

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Pathology is committed to publishing peer-reviewed, original articles related to the science of pathology in its broadest sense, including chemical pathology, experimental pathology, genetics, haematology, histopathology, immunology, microbiology, molecular pathology and morbid anatomy.

Abstracting Information:

Pathology is currently noted in BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, Current Contents: Life Sciences, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Index Veterinarius, Nutrition Abstracts, Research Alert, Science Citation Index, SciSearch and Tropical Diseases Bulletin.


Instructions to Authors


Original papers will be considered for publication if they relate to the science of pathology in its broadest sense, including chemical pathology, experimental pathology, genetics, haematology, histopathology, immunology, microbiology, molecular pathology and morbid anatomy. Acceptance of a contribution is conditional upon the work described being original.

Address for submissions:
Pathology Editorial Office
Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
Durham Hall
207 Albion Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010

Statement of Originality: A statement signed by all authors, documenting their role, the originality of the material and certifying that the paper has not been, nor will be, submitted for publication elsewhere, must accompany all manuscripts.

Submission of Manuscripts: Three complete copies must be submitted for all manuscripts, including correspondence. These must be prepared in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals as published in The New England Journal of Medicine 1991; 324: 424-8 and reprinted in Pathology 1997; 29: 441-7. Authors are also referred to recent copies of the journal and are encouraged to copy exactly the published format of papers therein.

Electronic Format: The manuscripts and figures must also be submitted in electronic format. Text should be supplied in a format compatible with Word 97. Charts and tables are considered textual and should also be supplied ina format compatible with Word 97. All figures (illustrations, graphs and diagrams) should be supplied on diskettes or zip disks saved in jpg format

Preparation of Manuscripts: All manuscripts must be typed in 12pt font and in double space, on white bond paper, A4 size with margins of at least 2.5 cm. Each section must begin on a separate page and pages must be numbered.

Title page: This should contain the title; running head not exceeding 40 characters, including spaces; first name, middle initial and surname of each author; name of department(s) and institution(s); initials and address of author responsible for correspondence(including phone and fax numbers and e-mail address); source(s) of support in the form of grants, equipment etc.

Second page: This should carry (a) a structured summary of not more than 200 words, with the following headings: Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and (b) a list of three to ten key words or short phrases. Terms from the Medical Subjects Headings list from Index Medicus should be used where possible.

Abbreviations: Those defined by conventional use (see Pathology 1997; 29: 448-9) can be used without definition. Other abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and if used must be defined the first time they are used.

Text: This should in general, but not necessarily be divided into sections with the headings: INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS and DISCUSSION. The text must be in the exact format of the journal.

Drug dosages: Where doses of drugs are given every care is taken to ensure that these are correct. The medical practitioner must however check the correct dose in a standard pharmacopoeia before treating patients.

Statistics: Statistical methods should be described with sufficient detail to enable a knowledgeable reader with access to the original data to verify the reported results. When possible, quantify findings and present them with appropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty. Put general descriptions of methods in the METHODS section. When data are summarised in the RESULTS section, specify the statistical methods used to analyse them. Define statistical terms, abbreviations and most symbols.
References for study design and statistical methods should be to standard works when possible rather than to papers in which the designs or methods were originally reported.

Ethics: When reporting on human subjects, authors must confirm and document that the procedures followed were approved by their institution's Human Ethics Committee and that they were in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, revised 1983. When reporting experiments on animals, authors must confirm and document that the procedures followed were approved by their institution's Animal Ethics Committee and that they conformed to the National Health and Medical Research Council's guide for the care and use of laboratory animals.

Bacterial nomenclature: This should be in accord with the Approved Lists of Bacterial Names (Ed. V.C.B. Skerman et al.) published by the American Society for Microbiology in Int J Syst Bacteriol 1980; 30: 225-420.

Acknowledgements: These should be brief and appear after the DISCUSSION and before the reference list.

Rapid Communication: The purpose of the Rapid Communication is timely disclosure of key elements of a study. Submissions should cover sufficient background to put the new information into context and justify urgent publication. Rapid Communications will be published on the premise that the author will submit the full article in due course. Rapid Communications are handled as expeditiously as possible with material being published within 5 months of receipt by the Editor. To facilitate rapid evaluation, it is essential that authors submit written MATERIALS and METHOD information (it can be in draft form) to assist in establishing if the work merits rapid publication.

Case Reports: Clinical case reports are mostly published as correspondence. Case reports of exceptionally unusual presentation or interest may be published as full articles.

Correspondence: Correspondence can be cited. It may be refereed by an Editorial Board member or published at the discretion of the Editor. The title must be short and there should be no summary, keywords or subheadings. A brief introduction (a few sentences) should be followed by a succinct report and discussion. There is a maximum of three figures and 12 references; formal lengthy literature review is not necessary.

Figures:Illustrations must be submitted unmounted and in triplicate as well as in electronic (jpg) format. Prints must be clearly identified by author, title of article and figure number on a self-adhesive label affixed to the top right-hand corner of the back. Please indicate the top of the illustration by pencilling an arrow lightly on the back. If the illustration is to carry any lettering, etc., this must be provided on a transparent overlay accurately keyed to the print. DO NOT mark it on the print itself.

