

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Pharmacological Research

Pharmacological Research provides a rapid information exchange medium for specialists whose research techniques differ, and whose fields of study vary widely within the discipline of pharmacology. The journal publishes papers on basic and applied pharmacological research in both animals and man, and aims at rapid publication of all accepted papers. Invited and unsolicited review articles on aspects of pharmacology undergoing rapid change are also featured.

Research Areas Include:

 Biochemical and molecular pharmacology 
Cardiovascular and renal pharmacology 
Smooth muscle and gastrointestinal tract 
Clinical pharmacology 
Respiratory tract 
Inflammation studies and toxicology 
Neuropharmacology, psychopharmacology, and neuroendocrinology 

 Abstracting / Indexing

  • Helminthological Abstracts

Pharmacological Research on ScienceDirect(Opens new window)

Instructions to Authors

Pharmacological Research publishes manuscripts in English on the results of original research in experimental and clinical pharmacology and toxicology (General pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics and methods; Biochemical and molecular pharmacology; Clinical pharmacology; Inflammation; Smooth muscle and gastrointestinal tract; Respiratory tract; Cardiovascular and renal pharmacology; Neuropharmacology, psychopharmacology and neuroendocrinology; Endocrine pharmacology; Chemotherapy; Pharmacognosy; Toxicology).

In addition, Pharmacological Research publishes short reviews or opinions on selected aspects of pharmacology undergoing rapid change. Many of these are invited, but Pharmacological Research also welcomes unsolicited reviews and opinions.

The Editors welcome submission by the authors of the names and addresses of 5 or 6 individuals who could, in their opinion, expertly review their submitted manuscript. The Editors of course reserve the right to use reviewers of their choice. An assurance should be given that the material has not been published or submitted elsewhere. Authors are welcome to suggest the field appropriate for their manuscripts, selected among those mentioned above.


The original of each manuscript plus three copies should be sent to the Regional Editor of one's own area, whose names and addresses are listed on the outside front cover, indicating 'Pharmacological Research' on the envelope.

In order to ensure rapid and accurate publication, it is essential that manuscripts be prepared according to the instructions given below. Manuscripts that do not confirm to these specifications may have to be returned for retyping.

Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be double-spaced, on only one side of the sheet throughout the text, including footnotes and figure headings with a margin of one and a half inches (4 cm) on each side.

The title of the paper should be typed in capital letters on the first page with the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) typed just below. The name, address, telephone and fax number of the corresponding author should be arranged indicated on this page. Abbreviations in the title should be avoided. Headings within the article should be arranged to increase clarity (e.g. Summary, Key Words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References).

Authors should attempt to summarize the pertinent findings of the paper in a short opening paragraph. Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and, in all cases, should be defined.

Key Words
Up to 5 key words should be provided after the summary, using not more than one line.

Illustrations should be submitted on separate sheets. All drawings should be done in black ink on white paper or tracing cloth. Figures should not be mounted within the text, but should be supplied separately, and numbered on the back in light pencil. Legends to the Figures should be supplied on a separate sheet.

These should be numbered in Roman numerals in the order of their mention in the text. A brief title should be typed directly above each table. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscripts and typed at the bottom of the tables.

Units and Symbols
Metric units should be used. The following abbreviations are suggested for internally accepted units: %, cm, cm(cubed), ml, g, mgm, (mu)g, s, min, h, ?C,cal, kcal. Full stops are not used with abbreviations (see British Standards 1991: Part 1: 1967 - Recommendations for Letter Symbols, Signs and Abbreviations).

References to the literature should be numbered consecutively in the text in the order in which they are first mentioned, and listed at the end of manuscripts. The references should be cited according to the Index Medicus (Ann Intern Med 1988; 108: 258-65 OR > Pharmacol Res 1989; 21: 133-48). Examples of correct forms of references are given below:

Journals: You CH, Lee KY, Chey RY, Menguy R. Electrogastrographic study of patients with unexplained nausea, bloating and vomiting. Gastroenterology 1980; 79: 311-314.

When citing an Academic Press journal, include the digital object identifier (DOI), if noted, from the article's title page. Please note the following examples.

Caya J.G. and Truant A.L. (2000) Clostridial Bacteremia during the first year of life: an analysis of 53 patients including two new cases. Anaerobe 6: 1-9, doi:10.1006/anae.1999.0313. Marzo A. (1999) Pharmacol Res 40: 357-368, doi:10.1006/phrs.1999.0528.

Books:Eisen HN. Immunology: an introduction to molecular and cellular principles of the immune response. 5th ed. New York: Harper and Row, 1974: 406.

Chapter in a book: Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathogenic properties of invading microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA Jr. Soderman WA, eds. Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1974: 457-72.

Abbreviations of journal titles should be those in the Index Medicus.

Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if it is accepted for publication, exclusive copyright in the paper shall be assigned to the Italian Pharmacological Society. The Copyright Transfer Agreement, which can be copied from the back of the journal, should be signed by the appropriate person(s) and should accompany the original submission of the manuscript. The transfer of copyright does not take effect until the manuscript is accepted for publication. In consideration for the assignment of copyright, the Society will supply 50 offprints of each paper. Further offprints may be ordered at extra cost after acceptance of manuscripts when an order form will be supplied to authors. The Publisher will not put any limitation of the personal freedom of the author to use material contained in the paper in other works.

