

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal




The main objective of the journal is to further the discipline of PHARMACOPSYCHIATRY and PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY.
The editors and editorial board thus welcome any paper that is related to the drug treatment of psychiatric disorders or that describes methods for evaluating the effects of such treatment. Before submitting a paper, the author is requested to kindly make sure that his contribution meets the criteria of at least one of the following four areas.


Instructions to Authors

Submission of papers

  • Original papers
  • Review articles
  • Letters to the Editors

written in English will be considered and should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief or to the Editors responsible for specific sections. One original and 2 copies are required.


Prof. Dr. Walter E. Müller,
Department of Pharmacology, Biocenter, Goethe University, Marie-Curie-Strasse 9, D-60439 Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Tel. +49-69-798-29373, Fax +49-69-798-29374,
E-mail: PharmacolNat@em.uni-frankfurt.de

Editors responsible for specific sections

A. Psychiatry

Dr. M. Gastpar, Professor of Psychiatry, Chairman, Dept. of Psychiatry, and Director of General Psychiatric Hospital, University of Essen, Hufelandstr. 55, D-45147 Essen, Germany

B. Neuro- and Psychophysiology

Dr. W. E. Müller (temporarely), Professor of Psychophysiology, Chief, Laboratory of Clinical Psychophysiology, Dept. of Clinical Psychiatry, Freie Universität Berlin, Eschenallee 3, D-14050 Berlin, Germany

C. Psychology

Dr. Dr. Petra Netter, Professor of Psychology, Dept. of Psychology, University of Giessen, Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10, D-35394 Giessen, Germany
Dr. P. Bech, Chief Psychiatrist, Dept. P., Frederiksborg General Hospital; 48, Dyrehavevej, DK-3400 Hillerød, Denmark

D. Gerontopsychiatry/Neurobiology/Pharmacology

Dr. W. E. Müller, Professor of Psychopharmacology, Dept. of Pharmacology, Biocenter Niederursel, University of Frankfurt/M., Marie-Curie-Str. 9, D-60439 Frankfurt/M., Germany

E. For USA

Dr. K. Rickels, Stuart and Emily B.H. Mudd, Professor of Human Behavior and Professor of Psychiatry, University Science Center, 3600 Market Street, Suite 803, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2649, USA

F. For Japan

Professor T. Okuma, M.D., Director, National Center Hospital for Mental, Nervous and Muscular Disorders, 4-1-1 Ogawahigashi-cho, Kodaira, Tokyo, 187, Japan

The main objective of the journal is to further the discipline of PHARMACOPSYCHIATRY and PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY.
The editors and editorial board thus welcome any paper that is related to the drug treatment of psychiatric disorders or that describes methods for evaluating the effects of such treatment. Before submitting a paper, the author is requested to kindly make sure that his contribution meets the criteria of at least one of the following four areas:


All matters relating to

  • pharmacological intervention in psychiatric disorders
  • models and model theory for psychiatric disorders based on pharmacological and biochemical experiments

Pharmacology/Clinical Pharmacology

All matters relating to

  • clinical pharmacological investigations and animal pharmacological experiments if related to psychiatric disorders.

Neuro- and Psychophysiology

All matters relating to

  • neurophysiological, clinical and experimental basis of psychiatric disorders
  • models and model theory for psychiatric disorders based on neurophysiological experiments and studies.

Of these subject areas, those involving pharmacological agents and patients are of particular interest.


All matters relating to

  • clinical and experimental psychology as it relates to psychiatric disorders
  • models and model theory for psychiatric disorders based on clinical and experimental psychological studies.

Of these subject areas, those involving pharmacological agents and patients are of particular interest.


All matters relating to

  • gerontopsychiatry (experimental and clinical)
  • clinical neurobiology
  • experimental neurobiology if directly related to psychiatric disorders
  • experimental gerontology and geriatric psychopharmacology, if related to psychiatric disorders

Original papers

Principally, only contributions will be accepted that have not been published previously, not even in summary form.
The submitting author is requested to indicate where a similar topic has been published and whether he has submitted his paper in total or in part in any language as contribution either to a journal, as book chapter, or as abstract.
All original contributions should not exceed five printed pages including summary, references, tables and figures.

