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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Polyhedron will publish original, fundamental, experimental and theoretical work of the highest quality in all the major areas of inorganic chemistry. These include synthetic chemistry, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, and solid-state and materials chemistry. Papers should be complete pieces of work, and the inclusion of results from spectroscopic and/or physical techniques is encouraged. Papers merely reporting the preparation and X-ray structural characterization of only a single compound will not be considered appropriate unless the compound and its structure are particularly interesting.
Similarly, papers concerned solely with stability constants determined by potentiometric titration data unsupported by other e.g. spectroscopic techniques will not be acceptable nor will solvent extraction data unless supported by other data of interest to inorganic chemists. Unnecessary fragmentation of work is not acceptable.

In addition Polyhedron publishes specially commissioned review articles (Polyhedron Reports) and collections of original research papers (Polyhedron Symposia-in-Print) of appropriate timeliness.

Abstracting / Indexing Polyhedron on ScienceDirect(Opens new window)

  • Chemical Abstracts
  • Current Contents/Physics, Chemical, and Earth Sciences
  • Research Alert
  • Science Citation Index 

Instructions to Authors

Polyhedron publishes full length papers, commissioned reports and symposia-in-print. All contributions should conform to the Aims and Scope of the journal. All contributions shall be rigorously refereed.

Papers - should be substantial, completed pieces of original research in inorganic and organometallic chemistry which have special significance, general interest and which, in addition are presented clearly and concisely.

Reports - are specially commissioned critical reports reviewing research results of topical importance. Reports will be commissioned by the Editorial Board from recognized authorities in the appropriate fields.

Symposia-in-Print - are collections of original research papers brought together to cover timely areas of inorganic and organometallic chemistry. For each, a Symposium Editor will invite authors active in the field to submit papers.

Submission of contributions
Contributions should be submitted in hardcopy, in triplicate. All authors are requested to include a note of their fax number and e-mail address. Moreover, all submissions should be accompanied by a graphical abstract (pictogram and synopsis) for the Contents List. Crystallographic data need to be deposited (usually, by sending a CIF file to deposit@ccdc.cam.ac.uk) prior to submission.

Contributions should be sent to:
Papers from the Americas
Professor G. Christou, Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611-7200, U.S.A. E-mail: christou@chem.ufl.edu

Papers from the Rest of the World
Prof. C.E. Housecroft, Department of Chemistry, University of Basel, Spitalstrasse 51, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland
E-mail: Poly-Chemie@unibas.ch

Please note: INITIAL submission of papers from China should be made to Prof T.C.W. Mak. Associate Regional Editor for China, Department of Chemistry, University Science Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin NT, Hong Kong, People's Republic of China
E-mail: tcwmak@cuhk.edu.hk

Polyhedron Reports
Professor G. Christou, Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611-7200, U.S.A.

Prof. G. Parkin, Department of Chemistry, Columbia Uniersity, New York, NY 10027, U.S.A.
E-mail: parkin@chem.columbia.edu

For General Instructions, Replacement, Deposition of Crystallographic Data
For contributions reporting crystallographic results, the guidelines for the deposition of crystallographic data must be followed. These require pre-deposition of data at the relevant Data Centre prior to the submission of the manuscript. Detailed instructions are published regularly in the Journal and can always be found in the first issue of each volume. It is not necessary to submit hard copy or disk files of this data to the Journal. This, however, does not affect the submission of disk files for the text, which should be done only when the manuscript has been referred - see next paragraph.

Submission of accepted contributions on disk
The publisher welcomes submissions of both text and illustrations on disk. Instructions for such disk submissions are given in the Advertisement for disk submission found regularly in the journal. It should be stressed that material for publication should only be submitted on disk after refereeing, and when the contribution is in its final and accepted form.

Format of contributions
All contributions should be in English. They should be typed, double-spaced, with wide margins and on one side of the page only. The principal author, for correspondence with the Editor and for proofs from the publisher, should be clearly indicated by an asterisk. Every contribution, should start with an Abstract. Six keywords should be provided. The presentation of tables, graphs and formulae, should be kept to an absolute minimum, and where possible the results from a series of investigations should be in table form or as a graph. The same data should not be presented in both tables and figures, or given in the Discussion as well as the Experimental section.

