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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Phytomedicine is published to attract and disseminate innovative and expert findings in the fields of phytopharmacology, phytotherapy and phytotoxicology, as a reference source for researchers in these fields, and with the aim to set international standards in their methodology. The journal publishes research results on phytotherapy (clinical trials), phytopharmacology, pharmacognosy, standardization and phytotoxicology, obtained with plant extracts as well as isolated compounds from these extracts and phytopharmaceuticals.
Phytomedicine is targeted towards papers of a practical nature. The papers published in this journal are also useful to drug regulatory authorities in deciding whether to approve certain phytomedicines or not.
Phytomedicine consists of the following sections:


Clinical studies

  • Case reports
  • Pharmacological and biochemical studies
  • Screening studies
  • Structure-activity studies
  • Analysis and standardization of plant drugs and phytopharmaceuticals
  • Reviews


Instructions to Authors

The journal accepts manuscripts for review and publication within the following categories:

Clinical Studies
Studies reporting on plant extracts tested in humans, either consisting of a single plant or multicomponent mixtures, will be accepted for review and publication. Clinical studies must be designed, implemented and analyzed in a manner to meet current standards for clinical trials. For guidelines and necessary informations see the following reviews: Improving the quality of reporting randomised controlled trials, the Consort Statement, C. Begg et al. JAMA, 276, 637-639 (1996) and D. G. Altman, BMJ, 313, 570-571 (1996). Subjective as well as objective parameters must be measured, reported and analyzed. The plant or plant extract(s) being studied must be defined with the correct botanical (Latin) names (with authorities), plant part(s) used, method of extraction and the ratio of plant-to-plant extract in the tested preparation. Chromatographic fingerprints (HPLC or TLC) have to be used for the documentation of the chemical composition. When known active principles are present in the plant(s) being studied, analytical data have to be presented giving their relative concentrations.

Pharmacological and/or Biochemical Studies
Pharmacological, toxicological and/or biochemical studies (in vivo or in vitro) on plant extracts or on plant-derived chemicals of known structure or composition will be accepted for review and publication. Biological evaluation of a plant extract must be based on information that the plant was used ethnomedically for the same or a related condition, with the exception being screening of a large number of plants, usually in vitro. Primary emphasis should be on the study of materials designed to corroborate human effects. It is imperative that plant extracts being reported with biological activity must have some type of standardization which can be carried out in the form of a "fingerprint" or quantitative assessment of known bioactive compounds, usually by means of HPLC. Furthermore it is required to include positive controls in all pharmacological assays being reported either in vitro or in vivo. In any case an attempt has to be made to correlate the pharmacological results with the known chemical constituents of the extract tested. If plant drug mixtures are investigated and fingerprint analysis for characterization of the extract mixture is not possible, two formula batches of different origin have to be tested and the mean values presented. For studies involving substances of known structure, analytical data should be presented indicating the puritiy of the test substance. Experimental pharmacological studies must be of an original nature. Data must be statistically treated. Mean values must be accompanied by standard deviations. Do not include more figures than can be justified by the accuracy of the measurements. The statistical significance must be indicated by p values. For additional details see "Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals," New England Journal of Medicine 324 (6):424-428(1991).

Isolation of Active Constituents from Plants
The Primary focus for these types of papers should be the bioassay-directed fractionation and isolation of secondary metabolites, including structure elucidation. Biological activity data must be shown for the initial extract, for the fractions and for the isolated substances of known composition. For novel structures, details of the structure elucidation should be published elsewhere with an appropriate literature citation to that work.

Screening Studies
Screening of plant extracts and /or plant-derived constituents of known structure will be accepted for review and publication, as will manuscripts reporting on novel methods of screening substances for biological activity. Manuscripts describing the results of antimicrobial screening of several plants are of scientific value only if these plant extracts show extraordinary biological activities in comparison with a standard synthetic or natural antimicrobial agent standard. It does not seem useful if an in vitro activity of an extract exceeds 100 µg/ml.

Letters To The Editor
Brief notes or letters will be published on any subject relative to any aspect of phytotherapy and/or phytopharmacology considered to be novel or of interest to the readership.

Review Articles
Normally, review articles will be by invitation.
- Manuscripts submitted for review and publication must not have been published elsewhere. With the exception of Letters to the Editor and Review Articles, only results of original research will be published.

