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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. PEDIATRICS publishes papers on original research or observations and special feature articles in the field of pediatrics as broadly defined. Papers on matters pertinent to pediatrics will also be included from related fields such as nutrition, surgery, dentistry, public health, child health services, human genetics, animal studies, psychology, psychiatry, education, sociology, and nursing.

PEDIATRICS serves as a medium for expression to the general medical profession as well as pediatricians. The Executive Board and Officers of the American Academy of Pediatrics have delegated to the Editor and Associate Editor the selection of articles appearing in PEDIATRICS. Statements and opinions expressed in such articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the American Academy of Pediatrics, its Committees, or the Editor or Editorial Board of PEDIATRICS.

PEDIATRICS has been continuously published by the American Academy of Pediatrics since January 1948.

The online version of PEDIATRICS contains all materials from the print edition of PEDIATRICS, in addition to the original research articles published only online in PEDIATRICS electronic pages. The online version of the journal is considered the journal of record. Archives of past issues (abstracts and citations from January 1948 onward, and full-text from January 1997 forward) are also maintained. Users can link to Medline, browse subspecialty article collections, scan classified ads, browse future tables of contents, register for free e-mail alerts, and search for articles on specific subjects. The full-text of PEDIATRICS online is only available to subscribers.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts should be accompanied by a submission letter, signed by all authors (faxed signatures not accepted), stating:

  • That the manuscript is being submitted only to PEDIATRICS, that it will not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration, that it has not been published elsewhere, and, should it be published in PEDIATRICS, that it will not be published elsewhere--either in similar form or verbatim--without permission of the editors. These restrictions do not apply to abstracts or to press reports of presentations at scientific meetings.

  • That they are responsible for reported research.

  • That they have participated in the concept and design; analysis and interpretation of data; drafting or revising of the manuscript, and that they have approved the manuscript as submitted.

  • That they are disclosing any affiliation, financial agreement, or other involvement of any author with any company whose product figures prominently in the submitted manuscript so that the editors can discuss with the affected authors whether to print this information and in what manner.

Send all manuscripts to:
Jerold F. Lucey, MD, Editor
Pediatrics Editorial Office
University of Vermont College of Medicine
89 Beaumont Avenue
Given Building, Room D201
Burlington, VT 05405-0068
Phone: (802) 656-2505

Manuscript Preparation and Processing

Manuscripts--including tables, illustrations, and references--should be prepared according to "Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals."1,2 Only information not included in the uniform requirements will be included in the instructions that follow.

Abstracts should be prepared with a structured format. Four elements should be addressed: why did you start, what did you do, what did you find, and what does it mean. Why did you start is the objective. What did you do constitutes the methodology and could include design, setting, patients or other participants, interventions, and outcome measures. What did you find is the results, and what does it mean would constitute your conclusions.3 Please label each section clearly with the appropriate subheading. Experience and Reason papers require a short, unstructured abstract. Commentaries do not require an abstract.

Grammar, punctuation, and scientific writing style should follow the American Medical Association Manual of Style, 9th edition.4 Please use conventional system measurements followed in parentheses by equivalent Systeme International (SI)5,6 values.

Generally, abbreviations should be limited to those listed in Chapter 11 of the AMA Manual of Style, 9th edition.4 Any uncommon abbreviations should be listed at the beginning of the article.

Research or project support should be acknowledged as a footnote to the title page; technical and other assistance may be identified in an appendix to the text.

It is expected that all cited references will have been read by the authors. Citing of review articles should be appropriately noted. Otherwise, secondary sources should not be cited.

Authors should submit four (4) complete copies of a manuscript, including tables (in type no smaller than that of the article's text) and glossy prints of any illustrations. Do not send original artwork or printed forms. A reasonable number of black and white illustrations will be printed without charge. Payment for color illustrations and other special processing is the responsibility of the authors and should be arranged before manuscripts are processed.

Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged promptly. Generally, all papers will be reviewed by at least two outside consultants.


Upon acceptance of a manuscript, the authors will receive a standard Copyright Agreement which must be signed by all authors and returned to the Editor. All accepted manuscripts become the permanent property of the American Academy of Pediatrics and may not be published elsewhere, in whole or in part, without written permission from the Academy. Authors who were employees of the United States Government at the time the work was done should so state on the Copyright Agreement.

Manuscripts and illustrations ordinarily will not be returned. Authors wishing the return of original illustrations should so state.

Acceptance Criteria

Relevance to readers is of major importance in manuscript selection. PEDIATRICS generally accepts manuscripts in the following categories: reports of original research, particularly clinical research; special articles; and experience and reason.

Reports of original research will be judged on the importance and originality of the research, its scientific strength, its clinical relevance, the clarity with which it is presented, and the number of submissions on the same topic. The decision to publish is not based on the direction of results.

