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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

    Pattern  Recognition    

Pattern Recognition on ScienceDirect(Opens new window)

For over 30 years, Pattern Recognition has provided the primary forum for the exchange of information on pattern recognition research among the many varied engineering, mathematical and applied professions which make up this unique field. Original papers cover all methods, techniques and applications of pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, image processing, 2-D and 3-D matching, expert systems and robotics. The Journal also includes reviews of significant developments in the field.

Abstracting / Indexing

  • Artificial Intelligence Abstracts
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
  • Curr Lit on Aging
  • Current Contents/CompuMath
  • Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology
  • Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Elsevier BIOBASE
  • Engineering Index
  • Information Science Abstracts
  • Mathematical Reviews
  • Ocular R
  • PAIS Bulletin
  • Research Alert
  • Science Citation Index
  • Zentralblatt MATH

Instructions to Authors

Membership in the Society
Application forms for membership in the Society may be obtained from the Membership Committee, Pattern Recognition Society, c/o National Biomedical Research Foundation, Georgetown University Medical Center, 3900 Reservoir Road, N.W., Washington, DC 20007, U.S.A. Annual dues are $75.00 (U.S.), which includes a subscription to the journal.

Submission of Papers
Please submit your papers for Pattern Recognition to:

Blaire V. Mossman
Managing editor Pattern Recognition
P.O. Box 13177
Scottsdale, AZ 85267-3177

Phone: +1 480 991 4997
Fax: +1 480 991 4998

Authors are requested to submit their original and one copy of the manuscript and figures. Manuscripts should be published within 6 months (or less) of acceptance. Inquiries regarding the publication of symposia or other items should be sent to the Managing Editor.

Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that if accepted it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the publisher.

To ensure fairness, each manuscript will be assessed anonymously by at least two independent reviewers. Constructive criticism provided by the assessors will be forwarded to the author.

Types of Contributions
The publication policy is to publish (1) new original articles that have been appropriately review by competent scientific people, (2) reviews of developments in the field, and (3) pedagogical papers covering specific areas of interest in pattern recognition. Various special issues will be organized from time to time on current topics of interest to Pattern Recognition.

Rapid and Brief Communication
With the aim on fast dissemination of new findings, the Rapid and Brief Communication section allows research results to be viewed both swiftly (via the Web) and in print.

  • Papers should indicate no more than five key references.
  • Papers should be submitted in hard copy as well as in postscript format for pre-publication on the Web and to hasten the refereeing process.
  • Each short paper (three pages or less) will be published in the new section, to be followed by an extended full length version: the author should indicate on submission of his short communication when he will provide the extended full length paper.
  • Papers, in hard copy and on diskette, should be sent to the Managing Editor of the journal.
Manuscript Preparation

General: Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced with wide margins on one side of white paper. Good quality printouts with a font size of 12 or 10 pt are required. Manuscripts should not exceed 35 double-spaced typed pages, including figures. The corresponding author should be identified (include a Fax number and E-mail address). Full postal addresses must be given for all co-authors. Authors should consult a recent issue of the journal for style if possible. An electronic copy of the paper should accompany the final version. The Editors reserve the right to adjust style to certain standards of uniformity. Authors should retain a copy of their manuscript since we cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss of papers. Original manuscripts are discarded one month after publication unless the Publisher is asked to return original material after use.

Summary: A summary (not exceeding 500 words) should accompany the manuscript on a separate sheet.

Abstracts: A short abstract in English (not exceeding 100 words) should immediately precede the introduction.

Keywords: Enclose with each manuscript, at the end of the Abstract, from five to ten keywords. These terms should be relatively independent (coordinate index terms), and as a group should optimally characterize the paper.

Text: Follow this order when typing manuscripts: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgements, Appendix, References, Vitae, Figure Captions and then Tables. Do not import the Figures or Tables into your text. The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk and footnote. All other footnotes (except for table footnotes) should be identified with superscript Arabic numbers.

