

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Radiochimica Acta publishes original papers and review articles on chemical aspects of nuclear science and technology such as:

    chemistry of nuclear reactions including heavy ion reactions
    radiochemically determined nuclear data for applications
    chemical effects of nuclear transformations
    radiation chemistry
    chemistry of the actinides, transactinides and other radioelements
    radioanalytical chemistry
    radiopharmaceutical chemistry
    scientific and technological applications of radionuclides, stable isotopes and nuclear methods in all fields
    environmental and ecological studies using radiochemical techniques
    chemistry of the nuclear fuel cycle (especially partitioning) and
    chemistry of radionuclides in geomedia (especially speciation, migration, etc.).

The journal is meant for scientists who are actively engaged in research work in one or more of the above-mentioned fields of nuclear science and technology.


Instructions to Authors
It is understood that manuscripts submitted to Radiochimica Acta have not been and will not simultaneously be submitted or published elsewhere, unless otherwise agreed. With the acceptance of a manuscript for publication, the publishers acquire the full and exclusive copyright for all languages and for all countries.

In addition to regular articles, important new discoveries in any branch of radiochemistry may be reported in the form of a Rapid Communication which will be published within two to three months after acceptance. Its length should not exceed four printed pages.

Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced and should be submitted in duplicate. They can also be submitted electronically via the Oldenbourg Author's Portal. After the revision of their manuscripts and the acceptance by the Editor, would authors please send an electronic file either directly to the publisher (berber@verlag.oldenbourg.de) or on diskette to the Editor.
The e-mail address of the corresponding author should be given on the manuscript.

Papers should be written in English. Correct language is the responsibility of the authors, and authors whose native tongue is not English are requested to have their manuscript checked by a colleague who is thoroughly familiar with the English language.

Only one set of proofs as pdf-file will be sent to the authors via e-mail to minimize the publication time and save costs. It is therefore essential that manuscripts are submitted in final form. Proof-reading should be limited to the corrections of typographical errors. Any other changes involve time-consuming and expensive work, and the costs will be charged to the author(s). If absolutely necessary, additions may be made at the end of the paper in a "Note added in proof".

A short summary should precede each article. The authors should supply up to six key words at the beginning of their paper for an annual key word index.

The use of small print is possible and is preferred for sections on methods, materials and lesser important statements. Please mark the text with a vertical line and a small "p".

Italics can also be used. In this case words should be underlined singly.

The International System of Units (SI, Syst鑝e International d'Unit閟) should be used wherever possible. Other units may be given in parentheses when they first appear in the text.

Footnotes in the text should be numbered consecutively.

Literature citations in the text should be quoted by a reference number in parentheses.

The list of references should include only publications cited in the text and should be ordered numerically.

Below, please find examples of the appropriate format to be used:

a) Articles from journals:
Adloff, J. W.: Hot Atom Chemistry 1976, Radiochim. Acta 23, 137 (1976).
b) Articles from non-serial collective publications:
Alexander, J. M.: Recoil Techniques as Tools for Nuclear Reaction Studies. In: Nuclear Chemistry (L. Yaffe, ed.) Academic Press, New York 1968.
c) Books:
Friedlander, G., Kennedy, J. W., Miller, J. M.: Nuclear and Radiochemistry, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York 1964, p. 530.

Tables should be numbered consecutively with arabic numbers. Footnotes in tables should be indicated by lower-case suffix letters, beginning with an "a" in each table.

Illustrations, whether photographs, maps or diagrammes, should also be numbered consecutively und submitted on separate pages. Colour reproductions cannot be published unless the authors agree to pay for the extra costs involved. The maximum space available in a column is 8.5 cm in width (or 17.8 cm in a double column) and 25 cm in height.

Line drawings should be submitted as original drawings or photographic prints. They should be drawn clearly in deep-black ink and should be about twice the size of the reproduction. Lettering and numbering should not be smaller than 2 mm in height after reproduction.

Photographs should be submitted as sharp, high contrast glossy prints trimmed at right angles. Half-tone drawings must be the originals. A transparent overlay may show the desired cut-outs or marginal sections that may be trimmed. Lettering, lines or arrows should also be shown on the overlay. The degree of magnification or reduction, if any, should be stated in the caption.

Captions should be listed on separate pages.

The pdf-file (portable document format) and twenty-five reprints of each article will be sent free of charge to the author for correspondence. Requests for additional copies should be made on the order form which will be attached to the proofs.

Editorial Board


Gremium Funktion Telefon Telefax
Professor Dr. Jens V. Kratz Co-Editor   ++49-6131-39 5253 
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Institut für Kernchemie
Postfach 3980
D-55099 Mainz
Professor Dr. Hiroshi Kudo Co-Editor   ++81-22-217 6597 
Tohoku University
Department of Chemistry
Graduate School of Science
Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578
Professor Dr. Charles Madic Co-Editor   ++33 (0) 1 69 08 79 90 
Direction de l'énergie nucléaire
DEN/SAC/DIR, Bt. 523
F-91191 Gif-s-Yvette
Professor Dr. Kenneth L. Nash Co-Editor   ++1 509 335 8867 
Chemistry Department
Fulmer Hall 204B
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99165
Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Syed M. Qaim Co-ordinator   ++49-2461-61 2535 
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Institut für Nuklearchemie
Postfach 1913
D-52425 Jülich
Professor Dr. Petr Benes Advisor Prague
Professor Dr. J.-I. Kim Advisor Karlsruhe
Professor Dr. Walter Kutschera Advisor Vienna
Professor Dr. Yuanfang Liu Advisor Beijing
Professor Dr. Hiromichi Nakahara Advisor Tokyo
Professor Dr. Heino Nitsche Advisor Berkeley
Professor Dr. Joe R. Peterson Advisor Knoxville
Professor Dr. Thomas J. Ruth Advisor Vancouver
Professor Dr. Atsushi Shinohara Advisor Osaka
Professor Dr. Eric Simoni Advisor Orsay
Professor Dr. Andreas Türler Advisor München
Professor Dr. Peter Warwick Advisor Loughborough
Professor Dr. Ivo Zvára Advisor Dubna
Redaktion Funktion Telefon Telefax
Kristin Berber-Nerlinger Editorial Office ++49 (0) 89 45051-324  ++49 (0) 89 45051-292 
Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag
Rosenheimer Straße 145
D-81671 München, Germany


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