Review articles

Review articles are welcome. They are usually written on request. However, if an author wishes to submit a review article, he should write to the editor-in-chief or to a section editor prior to finalising his article.
Review articles should not exceed ten printed pages including summary, references, tables and figures.


Editorials should be of substantial interest to a certain topic at the time of submission. The author may present his thesis and results as his personal opinion. Thesis and antithesis may be discussed. Editorials are usually written on request. They should not exceed two printed pages.


The letter section contains case reports, letters to the editor, and very short scientific communications. Because of the space limitations, letters are subject to rigorous review. The average length should not more than one printed page including one table or one figure.

Space requirements

One printed page in the journal usually has

  • normal size letters: 100 lines, 50 spacings each
  • references: 50 references usually fill one printed page.


Title page

The first page of each paper should indicate the title (main title underlined), the authors' names, and the institutions where the work was conducted and/or where the authors work.


Provide a structured abstract not longer than 175 words for an original article. The abstract should be divided into four sections in the following order: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion. The abstract should contain about 4 to 8 key words.


Generally, the text should be organized as follows: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.

Type footnotes at the bottom of manuscript page on which they are cited. Credit suppliers of drugs, equipment, and other brand-name material mentioned in the paper in parenthe ses in text, giving company name and location.
Type acknowledgments, including complete grant or subsidy information from both profit and nonprofit organizations, at the end of the text before the references.

Tables and figures

Tables and figures should be prepared on separate sheets.
Tables require a heading and figures a legend, also prepared on a separate sheet.
Cite illustrations, and tables in numerical order in the text. Order of mention in text determines the number given to each.
For the reproduction of illustrations, only good drawings and original photographs (glossy prints) can be accepted.
On the back of each figure or table its number should be indicated and also the author's name. Colour illustrations can only be reproduced in black and white.

Methodology section

The CONSORT-statement (www.consort-statement.org) is considered the minimal standard for reporting randomized clinical trials in Pharmacopsychiatry.

Subjects: The total number of subjects included (cases intended to treat) should be given: the number and reason for dropouts should be indicated, and the number of valid cases as well as the criteria for selecting the valid cases should be mentioned. The type of subjects, both volunteeers and patients, should be described in detail; the therapeutic milieu should be mentioned.

Methods: All methods and variables (primary, secondary) used in a trial should be described. If not all variables are reported in this paper, then this should be indicated. For each method and variable either a detailed description including aspects of sensitivity, validity, reliability and/or adequate reference should be given.

Data presentation: The data presentation should enable a reader to comprehend to a maximum extent the results from the data. Prefer if applicable graphical displays. If each single parameter is not presented in distribution, state the mean standard deviation. 95% and 99% confidence interval of the mean resp. median, Q50, quartiles Q25 and Q75 should be given. It is not sufficient to present mean and p values only. For nominal or ordinal data frequency tables are applicable (absolute values, percentages).

Biometrics and statistics: The type of study (e.g. phase I, early or late phase II, phase III or IV) and the aims should be clearly defined. It is of relevance whether a study is performed to form or to test hypotheses. The statistical procedure, including the statistical model and the underlying assumptions should be presented in detail. If more than one statistical method is used for primary variables, the reason should be indicated. It should be stated clearly whether exploratory (pe) descriptive (pd) or confirmatory (pc) data analyses are done. If confirmatory statistics are done (e.g. in a phase III trial to prove efficacy), then the test strategy to avoid an inflation of the type I error (¦Á) must be clearly indicated. If a comparison to a standard drug is done, the type II error (¦Â) in relation to the difference must be taken into consideration.

Rater and interrater training: The type, qualification and experience of the raters should be indicated.
If more than one rater was involved in one rating then it has to be indicated how care was taken of interrater reliability. This is of special importance if studies are performed in more than one ward of a hospital or center or as multicenter trials.

Monitoring: Indicate the type of study monitoring.

Ethics: Ethical considerations, benefits and risks of a trial must be mentioned: in addition, it should be indicated how informed consent was obtained, and the approval of an ethics committee - if any - should be mentioned.


The reference style follows the "Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals" of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (New Engl J Med 1997; 336: 309-315).
References should be arranged alphabetic allyat the end of the text and numbered successively. These numbers should be cited in the text. Use Index Medicus abbreviations for journal titles. List the first six authors followed by et al. Authors bear complete responsibility for the accuracy of the references.