Biographical Sketch: Brief biographical data for each author should accompany the manuscript.

References: All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text of the manuscript. In the text refer to references by a number in square brackets on the line (e.g. Hunt [1]), and the full reference should be given in a numerical list at the end of the paper.

References should be given in the following form:
1. R.W.G. Hunt, M.R. Luo, Evaluation of a model of colour vision by magnitude scaling: discussion of the collected results, Color Res. Appl. 19 (1994) 27-33.
2. N.W. Campbell, W.P.J. Mackeown, B.T. Thomas, Interpreting image databases using region classification, Pattern Recognition 30 (4) (1997) 555-563.
3. S.P. Farnand, The effect of image content on color difference perceptibility. Proc. Third Color Imaging Conf. Scottsdale, USA, 1996, pp. 101-103.
4. J. Hertz, A. Krogh, R.G. Palmer, Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computing. vol.1, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1991, pp. 115-162.

Here you can find more information on Electronic Artwork

Illustrations: All illustrations should be provided in camera-ready form, suitable for reproduction (which may include reduction) without retouching. Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as 'Figure(s)' and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred. They should accompany the manuscript, but should not be included within the text. All illustrations should be clearly marked on the back with the figure number and the author's name. All figures are to have a caption. Captions should be supplied on a separate sheet.
Line drawings: Good quality printouts on white paper produced in black ink are required. All lettering, graph lines and points on graphs should be sufficiently large and bold to permit reproduction when the diagram has been reduced to a size suitable for inclusion in the journal. Dye-line prints or photocopies are not suitable for reproduction. Do not use any type of shading on computer-generated illustrations.
Photographs: Original photographs must be supplied as they are to be reproduced (e.g. black and white or colour). If necessary, a scale should be marked on the photograph. Please note that photocopies of photographs are not acceptable.
Colour: Where colour figures are required, the author will be charged accordingly (further details of costs are available from Author Services, at Elsevier).

Tables: Tables should be numbered consecutively and given a suitable caption and each table typed on a separate sheet. Footnotes to tables should be typed below the table and should be referred to by superscript lowercase letters. No vertical rules should be used. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the manuscript, (e.g. in graphs).

Electronic submission
Authors should submit an electronic copy of their paper with the final version of the manuscript. The electronic copy should match the hardcopy exactly. Always keep a backup copy of the electronic file for reference and safety. For authors wishing to use LaTex, the document style files, as well as the instructions "Preparing articles with LaTex" in the form of a dvi file, can be obtained free of charge from any host on the Comprehensive Tex Archive Network (CTAN) using anonymous ftp. The primary CTAN hosts are ftp.dante.de and ftp.tex.ac.uk. The Elsevier macros are in /pub/tex/macros/latex/contrib/supported/elsevier. These can also be downloaded from the Internet site http://www.tex.ac.uk. Full details of electronic submission and other formats can be obtained from http://auhors.elsevier.com or from Author Services at Elsevier.

Proofs will be sent to the author (first-named author if no corresponding author is identified on multi-authored papers) by PDF wherever possible and should be returned within 48 hours of receipt, preferably by e-mail. Corrections should be restricted to typesetting errors; any other amendments made may be charged to the author. Any queries should be answered in full. Elsevier will do everything possible to get your article corrected and published as quickly and accurately as possible. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all of your corrections are returned to us in one all-inclusive e-mail or fax. Subsequent additional corrections will not be possible, so please ensure that your first communication is complete. Should you choose to mail your corrections, please return them to: Log-in Department, Elsevier, Stover Court, Bampfylde Street, Exeter, Devon EX1 2AH, UK.

Twenty-five offprints will be supplied free of charge. Additional offprints and copies of the issue can be ordered at a specially reduced rate using the order form sent to the corresponding author after the manuscript has been accepted. Orders for reprints (produced after publication of an article) will incur a 50% surcharge.

