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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Ofioliti was established in 1976, and provides an international forum for original contributions and reviews in the field of the geodynamics, petrology, geochemistry, stratigraphy, tectonics and paleogeography of both ophiolites and the crust of present oceans, with their sedimentary cover. Studies of related topics such as the geodynamics of the mantle and the evolution of orogens including ophiolites are also welcome.

Indexed/abstracted in: 


Instructions to Authors

Presentation of papers

The accepted languages are English and French. The Italian authors are requested to give an oral presentation of their papers during one of the meetings of the Working Group on Mediterranean Ophiolites.

Manuscript submission

1) The Bulletin consists of three main sections: "Papers", "Short notes" and "Abstracts and Reviews". The latter concerns articles and books which have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. A fourth section, "Letters", accepts comments, critical observations and replies regarding papers published in the Bulletin or any significant topic related to ophiolites.

2) The manuscripts need to be submitted in three type written copies of good quality. The text should be double-spaced with wide margins and complete with figures suitable for reproduction.

3) Manuscripts to be published in the "Papers" section need to be submitted in the following form:

a) Title. If in French, its English translation should follow in brackets.

b) First and last name of the authors.

c) Name and address of the University (or Institution) of each author.

d) For papers presented at the meeting of the Working Group the data and locality of the meeting must be specified.

e) Keywords (4-8) describing in order.

i) The main object of the paper, ii) its eventual attributes and specific aspects, iii) age, iv) locality.

f) Abstract. A complete but synthetic summary should precede the paper. If in French, an English abstract not shorter than 1/5 of the original text, figures and references excluded, should also be added.

g) Text. A clear hierarchic order of the chapters is recommended. References in the text should be in brackets in the form: (Shakespeare et al., 1600), (Reagan and Gorbaciov, 1985).

Paleontological names, in latin should be displayed in italics.

Foot page notes should be double-spaced and inserted at the end of the page they refer to, with a progressive number from the first to the last one.

h) Figures.

General: At submission three copies of all line drawings and photographs must be sent. For review purposes, copies of illustrations must be legible and relatively easy to handle, and any photographs must be direct prints.

Authors will be asked to send their originals to the Editor or publisher when their paper is accepted. No artwork Should be incorporated in text files.

All illustrations should have their numbers and the author's name written on the back in pencil. Never use paper clips or tape on illustrations and do not write with pen on the back of figure originals or glossy prints.

All illustrations, whether line drawings or photographs, are termed figures. Tables and photograph plates must have a separated numeration.

Illustrations may include line drawings, photographs, black and white patterned sketch maps etc. (at least 600dpi laser printout must be used).

About digital images: Please send digital versions of your figures when possible.

We prefer EPS files for line drawings and TIFF files (300dpi) photographs and micro-photographs. Bit-map files are also welcome but minimum resolution must be increased to 600dpi. It is also possible to send digital images saved using the original drawing packege formats. Drawing packeges accepted by Ofioliti are: Canvas and Freehand (PC or Mac).

Pattern and screens: Avoid using dot screens and gray shades if possible, when dot screens are scanned dropouts or moir?patterns often occur. If they are essential to the understanding of the figure try to make them coarse and use patterns instead of dot screens. The pattern should look like dots and not appear as uniform gray at final publication scale. If you use a dot screen it must be between 20% and 80% and a difference at least of 30% must be used between two adjacent dot screen fields. The examples indicates the commonests patterns available in artwork programs and the final result after publication. Choose the right ones. Avoid fine lines and hairlines, preferably no finer than 1 pt.

Figures size: Printed figures and digital images must be dimensioned using the figure final size, at least. All illustrations should fit the width of a column (85 mm), two-thirds of a page (120 mm, with vertical aligned caption) or a page (180 mm).

Other tips: Subpanels of multipanel figures should be labelled with lower-case roman letters, (a), (b) etc. Avoid mixing typefaces and style of figures within the same paper. Plan all type sizes large enough so that the smallest letters will be at least 1.5 mm tall after reduction.

Bar scales are preferred to numerical scales. Calibrate graphic scales in metric units. Indicate latitude and longitude on maps. Where necessary, mark "top."

