome of cancer treatment should include data on both treatment effect and treatment-related toxicity. It is strongly recommended that toxicity be recorded and reported using a standard system developed for radiotherapy. Late sequelae should be reported as actuarial estimates, preferably at five years or more of follow-up. Quality-of-life (QOL) measures should not be reported as surrogate endpoints for toxicity. It is recommended that QOL be evaluated using a validated and standardized scale.

Reporting clinical outcome studies. Controlled clinical trials should test a clearly defined a priori hypothesis and the primary outcome measures for tumour effect and toxicity should be stated. Any supplementary comparisons of treatment effect should be clearly identified as exploratory. In an attempt to improve the quality of reports on clinical outcome, the journal has adopted a set of guidelines for such reports that meets the minimum requirements defined in the Consolidation of Standards for Reporting of Trials guidelines. The background for these guidelines is presented in the review by S. M. Bentzen (Towards evidence based radiation oncology: improving the design, analysis, and reporting of clinical outcome studies in radiotherapy, Radiotherapy and Oncology 46: 5--18, 1998) and the guidelines are reproduced in schematic form together with this instruction. Any report on clinical outcome studies, whether the study applies randomized controls or not, must be accompanied by a filled-in copy of this form at the time of submission. The form may be copied from the journal or retrieved in electronic form from the journal's home page on the World Wide Web.

Statistics. The description of statistical procedures should be included in the section of 'Material and Methods', for example under a separate sub-heading. Statistical methods should be clearly identified and described in sufficient detail for a knowledgeable reader to reproduce the analysis if he had access to the raw data. The choice of method should be motivated. When relevant, the statistical software used and its version number should be stated. The term 'significant' should be reserved for findings that are statistically significant at the 5% level. It should be stated whether P-values are from one- or two-sided tests. The journal encourages the reporting of 95% confidence intervals rather than simple P-values whenever relevant. A special concern is the statistical power of analyses showing that a parameter is not significantly associated with the outcome, despite previous reports of a significant association. Here, a confidence interval should be estimated for the effect of this parameter as an indication of the statistical strength of the reported non-significance. Multivariate analyses should be reported with a clearly indication of the criteria for selection of parameters to be tested in the model, and how these parameters were represented ('scored') in the model. This applies both for parameters significantly associated with the outcome parameter and parameters for which this is not so.

Tables. Tables should be typed, each on a separate sheet, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals with respect to citation in the text, and only contain horizontal lines. A short descriptive heading should be given above each table, and any footnotes and explanations underneath. The data should be self-explanatory and should supplement, not duplicate, the text. Indication of previously published material should be included, and the sources should be included in the reference list with the reference number cited in the table. Abbreviations must be defined.

Figures. Figures should only be used if they include important information not given in the text. Make figures with care, and note that the most simple figures often carry the clearest information. The journal would like to present the material as clearly as possible, but this demands that authors supply the most pedagogical and best designed graphic material.
Figures should be in a form and condition suitable for reproduction, viz. in final setting a single column (=7.7 cm) or exceptionally a whole page (=16.2 cm). Please calculate or, if possible, use a photocopier reduction device to ensure this. Also, lettering should be large enough to withstand reduction (a lower case 'n', after reduction by the Publisher, should not be smaller than 2 mm). Line drawings should be high resolution laser printer graphs or original line drawings in Indian ink or sharp, well-contrasted prints on glossy paper. Make figures specifically for the purpose of publication, and avoid prints from computerized slide programs. Secure consistency in symbols and line presentations. Avoid 3-dimensional presentations (especially 3-D histograms) unless strictly needed. Half-tone photographs should be in black and white, very sharp, well contrasting, and on glossy paper. Photographs should be trimmed to the width of a single column (7.7 cm), or exceptionally the width of a full page (16.2 cm). Magnification and staining materials should be indicated in photomicrograph legends. Colour plates should only be used if they add substantially to the information given. Inclusion of colour plates is pending editorial decision. Colour plates will only be reproduced at the expense of the author(s). Information on costs hereof can be obtained from Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.

Figure legends. Legends should be typed, with double spacing, on a separate sheet, and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Avoid subdivision of figures (e.g. 2a, 2b) unless it is used to identify a part of a full figure. Figure legends should be brief and specific and contain an explanation for all symbols and abbreviations given in the figure.