Unsolicited commentaries or editorials will be considered, although most are solicited by the Editors. Review articles generally are not appropriate for publication in PEDIATRICS. Case reports are of interest only when they present a new entity or illustrate a major new aspect of a previously reported entity.

If your manuscript is accepted, the Editors reserve the right to determine whether it will be published in the print edition or the Internet edition of PEDIATRICS.


Videos should be submitted in QuickTime 4.0 or higher format, and may be prepared on either a PC or Macintosh computer. All videos should be submitted at the desired reproduction size and length. To avoid excessive delays in downloading the files, videos should be no more than 6MB in size, and run between 30-60 seconds in length. Authors are encouraged to use QuickTime's "compress" option when preparing files to help control file size. Additionally, cropping frames and image sizes can significantly reduce file sizes. Files submitted can be looped to play more than once, provided file size does not become excessive. Authors will be notified if problems exist with videos as submitted, and will be asked to modify them. No editing will be done to the videos at the editorial office - all changes are the responsibility of the author. Videos may be submitted via ZIP Disk or CD-ROM.Video files should be named clearly to correspond with the figure they represent (ie, figure1.mov, etc.). Be sure all video files have filenames that are no more than eight characters long, and include the suffix ".mov." A "read me" file containing the number, names and types of files submitted should also be included. In addition, a caption for each video should be provided (preferably in a similarly named Word file submitted with the videos), stating clearly the content of the video presentation and its relevance to the materials submitted.

IMPORTANT: One to four traditional still images from the video must be provided, along with mm:ss time indexes for each. Images will be published to act as links from the text to the full video file. They will also appear in the text of the printed journal in place of the video. Please indicate clearly in your text whether a figure has a video associated with it, and be sure to indicate the name of the corresponding video file. A brief figure legend should also be provided. The figures should be prepared using the guidelines for figures indicated earlier in these instructions. If you would like to submit digital art, please see the instructions for preparing digital art at the following location: http://cjs.cadmus.com/da


  1. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. JAMA 1997;277:927-934

  2. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. N Engl J Med. 1997;336:309-315

  3. Ad Hoc Working Group for Critical Appraisal of the Medical Literature. A proposal for more informative abstracts of clinical articles. Ann Intern Med. 1987;106:598-604

  4. Iverson C, Flanagin A, Fontanarosa PB, et al. American Medical Association Manual of Style. 9th ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins; 1998

  5. Lundberg GD. SI unit implementation: the next step. JAMA. 1988;260:73-76

  6. Systeme International conversion factors for frequently used laboratory components. JAMA. 1991;266:45-47

Editorial Board



Jerold F. Lucey, Burlington, VT    E-mail:jerold.lucey@uvm.edu

Associate Editor
Ralph D. Feigin, Houston, TX    E-mail:rkm@bcm.tmc.edu

Consulting Editors
Russell W. Chesney, Memphis,    E-mail:rchesney@utmem1.utmem.edu
Lewis First, Burlington, VT    E-mail:first@salus.med.uvm.edu

Consulting Editor, Pediatrics electronic pages
Jeffrey D. Horbar, Burlington, VT    E-mail:horbar@salus.med.uvm.edu

Assistant Editor
Joseph D. Dickerman, Burlington, VT

International Advisor
Jose Ramet, Brussels, Belgium

Senior Managing Editor
Michael T. Clarke, Elk Grove Village, IL   E-mail:mclarke@aap.org

Production Manager
Jacqueline Scott, Baltimore, MD

Production Editor
Tina L. Waclawski, Millersville, MD

Editorial Board
Richard A. Aronson, Madison, WI
Sami Bahna, St. Petersburg, FL
Howard Bauchner, Boston, MA
Linda Book, Salt Lake City, UT
Robert Brent, Wilmington, DE
Daniel L. Coury, Columbus, OH
Francis DiMario, Jr, Hartford, CT
George J. Dover, Baltimore, MD
Howard Dubowitz, Chevy Chase, MD
Brahm Goldstein, Portland, OR
Tamison Jewett, Winston-Salem, NC
John Kattwinkel, Charlottesville, VA
Lawrence C. Kleinman, Allentown, PA
Margaret McGovern, New York, NY
Ross E. McKinney, Jr. Durham, NC
Robert F. Pass, Birmingham, AL
Michael O. Rich, Boston, MA
Edward L. Schor, Des Moines, IA
Michael W. Shannon, Boston, MA
David K. Stevenson, Palo Alto, CA
Milton Tenenbein, Winnipeg, MB
Paul C. Young, Salt Lake City, UT
Moritz M. Ziegler, Boston, MA


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