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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



Polymers and Polymer Composites 

   Edited by Professor G. Pritchard (Emeritus Professor, Kingston University)

  This international peer reviewed journal, now in its 10th year, publishes original research papers on the following topics.


The structure, properties, characterisation, processing and in-service performance of: engineering plastics, whether reinforced or not, any polymers, or polyblends intended for engineering use (including structural, load-bearing, electronic and electrical applications), fibre reinforced and particulate filled plastics, structural adhesives, textile fibres, wood, biomaterials with a load bearing capacity, including polymer-based dental materials

Short communications making one novel point are also included, as are occasional literature reviews.

Each issue also includes an up to date events diary and reviews. 


Instructions to Authors


Submission of papers is welcomed for consideration by the Editor.  Papers should not have been published elsewhere, or submitted simultaneously to other journals. Any previous oral presentations should be noted by the author.


The following types of contributions will be considered:

    Papers describing original research,

     Literature reviews of 3,000 to 10,000 words,

      Short Communications making one novel point with a minimum of detail, ideally  not exceeding 3 pages.



All contributions will be refereed, and may require revisions before final acceptance.  Once accepted, papers may be amended by the Editor.



Papers should not normally exceed 10,000 words, with allowance made for tables and illustrations. Three copies of the manuscript should be submitted, typed double spaced on only one side of the paper with a margin of at least one inch (25mm) on either side of the text.  An abstract of 100 - 200 words should accompany the paper.    SI units should be used.


References should be listed at the end of the text, numbered in order of citation, denoted by superscript numbers in the text.  For periodicals they should read: name of author(s), journal, volume number, year of issue (in parentheses), page number.  For books: name of author(s), title, city and country of origin, year of issue (in parentheses).  For conference papers: author(s), conference name,  paper number, publishers, year of event (in parentheses).



Wherever possible, graphs and diagrams should be supplied as camera ready copy, on individual A4 sheets, with figure numbers and captions.



Computer generated graphics can also be accepted in a number of formats (e.g. TIFF, Autocad, EPS).  No amendments can be made to the illustrations supplied.



These  should be black and white glossy prints.  They should be clearly labelled with the author's name and figure number. A scale, where appropriate, should be marked or indicated in the figure caption.



No page charges are applied.  Authors will be sent 25 offprints, free of charge, and in the case of multi-authored papers, will be sent to the first-named author unless specifically requested otherwise.



Upon acceptance of an article, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright to Rapra Technology Ltd.  Authors traditional rights will not be affected.






Storage medium


Please send your text on 3.5 inch IMB or Mac compatible disks.  We can also accept text on SyQuest  and 100 Mb zip cartridges. Manuscripts may be  sent via e-mail.


Software and format


Pre-layout editing is usually carried out at Rapra using Microsoft Word (version 6.0). Page layout is carried out using Adobe Pagemaker desk top publishing software for Macintosh, plus Adobe Table, ChemDraw and MathType where applicable. Graphics and illustrations are manipulated in either Adobe Photoshop version 4 or Macromedia FreeHand version 7.


We can accept most graphics formats, although .EPS, .TIF or .BMP files are preferred.  If you plan  to use any other type of graphics package please contact us and we will run some test data to check compatibility.


Please do not use complex formatting commands, as the manuscript will be styled in-house according to Rapra design specifications.


Please use a word processing package in preference to a DTP package.  If you have to use DTP software, please export the file in a word processing format, e.g. Microsoft Word.


Please label each disk used with your name, file names, and the journal to which you are submitting the manuscript.



Illustrative material


Required resolution:  photographs: 240+dpi

                               line drawings: 300-400+dpi


Colours: black and white or greyscale.



Spectra and similar analytical outputs


These can be accepted electronically if they are provided in any of the graphic formats referred to previously.  Please ensure that they are stored as black and white only.


Chemical structures and reaction schemes


At Rapra Technology Limited we use ChemDraw (Mac version) but we can accept structures from other packages, provided the files are exported in any of the graphic file formats discussed above.






Graphs may be exported from spreadsheet software and presentation software e.g. Harvard Graphics and PowerPoint. These can be accepted if they are exported to standard file format such as .TIF, .EPS, .BMP.  They must be black and white, we cannot accept coloured graphs.  Fill patterns must be clearly distinguishable for bar charts, pie charts etc.






Please use A4 white paper and print on one side only.


Leave large margins at the top and bottom (4cm) and right (4cm) and left (6cm) sides of the page.


Type in 10 point or larger, with at least 10 point spacing between the lines.


Number each page in one sequence throughout.



Please supply 3 complete copies, including all figures, of your manuscript.  You may wish to delay submitting the electronic version until we have contacted you with any revisions recommended as a result of  the peer-review process.




If you have any questions concerning the preparation of a manuscript, please contact:



                Kate Evans

                     Rapra Technology Limited

                     Shawbury, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY4 4NR, UK

                     Direct line: +44 (0)1939 252455

                     Fax: +44(0)1939 251118

                     e-mail: kmevans@rapra.net


Editorial Board


Authors wishing to submit manuscripts, which may be sent by mail or e-mail, should send them to:


Kate Evans, Assistant Editor, 

Rapra Technology Ltd, Shawbury,   Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 4NR, UK.


Direct Line: +44 (0)1939 252455

Fax  +44(0)1939 251118,

e-mail: kmevans@rapra.net


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