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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

   Psychological Medicine

Now in its fourth decade of publication, Psychological Medicine is a leading international journal in the fields of psychiatry, related aspects of psychology and basic sciences. There are eight issues a year, each featuring original articles reporting key research being undertaken worldwide, together with shorter editorials by distinguished scholars and an important book review section. The journal's success is clearly demonstrated by a consistently high impact factor.





Instructions to Authors


Editorial Policy


Psychological Medicine is a journal aimed primarily for the publication of original research in clinical psychiatry and the basic sciences related to it. These include relevant fields of biological, psychological and social sciences. Review articles and editorials are also published. Contributions must be in English.


Submission of manuscripts


All papers for publication, except those from the Americas and those on genetic topics, should be addressed to the Editor, Professor Eugene Paykel, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry, Douglas House, 18E Trumpington Road, Cambridge CB2 2AH,UK, E-mail: lgs21@cam.ac.uk. Papers from the Americas, and papers dealing with genetic topics, irrespective of country, should be sent to Professor Kenneth S. Kendler, MCV, PO Box 980126, Richmond, VA, 23298-0126, USA (Street address: Virginia Biotechnology Center One, Room 1-123, 800E Leigh Street, Richmond, VA, 23219, USA), Email: jopales@hsc.vcu.edu .

Contributors should send two hard copies of the text, tables, and figures plus an identical copy on computer disk, giving details of format used (e.g. MS Word etc.). Copies other than the first may be photocopied. Submissions by email attachment are also acceptable. In addition to longer articles, the Editor is prepared to accept preliminary and brief communications of between 1500 and 2500 words and submitted editorials. Letters to the Editor discussing published papers will also be accepted.

A covering letter signed by all authors should confirm agreement to submission. The letter should also give full mailing, fax and email contact details of the author who will handle correspondence. This information should also be on the title page of the manuscript. Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original work that has not been previously published and that it is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. This should be confirmed in the letter of submission. When an article has been accepted for publication, the authors should send a copy of the final version on computer disk (indicating format used, e.g. Mac/PC, MS Word/Word Perfect, etc.) together with two hard copies of the typescript and good quality copies of all tables, figures, etc. However, the publisher reserves the right to typeset the material by conventional means if an author¡¯s disk proves unsatisfactory.

Manuscripts must be typewritten on one side of the paper in double-spacing with wide margins throughout, including references and notes, and all pages consecutively numbered. The following information must be given on the first page (title sheet): (1) title and short title for running head (not more than 60 characters): (2) authors' names, and (3) department in which the work was done. A structured abstract of no more than 250 words should be given at the beginning of the article using the headings: Background; Methods; Results; Conclusions. The name of an author to whom correspondence should be sent must be indicated and a full postal address given in the footnote. Any acknowledgements should be placed at the end of the text (before the References section).

Contributors should also note the following: 1. S.I. units should be used throughout in text, figures and tables.

2. Authors should spell out in full any abbreviations used in their manuscripts.

3. Foreign quotations and phrases should be followed by a translation.

4. If necessary, guidelines for statistical presentation may be found in: Altman, D. G., Gore, S. M., Gardner, M. J. & Pocock, S. J. (1983). Statistical guidelines for contributors to medical journals.

British Medical Journal 286, 1489-1493.




(1) The Harvard (author-date) system should be used in the text and a complete list of References cited given at the end of the article. In a text citation of a work by more than two authors cite the first author's name followed by et al. (but the names of all of the authors should be given in the References section).

Where several references are cited together they should be listed in rising date order. (2) The References section should be typed in alphabetical order on a separate sheet. Examples follow: Brown, G. W. (1974). Meaning, measurement and stress of life events. In Stressful Life Events: Their Nature and Effects (ed. B. S. Dohrenwend and B. P. Dohrenwend), pp. 217-244. John Wiley: New York.

Brown, J. (1970). Psychiatric Research. Smith: Glasgow.

Brown, J., Williams, E. & Wright, H. (1970). Treatment of heroin addiction. Psychological Medicine 1, 134-136.