By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the Pattern Rocognition Society if and when the article is accepted for publication. All authors must sign the 'Transfer of Copyright' agreement before the article can be published. However assignment of copyright is not required from authors who work for organizations which do not permit such assignment. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other reproductions of a similar nature, and translations. It also includes the right to adapt the article for use in conjunction with computer systems and programs, including reproduction or publication in machine-readable form and incorporation in retrieval systems. Authors are responsible for obtaining from the copyright holder permission to reproduce any material for which copyright already exists.

Author Services
For queries relating to the general submission of manuscripts (including electronic text and artwork) and the status of accepted manuscripts, please contact Author Services, Log-in Department, Elsevier, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK. E-mail: authors@elsevier.co.uk, Fax: +44 (0) 1865 843905, Tel: +44 (0) 1865 843900.
Authors can also keep a track on the progress of their accepted article, and set up e-mail alerts informing them of changes to their manuscript's status, by using the "Track a Paper" feature of Elsevier's Author Gateway.

Editorial Board



Robert S. Ledley, National Biomedical Research Foundation, Georgetown University, Box 571479, Washington, DC 20057-1479, USA; Tel: +1 202 687 2121, Fax: +1 202 687 1662, Email: ledley@nbrf.georgetown.edu

Managing Editor:

Blaire V. Mossman, P.O. Box 13177, Scottsdale, AZ 85267-3177, USA. Tel: +1 480 991 4997, Fax: +1 480 991 4998, Email: Blaire.Mossman@asu.edu

Associate Editors:

