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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Occupational and Environmental Medicine


ISSN: 1351-0711


Brief description of the journal

Occupational and Environmental Medicine is a monthly journal concerned with areas of current importance in occupational medicine and environmental health issues throughout the world. Original contributions include epidemiological,physiological and psychological studies of occupational and environmental health hazards as well as toxicological studies of materials posing human health risks. A methodology series gives authoritative summaries of modern methods relevant to the subject area. A correspondence section provides a forum for debate and notification of preliminary findings.

Instructions to Authors


Occupational and Environmental Medicine is intended primarily for the publication of original contributions relevant to occupational and environmental medicine, including epidemiological studies and toxicological studies of chemicals, industrial, agricultural, and environmental importance.

Articles may be submitted as full papers (up to 5000 words) reporting original research, short papers (up to 1500 words) or case reports. We publish few case reports and those we do cover important new ground, rather than emphasising previously known associations. Editorials, leaders and articles in the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and World at Work series are usually commissioned. Authors wishing to submit such an article or any other review article should first contact the Editor to discuss the suitability of the proposed submission. We also welcome the submission of black and white photographs and short accompanying text for Images in OEM, and short fillers (up to 300 words) covering interesting or instructive experiences in the general field of occupational and environmental medicine. Letters to the Editor are always welcome, and authors should initially submit their letter on the OEM's website using the e-letter (rapid resonse) facility.


Back to Guidelines to Bench>Press

All manuscripts should now be submitted via Bench>Press, however, if you are unable to do so, please send the manuscript electronically via email (oemeditorial@bmjgroup.com) or on a floppy disk to the Editorial Office. Manuscripts should be typed in double line space and paginated, with the name, postal and e-mail address of a corresponding author clearly marked on the title page.

The Editor
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
BMJ Publishing Group
BMA House
Tavistock Square
London WC1H 9JR
Tel: +44 (0)20 7383 6561
Fax: +44 (0)20 7383 6668
E-mail: oemeditorial@bmjgroup.com

Papers reporting results of studies on human subjects must be accompanied by a statement that the subjects gave written, informed consent and by evidence of approval from the appropriate ethics committee. These papers should conform to the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki (BMJ 1964;ii:177). Contact details of the corresponding author, including a telephone number, fax number and e-mail address, must be provided at submission.

Authors are asked to declare any conflict of interest. If requested, authors shall produce the data on which the manuscript is based, for examination by the Editor. All authors are required to grant Occupational and Environmental Medicine an exclusive licence for publication.

Authors are asked to submit with their manuscript the names and addresses of three people who they consider would be suitable independent reviewers. They will not necessarily be approached to review the paper.

Papers are considered on the understanding that they are submitted solely to this Journal and do not duplicate material already published elsewhere. In cases of doubt, where part of the material has been published elsewhere, the published material should be included with the submitted manuscript to allow the Editor to assess the degree of duplication. The Editor cannot enter into correspondence about papers rejected as being unsuitable for publication, and the Editor's decision in these matters is final.

Papers should not normally exceed about 5000 words and should include a structured abstract of not more than 300 words, under headings of Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Please include up to three keywords or key terms to assist with indexing.

Papers should follow the requirements of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (BMJ 1991;302:338-41). Papers and references must be typewritten in double spacing on one side of the paper only, with wide margins. SI units should be used. Revised manuscripts should be submitted as hard copy and on disk. Detailed instructions will be provided on invitation to revise.

Short reports
Short reports (including case reports) should be not more than 1500 words including a brief abstract. They should comprise sections of Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion with not more than one table or figure and up to 10 references. The format of case reports should be Introduction, Case report, and Discussion.

Main Messages
Authors of papers and short reports should include with their submission a summary box of up to five main messages from the work and a box of up to three policy implications of the work.