General Instructions

Submission of Manuscripts: All manuscripts must must be submitted as an original and two copies. Manuscripts not adhering to the guidelines, or those that are poorly written, will not be reviewed. Manuscripts should be submitted to one of the Editors in Chief.

  • From Europe, Africa and East as far as and including Nepal and the states formerly included in the U.S.S.R., should be sent to:
    Prof. Dr. H. Wagner
    University München, Department of Pharmacy
    Butenandtstraße 5-13, D-81377 München, Germany
    Fax 0049-89 21 80 -77051
    e-mail: H.Wagner@cup.uni-muenchen.de
  • From North, Central and South America, Caribbean Islands and West to Burma, including the People´s Republic of China, manuscripts should be sent to:
    Prof. Dr. N. R. Farnsworth
    College of Pharmacy (M/C 877)
    P.C.R.P.S., University of Illinois at Chicago
    833 South Wood Street, Chicago, Illinois 60612, USA
    Fax: 001-312-9967107, e-mail: norman@uic.edu
  • From Japan manuscripts should be sent to:
    Professor Dr. Y. Asakawa
    Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Tokushima Bunri University
    Yamashiro-cho, Tokushima 770, Japan
    Fax: 0081-88-655-3051, e-mail: asakawa@ph.bunri-u.ac.jp

The definition of "plants" to be covered by this journal will be angiosperms, gymnosperms, pteridiophytes, bryophytes, lichens and basidiomycetes. Marine organism studies excluded those of algae are outside the scope of this journal. Chemical constituents to be covered in this journal will be those metabolites of known structure or composition (including analogues) that have been derived from the aforementioned classes of organisms.

Format: The format for manuscripts reporting on original research should be: Title of article, Author(s) name(s), Author(s) Address(es) (Institution, City, Country), Summary, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Address (complete address, phone, fax and e-mail of corresponding author). Unless specified to the contrary, the style and arrangement of manuscripts should follow the guidelines published in "Uniform requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical journals." New England Journal of Medicine 324(6):424-428(1991).

Manuscripts will only be accepted if written in the English language. Double spaced manuscripts should be typewritten or produced on a high quality printer. One set of original figures should be submitted as photographs or line drawings suitable for engraving, with labelling on the reverse side. Legends should be on a separate sheet and should be double-spaced. Structural formulae should be limited and used only if they are essential to an understanding of the work being reported. Drawing of structures should utilize standard-sized rings (12 mm) and lettering (4mm). If authors use Chemdraw or Chemintosh programs, the following settings are recommended: ?BR>fixed length, 20 pt.; line width, 1 pt.; bold wedge width, 1 pt. going to 2 pt.; hash spacing, 3 pt.; bond spacing, 1.5.; atoms Helvetica bold font, 12 pt.; and atom label numbers Helvetica narrow font, 9pt. A laser printer should be used to draw the formulae and graphs. Reference to the formulae in the text should be by boldface Arabic numerals. Tables should be on separate pages, numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers and each with a title.

Literature citations should appear parenthetically in the text as the last name of the author and year of publication, such as (Wagner, 1992) or (Smith and Peters, 1991) or (Johnson et al. 1987). Citations should be presented in the bibliography alphabetically by author names and if two or more publications are used by the same authors and the same year of publication, lower case letters should distinguish them following the year of publication, e.g., (Smith, 1990a, b), (Gunter and Miller, 1990b), etc.
The correct citation in the bibliography is e.g.:
Brown JH, Tylor P (1996) Muscarine receptor agonist and antagonists. In: Goodman & Gilman´s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (eds Hardman JG, Limbird LE): 141-160. McGraw-Hill, New York
Harborne BJ, Baxter H (1993) Pharmacology of Phyllanthus nirui. PhD thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital
Liu CD, Kwan D, Saxton RE, McFadden DW (2000) Hypericin and photodynamic therapy descreases human pancreatic cancer in vitro and in vivo. J Surgical Res 93: 137-143

Abbreviations of journal names should be according to those found in CASSI.

Documentation of Materials Being Studied. All biological materials used in the investigation should be stated as being from cultivated plants or from their natural habitat. Herbarium specimens must be referred to that represent the collected material, with an indication as to where the vouchers have been deposited for future reference. The site and date of collection, together with the part(s) used in the study, should be documented. If fresh plant material is not used, the method of drying should be stated. The most recent botanically accepted Latin binomial(s), with authorities, of the plant(s) used must be given, together with accepted synonymy, if appropriate. Vernacular names should also be given for plants used in the study. Data on plants not identified to the species level will not be accepted.

