

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology

Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology (PACE) is the foremost peer-reviewed journal in the field of pacing and implantable cardioversion defibrillation, publishing over 50% of all English language articles in its field, featuring original, review, and didactic papers, and case reports related to daily practice. Articles also include editorials, book reviews, Musings on humane topics relevant to medical practice, electrophysiology (EP) Rounds, NASPE policy statements and information concerning the quality of devices used in the practice of the specialty.


Indexed/Abstracted in

Adonis, Biomedical Engineering Citation Index (TM), CINAHL, Current Contents, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Heart Web, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, INSPEC, ISI Alerting Services, Medical Documentation Services, Reference Update, and Science Citation Index Expanded.

Instructions to Authors

 PACE publishes clinical and research, peer-reviewed, original and review communications in cardiac pacing, clinical and basic cardiac electrophysiology, cardioversion-defibrillation, the electrical stimulation of other organs, cardiac assist, and, in general, the management of cardiac arrhythmias.

Submit to: Seymour Furman, MD, Editor-in-Chief, PACE Editorial Offices, 3 West Main Street, Suite 210, Elmsford NY 10523, USA. Telephone: (914) 238-9334; Fax: 914-238-9350; E-mail: pace@blackwellpub.com For subscription requests, reprint orders, and other business communications call: 914-593-07310.


The letter of submission must affirm that the manuscript is not under simultaneous consideration elsewhere and has not been previousls published in similar form. PACE policy is in accord with HEART Group Notification Regarding Redundant Publication, PACE 1997; 20: 1894-1895. No part of a paper, published by PACE, may be reproduced or published elsewhere without the written permission of the author(s) and the publisher. The author(s) is responsible for the entire manuscript. PACE (editor(s) and publisher) disclaims all responsibility for such material. No product or service advertised in this publication or any claims made by the manufacturers are guaranteed or warranted by the Editor(s) or the publisher. Authors must disclose all associations (either commercial or industrial) that may pose a conflict of interest. All individual affiliations should be acknowledged. Industrial employees may not evaluate or comment about the products of a competitor. Authors should make no claims of priority or novelty and avoid terms such as "new.¡¯¡¯ A manuscript concerning patients requires medical authorship, an animal study requires a medical or veterinary practitioner. The name(s) and address(es) of the manufacturer(s) or supplier(s), and the generic name, should be supplied for a trademarked or registered item. Do not use a trademarked term as a generic, e.g., Marker ChannelTM, a trademarked term.

An excellent reference is SPECIAL REPORT: UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS FOR MANUSCRIPTS SUBMITTED TO BIOMEDICAL JOURNALS. N Engl J Med 1997; 336:309-315 and Ann Intern Med 1997; 126:36-47. Where UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS differs from PACE Instructions, PACE prevails. The AMA Style Manual is a useful reference.


Submit three manuscript copies in the best English usage, typed, double-spaced on 81-2 inch _ 11 inch (or A4) white bond paper, with no more than 25 lines per page and all margins at least 1 inch (2.5 cm). Assemble with page and line numbers in multiples of 5 or 10 in the left margin, in the following order: Title Page, Abstract, Text, References, Legends, Tables, and Figures-each starting on a separate page. Do not put a commercial name in the manuscript title. The editor's decision concerning editorial policy and English usage will prevail.

Title Page The title page should include a brief manuscript title (a maximum of 120 characters) and full name(s), degree(s), and affiliation(s) of all author(s), a running title of 3 to 6 words, and disclosure of all information about financial support, i.e., applicable grants and contracts. Information for correspondence and reprints should include mail address, telephone, fax, and e-mail of the corresponding author.

Abstract Full length articles should include an abstract of fewer than 250 words which is a precis of the manuscript and contains all information and results and is not an introduction to the remainder of the manuscript. Provide a maximum of 6 key words suitable for indexing. Standard abbreviations should be used for all measurements.

Text The text follows the abstract. All but the most well known abbreviations (e.g., ECG) should be defined, thereafter the abbreviation may be used. References should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text, as should tables and figures. Acknowledgments should follow at the end of the text, before references which are listed in numerical order.

References Abbreviate titles of periodicals in the style of Index Medicus. If more than three authors, use et al. Follow the format (arrangement and punctuation) shown below:

Periodicals 1. Fisher JD, Kim SG, Waspe LE, et al. Amiodarone: Value of programmed electrical stimulation and Holter monitoring. PACE 1986; 9:422-435.