Black and white illustrations (artwork) can be supplied as (or exported as) EPS files. Our preferred formats are Illustrator or Corel Draw. Black and White images (photographs) can be supplied as TIFF files, to a minumum of 300 dpi. This will ensure the quality of the final image. Our preferred format is Photoshop. Digital graphics supplied in formats other than thase listed above may be refused due to quality considerations. Wherever possible colour images should be supplied digitally. These should be on formatted floppy disks as TIFF files, preferably at a minimum resolution of 600 dpi or high quality JPEG files. All graphics should be supplied along with three hard copies of the figure. Legends to figures should be supplied on a separate sheet of paper, and included in the electronic text file with the manuscript and references.

Authors should submit a list of the abbreviations used in their paper or short report.

References will not be checked by the editorial office; responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of references lies with the authors. Number references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references in texts, tables, and legends by Arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets. References cited only in tables or in legends to figures should be numbered in accordance with a sequence established by the first identification in the text of a particular table or illustration. Include only references essential in the argument being developed in the paper or to the discussion of results, or to describe methods which are being used when the original description is too long for inclusion. Information from manuscripts not yet in press or personal communications should be cited in the text, not as formal references.

Use the Vancouver style, as in this issue for instance, for a standard journal article: authors (list all authors when three or fewer, when four or more list only three and add et al), title, abbreviated title of journal as given in Index Medicus (if not in Index Medicus give in full), year of publication, volume number, and first and last page number.

Contributors will receive one proof. Only minor corrections can be made at this stage; corrections other an printer's errors may be charged to the author.

Reprints will be charged for. The number of reprints required should be stated on the form provided with the proofs.

Where possible, tables should be submitted in the same format as your article and embedded in the article (preferably where cited). Tables should be self-explanatory, and the data they contain must not be duplicated in the text or figures.
Please note:
Bench>Press CANNOT accept Excel files. In extreme circumstances, Excel files can be uploaded as supplementary files; however, if you article is accepted it will be returned to you before processing to enable you to embed the tables  in the text.  Excel files can easily be copied and pasted into your Word file.

Online submission using Bench>Press

Please note: the following instructions apply to submission via Bench>Press only. Manuscripts must still adhere to the standard layout guidelines above.

Registering with Bench>Press

Users are required to register with the system when accessing the system for the first time. Click on ¡®CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT¡¯. You will be asked to complete 3 steps:

1.    Email/Password:
Enter your email address: This is your unique user identification and will be needed to log into the system on ALL occasions.
Enter a password: This will be encrypted for security reasons, and will not be known to either the OEM editorial office or HighWire Press. If you forget your password you will need to click on ¡®I HAVE FORGOTTEN MY PASSWORD¡¯ and follow the steps outlined. 
Choose a ¡®password hint¡¯ question and provide an answer: You will need to provide this answer if you forget your password.

Please note: a single password will be created which applies to ALL journals using the Bench>Press online submission and tracking system. Once you have registered for your first journal, you do not need to re-register in order to use another journal's system. Simply log in with your existing email address and password.

2.    Verification:
An email containing an URL will be emailed to you. Click on the URL. You email address will then be verified. This helps ensure that your email address is not being used fraudulently.

3.    Profile:
You will then be asked to provide a basic profile consisting of your contact information, plus expertise terms. Although you may use the same e-mail address and password to access any journal using the Bench>Press system, you must create an individual profile with each journal.


Submitting a manuscript

To submit a manuscript enter the author area and click on the "SUBMIT A NEW MANUSCRIPT" hyperlink. You will be presented with a series of fields for entering your manuscript metadata and the uploading of your text and figure files. Supplemental data can also be uploaded. The system will automatically convert your files to a single PDF for reviewing purposes. You will be asked to approve the conversion before it is considered formally submitted to the journal. The conversion process can take up to a maximum of 15 minutes; an email will be sent informing you when the conversion is complete. Click on ¡®SUBMISSIONS READY FOR YOU TO PROOF¡¯ in the Author area to approve your article. During conversion the system will automatically hyperlink the references to Medline and/or the journal the article was published in (if the journal is hosted on the web by HighWire Press). Please ensure you include the heading "References" at the top of the citations for optimum linkage.