Original figures, whether line-drawings or photographs, should be clearly marked on the back with the names of the authors and the figure number. Figure captions should always be typed on a separate sheet. Line-drawings should be prepared at about twice the final size (one column width 8.4cm), on plain white drawing paper, and suitable for direct reproduction. Laser printer output at 300 dots per inch for a two-to-one reduction on good quality paper is acceptable. Authors should take particular care to ensure that lettering on a figure will remain clearly legible after reduction (to one column width of 8.4 cm). Photographs should be enlarged sufficiently to permit clear reproduction (at column width 8.4 cm). If words or numbers appear in photographs then two copies are required, one with the words or numbers clearly over-printed and the other without inscription. For specific enquiries on the preparation on electronic artwork, consult http://www.elsevier.com/locate/authorartwork/.

Colour illustrations
Illustrations can be printed in colour when they are judged by the Editor to be essential to the presentation. Generally, the publisher and author will each bear part of the extra costs involved. The charge to be passed on to authors of articles containing colour figures is EUR 635.00 for the first page containing colour and EUR 318.00 for each additional page containing colour. Authors located in Europe or Japan will be billed in Euros, while authors located outside Europe or Japan will be billed in US dollars.

All nomenclature should be consistent, clear and unambiguous, and should conform to the rules established by IUPAC. The following IUPAC publications should be consulted: Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry and Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry.

Text references to the literature should be by numbers in square brackets. The references themselves should be collected in numerical order at the end of the paper. Journal abbreviations should normally conform to the "Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index".

Graphical Abstracts
The Contents Lists contain Pictograms and Synopses. The authors are therefore asked to provide a drawing or reaction scheme of restricted size illustrating their work and a short synopsis of maximum 50 words.

Authors are requested to read the note on copyright published in the preliminary section of each issue. A transfer of copyright form will be sent to the corresponding authors. All authors must sign the 'Transfer of Copyright' agreement before the article can be published. This transfer agreement enables Elsevier Science Ltd to protect the copyright material for the authors, but does not relinquish the author's proprietary rights. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microform or any other reproductions of similar nature and translation, and includes the right to adapt the article for use in conjunction with computer systems and programs, including reproduction or publication in machine-readable form and incorporation in retrieval systems. Authors are responsible for obtaining from the copyright holder permission to reproduce any figures for which copyright exists.

Proofs and Reprints
Proofs - Corrections to proofs must be restricted to errors introduced by the printers. Authors should return their proofs promptly, and by fax, if the corrections are minor, to expedite publication.

Reprints - Authors are provided with twenty-five reprints free of charge. Further supplies may be ordered on the Reprint Order Form which accompanies the proofs.

Deposition of Crystallographic Data
Information and Instructions to Authors of Papers Containing or Comprising Crystal Structure Determinations

1. Policy
The Journal will accept for publication, papers containing, or comprising the results of crystal structure determinations which will be of interest to inorganic chemists. Papers reporting only crystallographic results must relate to work of novelty or special significance to inorganic and organometallic chemistry which must be emphasised.

2. Submission of Papers
The following procedures should be followed:

a) Prior to the submission of the manuscript, the author(s) should deposit with the relevant Date Centre the data corresponding to each structure to be reported in the intended publication.
Data for metal organic structures, i.e. those which contain organic carbon in any of the species present in the structure, (including metal carbonyls) should be sent to: The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC), by e-mail (address: deposit@ccdc.cam.ac.uk), preferably in CIF format. A checklist of data items to be included in the deposition can be obtained from the CCDC Home Page on the Worldwide Web (http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/), or by e-mail (to fileserv@ccdc.cam.ac.uk), with the one line message sendme checklist.
Data for inorganic compounds should be sent to: Fachinformationszentium Karlsruhe (FIZ), by e-mail (address: crysdata@FIZ-Karlsruhe. de), by FTP (please contact FIZ if you choose this option), or on disk. No hard copy submissions will be accepted.

The Data Centres will provide within a day or two of submission, deposition codes for each data set, which should be quoted in suitable form in the manuscript submitted to the Journal. The deposited data will be accessed by the Journal and checked as part of the refereeing process.

b) When the paper is submitted to the Journal, the following guidelines should be adhered to:
The Title should contain reference to the presence in the paper of X-ray crystallographic results.
The Abstract should not contain crystal data, but should include a concise statement of the main features of the structural results.
The Experimental results must be presented in a concise format.