References. Literature references in the text should be referred to by a number in square brackets, e.g. [2,12--15]. List all references at the end of the paper in alphabetical order and numbered. The format of references (with the exception of the alphabetic order) should include:
1. Names and initials of all authors when six or fewer. Otherwise list only the first three and add et al.
2. Full title of the article or chapter.
3a. For journals: Name of the journal (abbreviated as in Index Medicus), year of publication, volume number, first and last page numbers.
3b. For books: Title of the book preceded by 'In:', names and initials (same rules as for authors), 'editor(s):' Publisher's name and city, year of publication; first and last relevant page numbers.
Please note that the guidelines for references have been changed (November 1998).
Journal reference with six or less authors:
[1] Thwaites, D, Scalliet, P, Leer, J-W and Overgaard, J. Quality assurance in radiotherapy. European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology Advisory Report to the Commission of the European Union for the 'Europe Against Cancer Programme'. Radiother. Oncol. 1995;35:61-73.
Journal reference with more than six authors:
[2] Geara FB, Peters LJ, Ang KK et al. Intrinsic radiosensitivity of normal human fibroblasts and lymphocytes after high- and low-dose rate irradiation. Cancer Res. 1992;52:6348-6352.
Book chapter reference:
[3] Steel GO. Survival of clonogenic cells: cell-survival curves. In: Steel GO, Adams GE, Horwich A, editors. The Biological Basis of Radiotherapy. 2nd Edition, Amsterdam: Elsevier. 1989;45-63.

Do not include numbered references to personal communications, unpublished data, and manuscripts 'in preparation' or 'submitted for publication'. If essential, such material may be incorporated at the appropriate place in the text. A written permission from a referred person should be included with the submission of the paper. Please note that the references should be appropriate references to the scientific literature. References to abstracts, course books, or commercial publications which are not accessible at the international libraries should be omitted.

Manuscript handling and responsibilities. Review of manuscripts is conducted by the editors, with the assistance of editorial board members and external reviewers. Authors will be notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision. Papers sent back to authors for revision must be returned to us within the time specified in our cover letter or the manuscript will be retired from further consideration. Acceptance is contingent on author submission of complete and consistent data, accurate reference list, and conclusions consistent with results demonstrated in the study. Inconsistencies and inaccuracies found after acceptance may warrant return of the manuscript. The decision to publish a manuscript is solely the responsibility of the editorial board. The author is responsible for all statements in his work, including changes made by the copy editors. Permissions to quote and reproduce text previously published must be obtained by the author. Accepted manuscripts become the property of the journal and may not be published elsewhere without written permission from both the editor and publisher. Files related to accepted and published papers will not be preserved nor returned after publication.

Proofreading. Proofreading will be undertaken by the Publisher. Proofs will only be supplied for the author to check for type-setting accuracy. Note that authors have the sole responsibility for detecting errors in the proofs. No changes, except correction of errors, to the accepted original manuscript will be allowed. Sending of proofs should not cause delay in publication, and the Publisher will proceed if proofs are not returned before the deadline stipulated.

Reprints. Page charges will not be made. Reprints may be ordered by filling in and returning to the Publisher the order form sent to the authors. Fifty free reprints per contribution will be made available (except for Letters).

Electronic manuscripts. Electronic manuscripts have the advantage that there is no need for the rekeying of text, thereby avoiding the possibility of introducing errors and resulting in reliable and fast delivery of proofs. The required storage medium is a 3.5 inch disk in MS-DOS format, although other systems are welcome, e.g. Macintosh (in this case, save your file in the usual manner, do not use the option 'save in MS-DOS format'). Your disk and (exactly matching) printed version (printout, hardcopy) should be submitted together to the accepting editor clearly marked with manuscript number (provided on submission to Radiotherapy and Oncology). In case of revision, the same procedure should be followed such that, on acceptance of the article, the file on disk and the printout are identical. Please specify the type of computer and word-processing package used (do not convert your textfile to plain ASCII). Ensure that the letter 'l' and digit '1' (also letter 'O' and digit '0') have been used properly, and format your article (tabs, indents, etc.) consistently. You are not supposed to set up the text as it will appear after professional setting by the printers.

Characters not available on your word processor (Greek letters, mathematical symbols, etc.) should not be left open but indicated by a unique code (e.g. gralpha, @, #, etc. for the Greek letter).

