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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Occupational Medicine 

Occupational Medicine is an international peer-reviewed journal, providing vital information for the promotion of workplace health and safety.

Topics covered include work-related injury and illness, accident and illness prevention, health promotion, occupational disease, health education, the establishment and implementation of health and safety standards, monitoring of the work environment, and the management of recognised hazards. Contributions are welcomed from practising occupational health physicians and research workers in related fields.

Abstracting and Indexing Services

Occupational Medicine is covered by the following major indexing services:

Current Contents/Clinical Medicine
Scisearch, Research Alert, British Medicure
CABS, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
Index Medicus, Excerpta Medica database
(EMBASE), CIS (Switzerland), Korean Medical
Abstracts, BIOS and NIOSHTIC


Instructions to Authors


Communication on all editorial matters should be addressed to The Honorary Editor, Occupational Medicine, c/o The Society of Occupational Medicine, 6 St Andrew's Place, Regent's Park, London NW1 4LB, UK. E-mail: OMjournal@som.org.uk. Publications become the property of the Society and permission to reproduce an article or any part thereof should be obtained from the Publisher.

We are encouraging e-mail submissions of papers, as this increases the speed of the refereeing process. If you would like to take up this option, please:

  1. Send the manuscript to the e-mail address given above, as a Microsoft Word .doc or .rtf file.

  2. Inform us of the format of any graphs or figures. Do not embed these in the text, send them in as .tif files if possible, or in their original file format.

  3. Then forward two paper copies, accompanied by a suitable electronic version on disk (see instructions below), to the journal office with the signed covering letter.

The covering letter with the typescript must include the following information:

  1. Relevant details of any prior or duplicate publication.

  2. A statement of the roles played by each author, e.g. data analysis, experimental design.

  3. A declaration of any possible conflicts of interest and/or funding.

  4. A signed statement that the paper has been read and approved by all authors.

  5. Full details for contacting the corresponding author.

  6. A statement that, where appropriate, relevant ethical standards and current best practice have been adhered to.

Submissions which do not conform to these Notes for Authors will be returned for amendment.

The attention of authors is particularly drawn to the first requirements listed above. Failure to do so will be viewed as a serious breach of conduct.

Papers should conform to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals according to the Vancouver style (available from the British Medical Journal, London WC1H 9JR, UK). On acceptance for publication papers are subject to editorial amendment. Authors are solely responsible for the factual accuracy of their papers.

Prior and duplicate publication

The Journal will not consider for publication a paper on work that has already been reported in a published paper or is described in a paper submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. This does not preclude a paper that has been rejected by another journal or a full report that follows publication of a preliminary report, usually in the form of an abstract. Authors must always make a full statement to the Editor about all submissions and previous reports that might be regarded as prior or duplicate publication of the same or very similar work. Copies of such material must be included with the submitted paper to help the Editor decide how to deal with the matter.


Multiple authorship is discouraged. Authors should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content.

Submitted typescript

Four copies should be submitted, typed on one side of A4 paper in double spacing with a margin of at least 25 mm all round. All manuscripts must be accompanied by an IBM-compatible disk containing the paper saved in Microsoft Word, also as rich text format (RTF) if available. The disk should be clearly labelled with your name, paper title and file names. These will be acknowledged on receipt at the Editorial Office. The first page should include the title of the paper and names of all authors plus telephone, fax and e-mail addresses of the corresponding author. The abstract and main text should continue on the following page. To expediate publication and accuracy, authors must submit their peer reviewed manuscripts on an IBM-compatible disk. The disk should contain the paper saved in Microsoft Word, also as RTF if available, and as ASCII (plain) text. A text copy of the paper is required also for reference.


The abstract should be no more than 250 words and structured into Background, Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions.

Key words

The abstract should be followed by a list of 3¨C10 key words or short phrases which will assist the cross-indexing of the article and which may be published.


In addition, if possible, both line and half-tone illustrations can be supplied on disk in TIFF format otherwise the following instructions should be followed.

Diagrams should be drawn in black on white paper or drawing film to either 168 or 345 mm wide for 50% reduction; the maximum depth is 500 mm. Authors should use the minimum amount of descriptive matter on graphs and refer to curves or points by symbols defined in the caption. Photocopies of diagrams, half-tone photographs, radiographs or transparencies are not acceptable for reproduction.