Do not put captions on the figures themselves. Captions must be typed on a separate sheet

Good-quality glossy prints of photographs should be sent with lettering added. All lettering on illustrations must be drafted or laser printed, not typed or handwritten. Composite Photoplates must be mounted on a flexible surface (max. 180 x 250 mm)

Tables must be typed on separate sheets and be as short as possible. They should be self explanatory and should supplement, not duplicate the text.

Mathematics: In-line equations should be typed as text. Use of graphics programs and 'equation editors' should be avoided, unless part of commonly available word-processing packages (Word, WordPerfect, etc.).

Color illustrations and double (folded) figures:Color illustrations and double (folded) figures will be accepted; however, the authors will be expected to make a contribution to extra costs.

i) References. The format of the references is shown in the following example:

Sclater J.G., Hawkins J.W., Mammerichx J. and Chace C.G., 1972. Crustal extension between the Tonga and Lau Ridges: petrologic and geophysical evidence. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 83 (2): 505-517.

Holmes A., 1965. Principles of Physical Geology. Nelson, London, 1288 pp.

Upton E.C.J., 1967. Alkaline pyroxenites. In: P.I. Willies (Ed.). Ultramafic and related rocks, Wiley, New York, p. 281-288.

4) Papers shorter than 4 pages (including references and figures) can be quickly published in the "short notes" section after limited revision by the Editorial Office. Publication in this section is made only after authors?request. If written in English, they do not need any abstract which is only requested for short notes in French.

5) In the section "Abstracts and Reviews", the text should be in English or with an English translation after the French text. Tables and figures can be included.

Both Abstracts and Reviews should be complete of title, author(s) and reference to the book or the journal where the paper is published. The title of the review can be different from that of the original work and can concern just specific aspects of it.

6) Reprints. 100 reprints of each paper will be sent to the author(s) free of charge.


Editorial process

The Editorial Board has the right to introduce minor language corrections to the final version of the manuscript.

Galley proofs are not provided to the authors, unless requested.

Authors are encouraged to submit the final text on a 3.5" diskette or on a CD. Both double density (DD) and high density (HD) diskettes are acceptable. It is recommended that Authors supply the final version the diskette or CD preferably in Microsoft WORD for DOS or APPLE. Informations about file’s identification, operating system, version of WORD processing are also required. As with the requirements for the manuscript, the main text, list of references, table and figure captions should be stored in separate text files with clear file names.

Editorial Board


Valerio Bortolotti
E-mail: ofio@cesit1.unifi.it

Editorial office

Pietro Passerini, Gianfranco Principi, Ivan Aiello
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universit?di Firenze, Via La Pira 4, 50121 Florence, Italy
E-mail: ofio@cesit1.unifi.it

Benedetta Treves
Centro Studi Geologia dell’Appennino, CNR, Via La Pira 4, 50121 Florence, Italy
E-mail: ofio@cesit1.unifi.it

Michele Marroni
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universit?di Pisa, Via S. Maria 53, 56100 Pisa, Italy
E-mail: marroni@dst.unipi.it

Riccardo Tribuzio
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universit?di Pavia, Via Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia
E-mail: tribuzio@crystal.unipv.it

Luca Pandolfi
Centro di Studio per la Geologia Strutturale e Dinamica dell'Appennino, CNR Pisa Via S. Maria 53, 56126 Pisa, Italy

E-mail: pandolfi@dst.unipi.it


Editorial Board

P.O.Baumgartner, Lausanne, Switzerland
J. Beien, Paris, France
L. Beccaluva, Ferrara, Italy
R.G. Coleman, Menlo Park, U.S.A
L. Cortesogno, Genoa, Italy
G.V. Dal Piaz, Padua, Italy
J. Desmons, Nancy, France
Y.Dilek, Miami, USA
V. Höck, Salzburg, Austria
J.A. Pearce, Durham, U.K.
G.B. Piccardo, Genoa, Italy
A.H.F. Robertson, Edinburgh, U.K
N.G. Savelyeva, Moscow, Russia
G. Serri, Parma, Italy
P. Spadea, Udine, Italy
I.M.Villa, Berna, Switzerland
G.G. Zuffa, Bologna, Italy.


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