Journal titles should always be given in full.


Figures and tables


Only essential figures and tables should be included. From mid 2002 additional material, including further tables, figures, photographs and appendices, may be included with the online version on the journal website. Photographs Unmounted photographs on glossy paper should be provided.

Magnification scales, if necessary, should be lettered on these. Where possible, prints should be trimmed to column width (i.e. 70 mm). Diagrams These should not be included in the text and should be submitted in a form suitable for direct reproduction. The printed version will normally be reduced to 70 mm wide, so care should be taken to ensure that lettering and symbols will remain clearly legible. All photographs, graphs, and diagrams should be referred to as figures and should be numbered consecutively in arabic numerals. Ensure that the figure number is marked on the back of the photograph or artwork together with the name of the author and paper title. Captions for figures should be typed double-spaced on separate sheets. Tables Tables should be numbered consecutively in the text in arabic numerals and each typed on a separate sheet after the References section. Titles should be typed above the table.


Proofs and offprints


Page proofs will be sent to the author designated to receive correspondence. Corrections other than to printer's errors may be charged to the author. Fifty offprints of each paper are supplied free; additional offprints are available according to a scale of charges if they are ordered on the form suppliedmwhen the proof is returned.
Editorial Board


Professor E. S. Paykel
Professor E.S. Paykel
Douglas House
18E Trumpington Road

Dr Kenneth Kendler
Psychiatric Genetics Research Program
Dept of Psychiatry
P O Box 980710
Richmond, VA 23298-0710

Associate Editor

Dr T. S. Brugha
Section of Social and Epidemiological Psychiatry
Academic Psychiatry
Brandon Mental Health Unit
Leicester General Hosptial
Gwendolen Road
Leicester LE5 4PW

Professor P. J. Cowen
Psychopharmacology Research Unit
Warneford Hospital
Oxford OX3 7JX

Dr Barbara Sahakian
Department of Psychiatry
University of Cambridge
School of Clinical Medicine
Addenbrooke’s Hospital (PO Box 189)
Cambridge CB2 2QQ

Technical Editor

Dr Penny McLaughlan
Sunderland, UK

Editorial Board

Professor Per Bech
Frederiksborg General Hospital, Hillerød, Denmark

Dr German E Berrios
Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, UK

Professor D. Blazer
Duke University, North Carolina, USA

Professor ET Bullmore
Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, UK

Professor Tom Burns
St Georges Hospital Medical School, UK

Professor Peter Cooper
University of Reading, UK

Professor Anthony David
Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK

Dr William W Eaton
Johns Hopkins University , USA

Professor E. Frank
Western Psychiatric Institute, Pittsburgh, USA

Professor C. D. Frith
Institute of Neurology, London, UK

Sir David Goldberg
Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK

Professor George R. Heninger
Yale University, USA

Dr A. L. Johnson
Institute of Public Health, Cambridge, UK

Professor Eve Johnstone
University of Edinburgh, UK

Professor Peter Jones
University of Cambridge, UK

Professor Ronald Kessler
Harvard Medical School, USA

Professor Anthony Mann
Institute of Psychiatry, UK

Professor Peter McGuffin
Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK

Professor R. Murray
Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK

Professor Gordon Parker
University of New South Wales, Australia

Dr Judith L Rapoport MD
National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, USA

Dr Kathleen Ries Merikangas PhD
NIMH, Bethesda, USA

Professor T. W. Robbins
University of Cambridge, UK

Professor A. John Rush
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA

Professor M. L. Rutter
Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK

Dr Greg Simon
Centre for Health Studies, Seattle, USA

Dr Carol A Tamminga MD
University of Maryland at Baltimore, USA

Professor Michele Tansella
University of Verona, Italy

Professor Graham Thornicroft
University of London, UK

Professor P. Tyrer
Imperial College School of Medicine, London, UK

Professor Myrna M. Weissman
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, USA

Professor S. C. Wessely
King’s College School of Medicine & Dentistry and the Institute of Psychiatry, UK

Professor Hans-Ulrich Wittchen
Max-Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Germany


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