Photographs should be black and white, glossy and of good contrast. They should be supplied unmounted and labelled on the back with the author¡¯s name and figure number, and the orientation should be shown. To indicate magnification, a scale bar should be marked on the photograph, rather than a magnification factor being given in the caption. Colour illustrations are acceptable, but authors will be expected to cover the extra reproduction costs (for current charges contact the Publishers).

Three copies of each illustration are required, which may be one original and two copies. Figure captions should be listed on a separate sheet of paper and numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals.


Tables should be presented on separate pages with a suitable caption at the top of each table. Column headings should be as brief as possible and give units of measure in parentheses. Vertical lines are not needed.

Both figures and tables should be constructed and labelled in such a way that they may be understood without reference to the text.


References should be indicated in the text as numbers in brackets, placed in line with the text and in order of appearance. References cited only in tables or figures should be numbered in sequence according to the first mention of the illustration in the text. Periodicals should be abbreviated as in Index Medicus; if the journal is not listed in the Index give the full title. Up to six authors should be listed; if there are more quote the first three followed by et al. The sequence for a journal article is: author(s), title, journal, year, volume, first and last page number, e.g.

Teasdale EL, Rackham M, McHattie GV. Derivation of occupational exposure limits in the pharmaceutical industry. Occup Med 1990;41:1¨C19.

The sequence for a book chapter or a book is: author(s), book title [or chapter title, editor(s), book title], edition, place of publication, publisher, year, first and last pages, e.g.

Loan LD, Winslow FH. Thermal degradation and stabilization. In: Lincoln Hawkins W, ed. Polymer Stabilization. New York: Wiley Interscience, 1972; 457¨C472.


Footnotes should not be used in the text. Footnotes to tables should be placed at the bottom of the table to which they refer.

Units and abbreviations

SI units should be used except for measurement of blood pressure (mmHg). Abbreviations and acronyms should only be used if absolutely necessary and must be defined on first use. Guidance on use and presentation of statistical analysis is available in Statistical Guideline for Contributions to Medical Journals (available from the British Medical Journal, London WC1H 9JR, UK).


It is a condition of publication in the Journal that authors grant an exclusive licence to the Society of Occupational Medicine. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently, and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. As part of the licence agreement, Authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication and Oxford University Press as the publisher. If papers include tables or illustrations that have been published previously, the author must obtain permission to reproduce from the first publisher (and author if necessary) before the paper can be accepted for publication in Occupational Medicine. Copies of the letters of permission must accompany the submitted article. Opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and not those of the Journal or the Society of Occupational Medicine.


The first named or the nominated author will be sent proofs for correction. The publisher reserves the right to charge authors for the cost of changes made to the text or the figures at proof stage when such changes are extensive. No charge will be made for corrections of errors made during the editorial process or by the printer.


The publisher will supply free online access for each paper. Offprints may be ordered at an extra cost at proof stage. Reprints of all papers may be purchased direct from the publishers.

Disposal of manuscripts

Occupational Medicine holds on file submitted manuscripts for 6 months after editorial decision or publication. From that date, all manuscripts in our possession which have either been published or rejected will be destroyed.

Occupational Medicine is an international peer-reviewed journal published by Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, UK.



  • An editorial is an authoritative piece of writing about a topic of importance or current interest to occupational physicians.
  • It should be less than 1500 words and should have approximately 10 references.
  • The content of the editorial should where possible be factual and evidence based or based on current opinion but it is not intended to be a comprehensive review. Current opinion means a reasonable body of current opinion.
  • The editorial should present all sides of an argument if more than one exists and by appraising these it should come to a reasonable conclusion, reflecting a balance of views rather than one view.
  • Editorials that are intended to promote debate are acceptable but this intention should be stated in the text.
  • Personal opinion can be expressed but should be identified as such.
  • The opinions expressed have to be acceptable to the editor as the representative of the Society of Occupational Medicine.
  • As for other submitted material, the editorial will be subject to review by at least two members of the editorial team.
  • It is not OM policy to wilfully alter submitted editorials unless the above guidelines are breached.
Short Reports
  • Short reports are abbreviated research papers which should focus on a small number of principal findings.
  • They may be offered to authors as a means of having their work published rather than rejection where this has been recommended by reviewers or where the editor feels that the full paper is not suitable for publication in Occupational Medicine.
  • Short reports may also be submitted as such by authors.
  • The short report should not be no more than two pages long and can be one page.
  • The recommended length is not more than 1000 words including abstract, tables and references.
  • The abstract should be structured as Background; Aim or Objective; Methods; Results; Conclusion.
  • There should be one, or exceptionally two, tables summarizing the main findings.
  • There is no defined introduction or discussion.
  • There should be a maximum of 10 recent and valid references.
      Book Reviews

      Book reviews are intended to inform occupational physicians about new publications or updated versions in the broad field of occupational health, safety and hygiene. Reviews should enable a reader to decide whether the publication is of interest to them and, if so, whether they wish to purchase a personal copy of the book or request its addition to a local library as a reference tool.

