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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry brings together molecular design, synthesis, structure, function and reactivity in one journal. It publishes fundamental work on synthetic, physical and biomolecular organic chemistry as well as all organic aspects of: chemical biology, medicinal chemistry, natural product chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, macromolecular chemistry, theoretical chemistry, and catalysis.

OBC publishes not only Communications and full paper Articles but also two types of critical review.  Perspectives cover important developments in organic chemistry and are invited from experts in the field, while Emerging Areas, short feature articles on particularly topical subjects, are invited from eminent young chemists.

The RSC is well known for its rapid publication times, and OBC boasts the shortest times to publication in the field. Typically, full papers take 11 weeks to publication while Communications are published a mere 6 weeks from submission.

Key benefits to publishing in OBC include:

Competitive impact factor of 3.167
Fast publication
Easy submission and manuscript tracking online via ReSourCe
Free online colour in both the HTML and web pdf versions of articles
Free print colour where scientifically justified
High exposure - top papers highlighted in the wider scientific press
Broadest organic audience - synthetic, physical and biomolecular
Indexed in MEDLINE and other major databases 

Why publish in OBC?

Find out about the top reasons for you to publish in OBC

Brief guidelines for submitting a manuscript to OBC

Brief submission guidelines for Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry

Cover image for Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, select for current issue

Instructions to Authors

Submitting an article to Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry is quick and easy. Brief information about the files, formats and characterisation required are given below (for further information please see the full author guidelines by using the link at the bottom of this page).

Files required for submission:

Cover letter: For communications this should also include a justification for urgent publication
Manuscript file: Figures can be embedded or supplied separately. Templates are available but we are happy to receive non-templated submissions. References do not need to be formatted
Supplementary material: As a separate Word or PDF file
Crystallography: Can be supplied as cif file or CCDC number, along with a CheckCIF report
Details of any 'in press' articles, including copies of the manuscripts
Files can be uploaded online via our ReSourCe system.

Characterisation Requirements:
The following is a summary of the characterisation guidelines for OBC.

When submitting an article authors must provide convincing evidence in support of the homogeneity and structure of all new compounds. We generally require five independent methods of characterisation for each new compound (for known compounds one of these can be comparison to a literature reference). One method must indicate evidence of purity.

Methods of characterisation:

Melting point
High resolution mass spectrometry
Low resolution mass spectrometry
Other nuclei NMR
Elemental analysis
Refractive index
Methods that indicate purity:

Elemental analysis
HPLC or NMR spectral scans (supplied as supplementary material)
Files required for submission of revised manuscripts:
Full details of files required for acceptance and production will be sent to authors along with the referee reports. The following is a summary:

Covering letter, detailing all changes made to the manuscript Manuscript text, without embedded graphics, as a Word document Schemes and structures as ChemDraw files Other images as jpeg, tif or eps files (ideally at a resolution of 600 dpi) Supplementary material as a separate Word or PDF file Crystallography as a cif file, if revised

Author Guidelines 

Author Guidelines Homepage

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Author Guidelines

Choose a topic from the links below:

Journal Policy

Initial assessment of submissions, plus journal-by-journal guidelines detailing general policy issues, types of article published in each journal, etc.

Article Layout

Find out how to structure your article, format your text, and construct your experimental and reference sections.


Looking for instructions on artwork preparation? Need to know RSC policy on colour artwork or provision of cover images?


Looking for guidelines on presenting your X-ray crystallography data? Or some other analytical technique?

Supplementary Data

Need to make data available to other readers? Depositing information with a database? Or just providing supporting data for your article?

Electronic Files

Looking for author templates? Need help creating your files for submission? Not sure what to send and when?

Authoring Tools

Click here for common journal abbreviations, nomenclature, units and symbolism, and other helpful resources

Summary Guidelines for Non-English Speakers

Summary guidelines in Chinese and Japanese

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board


Editorial Board  

International Advisory Editorial Board
Roger Alder
Bristol, UK
Vincenzo Balzani
Bologna, Italy
Barry Carpenter
Cornell, USA
Andre B Charette
Montreal, Canada
Peter Chen
ETH, Switzerland
Jonathan Ellman
Berkeley, USA
Kurt Faber
Graz, Austria
Malcom D E Forbes
UNorth Carolina Chapel Hill, USA
Sam H Gellman
Wisconsin, USA
Jan Kihlberg
Umea, Sweden
Philip Kocienski
Leeds, UK
Steven Ley
Cambridge, UK
Manuel Martin Lomas
Seville, Spain
Zhang Li-He
Beijing Medical University, China
Michael J Martinelli
Amgen, USA
Keiji Maruoka
Kyoto, Japan
E W 'Bert' Meijer
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Eiichi Nakamura
Tokyo, Japan
Ryoji Noyori
Nagoya, Japan
Mark Rizzacasa
Melbourne, Australia
Alanna Schepartz
Yale, USA
Oliver Seitz
Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin, Germany
Kevan Shokat
Berkeley, USA
Steve Street
Pfizer, UK
Suzanne Walker
Princeton, USA
Jon Waltho
Sheffield, UK
James D White
Oregon, USA
Sam Z Zard
Ecole Polytechnique, France


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