Photomicrographs should be of the magnification desired by the author and be trimmed in such a way that either singly or in groups they fit within the text area of the journal and allow room for legends.

Legends must be typed, double-spaced, on a separate page headed with the author's name. With photomicrographs, the stain and magnification MUST be stated in the legend.

Graphs, diagrams, etc. may be submitted as originals or photographs. They should also be submitted in electronic format. If original, they must be laser printed on A4 bond paper. If photographs, for best results they should be on glossy paper.
Authors may be required to contribute to the cost of excessive illustrations or color.

References: Consecutive Arabic numbers must be used, in superscript form, to indicate references in the text, tables and legends. The full references should be listed sequentially, in the order in which they are first mentioned, and presented following the text of the manuscript. Unpublished observations may be quoted but should not be listed.
Format of references must conform to the January 1983 and subsequent issues of Pathology. Abbreviations of journals should follow those in the Index Medicus annual List of Journals Indexed. Examples of different types of references are given below. Note: the first three authors must be given before et al. is used.

Journal articles
Goodwin CS, Smith BC. Computer printing and filing of microbiology reports. J Clin Pathol 1976; 29: 543-52.

Pages from a book
Eisen HN. Immunology: An Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Principles of the Immune Response. 5th edn. New York: Harper & Row, 1974; 406-9.

A chapter of a book
Cassidy JT, Petty RE. Textbook of Pediatric Rheumatology. 2nd edn. New York: Churchill-Livingstone, 1990; Chapter 3, Basic concepts of drug therapy.

A contribution to a book
Anderson RJ. Schrier RW. Acute renal failure. In: Brunswald E, Kurt J, Petersdorf RG, editors. Harrison's principles of internal medicine. 11th ed. New York: McFraw-Hill, 1987; 1149-55.

It is the author's responsibility to check the accuracy of all references before submitting a manuscript.

Reviewers: All articles are peer reviewed; however, correspondence may be reviewed by the Editor or an Editorial Board member only. To expedite matters, authors are asked to submit the names, addresses and fax numbers of four possible reviewers. These must be from institutions other than the author's own. The Editor will not however be bound to use any of the reviewers suggested.

Proofs: The Editor reserves the right to proceed to press without submitting the proofs to the author. However, usual practice will be to send one set to the first named author, unless otherwise requested. Proofs should be returned within three days and by Express Post where appropriate. Authors will be charged for excessive correction.
If authors do not return page proofs within five days of receipt, the Editor reserves the right to either delay publication until a subsequent issue or to proceed to press without author corrections.

Reprints. For all articles published, 50 free offprints will be sent to the corresponding author. Further reprints must be ordered from Taylor & Francis Ltd at the time first page proofs are returned.

Return of Manuscripts: Manuscripts and correspondence regarding manuscripts will be destroyed after one year. The manuscript and photographs will only be returned to the corresponding author on request.

Copyright: It is a condition of publication that authors vest copyright in their articles, including abstracts, in the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RPCA). This ensures full copyright protection and allows dissemination of the article, and the journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors may use the article elsewhere after publication and with prior permission from the RPCA, provided that acknowledgement is given to the Journal as the original source of publication, and that the RPCA is notified so that its records show that the use is properly authorised.


Editorial Board



Professor C. S. Lee - Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, Sydney, Australia . E-mail: csoonlee@rcpa.edu.au

Associate Editors:

E. Benson - Westmead Hospital, Sydney, Australia
J.K.C. Chan - Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong
B. Delahunt - Wellington School of Medicine, New Zealand
H. K. Muller - University of Tasmania, Australia
R. Trent - University of Sydney, Australia

Broad Sheet Editor:

G. Young - Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia

Editorial Board:

P. Allen - Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, Australia
D. Bostwick - Bostwick Laboratories, USA
D. R. Boswell - New Zealand
M. Buckley - Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia
A. P. Burke - Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, USA
S. K. Cheong - National University of Malaysia, Malaysia
R. Chetty - Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK
K. Cooper - University of Vermont, USA
K. Crotty - University of Sydney, Australia
J. Eble - Indianna University, USA
W. Erber - Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital, Perth, Australia
C. D. M. Fletcher - Harvard Medical School, USA
G. N. Fuller - M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA
C. G. Harper - University of Sydney, Australia
J. Hayman - Box Hill Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
J. Hilton - Institute of Forensic Medicine, Sydney, Australia
R. Jaworski - Westmead Hospital, Sydney, Australia
L. C. L. Lai - International Medical University, Malaysia
S. H. Lee - National University of Singapore, Singapore
A. S. Y. Leong - University of Newcastle, Australia
L. M. Looi - University of Malaya, Malaysia
D. Looke - Brisbane, Australia
J. Medeiros - M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA
H. K. Ng - Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
G. Nimmo - Brisbane, Australia
W. Rawlinson - Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia
V. Reuter - Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA
R. Robins-Browne - University of Melbourne, Australia
D. Spagnolo - Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital, Perth, Australia
G. Stamp - Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK
G. Sterrett, Greg - Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital, Perth, Australia
P. H. Tan - Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
S. L. Thein - King's College Medical School, UK
R. H. Young - Harvard Medical School, USA


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