Such codes should be used consistently throughout the entire text. Please make a list of such codes and provide a key. Do not allow your word processor to introduce word splits and do not use 'justified' layout. Please adhere strictly to the general instruction on style/arrangement and, in particular, the reference style of the journal. Further information may be obtained from the Publisher.

Authors in Japan please note. If you would like information about how to have the English of your paper checked, corrected and improved (before submission), please contact our Tokyo office, who will inform you of the services provided by language correctors: Elsevier Science K.K., Higashi Azabu 1-chome, Building 4F 1-9-15, Higashi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0044, Japan. Tel: +81 3 5561 5032; Fax: +81 3 5561 5045.

All questions arising after acceptance of the manuscript, especially those relating to proofs, should be directed to Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd., Brookvale Plaza, East Park, Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland; Tel: +353 61 709652; Fax: +353 61 709110.

Revised January 1998.

Editorial Board



J. Overgaard
Aarhus, Denmark

Past Editors:

E. van der Schueren
Leuven, Belgium
H. Bartelink
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Editor (Clinical):

P. Scalliet
Brussels, Belgium

Editor (Physics):

D. Thwaites
Edinburgh, UK

Editor (Biology):

A. van der Kogel
Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Editor (Statistics):

S. Bentzen
Northwood, UK

Editor (Reviews):

F. MacBeth
Cardiff, UK

Editor (Education):

M. Baumann
Dresden, Germany

Editorial Board:

R. Abratt
Cape Town, South Africa
K. Ang
Houston, TX, USA
M. Bamberg
Tübingen, Germany
A. Barrett
Glasgow, UK
A. Begg
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
S. Bodis
Zurich, Switzerland
M. Bolla
Grenoble, France
T. Bortfeld
Boston, MA, USA
J. Bourhis
Villejuif, France
P. Boyle
Milan, Italy
M. Brada
Surrey, UK
R. Bristow
Toronto, ON, Canada
J. Brown
Stanford, CA, USA
V. Budach
Berlin, Germany
F. Calvo
Madrid, Spain
N. Coleman
Boston, MA, USA
J. Cosset
Paris, France
J. Cox
Houston, TX, USA
L. Cozzi
Bellinzona, Switzerland
B. Cummings
Toronto, ON, Canada
O. Dahl
Bergen, Norway
J. Denham
Waratah, Australia
K. Dinshaw
Bombay, India
S. Dische
Northwood, UK
C. Fiorino
Milan, Italy
Z. Fuks
New York, NY, USA
B. Glimelius
Uppsala, Sweden
J. Gérard
Lyon, France
V. Grégoire
Brussels, Belgium
J. Harris
Boston, MA, USA
J. Hendry
Vienna, Austria
M. Hiraoka
Kyoto, Japan
J. Horiot
Dijon, France
A. Horwich
London, UK
R. Hunter
Manchester, UK
J. Jassem
Gdansk, Poland
J. Kaanders
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
T. Keane
Vancouver, BC, Canada
T. Kinsella
Madison, WI, USA
J. Kurtz
Geneva, Switzerland
P. Lambin
Heerlen, The Netherlands
E. Lartigau
Lille, France
J. Leer
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
C. Ling
New York, NY, USA
B. Maciejewski
Gliwice, Poland
B. Mijnheer
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
M. Molls
Munich, Germany
J. Novotny
Prague, Czech Republic
F. Nüsslin
Tübingen, Germany
D. Olsen
Oslo, Norway
L. Peters
Melbourne, Vic, Australia
P. Poortmans
Tilburg, The Netherlands
H. Rodemann
Tübingen, Germany
J. C. Rosenwald
Paris, France
M. Saunders
Northwood, UK
W. Schlegel
Heidelberg, Germany
W. Shipley
Boston, MA, USA
M. Stuschke
Essen, Germany
H. Suit
Boston, MA, USA
H. Svensson
Ume? Sweden
I. Tannock
Toronto, ON, Canada
H. Thames
Houston, TX, USA
A. Timothy
London, UK
I. Turesson
Uppsala, Sweden
W. van den Bogaert
Leuven, Belgium
A. van Oosterom
Leuven, Belgium
H. von der Maase
Aarhus, Denmark
H. Withers
Los Angeles, CA, USA


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