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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Progress in Optics

In the thirty-seven years that have gone by since the first volume of Progress in Optics was published, optics has become one of the most dynamic fields of science. At the time of inception of this series, the first lasers were only just becoming operational, holography was in its infancy, subjects such as fiber optics, integrated optics and optoelectronics did not exist and quantum optics was the domain of only a few physicists. The term photonics had not yet been coined. Today these fields are flourishing and have become areas of specialisation for many science and engineering students and numerous research workers and engineers throughout the world. Some of the advances in these fields have been recognized by awarding Nobel prizes to seven physicists in the last twenty years. The volumes in this series which have appeared up to now contain nearly 190 review articles by distinguished research workers, which have become permanent records for many important developments. They have helped optical scientists and optical engineers to stay abreast of their fields. There is no sign that developments in optics are slowing down or becoming less interesting. We confidently expect that, just like their predecessors, future volumes of Progress in Optics will faithfully record the most important advances that are being made in optics and related fields.

Instructions to Authors


Elsevier welcomes authors' proposals for books;

we publish in a wide variety of scientific fields.

Our guidelines for submitting a proposal will provide all the

information you need to ensure fast, fair review and response

to your book proposal.

Every book starts with a discussion of your proposal with a Publishing Editor.

See our list of   contact addresses to find the Publishing Editor for your subject area.

Are you editing a book? Then please see our Guidelines for Editors.

Guide to Submitting your Proposal 

The information requested below helps us to evaluate your proposal quickly. Please provide as much information as possible.

- Author and title

- Tentative book title and subtitle (if any)

- Author's full name

- Position and Affiliation

- Full Mailing Address

- Telephone

- Fax

- E-mail

Include in your book proposal

1. Please describe, in 500 words or less, exactly what your book will be about and include the case for publication (for example, fills a gap, hot topic, documents latest research). For whom is the book primarily intended and at what level?

2.  Please provide the following information:


      - a table of contents showing draft chapter titles for the book

      - the nearest estimate of the length of the book (in manuscript pages or in printed pages)

      - an estimate of how long it will take to complete a list of other books in this subject.

3. If possible, please provide a sample chapter.


Where to send your proposal

Please submit your proposal to just one contact person in charge of the primary discipline covered by your book. Please mention any related disciplines so that if the proposal is deemed more suitable for other area, the first recipient of your proposal can pass it on to the relevant contact.


If you run into any difficulties, are unsure about anything, or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us: bookdepartment@elsevier.com

Preparing your Manuscript for Submission 

Together with your Publishing Editor, you will decide which production method is best for your manuscript. The contract that is drawn up describes how you are going to submit your manuscript.

This may be either as Camera-Ready Copy (CRC), or as an electronic  manuscript (Compuscript).  If you are contributing to a JAI series, please download this document  for guidelines.

Editorial Board


E. Wolf, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA
Professor Emil Wolf has been the Editor of the series Progress in Optics since its inception in 1961. Thirty-nine volumes have now been published, the first one in 1961.
Professor Wolf received a Ph.D. degree from Bristol University (England) in 1948 and a D.Sc. Degree from Edinburgh University (Scotland) in 1955. He is presently the Wilson Professor of Optical Physics and Professor of Optics at the University of Rochester.
Professor Wolf's main researches are in physical optics, particularly in studies of coherence properties of optical fields, spectroscopy of partially coherent radiation, diffraction and the theory of direct and inverse scattering. He is the co-author, with Nobel Laureate Max Born, of a well-known book Principles of Optics, first published in 1959 and now in its sixth edition. He is also the co-author, with Leonard Mandel, of Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics, published in 1995.
Professor Wolf is the recipient of numerous awards for his scientific contributions and is an honorary member of the Optical Society of America, of which he was the President in 1978. He is also an honorary member of the Optical Societies of India and Australia and is the recipient of five honorary degrees from Universities in the Netherlands, Great Britain, the Czech Republic and in Canada.


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