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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Nutrition Reviews

In publication since 1942, Nutrition Reviews is the leading resource among scientific journals providing state-of-the-art information on developments in nutrition, dietetics, food science, and nutrition science policy. Full-text access to Nutrition Reviews is now available online.

Instructions to Authors

Nutrition Reviews publishes authoritative and critical review articles (not original research) of current topics in nutrition science, dietetics, food science, experimental and clinical nutrition research, nutrition in medicine and food and nutrition legislation and policy. Biologic and practical nutritional implications of the topic should be clearly outlined. It is important that the reader learn not only about a particular topic, but why it is important and/or relevant to the broad field of nutrition. Nutrition Reviews readers are nutrition scientists, researchers, practitioners, and students. The readership is international with distribution to more than 75 countries.

Types of Articles

Lead Review Articles are comprehensive reviews of a broad topic; Special Articles are also comprehensive, but tend to deal with more focused topics; Topics in Clinical Nutrition focus only on clinical areas; Nutrition Grand Rounds present a case study accompanied by a brief literature review; Nutrition Science Policy articles address current topics in nutrition science as they relate to domestic and/or international policy issues; and Brief Critical Reviews discuss a current study in a relevant area of nutrition research and explain the findings within the context of the larger body of research on that topic.

Manuscript Format

Manuscripts must be typed (preferably in Times Roman) as single-sided, double-spaced, left-justified, numbered pages and 1-inch margins. The cover page should include the title of the article, author(s)' name(s), full address (please include mailing address, phone, fax, and e-mail for corresponding author), a 50- to 100-word abstract (25-50 words for Brief Critical Reviews) that summarizes the major findings or ideas presented, and 3-5 key words. The text should be approximately 20-30 pages (8-12 pages for Brief Critical Reviews), including tables, figures, figure legends, and references.


Please limit number of references cited to 50-75 (10-15 for Brief Critical Reviews). References should be numbered sequentially upon first appearance in the text, and typed as superscripts following all punctuation (e.g., comma, colon, semicolon, period). References cited only in figure or table legends should be numbered according to the first mention to the graphic in the text. Reference to unpublished work or personal communications generally should be avoided but, when essential, should be identified in the text, not in the reference list. For a series of consecutive numbers, give the first and last, with a dash between (e.g., 6-12). References within the text to a particular group of authors should read as, e.g., "Smith et al."

In the reference list, the first four authors should be listed by name; if there are more than four, the first three are named, followed by "et al." Journal abbreviations follow the commonly used Index Medicus style. Authors of reviews are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all references. Do not use endnote or footnote feature in word processing programs to create reference lists or footnotes.

Tables and Figures

If your manuscript includes previously published tables or figures, written permission to use these items from the publisher (copyright holder) must be submitted with your manuscript. Tables or figures pulled directly from the Internet are not acceptable and must be redrawn by the author. Figures should not be embedded in the document file but should be saved as a separate file(s) with a graphics extension (e.g., tiff, jpeg).

Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest

Authors are required to submit a cover letter accompanying their manuscripts that transfers copyright of their paper to the International Life Sciences Institute if it is accepted for publication. The cover letter should also attest that the studies carried out were done in accordance with the guidelines governing such work as well as identify any related financial relationships (including consultation, honorarium, grants or stipends). The existence of such a relationship will not interfere with or influence the editorial review process or acceptance of the manuscript for publication. In addition, all financial and material support for this research and work must be clearly identified in the manuscript.

Manuscript Submission

Submit two hard copies of your manuscript and camera-ready printouts of all figures and tables. An electronic copy of the manuscript (including tables) is also required. You may submit a computer disk labeled with your name, the file name, and the word processing program used, or e-mail the manuscript to the below address. Files e-mailed as attachments in WordPerfect, Word, or ASCII text format work best. Send to:

Editor, Nutrition Reviews
Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University
711 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02111
Tel: 617-556-3202
Fax: 617-556-3005
E-mail: nutrition.reviews@hnrc.tufts.edu

Manuscripts are peer-reviewed promptly after submission and are usually published within 3-4 months of acceptance.

Editorial Board

 Editor, Nutrition Reviews
Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University
711 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02111
Tel: 617-556-3202
Fax: 617-556-3005
E-mail: nutrition.reviews@hnrc.tufts.edu


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