

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Progress in Physical Geography
An International Review of Geographical Work in the Natural and Environmental Sciences

Established in 1977, this international forum for geographical work in the natural and environmental sciences publishes reviews of current research and theoretical developments.

This prestigious journal covers all aspects of:

Geomorphology     Climatology    Biogeography    Human-environment interaction

Current Issue Cover

 ISSN: 0309-1333      Online ISSN: 1477-0296

Abstracted or Indexed In:

Academic Search Premier
Agroforestry Abstracts
ASTIS Bibliography
ASTIS Current Awareness Bulletin
Bibliographie Geographique Internationale
C-CIARN (the Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network)
Congressional Information Services (CIS) Environment Abstracts
Current Geographical Publications
Ecological Abstracts
Ecology Abstracts
Environment Abstracts
Geographical Abstracts: Physical 
Geological Abstracts
Grasslands and Forage Abstracts
International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature (IBR)
International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBZ)
International Development Abstracts
Irrigation and Drainage Abstracts
ISI Current Contents. Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences
ISI Discovery Agent
Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts
Middle East Abstracts and Index
Pollution Abstracts
Science Citation Index
Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch)
Soils and Fertilizers

Instructions to Authors

Progress in Physical Geography is an international review of geographical work in the natural environmental sciences. It publishes critical reviews of developments in empirical, theoretical and methodological studies of the solid, fluid and living environments, as well as of human-environment interactions. Authors need not be uncritically exhaustive in synthesizing research on a particular topic, but should concentrate on what they consider to be the most promising recent productive trends and developments. They should further aim at the widest possible international coverage and should consider the relevance of tangential or parallel developments to their fields. In addition, authors are encouraged to evaluate the general significance of research to date, including practical and policy applications where relevant.


Articles and proposals for articles are accepted for consideration on the understanding that they are not being submitted elsewhere. Three copies of all articles and proposals for articles should be sent to:

The Editor
Progress in Physical Geography
338 Euston Road

Article Presentation

Your paper should be submitted in double-spaced typescript and on disk.

The disk

Please submit on disk as well as on paper. Please ensure that your disk matches the final version of your paper (i.e., not necessarily your initial submission).

Microsoft Word is the preferred word processor, but files can be accepted from any of the common Macintosh, Windows or MS-DOS word processing programs. RTF or ASCII files can also be accepted. No artwork should be included in the text files. Any artwork provided on disk should be in either TIFF, or EPS format. Each piece of artwork should be saved as a separate file. When preparing your paper:

Use the minimum formatting.
Roman, bold and italic type can be used, but use only one typeface and size.
Capitals should be used only where they are to appear in the finished text.
The text should be ranged left and unjustified, with hyphenation cancelled.
Indents, underlining and tabs should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
Headings and paragraphs should be separated by two carriage returns.
There should be only one space between words and only one space after
any punctuation.

The typescript

The typescript should be prepared on good quality A4 or quarto paper, double-spaced and with generous margins at head, foot and left- and right-hand margins. The right-hand margin should not be justified, nor should the proportional fonts* produced by laser printers be used. Where a laser printer is used it should be set to produce text in standard 10 or 12 point. The top copy should be submitted together with three photocopies (one for progress reports).

Please ensure that the title page includes all address details, as well as telephone, fax and email numbers. Please indicate where queries, proofs and offprints should be sent.


Please follow (or ask your typist to follow) these notes:

(i) Use 'z' not 's' where there is an alternative, and in general follow the first variant given by the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (e.g., realize, idealize, analyse, advertise).

(ii) Use SI units.

(iii) Dates: '16 January 1990' not 'January 16, 1990'.

(iv) Numbers: adopt a rule that all numbers under 10 should be spelt out in letters except where attached to a unit of quantity (e.g., 1 mm or 3 kg), and that all numbers of 10 or more should be rendered in digits except where the context makes this awkward (e.g., use spelt-out forms at the beginning of a sentence).

(v) Capitalization: avoid excessive capitalization. For titles of books and articles, capitals should be used for the initial letter of the first word only. For the titles of journals and series, the initial letter of all principal words should be capitalized.

(vi) Italics: use italics for emphasis very sparingly.

(vii) Abbreviations: the initial letter of abbreviations should be typed with no full point (e.g., UK, UNESCO, BBC). Abbreviations in which the last letter of the abbreviation is the same as the last letter of the word should also have no full point (e.g., Mr, St, BUT no., Str., etc.).

Abstracts and Key Words

These should be given at the beginning of an article. The abstract should not exeed 250 words.