Notices or Announcements
Notices or announcements of future meetings and scientific courses are encouraged, and should be submitted as far in advance of the event as possible.

Digital Object Identifier
Academic Press assigns a unique digital object identifier (DOI) to every article it publishes. The DOI appears on the title page of the article. It is assigned after the article has been accepted for publication and persists throughout the lifetime of the article. Due to its persistence, it can be used to query Academic Press for information on the article during the production process, to find the aticle on the Internet through various Web sites, including IDEAL, and to cite the article in academic references. When using an Academic Press article in a reference section, it is important to include the article's DOI in the reference as volume and page information is not always available for articles published online. The References section, above, shows samples of DOI included in references. Further information may be found at http://www.academicpress.com/doi


When supplying the final version of your paper please include, where possible, a disk of your manuscript prepared on a PC-compatible or Apple Macintosh computer, along with the hard copy print-out. 5 1/4" or 3 1/2" sized disks and most word processing packages are acceptable, although any version of WordPerfect or Microsoft Word is preferred.

**Please follow these guidelines carefully**

  • Include an ASCII version on the disk, together with the word processed version, if possible.
  • Ensure that the files are not saved as read only.
  • Manuscripts prepared on disk must be accompanied by four hard copies, including all figures, printed with double spacing, which may be used if setting from disk proves impracticable.
  • Ensure the final version of the hard copy and the file on disk are the same. It is the authors' responsibility to ensure complete compatibility. If there are any differences the hard copy will be used.
  • The directives for preparing the paper in the style of the journal as set out in the Instructions to Authors must be followed.
  • The operating system and the word processing software used to produce the article should be noted on the disk (e.g. DOS/WordPerfect), as well as all file names. If UNIX, method of extraction should also be noted.
  • The disk/tape should be labelled with the journal reference number (if known), author name(s), hardware and software used to generate the disk file.
  • Do not include copyright material, e.g. word processing software or operating system files on the disk as this can create difficulties with Customs clearance.
  • Package floppy disks in such away as to avoid damage in the post.

Additional points to note

  • Use two carriage returns to end headings and paragraphs. Type text without end of line hyphenation, except for compound words.
  • Do not use lower case letter "l" (el) for "1" (one) or letter "O" for "0" (zero). (They have different typesetting values.)
  • Footnotes, tables and figure captions should be keyed and saved in a separate file from the main text for the manuscript. However, please ensure clear hard copies are supplied as they will almost certainly be typeset from the hard copy.
  • Be consistent with punctuation and only insert a single space between words, numerical values and units, and after punctuation.
  • Please include a list of any special characters you have used, e.g. Greek, maths.
  • Make sure references follow the journal format exactly.
  • Illustrations submitted on disk Authors' illustrations should also, if possible, be supplied as both hard copy and electronic files.
  • Figures drawn using Aldus Freehand (Apple Macintosh) then saved as Encapsulated Postscript files (EPS) are preferred and should be supplied on a separate disk.

Editorial Board
Executive Editor:
R. Paoletti, MD, Ph.D, University of Milan, Italy
V. Cuomo, MD, Ph.D, University of Rome, Italy
Associate Editors:
F. Battaini, Ph.D, University of Rome, Italy
F. Visioli, Ph.D, University of Milan, Italy
Regional Editor for the Americas:
D. Cheney, Ph.D, California, USA
Co-Regional Editors for Africa, Asia and Australia:
T. Shibuya, MD, Ph.D, President, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
T. Matsumiya, MD, Ph.D, Head, Department of Pharmacology, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
Advisory Board:
W.C. Bowman
C. Beretta
G. Fillion
G. Gaviraghi
G.L. Gessa
T. Godfraind
R.J. Gryglewski
S. Hynie
D.A. Kharkevich
M. Marselos
S. Moncada
P. Preziosi
R. Samanin
A. Satani
H. Scholz
C.R. Sirtori
H.A.J. Struijker Boudier
P.A. van Zwieten
Field Editors:
L. Annunziato, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacilogy
J.H. Beijnen, Chemotherapy
N. Bowery, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
D. Cocchi, Endocrine Pharmacology
A. Constanti, Neuropharmacology (Electrophysiology)
E.R. de Kloet, Endocrine Pharmacology
G. Firgo, Autonomic System
C.L. Galli, Toxicology
H. Kilbinger, Autonomic System
A. Mantovani, Immunopharmacology
T. Mazzei, Chemotherapy
P. Minghetti, Pharmaceutical Legislation
W.E. M¨¹ller, Neuropharmacology
A. Mugelli, Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacosurveillance
A. Nistri, Neuropharmacology (Electorphysiology)
M. Pahor, Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacosurveillance
C. Patrono, Cardiovascular Pharmacology
E. Perucca, Clinical Pharmacology
G. Pifferi, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
M. Raiteri, Neuropharmacology
U. Ravens, Cardiovascular Pharmacology
A. Rescigno, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
F.F.H. Rutten, Pharmacoeconomics
T. Szucs, Pharmacoeconomics
J.P. Tillement, Clinical Pharmacology


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