Books (edited by other than author of article) 2. Hayes DL. Newest Developments in Rate-Adaptive Pacing. In I. Singer, et al. (eds.): Nonpharmacological Therapy of Arrhythmias for the 21st Century. Armonk NY, Futura Publishing Co., Inc., 1998, pp. 797-818.

Books (edited by identical author and editor) 3. L¨¹deritz B. History of the Disorders of Cardiac Rhythm, Second Revised and Updated Printing. Armonk NY, Futura Publishing Co., Inc., 1998, pp. 107-118.

Personal Communications 4. Smith I. December 10, 1986, Personal Communication. Only written Personal Communications, available upon request may be referenced.

Abstracts 5. As for periodicals but with (abstract) before the periodical title.

Tables Number tables consecutively in order of appearance, each with a title placed at its top which supplements, not duplicates, the text. Abbreviations and any material that is not self explanatory should be footnoted and explained.

Figures Submit 3 black-and-white, high definition glossy prints, each 5" x 7" (13 cm _ 18 cm) in size. All figures are subject to reduction in size. Symbols, numbering, and lettering should be of adequate size to retain clarity after size reduction. On the back of each print, indicate figure number, first author's name, and indicate the top, all written lightly with soft, black pencil or on a gummed label. Each figure should have a corresponding legend supplementing the text. Identify all abbreviations used in a figure at the end of each legend. Use standard abbreviations for measurements. Do not submit original art work, X-rays, or ECGs. Black and white illustrations are published without charge to the author. Four-color illustrations are printed at a cost to the author of $975 (US) per page (one side). Arrange with the publisher for color reproductions at the time of (or before) manuscript submission. Submit written permission from publisher(s) and author(s) for any figure that has been published previously. Permission must allow for electronic reproduction on CDROM. Photographs in which a patient or other person is identifiable must have written consent from that person.

Case Reports Reports about one or two cases are defined as a case report and may not exceed 6 pages for all material, i.e., abstract (50-100 words), text, references, legends, tables, etc, plus a single title page and three 5" x 7" figures, all in standard PACE preparation format. A figure with multiple panels will be reduced in size to constitute a 5" x 7" illustration. If submitted outside of these constraints, it will be returned, unreviewed. A separate publication schedule exists.

Abbreviated Case Reports A maximum of 3 double-spaced pages for all material. A title page and a single 5" x 7" illustration, or a table may be submitted. (See Case Reports.) An accelerated publication schedule exists.

EP Rounds Follow the Case Report format and begin by presenting the clinical problem and pertinent information to guide the reader to a solution. Clearly label the manuscript "EP Rounds and send it to George Klein, MD, c/o Arrhythmia Service, Cardiac Investigation Unit, University Hospital, PO Box 533, Postal Station A, London, Ontario, N6A 5A5 Canada. Publication will be at the discretion of Dr. Klein.

Multicenter evaluations of a commercial product Prepare such a manuscript of a single sponsor commercial product or technique in PACE format limited to 2500 words of text (supply word count exclusive of abstract and references), 20 references, and 5 figures or tables. Disclose all commercial affiliations/financial aid.

Policy conferences and proposed code revisions may be considered only with the written endorsement of a recognized international organization. Publication is not assured. The editor's decision will prevail.

Letters to the Editor Letters should not exceed 500 words (without a figure or table), even if describing a clinical or scientific event. A figure or table will correspondingly reduce the text of this letter. In most instances a letter should be about a specific article that appeared in PACE and be received within 6 weeks of its publication. A response will be solicited from the authors of the original article. Letters will be edited and published at the editor's discretion.

Diskette preparation Submit a computer diskette with the final revised manuscript prepared in run-in style with all print commands (e.g., superscript, subscript, italics) included on the disk and on the printout. Label the diskette indicating the journal, first author's name, manuscript number, hardware (PC or Mac) and software used (word processing program, e.g., [WordPerfect 8.0]), and the name of the text file. Computer-generated artwork supplied on diskette will be output electronically, whenever possible. EPS and TIFF files capable of being sized are preferred. Submit figures on a separate diskette specifying the hardware and software (name and version, e.g., [Harvard Graphics 3.0]) and the name of the text file. Hard copy of all art should be supplied.

Editorial Board


Seymour Furman, MD, Editor-in-Chief, PACE Editorial Offices, 3 West Main Street, Suite 210, Elmsford NY 10523, USA. Telephone: (914) 238-9334; Fax: 914-238-9350; E-mail: pace@blackwellpub.com


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