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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

June R&D Cover 250


Reaching more than 90,000 scientists and engineers, R&D Magazine provides more complete coverage of every area of research and development, from product conception through process and product implementation than any of our competitors.


Instructions to Authors

Authors Guide:
How To Get Your Article Published In R&D Magazine

R&D Magazine's History & Objectives
A Few Things to Remember
The Best Way to Reach the Editors
Six Requirements for Publication
Editorial Opportunities
What We're Looking For
Front Cover Photo
R&D Daily
Contributed Feature Articles
Photos and Illustrations
Staff-Written Departments and Articles
Back to Basics Articles
Tech Newsletters
New Products/Literature and Product Exclusives
Events Calendar
DOs & DON'Ts for Contributors
Important Policies & Procedures

R&D Magazine's History & Objectives
Since its founding in 1959 (under the name Industrial Research), R&D Magazine has served research scientists, engineers, and technical staff members at laboratories around the world. R&D Magazine provides timely, informative news ?and useful technical articles that broaden our readers?knowledge of the research and development industry and improve the quality of their work.
R&D Magazine is circulated monthly to over 80,000 readers. About 75% of R&D Magazine readers work for high-tech industrial companies. The remainder work in government labs, universities, private research institutes, or medical facilities.

A majority of R&D Magazine readers—almost 60%--are managers. They run projects, laboratories, research divisions, or entire companies. Often multidisciplinary in nature, their work focuses on physics, chemistry, materials science, biology, and engineering.

Most articles in R&D Magazine are technical. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the magazine’s readership, however, articles are written to be readable and useful to all R&D Magazine readers, regardless of their scientific specialty.

News stories and technical articles in R&D Magazine are concerned with:
1. State-of-the-art scientific and technical advances.
2. How the latest R&D instruments and techniques help researchers work more productively.
3. Important trends in research management, funding, and policy.

R&D Magazine also sponsors the R&D 100 Awards to recognize the 100 most technologically significant new products of the year. Applications for these awards programs are available at www.rdmag.com/rd100home.html. The magazine also presents awards for the Scientist, Laboratory, Corporation, and Innovator of the Year.

The R&D franchise also consists of various print and electronic newsletters, online and live technical conferences, and special reports and publications. Please see our website for further information.

 A Few Things to Remember
Before you jump to your computer to churn out the next cover story for R&D Magazine, please keep a couple of points in mind.
FIRST, it’s important to remember that R&D Magazine is meant to be read, understood, and used. The editors believe that articles can be technically rigorous and professionally useful without being dull. The secret lies in concise, crisp writing, and helpful, eye-catching graphics.

We want all of our articles to look and read their best. That’s why we’ll work closely with you to maintain the highest of editorial, technical, and scientific excellence.

SECOND, please contact us before you put a lot of time and effort into writing an article. We’ll be able to tell you whether your idea is suitable for R&D Magazine and how to create a manuscript with the greatest potential for acceptance.

The best way to promote your idea is to write us a short letter containing the following information:
1. A suggested title or topic heading for your article.
2. A one-paragraph synopsis or outline of the story idea, indicating its significance and why it should be published in R&D Magazine.
3. A sentence or two about yourself (and any co-authors) indicating you are qualified to write the article.

All submitted articles must be original–we will not use previously published articles.

All published articles are copyrighted by Advantage Business Media and may only be used for other purposes with written approval of Advantage Business Media/R&D Magazine. Some published articles may be selected to also run on our website.

The Best Way to Reach the Editors
We gladly accept phone calls and emails from readers and other outside contributors who want to try out story ideas on us. Please direct questions and ideas to our editors. A full list of R&D Magazine’s editors with phone numbers and e-mail addresses is available on our website at www.rdmag.com/EdInfo.aspx. A similar list is also printed in the front of each magazine issue.

Editors can be reached by mail at the following address: R&D/Editorial Director
100 Enterprise Drive, Ste 600
Rockaway, NJ 07866
We will answer your questions as quickly as possible, usually within a few days.

Six Requirements for Publication
All articles in R&D Magazine must be:

1. Original
2. Accurate
3. Timely
4. Noncommercial / Non-advertorial
5. Useful to R&D Magazine’s readers
6. Exclusive to R&D Magazine.
An article must be previously unpublished in the form submitted. A manuscript that appeared in a company newsletter or in a small- circulation specialty publication that does not compete editorially with with R&D Magazine may be considered for publication, provided the author makes R&D Magazine aware of this previous publication at the time of submittal. All submitted articles are subject to editing at R&D Magazine’s discretion.