M. Abdel-Mottaleb, USA
A. Adan, Spain
M. Ahmadi, Canada
M.G. Albanesi, Italy
Y. Aloimonos, USA
V. Anastassopoulos, Greece
I. Andreadis, Greece
N. Asimopoulos, Greece
R.A. Baldock, UK
J. Barrera, Brazil
M. Basu, USA
H.M. Beisner, USA
R. Bergevin, Canada
B. Bhanu, USA
P. Bhattacharya, New Jersey, USA
H. Bischof, Austria
I. Bloch, France
R.M. Bolle, USA
N. Bourbakis, USA
A.C. Bovik, USA
E. Bribiesca, USA
A. Bruckstein, Israel
M. Buas, USA
T. Caelli, Canada
V. Cantoni, Italy
B.B. Chaudhuri, India
S.-S. Chen, USA
H.-D. Cheng, USA
P. Chew, USA
R.S. Chhikara, USA
L. Cinque, Italy
R.W. Conners, USA
K. Conradsen, Denmark
C.H. Debrunner, USA
A. Del Bimbo, Italy
S. de Ma, China
A.P. Dhawan, USA
M. Dhome, France
E. Dougherty, USA
Z. Duric, USA
Masakazu Ejiri, Japan
V. Feliu, Spain
M.A. Fischler, USA
H. Freeman, USA
H. Fujisawa, Japan
J. Ghosh, USA
M.L. Gillenson, USA
L. Goldfarb, Canada
Y. Gong, USA
M. Gori, Italy
A. Goshtasby, USA
V. Govindaraju, USA
J. Graham, UK
W.J. Grosky, USA
B. Gunsel, Turkey
L. Gupta, USA
A. Guzman, Mexico
E.R. Hancock, UK
J.P. Haton, France
Hagit. Z. Hel-or, Israel
W.E. Higgins, USA
T.K. Ho, USA
W.A. Hoff, USA
N. Honda, Japan
J.H. Howard Jr, USA
J.J. Hull, USA
J. Illingworth, UK
A. Imiya, Japan
H.H.S. Ip, Hong Kong
J-M. Jolion, France
M. Kam, USA
C. Kambhamettu, USA
A. Kandel, USA
T. Kasparis, USA
R. Kasturi, USA
K. Kedem, Israel
H.R. Keshavan, USA
R. Khosla, Melbourne, Victoria
A. Khotanzad, USA
N. Kiryati, Israel
T. Kitahashi, Japan
W.G. Kropatsch, Austria
A. Krzyzak, Canada
M. Kudo, USA
M. Kudo, Japan
S. Kumar, USA
L.J. Latecki, USA
J.S.J. Lee, USA
S.-W. Lee, Korea
G. Leedham, Singapore
J. Le Moigne, USA
R. Lenz, Sweden
A. Leonardis, Slovenia
J-G. Leu, Taiwain
S. Levialdi, Italy
X. Li, Canada
S.Z. Li, China
C. Lieberman, USA
M. Lindenbaum, Israel
Z.Q. Liu, Hong Kong, China
Y. Liu, China
L. Lombardi, Italy
Y. Lu, USA
J. Luo, USA
M. Magee, USA
A. Mahalanobis, USA
H. Maitre, France
D. Maltoni, Italy
T. Matsuyama, Japan
P. Meer, USA
R. Mehrotra, USA
B.M. Mehtre, India
R.A. Melter, USA
M. Minoh, Japan
B. Moghaddam, UK
J.-V. Moreau, France
R. Moss, USA
D. Mount, USA
V. Murino, Italy
Y. Nakano, Japan
S. Nayar, USA
N.S. Netanyahu, Israel
T. Newmann, USA
P.L. Odell, USA
H. Ogawa, Japan
L. O'Gorman, USA
L. O'Gorman, USA
B.J. Oommen, Canada
S.C. Orphanoudakis, Greece
D.W. Paglieroni, USA
Y.-H. Pao, USA
C.M. Park, Korea
L. Pastor, Spain
M. Pelillo, Italy
Y. Peng, USA
M.A. Penna, USA
J.K. Percus, USA
R. Plamondon, Canada
A.R. Rao, USA
S. Raudys, Lithuania
T.R. Reed, USA
C. Ribeiro, Brazil
E. Rivlin, Israel
M. Robinson, USA
J.B.T.M. Roerdink, Netherlands
K. Rohr, Germany
A. Rosenfeld, USA
F.H. Ruddle, USA
R. Sablatnig, Austria
H. Samet, USA
S. Sarkar, USA
S.Z. Selim, Saudi Arabia
I.K. Sethi, USA
M. Shah, USA
L.G. Shapiro, USA
R. Shenoy, USA
T. Shermer, USA
F.Y. Shih, USA
M. Shridhar, USA
K. Siddiqi, Canada
S. Simone, USA
S. Singh, UK
J. Sklansky, USA
A. Skodras, Greece
N.A. Sochen, Israel
A. Soffer, Israel
M. Spann, UK
S.N. Srihari, USA
M.D. Srinath, USA
L. Stark, USA
G. Stockman, USA
C.Y. Suen, Canada
P.N. Suganthan, Singapore
K. Sugihara, Japan
S. Tamura, Japan
T.N. Tan, China
C.L. Tan, Singapore
S.L. Tanimoto, USA
J.C. Tilton, USA
Leonid V. Tsap, USA
J.R. Ullman, UK
S. Umbaugh, USA
M. Unser, Switzerland
T. Wakahara, Japan
A.M. Wallace, UK
J.T.L. Wang, USA
H. Wechsler, USA
M. Werman, Israel
R. Wilson, UK
R.C. Wilson, York, UK
H. Yan, Australia
Herbert Yee-Hong Yang, Canada
N. Yokoya, Japan
M. Yovits, USA
D. Zhang, China
Z. Zhang, USA
K. Zhang, Canada
S.G. Ziavras, USA

Rapid and Brief Communications Section

K. Abe, Japan
A. Agarwal, India
A. Belaid, France
K. Deguchi, Japan
B. Denby, France
Z. Duric, USA
G. Houston, USA
M-P Jolly, USA
R. Kleyle, USA
M. Kudo, Japan
J. Marroquin, Mexico
S. Pankanti, USA
M. Pietikainen, Finland
D. Shen, USA
Y-F Wang, USA
J.T.L. Wang, USA
F. Xia, USA



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