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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Pediatric Research

Pediatric Research presents current studies in all fields of pediatrics and human developmental biology. This important publication will be of particular interest to pediatricians and scientists studying diseases, disorders and development of children. The journal publishes significant clinical and laboratory studies, as selected by a group of internationally distinguished editors, and provides a forum for the discussion of methods, conclusions, and further implications of specific research. The Impact Factor of Pediatric Research is consistently among the highest of all pediatric journals. Each issue features approximately 20 original articles on the nature of childhood disease and human development--issues fundamental to understanding the management of disease and abnormalities of children.


Pediatric Research
 Pediatric Research publishes original papers on research into the diseases, disorders and development of children, extending from molecular biology to epidemiology. Use of theoretical models, animals, or in vitro techniques relevant to developmental biology or medicine are acceptable as are human studies.

Instructions to Authors


Note: A PDF version of the Instructions to Authors is also available for printing and downloading. Opening and viewing PDF files requires the use of Adobe Acrobat. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat loaded on your computer, free version may be downloaded from the Adobe web site.

Categories of Papers

1. Regular Articles: Results of original research investigations can be submitted in the form of a regular article. The manuscript should be concise and ordinarily should not exceed approximately 5000 words for the text, references, tables, figures, and figure legends, excluding running title page, title page, and abstract.

2. Rapid Publications: Concise manuscripts (equivalent to no more than 2500 words including text, references, tables, figures, and figure legends, but excluding title, running title, abstract, and abbreviations pages) of unusual scientific importance will be considered for rapid publication, and the request must be indicated on the submission form. A written review will not necessarily be provided. A letter indicating acceptance or rejection will be transmitted to the authors within 10 working days after the manuscript has been sent to the reviewers. If the manuscript is rejected for rapid publication, the author may request further evaluation through the normal review process for regular articles.

3. Review Papers: These are concise manuscripts (regular review articles are usually limited to 3750 words including text, references, tables, figures, and figure legends but excluding title, running title, abstract and abbreviations pages whereas mini-reviews should be limited to 2500 words) that describe important new developments not widely appreciated by the readership, findings of interest to investigators in multiple disciplines related to pediatrics, and general themes that have not been critically summarized elsewhere. Mini–reviews should summarize research in childhood disease and development and should be written for a general audience of clinicians and scientists. Usually the editorial board will invite authors to write a review paper, but suggestions are also welcome. Potential authors should provide a 250-500 word proposed outline of the paper for consideration by the editorial board.

Manuscript Submission

A completed Manuscript Submission Form must accompany each submission to Pediatric Research. Four clear hard copies and one disk copy of a manuscript should be sent to either the North American or European editorial office. Manuscripts should conform to the organization and style described below and must be written in English. Manuscripts should be double–spaced on bond paper 21.6 by 27.9 cm (8 1 /2 by 11 inches) or 21.0 by 29.7 cm with margins of at least 2.5 cm (1 inch). Each copy of the paper should include clear copies of the figures (see guidelines below to determine when glossy prints are needed). Disk copies of manuscripts must be PC-compatible files formatted using Microsoft Word (Version 7.0 or lower). No Mac files, nor PC files, formatted using word processing software other than Microsoft Word, will be accepted. Receipt of each manuscript will be acknowledged and the manuscript will receive a number for identification purposes. Date of submission of the original manuscript and the acceptance date will be published.

Submit Manuscripts to: Alvin Zipursky, M.D., Pediatric Research, Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1X8. Phone: (416) 813-8760. Fax: (416) 813-8763. E-Mail: pedres@sickkids.ca. In Europe submit to: Jean-Christophe Mercier, M.D., Pediatric Research European Editorial Office, Hôpital Robert Debr¨¦, 48 boulevard S¨¦rurier 75019 Paris. Phone: 011 33 1 400 3 53 23. Fax: 011 33 1 400 3 53 24. E-Mail: euro.pedres@rdb.ap-hop-paris.fr.

