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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The journal Palaeontology is devoted to the publication of papers on all aspects of palaeontology, including palaezoology, palaeobotany, systematic studies, palaeoecology, micropalaeontology, palaeobiogeography, functional morphology, stratigraphy, taxonomy, taphonomy, palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, palaeoclimate analysis and biomineralization studies. Review articles are particularly welcome, and short papers can often be published rapidly. A high standard of illustration is a feature of the journal. Six parts are published each year and are sent free to all members of the Association.


The journal publishes a wide variety of papers on palaeontological topics covering:

  • palaeozoology
  • palaeobotany
  • systematic studies
  • palaeoecology
  • micropalaeontology
  • palaeobiogeography
  • functional morphology
  • stratigraphy
  • taxonomy
  • taphonomy
  • palaeoenvironmental reconstruction
  • palaeoclimate analysis and biomineralization studies.
Indexed/Abstracted in
AERSIS Quarterly. , Biological Abstracts. , Coal Abstracts. , Current Contents. Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences. , Ecological Abstracts. , Geological Abstracts. , Oceanic Abstracts. , Periodicals Scanned and Abstracted. Life Sciences Collection. , Petroleum Abstracts. , Research Alert. (Full Cov.), Science Citation Index. , SciSearch [Online Database].

Cover image for Vol. 53 Issue 4

Instructions to Authors


PALAEONTOLOGY. Typescripts on any aspect of palaeontology will be considered for publication. Papers on Recent material may be acceptable if their palaeontological relevance is clear. Preference is given to typescripts with more than local significance; those which describe only one or two new species of common genera are not usually accepted. Short papers and reviews are particularly welcome. Discussions of papers published recently in the journal may also be submitted: note that these will be subject to the normal review procedure.

SPECIAL PAPERS IN PALAEONTOLOGY. These are for papers longer than those normally accepted for Palaeontology (i.e. longer than 50 printed pages), or for thematic collections of shorter papers.

FIELD GUIDES TO FOSSILS. Published at irregular intervals, these are designed primarily to be of value in the identification of fossils found in the British Isles. Guides should be broad in scope, and written in a style accessible to all those with an interest in palaeontology.


Submission For Palaeontology and Special Papers in Palaeontology, authors should submit four typescript copies in their final form, with originals and three high quality copies of illustrations, to the Secretary of the Publications Committee (for address see inside back cover of current issue of Palaeontology or the Association’s WWW pages). The Secretary will assign each paper to a Handling Editor who will deal with all subsequent communication with the author. One of the four copies submitted is processed by the Technical Editor, who will ensure that all works cited in the text are in the reference list and vice versa, and will advise on any changes needed to the plates and text-figures. Refereeing is carried out by at least one specialist referee, and by an ?Internal Reader?(a member of the Palaeontological Association Council). Upon completion of the review process, authors will be advised by the Handling Editor whether their manuscript has been accepted for publication; accepted papers may require some revision.

Upon completion of any revision, one copy only of the revised version should be sent to the Handling Editor. Normally, a maximum period of six months is allowed for any revision. If the text has been word-processed, a disk (Apple Mac or PC 3g) should be submitted with the revised version. Preferred word-processing packages are Word (Microsoft) and Wordperfect (Novell), although most other packages can be handled by the printers. Computer-generated text-figures can be run off directly from disk if submitted as ‘Freehand?or ‘Illustrator?files (N.B. see notes below regarding line illustrations). Note that disks will not be used if extensive editorial changes are required to the revised version submitted.

The Publications Secretary should be contacted for advice regarding the submission of titles in the Field Guides to Fossils series.  


Copyright. Authors of papers that are accepted for publication will be asked to sign over the copyright to the Association.



Typing. Typescripts should be single-sided and submitted on good quality paper, preferably of International A4 size (297 x 210 mm). All pages of scripts, including references and explanations of illustrations, should be numbered consecutively. Plate and text-figure explanations should be on separate sheets following the references. Double spacing and left-justification are required throughout and there should be left- and right-hand margins of 30 mm.  