After an article concept is accepted by R&D Magazine’s editors. The
final version should be e-mailed to the supervising editor or sent on a disk or CD-ROM via mail.

Editorial Opportunities
R&D Magazine actively solicits editorial material for the following sections or departments:

Front Cover Photo
News and Developments
Contributed Feature Articles
Staff-Written Feature Articles
Special Supplement Features
R&D Asia
Regulatory Update
Emerging Technologies
Exclusive New Product Introductions
Events Calendar

What We're Looking For
R&D Magazine plans its Editorial Calendar a year in advance. You can get a good idea of the kinds of articles we’re interested in by visiting the Editorial Calendar on the media kit portion of our website, www.rdmag.com
We are particularly interested in editorial material that pertains to the following subject areas or disciplines:

Advanced Materials
Aerospace Research
Analytical Instrumentation
Automotive Research
Analytical Chemistry
Chromatography / Separation Sciences
Computers/LIMS/Image Analysis/Software
Data Acquisition
Electronic Instrumentation
Energy Research
Environmental Research and Instrumentation
Food & Beverage Technology
Laboratory Design
Lab Equipment and Supplies
Lab Safety and Standards
Micromachined Devices
Pharmaceuticals Research
Process Technology
Sample Preparation
Surface Analysis
Test and Measurement Equipment
Vacuum Technology/Thin Films/Semiconductor Research

Front Cover Photo
The front cover photo is selected to illustrate the editorial focus of an issue. If you feel you have a cover-quality photo, or if you are interested in working with the editors to develop such a photo for a future issue, please contact the Editor-in-Chief at least five months before publication of the issue. Full credit will be given to the company or individual supplying the photo.
Candidate photos must be of superior photographic quality and must meet the design requirements established for R&D Magazine covers.
To improve your organization’s chances of having its image selected for the cover, please review the following guidelines:

1. Cover photos must be in a vertical format. Horizontal photos are acceptable only if they can be successfully cropped to form an appropriate vertical image.
2. Cover images must be recent photographs that illustrate a topic pertinent to the focus of the issue. Sharp, colorful photos are best.
3. A cover photo must also relate directly to an article in the issue. We will consider developing an article related to the cover photo if the technology involved merits such attention.
4. This must be the first usage of the photo as a magazine cover.
5. Ideal photos show researchers interacting with technology. Photo- graphed subjects must wear safety glasses if they are appropriate to the photographed situation. Subjects should not appear posed or smile directly into the camera. Technology photos without researchers may be acceptable, but photos developed for product marketing purposes generally will not do.
6. The photo should be composed so as to leave space for cover text. See past covers for examples.
7. We prefer receiving cover image candidates as 300 dpi or better. If possible, submit several candidate photos.

R&D Daily
If you know about late-breaking news or important research findings affecting R&D, email the information to R&D Magazine’s Senior Editor, paul.livingstone@advantagemedia.com. Public policy issues, human interest stories, technological breakthroughs, laboratory grand openings, major personnel appointments, mergers & acquisitions, and important studies or reports are among the topics that the R&D Daily covers each business day. We encourage news items from organizations outside the U.S.

Contributed Feature Articles
R&D Magazine employs a professional staff of award-winning editors whose technical training and experience span the scientific disciplines. Nonetheless, we are always looking for good story ideas and articles, and we welcome your contribution.
However, due to increasing workloads and the complexity of new technologies, MOST TECHNICAL FEATURES IN R&D WILL NOW BE CONTRIBUTED, rather than staff written. Contributed technical articles will continue to be edited by R&D editors and strictly enforced to prevent advertorial bias.

These contributed technical articles will be published in two formats:

1) A 1-page summary in the print version of R&D of a generally longer manuscript.
2) A full-length manuscript on R&D Magazine’s web site.
Each version will obviously be published in the same month, with a pointer on the one-page summary to the exact web site location of its associated full-length online manuscript.

To be published in this format, contributed technical features must be submitted as:

1) A 700-word, 1 page summary of the longer feature, along with one high-resolution graphic (300 dpi or better), and 2) An up to 2,500-word full length feature, along with no more than eight graphics (60 dpi or better).
In general, edited drafts of articles are returned to the authors for technical review prior to publishing.

This contributed feature strategy will accommodate a larger number of monthly technical features within R&D Magazine. Six or more technical features in this new format will generally be able to be accommodated.

This contributed feature strategy also does not preclude R&D editorial staff from authoring an occasional technical feature in place of a contributed feature. The fluidity of this strategy also allows additional topics to be covered than may be noted even in the latest version of the R&D Magazine editorial calendar. Please contact the editorial staff for additional details and topic suggestions.