You are able to start your submission and continue the process on another occasion. By clicking on ¡®SAVE/CONTINUE¡¯ at the bottom of the screen when entering your metadata enables you to save that page or continue to the next page. If you choose not to complete the submission on that occasion, the submission will appear in the ¡®SUBMISSIONS IN PROGRESS¡¯ queue in the Author area. If you decide not to complete the submission at all please choose ¡®WITHDRAW¡¯.

Please note:

  1. Do not include the cover letter in the body of the manuscript. This needs to be copied/pasted into the field available.
  2. If your paper does not include an abstract, please include the first paragraph of your article in the Abstract field.
  3. Supplemental files for upload may include: articles published/in press elsewhere; supplemental data; questionnaires, videos etc.
  4. Detailed help files are available throughout the process on Bench>Press.

File formats

Papers can be submited in any standard word processing software, although Word is preferred. Standard graphic formats acceptable include: jpeg, .tiff, .gif, .eps, mpeg, .avi, .mov, .wav. Please note that the BMJ Publishing Group does not accept powerpoint figures. Hardcopies of the figures may be required by reviewers or if the paper is accepted for publication.

Where possible, tables should be submitted in the same format as your article and embedded in the article (preferably where cited). Tables should be self-explanatory, and the data they contain must not be duplicated in the text or figures.
Please note:
Bench>Press CANNOT accept Excel files. In extreme circumstances, Excel files can be uploaded as supplementary files; however, if you article is accepted it will be returned to you before processing to enable you to embed the tables  in the text.  Excel files can easily be copied and pasted into your Word file.

Submitting a revision

To submit a revision enter the author area and click on ¡®SUBMIT A REVISION/RESUBMISSION¡¯. You will be presented with your original manuscript metadata. This can be edited where necessary. You will then be required to upload your revised manuscript files (see Submitting a Manuscript for further details). Please include your response to the reviewers¡¯ comments in the letter to the editor.


  • You can keep track of the status of your manuscript throughout the peer review process. Enter the Author area and click on ¡®MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW (CHECK STATUS)¡¯.
  • Any reviewers¡¯ comments on your article will be found in the Author area. Enter ¡®MANUSCRIPTS WITH DECISIONS¡¯ and click on ¡®REVIEWS¡¯. This will link you direct to any comment on your paper.
  • An invitation to write an article for the journal will also be requested via the online tracking system. Enter the Author area and click on ¡®REQUESTED COMMISSIONS¡¯. You can accept or decline the invitation online. When submitting your commissioned article, click on ¡®ACCEPTED COMMISSIONS ¨C PAPERS TO BE SUBMITTED¡¯. The procedure for submission is the same as an unsolicited article (see Submitting a Manuscript).

Editorial Board


Anne Cockcroft
St George¡¯s Hospital Medical School
University of London, UK



Deputy Editor

Tar-Ching Aw 

University of Kent in Canterbury
Canterbury, UK


Associate Editors

Otto Wong
Applied Health Sciences Inc
San Mateo, USA
Email: ottowong@aol.com


David Koh
National University of Singapore 

Mark Nieuwenhuijsen

Imperial College of Science 
Technology and Medicine
London, UK

Harry Roels
Universit¨¦ catholique de Louvain
, Belgium

Malcolm Sim
Monash University
, Australia
Email: malcolm.sim@med.monash.edu.au


Peter Westerholm
National Institute of 
Occupational Health
, Sweden


Craig Jackson
University of Central England
 Birmingham, UK

Editorial Board

John Harrison

University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Gary Liss

University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

Roseanne McNamee
Manchester University
Manchester, UK

Robert Maynard
Department of Health
London, UK

Jonathan Myers
University of Cape Town
Cape Town, South Africa

Toshiteru Okubo
University of Occupational and
 Environmental Health
, Japan

David Snashall
Health and Safety Executive
London, UK

Frank van Dijk
Coronel Institute
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Jung-der Wang
National Taiwan University
, Taiwan

Richard Smith, Editor
British Medical Journal
London, UK


Editorial Assistant
Kathryn Walsh
BMA House
Tavistock Square
Email: oemeditorial@bmjgroup.com
Tel: +44 (0)20 7383 6561
Fax: +44 (0)02 7383 6668

Technical Editor
Margaret James
York, UK


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