  • The concentration(s) of known biologically active secondary metabolites in the plant(s) or extract(s) being studied must be presented, together with the methodology (a reference may be sufficient) used to determine these levels, in the event that the activity being studied is related to the activity of the constituent(s).
  • If the biological activity of defined chemical entities is being reported, the degree of purity and methods used to determine the level of purity must be provided.

Abbreviations. See "Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals," New England Journal of Medicine 324(6):424-428(1991).

Electronic submission. The latest version of the manuscript should be sent to the Editorial board as a complete printed version including text and pictures, as well as, if possible, a floppy disc copy of the complete manuscript matching the submitted printed version.

  • Text, including italics and bold characters, should be saved as Word or WordPerfect .rtf-documents in Windows, DOS or Macintosh format.
  • Figures and photos should be saved in .eps, .tif, or .jpg formats for Macintosh.

Editorial Board


Hildebert Wagner, University Munich, Department of Pharmacy - Zentrum f¨¹r Pharmaforschung- Haus B, Butenandtstraße 5-13, D-81377 M¨¹nchen, Germany, Phone +49(0) 89 / 21 80 -77049 / -77050, Fax +49(0) 89 / 21 80 77051, e-mail: H.Wagner@cup.uni-muenchen.de

Norman R. Farnsworth, College of Pharmacy (mc 877), P.C.R.P.S., University of Illinois at Chicago, 833 South Wood Street, Chicago, Illinois 60612, USA,
Fax: +1 (0) 312/413-5894, e-mail:

Yoshinori Asakawa, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokushima Bunri University, Yamashiro-cho, Tokushima 770, Japan, Fax: +81 88/655-3051,

Ex Officio Editor

Fritz H. Kemper, M¨¹nster, Germany (President ESCOP)

Editorial Assistants

Christine Mayr, M¨¹nchen, Germany,
Marynel Ryan, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Book Review Editor

Ezra Bejar, PO Box 57, Spring Valley, California 91976-0057, U. S. A. (For Shipping: 4153 Conrad Dr, Spring Valley, CA 91976, U.S.A.), Phone: +1 619/465-0857, Fax +1 619/644-0894, e-mail: ezra@plantbioassay.com

Editorial Board

Hermann P.T. Ammon, T¨¹bingen, Germany
Manuel F. Balandrin, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Rudolf Bauer, D¨¹sseldorf, Germany
Jerry L. Bauman, Chicago, IL, USA
Ezra Bejar, Spring Valley, CA, USA
Audrey S. Bingel, Chicago, IL, USA
Lars Bohlin, Uppsala, Sweden
Francesco Capasso, Naples, Italy
Elaine Elisabetsky, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Edzard Ernst, Exeter, U.K.
Rolf Gebhardt, Leipzig, Germany
Benjamin Gilbert, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Peter Goldman, Boston, MA, USA
John T. Hicks, Alexandria, VA, USA
Raimo Hiltunen, Helsinki, Finland
Kurt Hostettmann, Lausanne, Switzerland
Maurice Iwu, Nsukka, Nigeria
Hubertus Jarry, Göttingen, Germany
Norman L. Katz, Chicago, IL, USA
Jos Kleijnen, York, UK
Maria Al¨¨th Lacaille-Dubois, Dijon, France

Dieter Loew, Wiesbaden, Germany
William H. Marks, Seattle, WA, USA
Dennis J. McKenna, Marine on St. Croix, MN, USA
David McPherson, Delavan, WI , USA
Koji Nakanishi, New York, NY, USA
Alexander Panossian, Yerevan, Armenia
Rajan Radhakrishnan, Iowa City, IA,USA
Hans D. Reuter, Köln, Germany
G. V. Satyavati, New Delhi, India
Volker Schulz, Berlin, Germany
Odile Sergent, Rennes Cedex, France
Wayne T. Shier, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Claus P. Siegers, L¨¹beck, Germany
Zhen Y. Song, Beijing, China
Barbara Steinhoff, Bonn, Germany
Han D. Sun, Kunming, China
Katsutoshi Terasawa, Toyama, Japan
Arnold Vlietinck, Antwerpen, Belgium
Gerhard Vogel, Aalen, Germany
Hiroshi. Watanabe, Toyama, Japan
Pei Gen Xiao, Beijing, China
Haruki Yamada, Tokyo, Japan



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