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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal





ISSN: 0883-8305

    Paleoceanography focuses on original contributions dealing with the marine sedimentary record from the present ocean basins and margins and from exposures of ancient marine sediments on the continents. Approaches include sedimentology; isotope geochemistry; paleontology; seismic stratigraphy; physical, chemical, and biological oceanography; marine geology and geophysics; Quaternary geology; and modeling. Contributions are global and regional rather than local; and cover all ages .

Instructions to Authors


Manuscripts submitted for publication in AGU journals should convey the author's findings precisely and immediately to the reader. Authors are urged to have their manuscripts reviewed critically by colleagues for scientific accuracy and clarity of presentation. If a manuscript has more than one author, coauthors must consent to the final version of the manuscript.

Authors will be asked to provide final manuscripts and artwork as electronic files (MSWord, WordPerfect or LaTeX for text; EPS or TIFF for images). The manuscript should be arranged in the following order:

  1. title page including authors' names and affiliations
  2. abstract
  3. text (including appendices)
  4. acknowledgments
  5. reference list
  6. figure captions
  7. tables
  8. figures
  9. supporting nonprint material (such as data sets, long tables, appendices, graphs, lengthy mathematical derivations, and extended background discussions). See the additional information about supplying auxiliary materials in digital formats in About E-supplements.

AGU's online manuscript formatting helpdesk provides detailed information about manuscript preparation for journal and book styles. Contact author.help@agu.org" for additional help.

All papers submitted using MSWord or WordPerfect should be double spaced in 12 point type with 1-inch margins, using Times New Roman throughout. For word processing documents, use English U.S. as the language. Indent all paragraphs.

Authors are expected to use correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax. Spelling and hyphenation of compound words follow the unabridged Webster's Third New International Dictionary.

The metric system must be used throughout; use of appropriate SI units is encouraged. Do not use italic font for units of measure. Following recommended style and usage expedites processing and reduces the chance of error in the electronic file processing.

Because text footnotes may be distracting to the reader, they should be incorporated into the text or be eliminated completely. 


The abstract should be a single paragraph (250 words limit for JGR, other journals 150 words), state the nature of the investigation, and summarize its important conclusions. References should not be cited in the abstract.

The abstract should be suitable for separate publication in an abstract journal and be adequate for indexing. 

Index Terms

When a paper is submitted for publication, the author will be required to provide Index Terms (up to five Index terms) from the AGU Index Set.

An author should carefully select index terms to ensure that a paper is classified properly in database searches and in the annual year-end subject index for each journal, and to allow readers to locate papers with greater ease and precision. Index terms are a key part of AGU's strategy for electronic distribution of journal articles. 

Authors should also provide up to six (6) key words. These are free-form terms that will be used to facilitate online searches.


The lowercase letter "l" and the numeral 1 and the capital letter "O" and the numeral 0 should be distinguished. Add one extra line space above and below all displayed equations.

Alignment of symbols must be unambiguous. Superscripts and subscripts should clearly be in superior or inferior position. Fraction bars should extend under the entire numerator. Do not use the symbol font in Word. Select "Greek" from the font list. "Normal text" should be the font selected as shown in the font menu box. Use true superscript and subscript not raised and lowered fonts. Use the "degree" symbol instead of "oh".

Barred and accented characters that are available for typesetting may be used. Symbols that are not available and therefore must be avoided are triple dots, accents (other than bars) that extend over more than one character, and double accents (e.g., a circumflex over a bar). Accents over characters can be eliminated by the use of such symbols as ', *, and ?set as superscripts.

If an accent or underscore has been used to designate a special typeface (e.g., boldface for vectors, script for transforms, sans serif for tensors), the type should be specified by a note in the margin.

If the argument of an exponential is complicated or lengthy, "exp'' rather than e should be used. Awkward fractional composition can be avoided by the proper introduction of negative powers. In text, solidus fractions (l/r) should be used, and enough enclosures should be included to avoid ambiguity. According to the accepted convention, parentheses, brackets, and braces are in the order { [ ( ) ] }. Numbered displayed equations should appear consecutively; the number (in parentheses) should be to the right of the equation. 