In dividing articles under headings, please weight your headings by writing A, B, C etc. in the margin of the page:

A: subheading numbered I, II, III etc.
B: subsubheading " 1, 2, 3 etc.
C: subsubsubheading " a, b, c etc.

Please avoid using more than three weights of subheading.


All maps, diagrams, figures and graphs should be submitted in the form of completed artwork suitable for reproduction. They should be separate from the typescript (with a list of captions on a separate sheet), but their place in the text should be marked.

i Line diagrams: No illustration (including caption) will be given more space than the text area of the journal page i.e.,204 mm x 156 mm. Figures should ideally be drawn for a reduction of one-third i.e., 3:2 or 150:100 mm. Where possible, all figures should be drawn for the same reduction.

Drawings should be on stiff white paper, white card or a drawing material such as kodatrace.

All lines in a drawing should be of even weight. If tints are required the letraset range is the most suitable. Do not use too fine a tint as this may result in a blotchy appearance after reduction. Lettering should be of graphic design standard, should be of even weight and should follow the usual typographical style.

ii Photographs: Photographs do not have to be of a constant reduction. The degree of reduction should, however, be marked on the back, and any areas which are not required should also be marked. The limitations as to size are the same as for line diagrams. The prints should be high-quality glossy prints, showing as much contrast as possible.


Tables should be typed on separate sheets. Indicate in the margin of the text where the tables should be placed.


Footnotes should be avoided, although a title-page footnote may be used to give details of the address at which work pertaining to an article was carried out if this is different from the author's current affiliation. All other acknowledgements should be placed at the end of the article.


References should follow the Harvard system. In the typescript references should be indicated by giving the author's name and the year of publication (with page references where necessary). For example:

'...a quality which Liebenstein (1967: 153) calls "x-efficiency"'.

'Piaget points out that "between two structures of different
levels there can be no one-way reduction, but rather there
is reciprocal assimilation..." (1972a: 93)'.

The references should be listed in full at the end of the article double-spaced, in alphabetical order and in the following form:

(a) Journal article

Liebenstein, H. 1966: Allocative efficiency versus x-efficiency. American Economic Review 61, 392-415.

(i.e., no quote marks round the title of the article and minimum capitalization).

(b) Book

Olson, M. 1965: The logic of collective action. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

(c) Article in a book

Wiesbrod, B.A. 1965: Geographic spillover effects and the allocation of resources to education. In Margolis, J., editor, The public economy of urban communities, Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 33-50.

(d) Book in a series

Bunge, W. 1966: Theoretical geography, second edition. Lund Studies in Geography, Series C, General and Mathematical Geography 1, Lund: Gleerup.


(i) Please indicate in brackets at the end of the references the number of pages in mimeographed articles and publications.

(ii) If several papers by the same author and from the same year are cited, a, b, c etc. should be added to the year of publication (e.g., 1972a, 1972b etc.).

(iii) The use of the phrase et al. (= et alia) to indicate multiple authorship is permissible in the text, but not in the list of references, where all names should be given.

(iv) No journal titles should be abbreviated. If in exceptional circumstances any abbreviations are used, then they should be listed at the beginning of the references.


Authors must obtain permission to reproduce all matter in the following categories:

(i) All maps, diagrams, figures and photographs (forms are available from the publishers).

(ii) Single passages of prose exceeding 250 words, or scattered passages totalling more than 400 words from any one work.

Please supply the publisher with full information for all work cited, including author, date published, publisher and page references.

EU copyright extends to 70 years after the death of the author or 70 years after publication of a scholarly edition.


Proofs will be supplied only once in the form of page proofs. Please remember that:

(i) Proof corrections are disproportionately expensive. For example, the insertion of three commas on a page will frequently cost as much, or more than, the original setting cost of the entire page.

(ii) If you return proofs even a few days after the date stipulated, it may be too late to include your corrections in the final version of the journal.

Editorial Board

Managing Editor

Bruce Atkinson, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

Book Review Editor

A S Goudie, University of Oxford, UK

Editorial Board

PM Mather, University of Nottingham, UK
PA Stott, UK
Steve Trudgill, University of Cambridge, UK

Editorial Advisory Board

P Bishop, University of Glasgow, UK
T Burt, University of Durham, UK
D Busche, Universität Würzburg, Germany
D Foster, Harvard University, USA
P Haggett, University of Bristol, UK
M Hulme, University of East Anglia, UK
EA Koster, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
T R Oke, University of British Columbia, Canada
DR Stoddart, University of California at Berkeley, USA
PW Williams, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Articles and proposals for articles are accepted for consideration on the understanding that they are not being submitted elsewhere. Three copies of all articles and proposals for articles should be sent to:

The Editor
Progress in Physical Geography
338 Euston Road


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