

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Founded at the world-famous Royal Observatory at Greenwich in 1877 by William Christie, then Chief Assistant and later to become Astronomer Royal, The Observatory Magazine has a special place in the affections of astronomers, both professional and amateur. It not only carries scientific notes and papers, but reports the meetings of the prestigious Royal Astronomical Society and has an active correspondence section; it is also renowned for its authoritative book reviews covering virtually every significant work published in astronomy. This unique format led Professor Sir William McCrea, FRS, to describe it as "The most human of all professional scientific journals".


Instructions to Authors


Published contributions usually take one of the following forms:

The Editors also publish thesis abstracts from newly qualified astronomy and astronomy-related PhDs.

All papers and short contributions are subject to peer review by the normal refereeing process. Other material may be reviewed solely by the Editors, in order to expedite processing. The nominal publication date is the first day of the month shown on the cover of a given issue, which will normally contain material accepted no later than four months before that date. There are no page charges. Authors of papers, correspondence, and meeting summaries are provided with 25 free reprints if required; additional reprints may be purchased.

LaTeX templates

Contributors are encouraged to use one of the Magazine's LaTeX templates for reviews, correspondence, or thesis abstracts.


ALL MATERIAL MUST BE DOUBLE-SPACED. Unnecessary vertical spreading of mathematical material should be avoided ( e.g. by use of the solidus or negative exponents). Tables should be numbered with roman numerals, and be provided with a brief title. Diagrams should be numbered with arabic numerals, and have a caption which should, if possible, be intelligible without reference to the main body of the text. Lettering should be large enough to remain clear after reduction to the page width of the Magazine; figures in `landscape' format are preferable to `portrait' where possible.


Authors are requested to pay particular attention to the reference style of the Magazine. References are quoted in the text by superscript numbers, starting at 1 and running sequentially in order of first appearance; at the end of the text, those references are identified by the number, in parentheses. The format for journals is:

(No.) Authors, journal, volume, page, year.

and for books:

(No.) Authors, [in Editors (eds.),] Title (Publisher, Place), year[, page].

where the bracketed items are required only when citing an article in a book. Authors are listed with initials followed by surname; where there are three or more authors only the first author "et al." is listed.

For example:

(1) G.H. Darwin, Observatory, 1, 13, 1877.

(2) D. Mihalas, Stellar Atmospheres (2nd Edn.) (Freeman, San Francisco), 1978.

(3) I. Gatley et al., in C. Leitherer et al., (eds.), Massive Star in Starbursts (Cambridge University Press), 1991, p. 133.

Journals are identified with the system of terse abbreviations used (with minor modifications) in this Magazine for many years, and adopted in the other major journals by 1993 (see recent issues or, e.g., MNRAS, 260, 1; ApJ, 402, i; A&A, 267, A5; A&A Abstracts, Section 001).

Units & Nomenclature

Authors may use whichever units they wish, within reason, but the Editors encourage the use of SI where appropriate. They also endorse IAU recommendations in respect of nomenclature of astronomical objects (A&AS, 52, no. 4; 64, 329; and 68, 75).

Copyright and Photocopying

Copyright The Editors of The Observatory. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by The Editors. This consent does not extend to copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Contributors are granted non-exclusive rights of republication subject to giving appropriate credit to The Observatory magazine.


Editorial Board


Papers and short contributions

All papers and short contributions (often printed as Notes from Observatories) are subject to peer review by the normal refereeing process. Material may be submitted as hard copy to:

The Editors of `THE OBSERVATORY'
c/o Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Chilton, Didcot
OX11 0QX

or by e-mail as standard (La)TeX files to: obs@ast.star.rl.ac.uk.



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