Articles in journals:

1. Broich K, Grünwald F, Kasper S, Klemm E, Biersack H-J, Möller H- J. D2 -Dopamine receptor occupancy measured by IBZM-SPECT in relation to extrapyramidal side effects. Pharmacopsychiat 1998; 31: 159-162

Chapters in books:

2. Ebel K-D. The Skull and Intracranial Space. In Ebel K-D, Blickman H, Willich E, Richter E, editors. Differential diagnosis in pediatric radiology. Stuttgart: Thieme; 1999. p. 449-592

Author's address

The exact postal address complete with postal code of the first author must be given. If correspondence is handled by someone else, please indicate accordingly.

Electronic Manuscripts

Whenever possible, manuscripts should be made available electronically. Widespread text processors should be used and the operating system, programme and version numbers should be indicated on the diskette. Please save your file in the standard format of your text processor and in one or several exchange format/s (for example, *.txt, *.rtf). If possible, the "endnote" function of the text processor should be used for the management of references. Figure legends and tables should be listed at the end of the document.
Please save figures as separate files. They should not be integrated into the text document. The following graphic file formats are preferred:

  • For coloured and black-and-white bitmaps: *.eps, *.tif, *.jpg, *.wmf (resolution: 300 dpi).
  • For diagrams and line drawings: *.eps (resolution: 800 dpi).

In addition to the electronical files, three paper versions of both text and figures must be submitted. In case of doubt, the paper version is given the higher priority.
Please provide a signed declaration that the paper and electronical versions are identical.

Page charges

If original papers exceed five, or review articles 10 printed pages (including tables figures, abstracts and references), 130 EURO will be charged for each additional page.

Galley proofs

Unless indicated otherwise, galley proofs are sent to the first- named author and should be returned within ten days of receipt. Alterations made in galley proofs, other than the correction of printer's errors, may be charged to the author.


The first author will receive 25 reprints free of charge. For additional reprints order forms and a price list are sent with the galley proofs. Orders submitted after the issue is printed are subject to considerably higher prices.

Editorial Board

Founded by

H. Coper
M.-P. Engelmeier †
K. Heinrich
A. Herz
H. Hippius
P. Kielholz †


W. E. M¨¹ller, Frankfurt


P. Bech, Hillerød
M. Gastpar, Essen
K. Heinrich, D¨¹sseldorf
H. Hippius, M¨¹nchen
P. Netter, Gießen
T. Okuma, Tokyo
K. Rickels, Philadelphia
E. R¨¹ther, Göttingen

Advisory Board

B. Bandelow, Göttingen  M. Bauer, Los Angeles P. Baumann, Prilly-Lausanne H. Beckmann, W¨¹rzburg O. Benkert, Mainz  J. P. Brady, Philadelphia ¡¤ U. Breyer-Pfaff, T¨¹bingen   M. Dettling, Berlin  H. M. Emrich, Hannover   M. Fink, St. James    W. W. Fleischhacker, Innsbruck  W. Gaebel, D¨¹sseldorf ¡  E. Garbe, Berlin G. Gerken, Essen H. Giedke, T¨¹bingen   P. Grof, Ottawa R. Grohmann, M¨¹nchen  U. Gundert-Remy, Berlin  U. Hegerl, M¨¹nchen C. Hiemke, Mainz   F. Holsboer, M¨¹nchen  A. Hopf, D¨¹sseldorf   W. Janke, W¨¹rzburg  R. W. C. Janzen, Frankfurt/M.  S. Kasper, Wien  R. Kohnen, N¨¹rnberg J. Krauth, D¨¹sseldorf  D. Ladewig, Basel G. Laux, Wasserburg   E. Lehmann, D¨¹sseldorf R. W. Licht, Risskov   M. Linden, Teltow  P. T. Loosen, Nashville   S. A. Montgomery, London   P. L. Morselli, Buc   B. M¨¹ller-Oerlinghausen, Berlin   M. L. Rao, Bonn H. Rommelspacher, Berlin A. Rothenberger, Göttingen  J. K. Rybakowski, Poznan H. Sauer, Jena   L. G. Schmidt, Berlin  P. Vestergaard, Risskov M. Vojtechovsky, Prag  G. Wahlström, Umea   J. Walden, Freiburg P. Waldmeier, Basel   G. K. Wolf, Heidelberg


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