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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Palliative Medicine

Current Issue Cover

Palliative Medicine is an international interdisciplinary journal dedicated to improving knowledge and clinical practice in the palliative care of patients with far advanced disease. It reflects the multidisciplinary approach that is the hallmark of effective palliative care.

This outstanding journal features:

 Original papers
 Review articles
 Case reports
 Journal abstracts
 Book reviews 
Teaching package reviews

Instructions to Authors

Palliative Medicine publishes original articles, reviews, case studies and correspondence on any subject relevant to palliative care. The journal particularly encourages papers of interdisciplinary and nonmedical authorship. The principal criteria for acceptance of material are originality and quality. All material submitted for publication is assumed to be submitted exclusively to Palliative Medicine unless the contrary is stated.  Before acceptance, papers will be refereed and may be statistically assessed. All authors will be sent a Transfer of copyright which must be signed before the paper is published.

Priority and time of publication are decided by the Editor, who retains the customary right to edit material accepted for publication.

Three copies of the manuscript together with a 3.5" disk (MS Word preferably) should be submitted to the Editor:

Palliative Medicine Journal Office
Department of Palliative Medicine
Bristol Haematology & Oncology Centre
Horfield Road
Bristol, BS2 8ED

Tel: + 44 (0) 117 928 3336
Fax: + 44 (0) 117 928 3865

Authors whose first language is not English are requested to have their manuscripts checked carefully for linguistic correctness before submission, and to aid impartial refereeing are invited to send one additional copy of their paper in their native language.

The typescript should be prepared on good quality A4 or quarto paper, double-spaced and with generous margins at head, foot and left- and right-hand margins. All pages must be numbered

The disk. Microsoft Word is the preferred word processor, but files can be accepted from any of the common Macintosh, Windows or MS-DOS word processing programs. RTF or ASCII files can also be accepted. No artwork should be included in the text files. Any artwork provided on disk should be in either TIFF, or EPS format. Each piece of artwork should be saved as a separate file. When preparing your paper:

 Use the minimum formatting.
 Roman, bold and italic type can be used, but use only one typeface and size.
 Capitals should be used only where they are to appear in the finished text.
 The text should be ranged left and unjustified, with hyphenation cancelled.
 Indents, underlining and tabs should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
 Headings and paragraphs should be separated by two carriage returns.
 There should be only one space between words and only one space after any punctuation.

The title page. Give the title of the paper and a running title if the main title is very long. Authors should include their names and initials, their posts at the time they did the work and their current appointments and qualifications. The name and address of the author to whom correspondence, proofs and offprint order are to be sent should be given, together with telephone and fax numbers if possible.

Supply up to six key words, to be subject headings from Index Medicus.

Structure. Manuscripts should be approximately as follows:

review articles, 5,000-10,000 words;
original papers, 1,500-3,000 words with up to six tables or figures;
case reports, up to 900 words with one table or figure;
letters, up to 600 words;
book reviews, up to 150 words.

Scientific papers should be divided into abstract (approximately 150 words), introduction, methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements, and references. Case reports should be divided into abstract, introduction, case history, discussion, acknowledgements, and references. Abstracts are routinely translated into French; authors may instead submit a version of the abstract in another language which uses the Roman alphabet. Authors bear sole responsibility for the accuracy of such abstracts.

Headings. In dividing articles under headings, please grade the headings by writing A, B, or C in the margin:

A - subheading
B - subsubheading
C - subsubsubheading

Please avoid using more than three levels of subheading.


(i) Generic names should be used for drugs. Authors should be aware of different drug names and availability in the UK, North America and Australia, and give alternative names or drugs in the text.

(ii) Scientific measurements should be given in SI units, but blood pressure should be expressed in mmHg and haemoglobin as g/dl.

(iii) For numbers, adopt a rule that all numbers under 10 should be written as words, except when attached to a unit of quantity (e.g. 1 mm or 3 kg), and that numbers of 10 or more should be written as digits, except at the beginning of a sentence.

(iv) Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and must be clearly defined when used for the first time. Abbreviations should be typed with no full point.

(v) Avoid excessive capitalization. For the titles of books and articles, capitals should be used for the initial letter of the first word only. However, for the titles of journals and series, the initial letter of all principal words should be capitalized.

(vi) Use italics for emphasis only very sparingly.

Illustrations. All illustrations and graphs should be submitted in the form of completed artwork suitable for reproduction. They should be separate from the typescript with legends also on a separate sheet. Please indicate the position of all figures in the text. All figures should have the 'TOP' marked on the reverse with a soft pencil. The name of the first author should also be clear. When graphs or histograms are submitted the numerical data on which they are based should be supplied.

Line diagrams. No illustrations, including captions, will be given more space than the text area of the journal (i.e. 156 mm x 195 mm). Figures should ideally be drawn for a reduction of one-third, i.e., 3:2 or 150:100 mm. Where possible, all figures should be drawn for the same reduction.

All lines in a drawing should be of even weight. Do not use too fine a tint as this will result in a blotchy appearance after reduction. All lettering should follow the journal's typographical style.

