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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Nursing Outlook provides innovative ideas for leaders in the nursing profession through peer-reviewed articles and timely reports. Each issue examines current issues and trends in nursing practice, education, and research, offering progressive solutions to the problems facing the profession. The journal serves nursing educators, policy makers, administrators, and practitioners with practical advice, new teaching methods and recruiting techniques, curriculum and

 Journal Cover

heath policy developments, and information on proposals that will affect the profession. Nursing Outlook is included in Index Medicus and is recommended for initial purchase in the Brandon-Hill study, Selected List of Nursing Books and Journals.

Instructions to Authors


Nursing Outlook welcomes unsolicited manuscripts related to nursing education, practice, research or health care policy and delivery. All manuscripts are accepted for publication with the understanding that they are contributed solely to Nursing Outlook. On acceptance, manuscripts become the permanent property of the Journal and may not be reproduced elsewhere without written permission from the publisher. Papers written to meet course requirements generally are not accepted unless they have been edited and conform to the mission and scope of Nursing Outlook.

In accordance with the Copyright Act of 1976, all manuscripts must be accompanied by the following statement signed by all authors:
The undersigned authors transfer all copyright ownership of the manuscript (title of article) to Elsevier Inc., in the event the work is published or included in any product that may derive from the published journal, whether print or electronic media. The undersigned authors warrant that the article is original, is not under consideration by another journal, and has not been previously published.

Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals." For detailed instructions, refer to the requirements as published (Ann Intern Med 1997;126: 36-47).

General requirements. Submit 1 copy of the manuscript and supporting materials (reference list, tables, figures, and figure legends) in electronic format to nursingoutlook@aol.com as an email attachment or mail a diskette to: Wilma Powell Stuart, Assistant Editor, Nursing Outlook, PO Box 3887, San Angelo, TX 76902. The copyright statement may be faxed to 903-595-0301 or submitted by mail with a diskette.

Number all pages of the manuscript (including reference list, tables, and figure legends) in the upper right-hand corner of the page, beginning with the title page.

The body of the manuscript and supporting materials should not contain any reference to identify the author(s).

All revisions will be submitted in electronic format as an email attachment to nursingoutlook@aol.com or by diskette to the assistant editor at the above address. Any tables or figures must be submitted by mailed diskette. The author accepts responsibility for the submitted diskette exactly matching the printout of the final version of the manuscript.

Title page. The title page should include the manuscript title and the full names of the authors, their highest earned academic degrees, and their institutional affiliations and status. Give the complete mailing address, business and home telephone numbers, fax number, and e-mail address of the author to whom correspondence and galley proofs should be directed. If applicable, include a brief acknowledgment of grants or other financial assistance.

Abstract. A structured abstract of approximately 150 words in length including the headers background, purpose, method, discussion, and conclusions or a summary abstract of approximately 150 words should be typed double-spaced on a separate sheet of paper after the title page.

Length. Manuscripts should be no longer than 12 to 15 double-spaced typed pages except under unusual circumstances. Approximately 3.5 manuscript pages equal 1 journal page.

References. References must be cited consecutively in the text as superscript numbers. A reference that is mentioned more than once in the text can be designated by the same superscript number. The reference list must be typed doublespaced in numeric order on a separate sheet at the end of the text. The format of the reference list should conform to that set forth in "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (Ann Intern Med 1997; 126:36-47).

Figures and legends. Number figures consecutively in the order of text mention; all illustrations must be mentioned in text. Mark lightly in pencil on the back of each illustration the figure number and indicate the top. Do not send original artwork or x-ray films. Illustrations will be returned only if the author requests such at the time the manuscript is submitted. Special arrangements must be made with the publisher for color illustrations. Type legends double-spaced on a separate sheet of paper. Spell out in the legends any abbreviations used as labels on figures. If the figure is taken from previously published material, the legend must give full credit to the original source. Contact editorial office or refer to online information for authors for complete instructions regarding electronic submission of illustrations.

Tables. Number tables consecutively in the order of text mention; all tables must be mentioned in the text. Data appearing in tables should supplement, not duplicate, the text. Provide a brief title for each table, and provide a footnote to the table spelling out any abbreviations used therein. If the table is taken from previously published material, a footnote must give full credit to the original source.

Permissions and consents

Send written permission of the copyright holder and author for any quotation, table, or figure taken from previously published material. Patient or guardian consent must accompany any photograph that shows a recognizable likeness of a person.


Editorial Board



Marion E. Broome, PhD, RN, FAAN

Professor and Associate Dean for Research

School of Nursing

University of Alabama at Birmingham

1530 3rd Avenue South, NB GM029

Birmingham, AL 35294-1210


Issue Manager, Mosby

Beth Weber

(314) 453-4789


 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Bobbie Berkowitz, PhD, CNAA, FAAN, Seattle, Wash; Barbara A. Smith, PhD, RN, FAAN, Birmingham, Ala.
ASSISTANT EDITOR Wilma Stuart, MA, RN, Birmingham, Ala.
EDITORIALBOARDPeter I. Buerhaus, PhD, MS, RN, FAAN, Nashville, Tenn; Pamela F. Cipriano, PhD, RN, FAAN, Charlottesville,
Va; Annette Flanagin, RN, MA, Chicago, Ill; Loretta Sweet Jemmott, PhD, RN, FAAN, Philadelphia, Penn; Bonnie M. Jennings, DNSc, RN,
FAAN, Washington, DC; Kathleen Knafl, PhD, FAAN, New Haven, Conn; Daniel J. Pesut, PhD, CS, RN, FAAN, Indianapolis, Ind; Antonia
M. Villarruel, PhD, RN, FAAN, Ann Arbor, Mich; John Garde, CRNA, MS, FAAN, Washington, DC



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