In general, authors should not include a detailed text description of data collection, crystal structure solution and refinement, especially if these followed standard procedures and no difficulties were met. Reference to a previous paper containing a more detailed experimental description can be given if relevant. However, if any parts of the structure analysis were unusual, and affected the presentation and/or accuracy of the results, then these should be discussed. The following crystallographic data should be given, all contained in a paragraph (if one structure reported), or table (two or more structures).

(i) Colour, habit and size of crystals used, and behaviour of the compound under ambient conditions if not mentioned elsewhere in the paper.
(ii) Chemical Formula. This should correspond to the complete chemical unit encompassing crystallographic symmetry (e.g. a centrosymmetric dimer should be included in full form). The use of fractional coefficients (e.g. 0.5H2O), should be used, only, if the unit has partial occupancy of its site. Formulae should be presented in a way that molecules, ionic fragments, solvate molecules etc. are separately identified.
(iii) Unit cell parameters with esd's and X-ray wavelength used.
(iv) Crystal system, space group and number of complete chemical units (see ii) per cell.
(v) Type of diffractometer used and method of data collection. Total number of data collected, excluding any intensity controls, number unique Rint value, number observed (with cut-off parameter), and completeness of data to suitable 2 or sin / limit, use or otherwise of absorption correction.
(vi) Final results. Give values of R, Rw (and their definitions) and number of parameters. Indicate form of refinement (F or F2) and treatment of hydrogens.

Note. Easily derived parameters should not be given unless required in discussion of other data (e.g. number of solvent molecules, etc).

Discussion of the Structure. This must include a clear, labelled diagram of the structure (molecule, complex ion or unit cell contents if the structure is polymeric), and a list of relevant geometry parameters - interatomic distances, interbond angles, torsion angles etc. Data for geometrically less important parts of the structure, such as ligand sub groups (phenyl rings, alkyl groups etc.), should not be given. Packing diagrams of crystal structures of "molecular" compounds should not be given unless there are chemically important intermolecular interactions.

3. Supplementary Material.
It is not necessary to submit copies of the Supplementary Material with the manuscript if the above procedures have been followed. However, authors are recommended to submit with the manuscript, as supplementary sheets not for publication, any further information which they feel may aid the refereeing process, particularly if any of the usual quality-of-structure indicators point to problems in the analysis.

Editorial Board

Founding Editor (Deceased):

Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson

Executive Editor for the Americas:

G. Christou, Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611-7200, USA Email: christou@chem.ufl.edu

Executive Editor for the Rest of the World:

C.E. Housecroft, Department of Chemistry, University of Basel, Spitalstrasse 51, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland Email: Poly-Chemie@unibas.ch

Associate Regional Editor for China:

T.C.W. Mak, Department of Chemistry, University Science Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin NT, Hong Kong, People's Republic of China Email: tcwmak@cuhk.edu.hk

Polyhedron Reports Editor:

G. Christou, Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611-7200, USA Email: christou@chem.ufl.edu

Symposia-in-Print Editor:

G.F. Parkin, Department of Chemistry, Columbia Univeristy, New York, NY 10027, USA Email: parkin@chem.columbia.edu

Editorial Board:

N.Y. Barba Behrens, Mexico DF, Mexico
D.C. Bradley, London, UK
D. Braga, Bologna, Italy
A. Brodie, Palmerston North, New Zealand
A. Castiñeiras, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
M.H. Chisholm, Columbus, OH, USA
E.C. Constable, Basel, Switzerland
E. Coronado, Valencia, Spain
W.J. Evans, Irvine, USA
Makoto Fujita, Tokyo, Japan
L.R. Gahan, Brisbane, Qld., Australia
C.D. Garner, Nottingham, UK
D.N. Hendrickson, La Jolla, CA, USA
L. Hubert-Pfalzgraf, Villeurbanne, France
M.B. Hursthouse, Southampton, UK
T. Kiss, Szeged, Hungary
T. Marder, Durham, UK
P.P. Power, Davis, CA, USA
T.B. Rauchfuss, Urbana, IL, USA
J. Reedijk, Leiden, The Netherlands
A.L. Rheingold, La Jolla, CA, USA
F.G.A. Stone, Waco, TX, USA
A.G. Sykes, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
L.K. Thompson, St John's, NF, Canada
M. Ward, Bristol, UK
R.E.P. Winpenny, Manchester, UK



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