The notation is a list of parameters used in the text and their definitions that should be set up as shown in the following sample:

c        rate of soil accumulation, m/yr.
d        median grain size of water-deposited material, µm.
D        distance of the locus of points, m.
h        elevation of the rock stream channel at a particular time ti, m.


Acknowledgments should be limited to collegial and financial assistance. Acknowledgments are not meant to recognize personal or manuscript production support. 


Complete and accurate references are of major importance. Omissions, discrepancies in the spelling of names, errors in titles, and incorrect dates must be avoided. See complete information about reference styles in References in AGU Publications.


Every table must have a title, and all columns must have headings. Column headings must be arranged so that their relation to the data is clear. Footnotes should be indicated by reference marks (*, ?, ? ? or by lowercase letters typed as superiors. Each table must be cited in text. Create tables in a tablular arrangement to align columns instead of using the tab feature.


Figures should be computer-generated. See the Guidelines for Submitting Images for help in creating image files. When uploading the manuscript files to GEMS, the electronic manuscript submission system, each figure files should be loaded separately.

Each figure must be cited in numerical order in the text.

Orientation must be clearly marked on figures. Latitude and longitude must be indicated on maps.

For submission, each figure must also have a caption which should be included both on the page with each figure and in a separate list of captions. Do not include in the figure any information that could easily be worded in the caption. For accepted papers, there should be no captions on the figures themselves.

Authors should size their figures to allow for suitable reduction; this includes making sure that lettering is of sufficient size. Figures whose characters are too small or whose tick marks or dot patterns are too faint or which are otherwise unacceptable for reproduction will be returned to the author for redrafting. Use varying patterns instead of varying shades of gray.

Color figures, foldouts, pocket maps, etc., can be accommodated, but the costs of color for publishing these special features must be borne by the author. For color figures, please also supply a black and white version, as the color will be printed in the back of the journal (in place online). There is the more expensive option of including color in print within the paper, in which case black and white version would not be necessary.

For additional information, contact the Author Information Helpdesk at author.help@agu.org.

Copyrighted material

It is the author's responsibility to obtain any necessary permission to reproduce figures or tables from copyrighted sources. This includes any figures redrawn but basically unaltered or with only slight modifications. If you are using figures or photos that have been previously published, you must obtain permission from the copyright holder to publish their property in your AGU article. Obtaining permission can be a lengthy process, so please make sure you have the necessary permissions before you submit your manuscript to AGU.

Written permission(s) should accompany the manuscript when submitted.

Auxiliary material

See Guidelines and online information about AGU E-Supplements for help in defining and submitting this material. Contact the editor's assistant for more information on this service. Please note that all supporting and supplementary data will be reviewed with your manuscript.

Editorial Board



Larry Peterson
University of Miami
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149-1098
Telephone: 305-361-4692
Fax: 305-361-4632
e-mail: lpeterson@rsmas.miami.edu

Lisa C. Sloan
University of California, Santa Cruz
Department of Earth Sciences
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Telephone: 831-459-3693
Fax: 831-459-4882
e-mail: lcsloan@earthsci.ucsc.edu



Associate Editors:

David E. Archer
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL

Timothy Bralower
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC

Matthew Huber
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN

Laurent D. Labeyrie
Centre des Faibles Radioactivites
Gif Sur Yvette, France

Kenneth G. Miller
Piscataway, NJ

David K. Rea
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI

Michael Sarnthein
Universistaet zu Kiel
Kiel, Germany

Howard J. Spero
University of California
Davis, CA

Rainer Zahn
Kiel, Germany

Submit manuscripts electronically using GEMS: http://paleoceanography-submit.agu.org

Lisa Sloan
Larry Petersen
Editor's Assistant:
Pam Calliham
E-mail: Paleoceanography@agu.org
Phone: (202) 777-7373
Fax: (202) 777-7385


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