      Book reviews should be approximately 300 words long. The article should include the following elements.

      Basic descriptive information
      1. A standard list of details about the reviewed book/publication
        • Title
        • Author or editors
        • ISBN number
        • Year of publication or year of latest edition
        • Publisher
        • Price
      2. A brief description of the author's or editors credentials or expertise.
      3. A description of the intended target audience. Content
      4. A summary of the structure and content of the book (broad outline of what is included in each section or group of chapters; does the book flow logically from one chapter or section to the next?)
      5. An opinion about the readability of the text.
      6. An opinion about the scientific or factual quality of the content.
      7. A statement about the comprehensiveness of the book. Are there any important omissions?
      8. If the book is a new edition of an existing text, summarize the changes or advances offered by the new version. Summary
      9. To what extent does the book meet the needs of the target audience?
      10. Does the book represent good value for money?
      11. An overall summary of the usefulness of the book to occupational physicians.

      This must be given as a star rating as outlined in the key below

      Rating Overall verdict

      * Don't bother picking it up

      ** Reference only

      *** Borrow from the library

      **** Buy, Read and Keep

      ***** Essential for the bookshelf

      Book reviews should be submitted as Microsoft Word .doc or .rtf files, and preferably by e-mail.

      Website Reviews

      Aim: Website reviews are intended to inform occupational physicians about web based information which is available in areas of occupational health and safety, occupational hygiene, and clinical medicine. A review should assist a reader to decide whether (or not) a website is of interest to them, and if so, how useful it might be to them in their practice of occupational medicine.

      Website reviews should be about 500 words long. The review should cover the following areas:

      1. Developers and sponsors
        • Are these clearly identified?
        • Are they experts in the field?
        • Are there any conflicts of interest noted?
      2. Purpose
        • Is the website's purpose, target audience, and health issues clearly stated?
      3. Content
        • Are sources of material used on the website reliable and unbiased?
        • Is the material up to date?
        • When was the website last updated)?
      4. Design
        • Is the website easy to navigate?
        • Are any website graphics/features pitched at an appropriate level for the user?
      5. Evaluation
        • Does the website address user satisfaction?
        • Are changes in knowledge or attitudes taken into account?
        • Are details of costs for use of website resources available?
      6. Confidentiality
        • Is the user required to register to use the website?
        • Is personal information protected i.e. who has access to user information?
        For each of the parameters below, please assign a score out of five (1 = lowest score, 5 = highest)
        • Access speed
        • Speed of searches
        • User friendliness
        • Links to other websites
        • Overall score
        Please also indicate which of the following applies:
        • Of interest to specialists in the field only
        • Of general interest to occupational physicians
        • Should be bookmarked (added to favourites)

    • Editorial Board


      Honorary Editor

      Dr John Hobson
      Occupational Medicine
      c/o Society of Occupational Medicine
      6 St. Andrew's Place,
      Regent's Park,
      London, NW1 4LB

      Tel/Fax: 020 7486 2641/0028
      e-mail: OMjournal@som.org.uk

      Honorary Assistant Editor

      J C Smedley,
      Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK

      Assistant Editors

      J R Beach,
      University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

      D F Gallagher,
      HSE, Sheffield, UK

      L Holden,
      MOD, Salisbury, UK

      Officers of the Society of Occupational Medicine

      President: J Challenor
      Immediate Past President: P J Nicholson
      President Elect: A M Roberts
      Hon. Secretary: D H Wright
      Hon. Treasurer: A Bailey
      Hon. Newsletter Editor: D A Scarisbrick
      Hon. Meetings Secretary: E Murphy

      Editorial Panel Members

      W B Bunn, USA
      J F Caillard, France
      A M Donoghue, Australia
      G Franco, Italy
      P F G Gannon, UK
      W Glass, New Zealand
      T L Guidotti, USA
      K Holland-Elliott, UK
      D Koh, Singapore
      R Lauwerys, Belgium
      R Philipp, UK
      J Rantaanen, Finland
      K Takahashi, Japan
      L T Wall, UK
      N R Williams, UK
      P A Wynn, Durham, UK
      A Yardley Jones, UK


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