

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

Instructions to Authors


All submissions should be accompanied by a letter of request for publication. Three copies of the typescript, including three copies of all figures and tables, should be forwarded to the Editor:

Massimo Zoppi, Dept. of Rheumatology, Institute of Internal Medicine, Careggi, 50134 Florence, Italy

Tel. +39 55 412063 and +39 55 4277512, Fax +39 55 4378638. E-mail: m.zoppi@dfc.unifi.it

The authors should keep a copy for reference. Submitted papers must not have been published in, nor have been submitted simultaneously to any other journal. The Pain Clinic and its publishers, will have shared copyright of all material accepted for publication. The author is responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any copyright material and this permission should be acknowledged in the paper. Authors should avoid the use of hospital numbers or names of patients. Patients should not be recognizable from photographs unless their written permission has been first obtained. Papers based on clinical investigation should conform to the ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki.

Contributions, in the English language only, should be typed double-spaced and single-sided on A4 paper and should be numbered consecutively beginning with the title page. Where appropriate, the paper should be organized into the following sections: Abstract, Tables, Illustrations, Legends and Text.

Title page
The first page of the article should contain: the title of the article; the authors'names (given name, middle initial and surname of each author) and affiliation. Name, address, telephone, fax, and if available E-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence, the category for which the manuscript is being submitted (review, research paper, clinical note, etc.) should be provided.

The abstracts should provide a brief background: the aims, method, results and conclusions reached should be described. Abstracts of reviews and of clinical notes should focus on the main topic.

Each table should be typed double-spaced on A4 paper with a separate sheet for every table. The tables should be numbered consecutively with Roman numerals (e.g. Table IV) but should not be given a page number. The caption should appear above the material and units in which the results are expressed should (where appropriate) appear in parentheses at the top of each column.

Figures, in a form suitable for reproduction, should be submitted as original drawings in black ink, or as high-contrast, sharp unmounted photographs on glossy paper. Lettering on figures should be proportional to the size of the figure to ensure legibility after reduction. The appropriate figure(s) will be referred to in the text using Arabic numbers (e.g. Fig. 3). All figures will have an appropriate legend and these will be typed (in numerical order) on a separate sheet of paper at the end of the typescript.

All scientific measurements will be given in SI units are still in common use (e.g. blood pressure, mmHg). The BP generic names of drugs will be used, but the appropriate proprietary name may be added in brackets when it is first mentioned. Oxford English spelling is preferred and the 24-hour clock used for reporting times.

Use the form of references adopted by the US National Library of Medicine and used in Index Medicus. Numbers (in brackets) are assigned consecutively as they appear in the text and are to be listed in numerical (not alphabetical) order in the list of References.

Abbreviate titles of journals according to Index Medicus. Examples:

For a journal

1. Demirturk F, Gungor T, Demirturk F, et al. Relief of primary dysmenorrhea by supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids, The Pain Clinic, 1, 81--4 (2002).

For a book

2. Wall PD, Melzack R (Eds). Textbook of Pain, 4th edn, WB Saunders, Philadelphia (1999).

For a chapter in a book

3. Sola AE, Bonica JJ. Myofascial pain syndromes. In: Bonica JJ (Ed), The Management of Pain, 2nd edn, pp. 352--67, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia (1990).

For proceedings

4. Tolksdorf W. Cancer pain --- diagnosis and treatment. In: Erdmann W, Oyama T and Pernak MJ (Eds), The Pain Clinic 1: Proceedings of the First International symposium, pp. 33--40, VNU Science Press, Utrecht (1985).

If a publication is in press, the reference should be made as complete as possible, stating the name of the journal followed by `in press' (in parentheses).

Page proofs will be sent to the nominated author to check for typesetting accuracy. No changes to the original typescript are accepted at this stage. Proofs should be returned within two days of receipt.

Offprints may be ordered at the prices shown on the publisher's order form which is sent to the author together with the proofs.

All papers will be acknowledged and will receive prompt attention. The final decision concerning acceptance or rejection of typescripts will be at the discretion of the Editor.


Editorial Board


Massimo Zoppi, Dept. of Rheumatology, Institute of Internal Medicine, Careggi, 50134 Florence, Italy

Tel. +39 55 412063 and +39 55 4277512, Fax +39 55 4378638. E-mail: m.zoppi@dfc.unifi.it


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