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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Process Safety and Environmental Protection

Process Safety and Environmental Protection (PSEP) aims to be the principal vehicle for publication of high quality, original papers in the branches of engineering concerned with the safety of industrial processes and the protection of the environment.

From January 2004, The European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) has extended its endorsement of Chemical Engineering Research and Design (ChERD) leading to PSEP becoming the official journal of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering Part B.

PSEP publishes regular special topic issues. Within each issue, 50-75% of the pages are dedicated to a particular topic, with the remainder given over to papers of general interest. Papers cover fundamental engineering technology and its application over a wide range of industries.

Industries covered include the oil industry on and off-shore, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, water (both supply and waste water treatment), waste processing and recycling. Topics covered include:


  • clean technology and waste minimization
  • environmental dispersion
  • fire and explosion
  • human factors and management
  • inherent safety
  • liquid effluent treatment
  • nuclear safety
  • reaction hazards
  • risk management
  • safety in hydrocarbon/pipeline technologies
  • solid waste management
  • sustainable development and technology


    Instructions to Authors


    Editorial Policy and Standards

    All contributions should conform to the aims and scope. The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) publishes only papers of the highest quality. To help maintain this standard, all papers submitted are sent to referees familiar with the branch of chemical engineering covered. They advise as to whether the paper is acceptable or not and indicate possible ways in which, in their opinion, the paper might be improved. The Editor makes the final decision on publication in the light of this advice. In addition to full length papers (up to 5000 words), correspondence and book reviews, the journal also welcomes:

    Review Papers - A limited number of review papers are published each year, providing a critical assessment of previously published work in one of the core topics covered by the journal. In view of the substantial effort involved in producing a review paper, authors are advised to contact the relevant Editorial Board member before commencing.

    Shorter Communications - Papers of less than 2500 words will be considered for publication as shorter communications. Such papers deal with new ideas and specific points such as novel research techniques, fresh analysis of existing work or interesting aspects or results of work-in-progress.

    General Instructions

    All submitted work must:

    • Be original, not previously published elsewhere. Submission implies that a paper is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
    • Be written in English. Non-English native speakers are advised to seek the help of native English speaking colleagues before submitting their manuscript. Manuscripts written in correct English require less time for review and can be published rapidly.
    • Be submitted in final form, prepared on a word processor and printed on one side of the paper only, with double spacing and wide margins to accommodate copy preparation marks. Pages should be numbered. Lines should be numbered throughout the manuscript (commencing at one on each page).
    • Use SI units in all cases (negative index notation). Mathematical expressions should be listed in a nomenclature section following the concluding section of the paper.

    Arrangement of Manuscripts

    Manuscripts should be arranged as follows:

    Title and Abstract - The abstract should describe the essential original content and should be a maximum of 200 words.
    Keywords - Up to six keywords should be placed beneath the abstract.
    Text - The text should be comprised of the following sections: Corresponding Author's Address, Introduction, Methods and Materials, Results and Analyses, Discussion and Conclusions, Nomenclature, References, Acknowledgements.


    Present figures on sheets separate from the manuscript, unfolded, and as originals. Reproductions of photographs, etc. cannot be accepted. The object being shown must fill the image. Only essential colour figures are acceptable. Figures must be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text. Lettering must be clear and in the language of the manuscript. The same type of lettering should be used throughout. Electronic submission of figures is encouraged. Figures should be supplied as individual files, either as tiff or EPS. Minimum resolution should be 700dpi for line diagrams and 300dpi for halftones. Each figure must have a caption. All figure captions should be typed on a separate sheet. Explanations must be given in the caption. Text in the figures should be kept to a minimum.


    Authors should note the size limitations set by the layout of the journal. A table should not exceed the printed area of the page. If many data are to be presented, an attempt should be made to divide these over two or more tables. Tables should be compiled on separate sheets and must be numbered according to their sequence in the text. The text must include references to all tables. Each table must have a brief and self-explanatory caption. All table captions must be listed on a separate sheet. Column headings should be brief, but sufficiently explanatory. Explanations that are necessary to the understanding of the table should be given as footnotes at the bottom of the table, indicated by a lower case letter.


    The references should be listed in alphabetical order on the first author's surname, and arranged as follows:
    For a journal article - Ruiz, M.O., Cabezas, J.L., Escudero, I., Alvarez, J.R. and Coca, J., 2002, a-Phenylglyccine extraction with trialkylmethylammonium chloride free and immobilized in a macroporous resin. Part 1. Equilibria, Trans IChemE, Part A, Chem Eng Res Des, 80(A5): 529¨C536.

    For a chapter in a book - Soekarto, S.T. and Steinberg, M.P., 1981, Determination of binding energy for the three fractions of bound water, in Water activity: influences on food quality, Rockland, L.B. and Stewart, G.F. (eds) (Academic Press, New York, USA), pp 265¨C279.
    All references listed must be cited in the text using the author(s)' name(s) and year of publication. If there are two authors'  names, both should be cited e.g. (Brown and Green, 2002). If there are more than two authors, use the following format: (Jones et al., 2002). Where an author has more than one reference cited in the same year, use a, b, c etc. to distinguish between the references e.g. (Williams, 2002a).

    Additional Information

    Authors may include a statement that additional information (i.e. detailed results or mathematical derivations) may be obtained from them on application. Authors may charge for supplying this information.