Special focus features, including the R&D Funding Forecast, Lab of the Year, Innovator of the Year, Scientist of the Year, Corporation of the Year, R&D 100, Government CEO Roundtable, IRDO CEO Roundtable, Hot Topics, and the R&D S/E Profiles will generally continue to be written by R&D editors. These features will be published in their entirety within the print version of R&D and similarly on our web site.

Virtually all of our articles, whether contributed or staff-written, emphasize technical applications and are written from the user’s point of view. They include how-to articles on techniques, procedures related to specific instruments, processes, or technologies, and reports explaining how significant new products are being used in the laboratory.

All such articles must tell our readers how the instrument or new product being described has helped researchers save time, money, and effort; how it has improved their research results; or how it has allowed them to perform activities that previously were not possible.

Important: Product/process application articles must describe user benefits and applications, not merely product features.
Contact: Editorial Director

Photos and Illustrations
Good photos and illustrations are crucial to the success of your article. They attract readers to the article, and by supplying information on their own, they support or enhance the text.
R&D Magazine’s editors and artists work from electronic images, color transparencies and prints, black-and-white photos, line drawings, pencil sketches, blueprints, and printouts or tracings from various kinds of recorders and plotters.

All photos and illustrations should be of high quality, with good contrast and sharpness.

Electronic images are requested in TIF or EPS format, with 300 dpi or higher resolution. If possible, submit several photos.

Bar charts, diagrams, sketches, etc., should be drawn accurately and clearly, but need not be suitable for reproduction as submitted. R&D Magazine’s staff can prepare them for publication.

Don’t write on photos or other artwork. Don’t crop, crease, or fold them; you could render them unusable.

A caption should accompany each graphic and should accurately describe what is represented in the graphic including company name and location, product, application, and researcher names. Too much information is better than too little.

Contact: Editorial Director

Staff-Written Departments and Articles
Most special focus features in R&D Magazine are written by the staff. However, the editors welcome your input on these articles. You can contribute by sending us articles, research reports, pertinent product releases, conference proceedings, and other article ideas.
If you are an expert in a field we are covering (see R&D’s Editorial Calendar at www.rdmag.com/eventcalendar.aspx ), or if you can point us to experts within your company or organization, we want to hear from you.

Contact: Editorial Director will direct you to the appropriate editor.

Tech Newsletters
Each month, R&D Magazine publishes both print and electronic newsletters with subjects including data acquisition, laboratory design, and micronano technology. These newsletters include industry news, late-breaking advances, case studies, technical tips and new product information.

Contact: Editorial Director

New Products/Literature
Product announcements and literature releases are selected based on their technical significance and usefulness to our readers. Please keep your press releases short and to the point. Tell us what’s new and important about the product, how it advances the technology, and where and how it can be used.
Product announcements should include a digital photo. Literature announcements should include one perfect copy of the actual piece of literature or a digital equivalent.

Important: Do not write on literature announcements or otherwise
damage it as we may need to photograph or scan it.

Send your releases to the Production Editor and mark the outside of your package in red ink or mark it with the words “New Product Release?or “Literature Release.?This will expedite our processing of the materials. Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to acknowledge receipt of new product and literature releases. Materials submitted for the New Products/Literature section cannot be returned.

Contact: Production Editor.

Exclusive New Product Introduction
Do you have a new product that truly stands out from the crowd, one that will have a significant effect on research activities? We’d be glad to consider it for our exclusive new product introduction section.

The rules are simple: The product must be brand new. It must be a significant, state-of-the-art introduction that will attract a high level of reader interest. Anything you must give us must be exclusive. That means no other publicity in any competing publication for at least 30 days following publication in R&D Magazine. In return, we’ll provide about a 1/2 page article in the magazine accompanied by a color photo.

Contact: Editorial Director

Events Calendar
The events calendar on our website lists upcoming technical meetings, seminars, conferences, symposia, and expositions. To add your event to our listing, send an email including the exact name of the conference, the date, location and a contact name and phone number.

Contact: Editorial Director

DOs & DON'Ts for Contributors
DO get to the point. R&D Magazine’s readers are busy. They want to know right away why they should be reading your article. If they have to wade through unnecessary material, you could lose them.
DO remember that R&D Magazine’s readers come from a broad range of disciplines. While they are experts in their own fields, they may not be knowledgeable in yours. Don’t be condescending, but help them out with examples and comparisons whenever possible. Spell out all acronyms in first reference.

