

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Radiation Protection Dosimetry

Radiation Protection Dosimetry covers all aspects of personal and environmental dosimetry and monitoring, for both ionising and non-ionising radiations. This includes the biological aspects, physical concepts, biophysical dosimetry, external and internal personal dosimetry and monitoring, environmental and workplace monitoring, accident dosimetry, and dosimetry related to the protection of patients. Particular emphasis is placed on papers covering the fundamentals of dosimetry such as units, radiation quantities and conversion factors. Papers covering archeological dating are included only if the fundamental measurement method or technique, such as thermoluminescence, has direct application to personal dosimetry measurements. Papers covering the dosimetric aspects of radon or other naturally occurring radioactive materials and low level radiation are included. Animal experiments and ecological sample measurements are not included unless there is a significant relevant content related to dosimetry in man.

READERSHIP: Radiation protection practitioners and scientists in research, industry (including nuclear power), universities and medicine, radiation dosimetrists, regulators, radiobiologists, epidemiologists, emergency preparedness engineers, environmentalists and instrument designers.


Instructions to Authors

Scientific or Technical Papers should be full papers of a theoretical or practical nature with comprehensive descriptions of the work covered.

Scientific or Technical Notes should be brief, covering not more than 4 printed pages (one page contains about 800 words or equivalent in figures) and are likely to cover work in development or topics of lesser significance than full papers.

Letters to the Editor should be written as letters with the authors' names and addresses at the end and should be marked 'For Publication'.

LANGUAGE: All contributors should be in English. Spelling should be in accordance with the Concise Oxford Dictionary. However, please use dosemeter rather than dosimeter, for consistency within the journal. Authors whose mother tongue is not English are requested to ask someone with a good command of English to review their contribution before submission

TITLES should be brief and as informative as possible. A short title of not more than 50 characters for a running head should be supplied.

AUTHORS' names and addresses (with full postal address) should appear immediately below the title. It is a condition of acceptance that all authors shall have read and agreed to manuscripts before submission and after any significant revisions have been made. The author submitting the paper should be prepared, if asked, to certify compliance.

ABSTRACTS containing up to 150 words should be provided on a separate page, headed by the title and authors' names.

MANUSCRIPTS must be typewritten and double line spaced. One copy must be original and three additional (photocopies) should be provided for refereeing purposes to minimise the time required for refereeing. Copies for the referees may be single spaced if more convenient. Headings should be given to main sections and sub-sections, which should not be numbered. (The heading hierarchy is non-bold capitals, bold lower case and italic lower case). The title page should contain just the title, authors' names and addresses and a short running title. Manuscripts should be written in the third person, not the first. Please reserve the use of capital letters for proper names and abbreviations only and not for commonly used terms. Please also provide a copy of the manuscript on disc (Word rtf preferred). This will be returned for amendments/revisions as required. Do not embed graphics into the text but provide these as separate files, specifying the software and version used.

FIGURES should not be inserted in the pages of manuscript but should be supplied on separate sheets. One high quality set of illustrations and figures, suitable for direct reproduction, and , should be provided with original typed manuscript. Laser quality prints are acceptable but photocopies are not. These should be approximately twice the final printed size (full page printed area = 19 cm x 15 cm). The lettering should be of such a size that the letters and symbols will remain legible after reduction to fit the printed area available. All figures should be numbered, using Arabic numerals, on the reverse side of each copy. Numbered captions or titles should be typed on a separate sheet. Figures should be kept to the minimum consistent with clear presentation of the work reported. Figures should have left hand vertical and bottom horizontal axes only, with no background shading, but a right hand vertical axis may be included if scaled differently to the left hand axis. Lines should be black (i.e. not coloured) and key information should be incorporated into the caption, and not superimposed on the figure itself. Half-tone photographs should only be included if absolutely necessary. Please do not indulge in the sophisticated graphics techniques available to make figures unnecessarily complicated, such a the use of pseudo 3D presentations when two-dimensional figures are perfectly adequate (e.g. histograms). Figures generated by computer graphics are generally NOT suitable for direct reproduction. Photocopies of all figures should accompany each copy of the manuscript for refereeing purposes. Colour figures can be reproduced at cost. Figures must be provided on separate pages and not embedded in the text.

TABLES should be typed, with horizontal lines only. Data in tables should be rounded to a level appropriate for the information being provided. Copies of tables must accompany each copy of the manuscript.

UNITS, SYMBOLS AND EQUATIONS: SI units should be used throughout but other established units may be included in brackets (note that cGy is not acceptable). Any Greek letters or special symbols used in the text should be identified in the margin on each occasion they are used. Isotope mass numbers should appear at the upper left of the element symbol e.g. 90Sr. Equations should be fully typed, and numbered sequentially. Scalar quantities and physical constants should be italicised, including subscripts and superscripts, where also scalar. Mathematics should be punctuated as though part of a sentence.

FOOTNOTES should only be included if absolutely necessary. They should be typed on a separate sheet and the author should give a clear indication in the text by inserting (see footnote) so that they may appear on the correct page.

ABBREVIATIONS should be defined when they first appear in the text. (When a term is given in full, followed by an abbreviation, capitals should not be used in the term itself, even to indicate the make-up of the abbreviation).