    Manuscripts in Electronic Form

    IChemE encourages submissions in electronic form. An electronic version should accompany the submission of the original and final text. 3.5" disk, zip disks and CD ROMs are acceptable. The figures should be stored as separate files with clearly identifiable file names. The preferred formats are Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, TEX and LaTEX. The name and version of the program used must be clearly indicated. Ensure that the contents of the disk correspond exactly to the contents of the hard copy manuscript.

    Submission of Manuscripts

    Send three hard copies of the manuscript, plus an electronic version, to:

    The Editor, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Institution of Chemical Engineers, 165-189 Railway Terrace, Rugby, CV21 3HQ, UK. or email: aloveridge@icheme.org.uk

    Authors are asked to indicate the subject area in which the papers falls, see aims and scope. The Editorial Office will contact the appropriate Editorial Board member who will assess the manuscript and appoint referees. Authors are encouraged to suggest up to three referees, including the full name, mailing address and e-mail address in each case. Choice of referees will remain entirely with the Editor.

    Further Information

    Page Proofs - Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author as a PDF via e-mail. The author should carefully check typesetting and editing. No corrections that constitute departures from the article that was accepted by the Editor should be made. Corrections should be returned to the Editorial Office within three days of receipt.

    Copyright - When a paper is accepted for publication, authors will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.

    Permissions - The author is responsible for obtaining permission to use any copyrighted material, and should include any acknowledgement required.

    Offprints - 50 offprints of each article are supplied to the corresponding author free of charge. Additional offprints can be ordered when the corrected proofs are returned to the Editorial Office. Up to five free offprints can be sent to peers direct from the publishers at the author's request.

    Editorial Board


    Honorary Editor of Transactions:

    Professor John Garside
    Principal and Vice-Chancellor
    PO Box 88
    Manchester M60 1QD
    Email: john.garside@umist.ac.uk

    Executive Editor:

    Professor Richard Wakeman
    Department of Chemical Engineering
    Loughborough University
    Leics LE11 3TU
    Email: R.J.Wakeman@lboro.ac.uk

    Subject Area    
    Clean Technology and Waste Minimization   Professor Adisa Azapagic
    University of Surrey, UK
    Email: a.azapagic@surrey.ac.uk
        Dr Amer El-Hamouz
    An-Najah National University, West Bank, Israel
    Email: elhamouz@najah.edu
        Professor Po-Lock Yue
    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
    Email: keplyue@ust.hk
    Energy and Alternative Energy Sources   Professor Didier Lecomte
    Ecole des Mines d'Albi, France
    Email: didier.lecomte@enstimac.fr
    Environmental Dispersion   Professor Jerry Havens
    University of Arkansas, USA
    Email: jah@engr.uark.edu
    Environmental Protection (General)   Mr Ian Hymes
    Environment Agency, Chester, UK
    Email: hymesey@aol.com
    Fire and Explosion   Professor Stephen Richardson
    Imperial College, UK
    Email: S.M.Richardson@ic.ac.uk
    Human Factors and Management   Professor Trevor Kletz
    Cheadle, UK
    Email: T.Kletz@lboro.ac.uk
    Inherent Safety  

    Dr David Edwards
    Loughborough University, UK
    Email: D.W.Edwards@lboro.ac.uk

        Professor Jai Gupta
    Indian Institute of Technology, India
    Email: jpg@iitk.ac.in
    Liquid Effluent Treatment   Mr Rolf Clayton
    Crowther Clayton Associates, UK
    Email: rolf@crowther-clayton.com
        Professor Eckhard Dinjus
    Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Germany
    Email: eckhard.dinjus@itc-cpv.fzk.de
        Professor Akiyoshi Sakoda
    University of Tokyo, Japan
    email: sakoda@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
        Professor Arup SenGupta
    Lehigh University, USA
    Email: aks0@lehigh.edu
        Professor Tom Stephenson
    Cranfield University, UK
    Email: t.stephenson@cranfield.ac.uk
    Reaction Hazards   Dr Laurence Cusco
    Health & Safety Laboratory, UK
    Email: Laurence.Cusco@hsl.gov.uk
        Dr Richard Rogers
    INBUREX Consulting GmbH, Germany
    Email: richard.rogers@inburex.com
    Risk Management   Dr Michael Brown
    Serco Assurance, UK
    Email: mike.brown@sercoassurance.com
        Dr Sam Mannan
    Texas A&M University, USA
    Email: mannan@tamu.edu
    Safety in Hydrocarbon/Pipeline Technologies   Professor Geoff Hankinson
    Loughborough University, UK
    Email: G.Hankinson@lboro.ac.uk
    Solid Waste Management   Dr Stephen Etheridge
    PIE International Limited, UK
    Email: spe@ebl.co.uk
        Mr Bob Skelton
    University of Cambridge, UK
    Email: rls1@cheng.cam.ac.uk
    Sustainable Development and Technology   Professor Roland Clift
    University of Surrey, UK
    Email: r.clift@surrey.ac.uk
        Professor Markus Reuter
    Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
    Email: m.a.reuter@city.tudelft.nl
        Professor Paul Sharratt
    Email: paul.sharratt@umist.ac.uk
    Book Review Editor   Dr Alec James
    Email: alec.e.james@unist.ac.uk


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