General Inquiries

Margaret Manley, Managing Editor, Pediatric Research, Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1X8. Phone: (416) 813-8760. Fax: (416) 813-8763. E-Mail: pedres@sickkids.ca.

By signing the manuscript submission form, the corresponding author verifies that all authors approve of the material submitted for publication, that the material has not been reported previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that all human and animal studies have been approved by the authors?Institutional Review Board, and all human studies have been conducted with informed consent. Notes indicating the receipt of informed consent and Institutional Review Board approval must be included in the text. All human investigations must be conducted according to the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki (obtainable by request from the editorial office).

If any related preliminary report other than an abstract has been published or submitted for publication anywhere, a copy must accompany the manuscript submitted to Pediatric Research.

At the time of submission, authors must disclose any financial arrangement or other factors which may be seen as having the potential to compromise the objectivity of the manuscript. Such information will be held in confidence while the paper is under review and will not influence the editorial decision, but if the article is accepted for publication, the editors will discuss with the authors the manner in which such information may be communicated.

Manuscript Organization and Preparation

The manuscript should be numbered and assembled in the following order: running title page, title page, abstract, abbreviations, text, references, tables, figure legends, and illustrations. Each section of the manuscript should begin on a new page.

Running Title Page: A short running title of not more than 40 letters and spaces must be provided for page heading. This page should also contain the complete address for mailing correspondence and proofs, telephone, fax number and electronic mail address of the corresponding author, and address for reprint requests. In addition to this information (which appears on the first page of the printed article), acknowledgment of support from extramural sources (e.g. from grants, government, industry) must be included.

Title Page: The title should be concise and descriptive. If observations have been made on animals, this must be apparent from the title. The complete name, institutional affiliation, city, state or province, country and postal code of each author must appear on the title page. Credit for authorship requires substantial contribution to concept and design, analysis and interpretation of data, and important intellectual input in drafting or revising the manuscript.

Key words: Provide up to five key words or brief phrases at the bottom of the abstract page, using the standard MeSH–MEDLINE major subject headings. Words or phrases in the title need not be included here.

Abstract: An abstract of not more than 250 words must be provided. The abstract should briefly describe the problem being addressed and the hypothesis, how the study was performed, the important findings, and the interpretation of the results. Abbreviations: A number of standard abbreviations are listed in the appendix. Unusual abbreviations used at least three times in the manuscript should be defined immediately after the first time used and in the list of abbreviations. Abbreviations used only in tables or figures can be defined in the legends. For enzymes, include the EC number if one has been assigned.

Introduction: The introduction should be succinct, orienting the reader to the state of knowledge in the specific area under investigation and clearly delineating the questions and hypothesis of the research.

Methods: Methods should be described and referenced in sufficient detail so other workers can repeat the work. For clarity, it is often helpful to subdivide methods into sections such as subjects, measurements, protocol and data analysis. It is suggested that complex data analyses be reviewed by a statistician. The manufacturer’s name and location should be given for unusual chemicals, reagents, and special pieces of apparatus. Celsius, although not an SI unit, should be used for body temperature or for laboratory measurement temperatures in the physiologic range. Listings of SI units may be found in Lundberg GS, Iverson C, Radulescu G 1986 JAMA 255:2329; Young DS 1987 Ann Intern Med 106:114?29; Page CH, Vigoureux P, Eds., NBS Special Publication 330 (Washington DC: US Government Printing Office); and in the IUPAC Manual of Symbols and Terminology for Physiochemical Quantities and Units (Elmsford, NY: Pergammon Press, 1979).

Results: The experimental data should be presented in the most appropriate form; submitting the same data in tabular and graphic form is discouraged. When possible, it is desirable to present data in graphic form.

Discussion: The discussion section should focus on the implications of the results and any limitations of the study. It should relate the findings to other relevant studies.

Acknowledgments: Acknowledgment of technical assistance, critical advice, or other assistance should be placed after the discussion but before the references.