REFERENCES should be indicated in the text by superior numbers in parenthesis and the full reference should be given in a list at the end of the paper in the following form, in the order in which they appear in the text:-
1. Crase, K.W. and Gammage, R.B. Improvements in the use of ceramic BeO in TLD, Health Phys. 29(5) 739-746 (1975).
2. Clarke, R.H. and Webb G.A.M. Methods for estimating population detriment and their application in setting environmental discharge limits. Proceedings of Symposium - Biological Implications of Radionuclides Released from Nuclear Industries, Vienna, March 1979. IAEA-SM-237/6, 149-154 (1980)
3. Aird, E.G.A.A. An introduction to medical physics. (London: William Heineman Medical Books Ltd). ISBN 0 433 003502. (1983)
4. Duftschmid, K.E. TLD Personnel monitoring systems - the present situation. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 2(1) 2-12 (1982).
5. International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements. Determination of operational dose equivalent quantities for neutrons. (ICRU Report 66). Journal of the ICRU 1(3), (2001)

All the authors' names and initials (unless there are more than 10 authors, in which case give the first author and the number of authors), the title of the paper, the abbreviated title of the journal, volume number, page numbers and year should be given. Abbreviated journal titles should be in accordance with the current World List of Scientific Periodicals. If all of this information is not available the reference should not be cited. Please note the use of lower case lettering in article titles.

PROOFS will be sent to any nominated author for final proof reading and must be returned within 3 days of receipt using the addressed label which will be provided. Typesetting or printer's errors should be marked in red. Any other changes should be marked in green but if they are significant they may be charged to the authors. Authors' changes marked in red may not be accepted. The Editor reserves the right to make editorial corrections to manuscripts. An order form for additional reprints will accompany proofs.

SUBMISSION: All manuscripts (original and three copies) and correspondence should be addressed to Mr E.P. Goldfinch, Executive Editor, Nuclear Technology Publishing, P.O. Box No 7, Ashford, Kent TN23 1YW, UK. It is essential that they are accompanied by six fully addressed adhesive labels addressed to the author nominated to receive proofs and correspondence. These will be used for acknowledgement of receipt of the manuscript, notification of acceptance, return of proofs to authors and supply of reprints. Manuscripts may not be submitted by E-mail. Papers will be considered only on the understanding that they are not currently being submitted to other journals. The Publishers, The Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board do not accept responsibility for the technical content, the use of that content or the views expressed by authors. All papers will be copy-edited prior to typesetting to ensure that they conform to the publisher's style.

CORRESPONDENCE: Please ensure that you provide telephone, FAX and E-mail numbers if available. Please quote the manuscript number in any correspondence once receipt of your manuscript has been acknowledged.

COPYRIGHT: Authors submitting manuscripts do so on the understanding that if accepted for publication, copyright of the article shall be assigned to Nuclear Technology Publishing unless other specific arrangements are made. The Authors undertake to obtain and deliver to the Publisher all written permissions to make use of textual and illustrative materials which are to be included in papers submitted for publication, and of which the copyright is not the Authors'. All fees for such permissions shall be paid by the Authors. The Authors further indemnify the Publisher against all actions in the event that the Authors fail to properly secure such permissions.

GENERAL: In order to ensure rapid publication it is most important that all of the above instructions are complied with in full. Failure to comply may result in considerable delay in publication or the return of manuscripts to the author. In case of difficulty with illustrations and figures please consult the photo-reprographic section of your establishment. If illustrations of a quality high enough for direct off-set photographic reproduction cannot be supplied they may be redrawn by the publishers at the request of authors if all relevant details are provided. A charge will be made if requirements are extensive.

NOTE: There are some significant changes in these instructions compared with journal issues before 2003.

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Dr J.C. McDonald, USA

Consultant Editors:

Dr D.T. Bartlett, UK
Prof. Y. Horowitz, Israel
Dr J. Stather, UK
Dr G.A. Swedjemark, Sweden
Mr B. Wall, UK

Executive Editor: Mr E.P. Goldfinch

Emeritus Editorial Board Members:

Dr G. Busuoli, Italy
Dr W.G. Cross, Canada
Dr J.A. Dennis, UK
Dr G. Dietze
Prof. Y. Nishiwaki, Japan

Editorial Board Members:

Dr R.M. Alexakhin, Russia
Dr P. Ambrosi, Germany
Dr A. Birchall, UK
Prof. Dr J. Böhm, Germany
Dr A.J.J. Bos, The Netherlands
Dr L. Bøtter-Jensen, Denmark
Mr M.W. Carter, Australia
Dr M.W. Charles, UK
Dr R.H. Corbett, UK
Dr A. Delgado, Spain
Dr Li Deping, People's Republic of China
Prof. F. d'Errico, USA
Dr H.R. Doerfel, Germany
Prof. Dr B. Dörschel, Germany
Dr E. Fantuzzi, Italy
Miss F.A. Fry, UK
Mr J.A.B. Gibson, UK
Mr R.V. Griffith, USA
Dr R.A. Guilmette, USA
Mr J.R. Harvey, UK
Dr H. Ing, Canada
Dr K. Irlweck, Austria
Dr H.W. Julius, The Netherlands
Dr R.L. Kathren, USA
Dr D.C. Lloyd, UK
Dr I. Malátov? Czech Republic
Prof. S. Mattsson, Sweden
Dr H.-G. Menzel, CERN, Switzerland
Dr M. Moscovitch, USA
Dr K. O'Brien, USA
Dr P. Olko, Poland
Prof. M. Pelliccioni, Italy
Dr A.S. Pradhan, India
Dr D.F. Regulla, Germany
Dr D.H. Sliney, USA
Dr C. Soares, USA
Dr F. Spurn? Czech Republic
Dr D. Thomas, UK
Prof. R.H. Thomas, USA
Mr I.M.G. Thompson, UK
Dr M. Toivonen, Finland
Dr L. Tommasino, Italy
Mr J.W.N. Tuyn, The Netherlands
Dr N. Watanabe, IAEA, Austria
Mr C. Wernli, Switzerland
Dr Y. Yamagouchi, Japan


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