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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems



Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (formerly Fertilizer Research) considers manuscripts dealing with aspects of carbon and nutrient cycling as well as management, their effect in ecological, agronomic, environmental and economic terms. Contributions may deal with subjects in agronomic, agro-forestry and fallow systems or system components such as plants and the fertility, chemistry or microbiology of soils, as well as with system inputs and losses. Reported information should be verified through replications in time or space.


Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems publishes papers and short communications based on original research results of interest to an international readership. Occasionally, solicited or volunteered review papers or special issues may be published. All contribution should be submitted in English and are subject to peer review.

 Indexing/Abstracting Services

Nutrient Cycling in Agroeconomics is indexed/abstracted in Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews: Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences; Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences; Geobase/Geo Abstracts; IBIDS; The ISI Alerting Services; Pollution Abstracts; Science Citation Index Expanded; Water Resources Abstracts

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Submission

Kluwer Academic Publishers request the submission of manuscripts and figures in electronic form in addition to a hard-copy printout. The preferred storage medium for your electronic manuscript is a 3 1/2 inch diskette, ZIP disk or CD-ROM. Please label your diskette properly, giving exact details on the name(s) of the file(s), the operating system and software used. Always save your electronic manuscript in the word processor format that you use; conversions to other formats and versions tend to be imperfect. In general, use as few formatting codes as possible. For safety's sake, you should always retain a backup copy of your file(s). After acceptance, please make absolutely sure that you send the latest (i.e., revised) version of your manuscript, both as hard-copy printout and on diskette (submission in electronic form of the final version of your article is compulsory).

Kluwer Academic Publishers prefer articles submitted in word processing packages such as MS Word, WordPerfect, etc. running under operating systems MS DOS, Windows and Apple Macintosh, or in the file format LaTeX. Articles submitted in other software programs can also be accepted.

For submission in LaTeX, Kluwer Academic Publishers have developed a Kluwer LaTeX class file, which can be downloaded from: http://www.wkap.nl/authors/jrnlstylefiles/
Use of this class file is highly recommended. Do not use versions downloaded from other sites. Technical support is available at: texhelp@wkap.nl. If you are not familiar with TeX/LaTeX, the class file will be of no use to you. In that case, submit your article in a common word processor format.

For the purpose of reviewing, articles for publication should be submitted as hard-copy printout (3-fold) and on diskette to:

Kluwer Academic Publishers
The Journals Editorial Office
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
P.O. Box 990
3300 AZ Dordrecht
The Netherlands

Manuscript Presentation

The journal's language is English. British English or American English spelling and terminology may be used, but either one should be followed consistently throughout the article. Manuscripts should be printed or typewritten on A4 or US Letter bond paper, one side only, leaving adequate margins on all sides to allow reviewers' remarks. Please double-space all material, including notes and references. Quotations of more than 40 words should be set off clearly, either by indenting the left-hand margin or by using a smaller typeface. Use double quotation marks for direct quotations and single quotation marks for quotations within quotations and for words or phrases used in a special sense.

Number the pages consecutively with the first page containing:

  • title
  • author(s)
  • affiliation(s)
  • full address for correspondence, including telephone and fax number and e-mail address


Please provide a short abstract of 100 to 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.

Key words

Please provide 5 to 10 key words or short phrases in alphabetical order.

Abbreviations and Units

Only SI units should be used.

For the composition of fertilizers, crops, etc. the elements (K, P, Mg, etc.) should be used and not the oxides.
Isotopes should be indicated as 14C, 32P, etc.
Abbreviations may be used for expressions (e.g. DM for dry matter) provided that they are given in full when first mentioned and are followed by the abbreviation in parentheses, e.g. dry matter (DM).

Figures and Tables

Submission of electronic figures

In addition to hard-copy printouts of figures, authors are requested to supply the electronic versions of figures in either Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) or TIFF format. Many other formats, e.g., Microsoft Postscript, PiCT (Macintosh) and WMF (Windows), cannot be used and the hard copy will be scanned instead.

Figures should be saved in separate files without their captions, which should be included with the text of the article. Files should be named according to DOS conventions, e.g. `figure1.eps'. For vector graphics, EPS is the preferred format. Lines should not be thinner than 0.25 pts and in-fill patterns and screens should have a density of at least 10%. Font-related problems can be avoided by using standard fonts such as Times Roman and Helvetica. For bitmapped graphics, TIFF is the preferred format but EPS is also acceptable. The following resolutions are optimal: black-and-white line figures - 600 - 1200 dpi; line figures with some grey or coloured lines - 600 dpi; photographs - 300 dpi; screen dumps - leave as is. Higher resolutions will not improve output quality but will only increase file size, which may cause problems with printing; lower resolutions may compromise output quality. Please try to provide artwork that approximately fits within the typeset area of the journal. Especially screened originals, i.e. originals with grey areas, may suffer badly from reduction by more than 10-15%.


Please always check whether the figures print correctly to a PostScript printer in a reasonable amount of time. If they do not, simplify your figures or use a different graphics program.

If EPS export does not produce acceptable output, try to create an EPS file with the printer driver (see below). This option is unavailable with the Microsoft driver for Windows NT, so if you run Windows NT, get the Adobe driver from the Adobe site (www.adobe.com).

If EPS export is not an option, e.g., because you rely on OLE and cannot create separate files for your graphics, it may help us if you simply provide a PostScript dump of the entire document.

Editorial Board


Paul L.G. Vlek
Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany
A.R. Mosier
USDA-ARS, Fort Collins, USA

Editorial Board:
E.T. Ayuk, Dakar, Senegal

 G. Benckiser, Gießen, Germany

 R.M. Boddey, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

 N.S. Bolan, Palmerston North, New Zealand

 M.D.A. Bolland, Bunbury, Australia

 A.F. Bouwman, Bilthoven, The Netherlands

 M.L. Cabrera, Athens, GA, USA

 S.H. Chien, Muscle Shoals, AL, USA

 E.T. Craswell, Bonn, Germany

 C. Feller, Montpellier, France

 I.R. Fillery, Wembley, Australia

 J.R. Freney, Canberra, Australia

 D. Friesen, Nairobi, Kenya

 F. Ganry, Montpellier, France

 K.M. Goh, Canterbury, New Zealand

 K. Harmsen, Enschede, The Netherlands

 R.F. H¨¹ttl, Cottbus, Germany

 U. Kafkafi, Jerusalem, Israel

 J.C. Katyal, Hyderabad, India

 H. van Keulen, Wageningen, The Netherlands

 P.K. Khanna, Göttingen, Germany

 R.F. Kuehne, Göttingen, Germany

 J.K. Ladha, Makati City, Philippines

 P. Matlon, New York, USA

 A.U. Mokwunye, Accra, Ghana

 R.J.K. Myers, Andhra Pradesh, India

 O. Oenema, Wageningen, The Netherlands

 K.R. Reddy, Gainesville, FL, USA

 C.J. Richardson, Durham, NC, USA

 J. Ryan, Aleppo, Syria

 A.N. Sharpley, University Park, PA, USA

 J. Stoorvogel, Wageningen, The Netherlands

 H. Tejeda, Santiago, Chile

 R. Thomas, Aleppo, Syria

 H. Tiessen, Saskatoon, Canada

 O. Van Cleemput, Ghent, Belgium

 A.P. Whitmore, Silsoe, Beds., UK

 F. Zapata, Vienna, Austria


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