Style. The written style should be simple. Care should be taken to avoid long and complicated sentences and unusual words and phrases, so that papers may be read more easily by those whose first language is not English.


Spelling. Typescripts should be in English with British rather than American spelling. Where alternative spellings of words -ise or -ize exist, use -ize, e.g. use synonymize rather than synonymise. Use artefact, rather than artifact, and geological and stratigraphical rather than geologic and stratigraphic. If in doubt, follow the spelling conventions of the Oxford English Dictionary.


Italics and bold type. If the typescript is word-processed and a disk is to be submitted, text to be italicized should be typed in italics; text to appear in bold type should be typed in as such; otherwise text to be italicized should be underlined, and that to appear in bold type should have a wavy underline.


Roman numerals. Note that references to previously published figure and plate numbers, etc. that were originally given in Roman numerals should be transliterated into arabic numerals.


Abbreviations and contractions. Abbreviations in general should end with a full stop, although there are exceptions, e.g. USA, UK, SEM. Contractions, such as pls and figs, do not have a full stop.


Measurements, numbers and symbols. Use SI units. Lengths, widths, etc. should be given in micrometres I>m), millimetres (mm), metres (m) and kilometres (km). Do not use centimetres (cm). Spell out all numbers from one to ten (inclusive) and any number which begins a sentence. For numbers above ten use arabic numerals. Per cent. should be used, not %. Use the abbreviation c. (= circa) to indicate approximations of both dates and measurements. Use Ma for million years ago and My for million years. Decimal points should be raised, if possible, e.g. 3.5, not 3.5.


Miscellaneous stylistic points. The ampersand, ?amp;? should be used only in the list of references where it forms part of the published title of a paper or book. Otherwise use ‘and?throughout. Use single quotation marks (??, not double quotation marks (??. Spell out compass points, e.g. use ?north-east ? not


Arrangement. Authors should consult recently published issues of Palaeontology and construct their papers in accordance with the format used. Detailed guidance is given below.




The title should be short and informative, and should normally include fossil group, age and general location (if these are appropriate). It should not include the names of new taxa or references to other papers. Avoid using brackets. The title should be centred and typed in capitals, but not in bold type. NOTES FOR AUTHORS 1067 Authors?names. Authors?names only (without addresses) should be typed in capitals underneath the title. Lower case italics should be used for by, and and (if there is more than one author). Authors?names (with their full addresses) should also be typed at the end of the paper on the right-hand side of the page after the reference list. Authors may also include their e-mail address, after their postal address. e.g.


Geology Department

University of Portsmouth

Burnaby Building, Burnaby Road

Portsmouth PO1 3QL, UK

e-mail loydelld@geol.port.ac.uk



A concise abstract of not more than 200 words is required at the beginning of all papers. An abstract reaches a far wider audience than the journal, and therefore it should summarize results (rather than contents) of the paper. It must mention all new systematic names. The abstract begins with the heading,


ABSTRACT (in capitals), flush to the left-hand margin, followed by a full stop, with text continuing on the same line.


Editorial Board


D.J. Batten (Editor-in-Chief), University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK
P.E. Ahlberg, University of Uppsala, Sweden
L.I. Anderson, National Museums of Scotland, UK
E.N.K. Clarkson, University of Edinburgh, UK
S.K. Donovan, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, The Netherlands
S.E. Evans, University College London, UK
E.M. Harper, University of Cambridge, UK
P.D. Polly, University of London, UK
C.H. Wellman, University of Sheffield, UK

Typescripts should conform in style to those already published in this journal, and should be sent to:

    Dr R. A. Wood
    Department of Earth Sciences
    University of Cambridge
    Downing Street
    Tel: +44 (0)1223 333410
    Fax: +44 (0)1222 333450
    e-mail: rw43@esc.cam.uk


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