DON’T submit your article to another publication while it is under consider- ation for use in R&D Magazine. So-called simultaneous submissions will mean that your article will automatically be rejected by R&D Magazine.

DO submit your articles via email. Avoid special key codes for under- lining, boldface or centering.

DON’T submit handwritten articles.

DO keep a copy of your article for your records (R&D Magazine is not responsible for lost manuscripts).

DON’T send manuscripts or illustrations that have not been properly re- leased by your organization, the US Government, or any other respon- sible body. It is not possible to make major changes in a manuscript after it has gone into production.

DO give the full name, title, affiliation, and location (city, state) of all individuals in your first references to them.

DO convert all measurements to metric units, except those that would sound ridiculous when converted.

DON’T use footnotes. If the material is important, put it in the article.

DON’T use references. R&D is a magazine, not a scholarly journal. If you must cite an important paper, do so within the text of the article.

DON’T include acknowledgments. If someone else’s work is important enough to the article, that person should share the byline.

Important Policies & Procedures
Deadlines: Most material is due two months before the projected date of publication, but anything you can do to get articles, press releases, photos and artwork to us sooner than that would be appreciated. Your supervising editor will give you specific dates when materials are due.
Biographical Data: Articles published in R&D Magazine or its newsletters usually are accompanied by a brief biographical sketch for each author. Include your correct name, title, affiliation, location, technical responsi- bilities, and educational background.

Contact information: Always include your fax number and email address in correspondence, especially if you’re located outside the US. If you will be away form the office during the editing process, please make sure we know how to get in touch with you.

Payment: In general, R&D Magazine does not pay contributors for articles, nor does it charge authors to have articles published in the Magazine.

Preprints and reprints: Preprints are not made available to authors, but reprints can be ordered. Price quotations are available on request.

Online articles: R&D Magazine reserves the right to post all articles that appear in the magazine online at www.rdmag.com.

Copyright: All articles appearing in R&D Magazine are copyrighted by Advantage Business Media. You may be asked to sign a standard copy- right transfer agreement, which is designed to protect you and R&D Magazine. You are encouraged to create a link from your website to the online version of your article, but you may not copy the article onto your site without copyright transfer agreement.

Complimentary copies: If requested, upon publication of the article, authors will be mailed four copies of the issue. For co-authored articles, the senior author will receive four copies, the other authors, two each. Additional copies may be purchased. Good luck! Our editors look forward to having your contribution in an upcoming issue of R&D Magazine. 

Editorial Board

Contact the editors at:
Advantage Business Media
100 Enterprise Drive, Suite 600, Box 912
Rockaway, NJ 07866-0912

Toll Free: 800-222-0289
E-mail: rdmag@advantagemedia.com

Editorial Director
Rita Peters

Managing Editor
Lindsay Hock, ext 7036

Senior Editor
Paul Livingstone, ext 7032

Michelle Tuchol
Editorial Intern

Web Production Specialist
Joseph Barrett, ext. 7076

Online Advertising Production
Susan Savino, ext. 7097

Inside Sales
Jack Apostolik, ext. 7185

Administrative Assistant
Ana DaCosta, ext 7126

Jen Felling (Postal/Telemarketing Lists)
203-778-8700, ext. 138

Turk Hassan ( Email Lists)
203-778-8700, ext. 144

Art Director
Carol Kuchta, ext. 7093

Production Manager
Danielle DiSessa, ext. 7159
Fax: 973-607-5561

Directory Coordinator
Maryann Ullrich, ext.7488

Audience Development Director
Don Ross, ext 7477

Editorial, Executive, and Sales Offices
Advantage Business Media
100 Enterprise Drive, Suite 600, Box 912
Rockaway, NJ 07866-0912

Toll Free: 800-222-0289
E-mail: rdmag@advantagemedia.com
URL: http://www.rdmag.com

Editorial Advisory Board
Stuart Cram-Agilent Technologies
Milos Novotny- Univ. of Indiana
Tim Dehne- National Instruments
Richard Rosen- Battelle
Ian Foster- Argonne National Laboratory/Univ. of Chicago
Mariano Rodriguez- Genseler Archeitecture

To Reach the Editors
A full list of R&D Magazine’s editors with phone numbers and email addresses is available at www.rdmag.com/EdInfo.aspx. A similar list is also printed in the front of each magazine.
Editorial Staff Contact Information

Editorial Director
Rita C. Peters

 Laboratory Design Newsletter
Julie Higginbotham
Senior Editor
Paul Livingstone


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