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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Nuclear Technology

Nuclear Technology is the leading international publication reporting on new information in all areas of the practical application of nuclear science.  Topics include all aspects of reactor technology: operations, safety materials, instrumentation, fuel, and waste management.  Also covered are medical uses, radiation detection, production of radiation, health physics, and computer applications.

Instructions to Authors


Nuclear Technology, an international journal of the American Nuclear Society, publishes review papers and unreported work on all phases of applications of fundamental research to nuclear technology.  Authors are encouraged to submit complete papers of work summarized in the Transactions of the American Nuclear Society.  Complete papers appearing in Proceedings of meetings will not be accepted by Nuclear Technology.  Concise versions of detailed reports of limited distribution will be considered.

Nuclear Technology publishes Technical Papers, Technical Notes, Critical Reviews, Book Reviews, Letters to the Editor, and NT Letters.  Technical Notes report preliminary results and extensions of previously reported work.  Technical Papers and Notes and Critical Reviews are reviewed for technical content.  Letters to the Editor provide an expeditious medium for comments for editorial policies and for discussions on the content of other contributions.  NT Letters provide expedient publication of unusually timely papers by limited peer review and accelerated processing.

Author rights under copyright law are transferable to the American Nuclear Society.  These rights, as well as author responsibility for protecting proprietary and third-party rights, are specified in the author-ANS agreement to be made before publication.  All materials accepted for publication are protected by copyright obtained by ANS.

Authors are informed of the partial cost of publication-reflected in a page charge based on manuscript length.  Manuscripts accepted by the Editor are published without regard to page charge payment; however, this source of revenue is essential in maintaining the Society's journal publishing services.  Authors receive 50 reprints of published material upon payment of page charges.  Publication of manuscripts unsupported by page charge payment is necessarily limited, and some delay in presentation may occur.  (The currently estimated compensation rate for the author-related costs of publishing is $165 per published page; however, authors who include a diskette or CD-ROM of their revised manuscript will be billed at $100 per published page.)

Manuscripts should be submitted to:

Dr. Nicholas Tsoulfanidis, Editor, Nuclear Technology
c/o American Nuclear Society
555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park, Illinois 60526, USA
Telephone: (708) 579-8281.  Fax (708) 352-6464
Papers from Europe may be submitted (two copies) to:
Dr. Gunther Kessler, Associate Editor, Nuclear Technology
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Postfach 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
Telephone: (0)7247 82 2440.  Fax: 49-724782-4874
Papers from Asia may be submitted (two copies) to:
Dr. Atsuyuki Suzuki, Associate Editor, Nuclear Technology
University of Tokyo, Department of Nuclear Engineering
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 113
Telephone: 03-812-2111, ext. 6996

Instructions for Manuscript Preparation

General Style
Authors are referred to any recent issue for examples of format and general style and are advised to consult the 1990 edition of the style manual prepared by the American Institute of Physics (AIP Style Manual).  Use of technical terms as defined in the American Nuclear Society Glossary of Terms in Nuclear Science and Technology is encouraged.  Manuscripts may be submitted on computer diskette.  Instructions for preparation of the diskette will be sent to authors when the manuscript has been accepted for publication.

Manuscripts must be typed, double spaced, on one side of the page with wide margins and indented paragraphs.  Four copies of each manuscript complete with figures, tables, references, etc., are required.  The first page must contain the title, the name and affiliation of each author, the name, complete mailing address, and telephone number with area code of the person(s) to whom proofs and page charge invoice are to be sent, and a list of the total number of pages, tables, and figures.  If available, please give a fax number and/or an electronic-mail address.  The second page of a technical paper must contain a brief but informative abstract.

Use metric (SI) units.  Conventional (non-metric) quantities may follow parenthetically if the author desires.

Reference citations in the text should be underlined numerals, in parentheses, in order of appearance.  The literature citations, appropriately numbered and double spaced, should be listed consecutively on a separate sheet.  References should be accurately described in sufficient detail for easy attainability; titles should be included in all references.  Authors are referred to recent issues for format.

Footnote citations in the text should be lower-case superscript letters.  These footnotes, appropriately lettered and double spaced, should be listed consecutively on a separate sheet.  Footnotes in tables are also cited by lower-case superscript letters.  These footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the table.

Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should be designed to fit one- or two- column widths (85 and 173 mm, respectively).  The height of lower-case letters should not be less than 1.5 mm after reduction; thus, a figure or a table that must be reduced to one-third its original size should have lower-case letters at least 4.5 mm high.  Each table must be typed on a separate sheet, numbered consecutively with Roman numerals, and must have a complete title.  Figures should be high-quality laser-printed graphics, line drawings, or black/white photographs, with the axes, curves, components, equipment, or other items of interest clearly labeled.  Figures should be printed on separate sheets following the text, rather than being inserted in the text.  Figures should be consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals in the order they are called out in the text.  A descriptive caption must be prepared for each figure, and all figure captions should be typed, double spaced, on a separate sheet of paper.  Each figure should be labeled in the margin or on the reverse with the manuscript title, author's name, and figure number.  Figures produced electronically may be submitted on disk in order to ensure the highest quality of reproduction.  Label each disk with the author's name, manuscript number, and the figure numbers that it contains.  Hard copies of each figure must also be submitted, as described above.  The journal does not have the capability to print color figures at this time.

All mathematical equations should be carefully written and checked so that a compositor can follow the copy easily.  Vectors, matrices, and Greek letters that could be confused with italic variables should be identified on the margin.  Equation numbers should be Arabic numerals enclosed in parentheses on the right-hand margin.

Proofs of all material except Letters to the Editor will be supplied.  Proofs are to be read carefully and all printing errors corrected; however, alterations from the original text that cost more than 10% of composition costs are chargeable to the author.

The author will receive 50 reprints gratis when the page charge is paid; additional reprints may be ordered at the time the author approves the proofs.

Editorial Board


Papers from Asia may be submitted (two copies) to:

Dr. Atsuyuki Suzuki, Associate Editor, Nuclear Technology
University of Tokyo, Department of Nuclear Engineering
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 113
Telephone: 03-812-2111, ext. 6996


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