Photographs. Other illustrations should be black and white photographic prints (not negatives, transparencies or X-ray films), and should be trimmed to remove excess material. They should be high-quality glossy prints, showing as much contrast as possible. Patients in photographs should not be identifiable and should have their eyes masked. Any identifiable photograph should be accompanied by written permission from the patient, parent or guardian. Colour photographs can only be accepted if the author bears the cost of reproduction.

Tables. should be typed on separate sheets. Indicate in the margin of the text where tables should be positioned. Each table should have an explanatory caption, and be clearly numbered.

Statistics. Numbers of patients or subjects should be given, with percentages in brackets. Means should be expressed as the mean with standard deviation of the mean: where appropriate, authors should also consider supplying the median. Care should be taken that all statistical methods are appropriate, and that it is clear which methods were used for which analyses. Any statistical methods not in common use should be supported by references or described in detail. Results of statistical tests should be reported as well as the p values; where possible, confidence intervals should also be reported.

Ethics. Please state explicitly whether any study being reported to Palliative Medicine has the approval of local ethical committees.

References. should always be appropriate: more is not necessarily better. They should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text, and should be given in the 'Vancouver style' (1). In summary, for articles give names and initials of all authors (unless seven or more, in which case give the first three only then et al.), the title of the article, the journal title abbreviated according to Index Medicus, year of publication, volume number and first and last page number; for chapters in books give authors, chapter title, editors of the book, the book title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication and first and last page number. For examples, see below.

1 International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Br Med J 1991; 302: 401-405.

2 Lowry S, Smith J. Duplicate publication. Br Med J 1992: 304: 999-1000.

3 Huff D. How to lie with statistics. London: Penguin, 1991.

4 Wade OL. Research ethical committee. In: Duncan AS, Dunstan GR, Welbourn RB eds. Dictionary of medical ethics, second edition. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1981: 371-74.

Copyright. Authors must obtain permission to reproduce all matter in the following categories:

(i) All maps, diagrams, figures and photographs - forms are available from the publishers.

(ii) Single passages of prose exceeding 250 words, or scattered passages totalling more than 400 words from any one work.

Please supply the publisher with full information for all work cited, including author, date published, publisher and page references.

UK copyright extends to 70 years after the death of the author or 70 years after publication of a scholarly edition, whichever is longer.

Proofs will be supplied only once in the form of page proofs. Please remember that:

(i) Proof corrections are disproportionately expensive. For example, the insertion of three commas on a page will frequently cost as much, or more than, the original setting cost of the entire page.

(ii) If you return proofs even a few days after the date stipulated, it may be too late to include your corrections in the final version of the journal.

Offprints. Each principal author will receive 25 offprints of his or her article free of charge. Additional offprints can be purchased if ordered at proof stage.

Editorial Board


Prof Geoffrey Hanks, Bristol, UK

Editorial Assistant
Deborah Ashby, Bristol, UK


Dr Julia Addington-Hall, London, UK
Prof Nicholas Christakis
, Boston, USA
Dr Jim Cleary, Madison, USA
Dr Franco de Conno, Milano, Italy
Dr Andrew Davies, Bristol, UK
Dr Marie Fallon, Edinburgh, UK
Dr Karen Forbes, Bristol, UK
Prof Stein Kaasa, Trondheim, Norway
Dr Margaret Robbins
, Bristol, UK

Editorial Advisory Board

Prof Eduardo Bruera, Houston, USA
Prof Sir Kenneth Calman, Durham, UK
Prof Alastair Campbell, Bristol, UK
Prof David Clark, Sheffield, UK
Prof Jessica Corner, Southhampton, UK
Ms Nessa Coyle, New York, USA
Dr Derek Doyle, Edinburgh, UK
Prof Robin Fainsinger, Edmonton, Canada
Prof Lesley Fallowfield, Brighton, UK
Dr Kathleen Foley, New York, USA
Dr Cynthia Goh, Singapore
Dr Ann Goldman, London, UK
Prof Irene Higginson, London, UK
Miss Jo Hockley, Edinburgh, UK
Dr Michael Kearney, Santa Barbara, USA
Dr Stephen Kirkham, Poole, UK
Dr Elizabeth Lamont, Chicago, USA
Prof Norelle Lickiss, Sydney, Australia
Dr R Sean Morrison, New York, USA
Prof Balfour Mount, Montreal, Canada
Prof Gavril Pasternak, New York, USA
Prof Jose Pereira, Calgary, Canada
Dr Philippe Poulain, Paris, France
Dr Lukas Radbruch, Cologne, Germany
Prof Michael Richards, London, UK
Dr Joseph Porta i Sales, Barcelona, Spain
Prof Peter Strang, Stockholm, Sweden
Dr Franco Toscani, Cremona, Italy
Prof Satoru Tsuneto, Osaka, Japan
Dr James Tulsky, Durham, USA
Dr Mary Vachon, Toronto, Canada
Prof Vittorio Ventafridda, Milan, Italy
Dr Declan Walsh, Cleveland, USA

Three copies of the manuscript together with a 3.5" disk (MS Word preferably) should be submitted to the Editor:

Palliative Medicine Journal Office
Department of Palliative Medicine
Bristol Haematology & Oncology Centre
Horfield Road
Bristol, BS2 8ED

Tel: + 44 (0) 117 928 3336
Fax: + 44 (0) 117 928 3865


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