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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


PASJ publishes research papers on all aspects of astronomy, astrophysics, and fields closely related to them.
From its foundation in 1949 till 1985, PASJ was published quarterly. From 1986, PASJ has been published bimonthly.

In addition to normal papers, we accept 'Letters to the Editor', which aim at quick communication of observational
as well as theoretical results having strong impact on astronomy. The Letters should be within four printed pages.


Instructions to Authors


1. General

The Publication of the Astronomical Society of Japan (abbreviated PASJ in the following) publishes papers on all aspects of astronomy, astrophysics, and fields closely related to them.
Papers should contain the results of original work which has neither been previously published nor is to be published elsewhere.
(PASJ may publish invited reviews from time to time, but these are by invitation only.)
The LETTERS to the Editors are papers which aim at quick communication of observational as well as theoretical results having strong impacts on astronomy.
Papers should be written concisely (less than 4 printed pages for the LETTERS) and clearly.
It is advisable to have the draft of a paper read by one or more colleagues; they will usually contribute to its improvements.
Papers should be written in English. Authors who are not familiar with the English language should seek help from others proficient in English.
All manuscripts undergo scrutiny by referee.
PASJ accepts either electronic or paper submission, but electronic submission is highly appreciated.

Electronic Submission:
Please refer "Instructions for Electronic Submission" for submission by E-mail.
Paper Submission:
Manuscripts should be typed with double spacing, and three copies with figures, tables, etc. should be sent to :

PASJ Editors (or PASJ LETTER Editors for a LETTER)
Astronomical Society of Japan
c/o National Astronomical Observatory
Mitaka, Tokyo, 181-8588, Japan

2. Preparation of Papers

Authors are requested to follow the general style of recent issues of PASJ. A LaTeX macro package for PASJ is available on the WWW at <http://www.asj.or.jp/pasj/>.

The first page of paper should contain :

(1) The title should be concise but informative. The first character of each word in the title should be capitalized, except for prepositions, articles, and conjunctions.
(2) The full name(s) of the authors(s): The name given is expressed as the author writes. Co-authors' names should be confirmed their correct form by themselves.
(3) The name(s) of the institution(s) where the work was carried out with their address(es).
(4) The electronic mail address of one of the authors (optional). When several authors belonging to different institutions are involved, the following example illustrates the correct style.

Ichiro SUZUKI and John A. BROWN
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Osaka University, 1-1 Machikaneyama-cho,
Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043

Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033

This should be followed by:

The abstract not descriptive but informative should be complete in itself and one paragraph long (do not refer to equations, figures, or literatures in the text) and should have less than 200 words.
Key words:
Author should select three to five key words from the list of PASJ's key words which can be found at <http://www.asj.or.jp/pasj/SubHead01.html>.
Section titles:
Papers should be sectioned with section numbers in Arabic numerals without the ¡ì symbol, followed by titles in the same format as the title of the paper.
Acknowledgments may be added just after the main text with one extra spacing between the text and acknowledgments, but should not be an independent section.
Appendices may be put between the main text (including the acknowledgments) and the references.
They should be arranged like sections.
The references should be typed on a separate page(s) at the end of the text in alphabetical order.
The authors should consult recent issues of the journal regarding the typography of the references of the authors' names. Italics and boldface are not used.
When a reference is to a paper that has been submitted for publication, ``submitted'' should be used concerning the known status of the paper. ``in press'' should be used for the paper that has been accepted for publication but not published yet.
Do not refer to an unfinished work, such as ``unpublished,'' ``to be published,'' or ``in preparation.''
Only the most original and/or creditable literature should be referred to. Articles included in textbooks but original ones are unnecessary to refer. If a paper was written by more than eight authors, give only the first authors, followed by ``et al.''
When references are cited in the text, they should be in parentheses, or the year of publication of the references should be given after the names of the authors and put in parentheses.
If the paper has three or more authors, use the name of the first author and ``et al.'' The references given in parentheses should be separated by semicolons.
Submitting figures in EPS or PS format is fully recommended. Computer-generated figures printed with a laser printer are also acceptable.
Lettering in the figures should use the same type-face and format with the main text.
A brief descriptive caption should be provided for each figure; these captions should be typed in sequence on a separate page(s).
Figures having many steps of gradation are recommended to be presented as photos.
They are not always printed on Plate page.
If not presented as photos, they should be drawn using coarse stripes or dots for expressing half-tone.
Each table should be typed on a separate page and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals.
They must have brief titles.
Explanation, if necessary, should be put under the table as notes. Avoid the use of vertical rules in tables.
Equations should be numbered sequentially with parenthesized Arabic numerals on the right-hand side. Equations in appendices make another sequence as (A1), (A2), ... through appendices. Equations are regarded as part of sentences; thus periods and commas should be added. When simple mathematical formulae are put into sentences, avoid, for example, \(e^{-1/x}\) and \(\frac{y}{x}\).
They should be written in a linear form, as \(\exp(-1/x)\) and \(y/x\). When references are made to figures, tables, and equations, they should be written as figure 1, table 3, section 5, equation (25) [avoid Fig. 1, Tab. 3, Sec. 5, Eq. (25)].

3. Final Manuscript

Accepted paper is sent back to the author with English and scientific editorial corrections.
Revised Manuscript(single column with double spacing) by the author should send to the PASJ office with in 2 days of receipt.
The electronic edition is published in order of acceptance in principle, however delay by the author in this step will yield delay of publishing of the paper.

4. Proofs

The author will receive only the first proof for proof-reading. It is requested that she/he examines it with the utmost care, since the second and third proofs are not sent to the author.
Serious changes in contents are not permitted, however notes added in proof are allowable.
It must be returned within 48 hours, together with the reprint order form.

5. Page Charges and Reprints

Page charges and charges for reprints are calculated by the following formula.
charges = Pp + 20np + FC (JYen)
P: 4,300 Yen when the first author is a full member of the Society and the manuscript is prepared by TEX/LATEX, or 5,700 Yen for all other cases.
p: the number of pages of the paper
n: the number of reprints ordered (50 ¡Ü n ¡Ü 200 copies)
FC: actual expenses for full-color printing (approximately 79,000 Yen per piece)

6. Copyrights

All copyrights to articles printed in PASJ are reserved by the Astronomical Society of Japan. No part of the articles may be reproduced without written permission from the author and the Society.


Editorial Board


Managing Editor:   I.Hachisu
Associate Editors: T.Dotani, H.Hanami, Y.Hanaoka, S.Mineshige,
                   N.Nakai, M.Umemura, T.Yamada, J.Yokoyama
Board of Editors:  N.Arimoto Y.Fukui, S.Ikeuchi, K.Koyama, T.Ohashi,
                   S.Okamura, T.Sakurai, K.Sato, Y.Sofue, M.Tosa

PASJ Editorial Office

Astronomical Society of Japan
c/o National Astronomical Observatory
2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka
Tokyo 181-8588, Japan

phone: +81 -422-31-5488
fax: +81 -422-31-5487
E-Mail: office@pasj.asj.or.jp


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