References: References to the literature must be cited in numerical order (in parentheses) in the text. References should also be typed double–spaced beginning on a separate sheet and should be numbered in the order they appear in the text. If an article cited in the references is in press, four copies of the in press article should accompany the submitted paper. Manuscripts in preparation, unpublished observations, and personal communications should be cited as such in the text and not included in the reference list.

Style of references

Articles: References to articles in journals should be given in the following order: names of all authors with initials (do not use et al.), year, title of paper with only initial letter of initial word and proper nouns capitalized, abbreviated journal name without punctuation according to the style used in Index Medicus, followed by volume number and first and last page of article. For example:

Gomez RA, Meernik JG, Kuehl WD, Robillard JE 1984 Developmental aspects of renal response to hemorrhage during fetal life. Pediatr Res 18:40?6

Books: Give authors?last names with initial(s), year, title of book, publisher, city of publication, and inclusive pages.

For example: Berne RW, Levy MN 1981 Cardiovascular Physiology. CV Mosby Co, St. Louis, pp 252?60

Chapters: Chapters in books are listed as follows:

Seegmillere JE 1983 Disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism. In: Emery AH, Rimoin DL (eds) Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics. Churchill–Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp 1286?305

0.05" for each of 20 comparisons within a table, it is sufficient to use a special symbol defined in a footnote to the table to denote specified probability levels. The special symbols to be used for tables are as follows: *, ? ? ? ||, ?,**.

Figure legends: Legends should be typed double–spaced on a separate page and not on the figure. They should be numbered (1, 2, 3, etc.) and have a title. The legend should include sufficient detail to make the figure intelligible without reference to the text.

Figures: Figures should be numbered according to the order in which they are cited in the text. Each copy of the manuscript should include a complete set of all figures properly numbered and placed immediately following the legends. Line drawings should be attached to the manuscript and figures submitted on glossy paper should be placed in a separate envelope for each manuscript. Figures should be constructed in a clear and uncluttered fashion, with lettering large enough to permit reduction to the size of a single column (9 cm or 3.5 inches). Composite or long horizontal figures may, at times, occupy two columns. If the components (e.g. A, B, C) of a composite figure need to be referred to in the text or figure legend, the figure should contain the identifying letter. Titles should be provided in the legend rather than on the figure. Figures can be submitted in any of the following formats:

Line drawings should be prepared to minimize the space required for their reproduction. Tabular material may be inserted into the "blank" area of a figure. As a rule, 12.7 by 17.8 cm (5 by 7 inch) prints are preferred. Line drawings or graphic material must be of professional quality and can be submitted as clear photocopies or laser prints.

Photographs should be unmounted and trimmed to exclude all but the essential areas, and they should be numbered (1, 2, 3, etc.) on the back with the top identified. Photographs of patients?faces should be included only if scientifically relevant. Authors must obtain written consent for use of such photographs.

Gels or halftones (e.g. photomicrographs or electronmicrographs) should be submitted as sharp sets of glossy prints (not photocopies) no larger than 21.6 by 27.9 cm (8 by 11 inches). Photomicrographs should show only the most pertinent areas or should be marked for cropping to avoid reduction in size. A micron bar of appropriate scale marking is desirable on the figure.


There is a page charge of $70 per page. There is a charge for color figures, and cost quotations will be sent from the publisher before publication of the manuscript. There is an additional charge for reprints with color illustrations. These publication costs are the responsibility of the authors and they will be billed for the charges by the publisher.


Cover illustrations will be chosen each month, preferably from an article appearing in the journal. Authors are encouraged to submit suitable figures and accompanying legends at the time of submission of their paper. These may be figures from the manuscript or an additional figure that relates directly to the article. Illustrative photomicrographs, electron micrographs, or photographs are of particular interest. Figures will be published on the cover without charge.

Author Reprints

Authors of articles published in Pediatric Research will receive reprint order forms with the page proofs. Or, reprints may be ordered online via the Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Online Store. Instructions for Completing the Pediatric Research Reprint Order Form:

  • Fill out the author/title section completely
  • Select a method of payment (i.e., credit card, check) and submit it with the form, or you may choose to be billed by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • All international orders must be pre-paid
  • Use the order form to calculate any additional publication fees, such as color separation and/or page charges
  • Prices are subject to change without notice. All sales are final
  • All orders must be paid in US dollars
  • Pricing includes the purchase of reprints by the author(s) for personal use only. Non-authors can purchase reprints by contacting the Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Author Reprint Department
  • Reprints and invoice are shipped separately four weeks after publication
  • Book reprints and 2-color journal articles are printed in black and white
  • Orders for articles containing 4-color MUST be received before the journal issue is printed
For additional information, please contact Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Reprint Customer Service at: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Reprint Department, 351 West Camden Street, Baltimore, MD 21201-2436, 1-800-341-2258, reprints@lww.com, http://www.lww.com/reprints
Editorial Board


Alvin Zipursky


Jean-Christophe Mercier


Pierre Barker, John Challis, Arne Ohlsson, Andrew Redington, Brian H. Robinson,
Norman D. Rosenblum, Stephen W. Scherer, Philip M. Sherman, O. Carter Snead III, A. Keith Tanswell


Damien Bonnet, Jacques Bourbon, Anh Tuan Dinh-Xuan, Phillipe Evrard, Claude Gaultier, Pierre Gressens, R¨¦gis Hankard, Jean Pierre Hugot, Juliane L¨¦ger, Laszlo Marodi, Arnold Munnich,


Robert H. Haslam


Margaret Manley
Editorial Office: (416) 813-8760
Facsimile: (416) 813-8763
Electronic Mail: pedres@sickkids.ca

Submit Manuscripts to:
Alvin Zipursky
Pediatric Research
Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5G 1X8

In Europe Submit to:
Jean-Christophe Mercier
Pediatric Research European Office
Hopital Robert Debre
48 boulevard Serurier,
75019 Paris

Board of Trustees, International Pediatric Research Foundation: Delbert A.Fisher, Gorm Greisen, Henry Halliday, Samuel Hawgood, George Lister, David H.Perlmutter,Ola D.Saugstad, Michael Weindling.


Carlo Agostoni, Milan
Salvatore Auricchio, Naples
David J. P. Barker, Southampton
John W. Belmont, Houston
Carlos E. Blanco, Maastricht
Mattias Brandis, Freiburg
Allan L. Coates, Toronto
Richard J. Cooke, Memphis
Phyllis Dennery, Palo Alto
Darryl C. DeVivo, New York
Harry C. Dietz, Baltimore
A. David Edwards, London
K. Michael Gibson, Portland
Adrianna C. Gittenberger, de Groot Leiden
Peter D. Gluckman, Auckland
Gorm Greisen, Copenhagen
Lisa M. Guay-Woodford, Birmingham
Henrik Hagberg, Göteborg
Mikko Hallman, Oulu
Mark A. Hanson, London
William W. Hay, Denver
Jeffrey W. Innis, Ann Arbor
Seigo Izumo, Boston
Ethylin Wang Jabs, Baltimore
Michael V. Johnston, Baltimore
Stephen G. Kahler, Baltimore
Juha Kere, Stockholm
Margaret Kirby, Durham
Terry C. Klassen, Edmonton
Gideon Koren, Toronto
Howard Lipshitz, Toronto
Roderick McInnes, Toronto
Peter J. Milla, London
Mark J. S. Miller, Albany
Grant A. Mitchell, Montreal
Karen B. Nelson, Bethesda
Hugh O'Brodovich, Toronto
Paul B. Pencharz, Toronto
David H. Perlmutter, St Louis
Gregor Prindull, Göttingen
Jeffrey Robbins, Cincinnati
Ola Didrik Saugstad, Oslo
Bennett Shaywitz, New Haven
John C. Sinclair, Hamilton
Andrea Superti-Furga, Zurich
Kent L. Thornburg, Portland
Joseph J. Volpe, Boston
David Warburton, Los Angeles
A. Michael Weindling, Liverpool
Pamela Zeitlin, Baltimore


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