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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Nuclear Engineering and Design

Nuclear Engineering and Design covers the wide range of disciplines involved in the engineering, design, safety and construction of nuclear fission reactors. The focus is on applied and evolutionary aspects of the science and technology. Key areas include:

  • Structural and Mechanical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Fluid Mechanics and Mechanics
  • Thermal-Hydraulics and Core Physics
  • Materials Science

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Aspects beyond the basic reactor design are also covered, e.g.:

  • Maintenance
  • Decommissioning
  • Safety Issues
  • Reprocessing/ waste disposal

In addition to the established areas, the new Principal Editor also wishes to encourage submissions on:

  • New reactor design ideas and developments, e.g. inherently safe modular HTR, High Performance LWR, Actinide Burners, accelerator driven systems, and energy amplifiers, etc.
  • Designs from Eastern Europe, Near East, Africa
  • Licensing issues
  • Reactor control systems
  • Accident mitigation measures
  • Special designs of research reactors and their applications

Abstracting / Indexing

  • Applied Mechanics Reviews
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
  • Chemical Abstracts
  • Current Contents
  • EI Compendex Plus
  • Ei Engineering
  • Energy Science and Technology
  • Fuel and Energy Abstracts
  • ISI SciSearch

Instructions to Authors

Submission of Manuscripts
Contributions on topics within the scope of the journal should be submitted as 4 copies of the manuscript. It is encouraged to submit the final text also in electronic form on diskette (see later in these instructions). An abstract of 100-200 words should be included with every paper. Papers should be written in English, and should bear the name(s) and full affiliation(s) of the author(s) and the mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author. Manuscripts should be sent to one of the following Editors according to their topic and geographical location:

Professor Günter Lohnert - Principal Editor
Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme
Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 31
D-70550 Stuttgart (Vaihingen)
E-mail: lohnert@ike.uni-stuttgart.de Fax: + 49 711 685 2010
Materials Engineering (Worldwide); Structural Engineering (Worldwide); Reactor Engineering (Worldwide); Instrumentation and Control (Worldwide)

Dr Steve Doctor - Editor
Pacific Northwest Laboratory
PO Box 999, MSIN K5-26
Richland, WA 99352
Email: steven.doctor@pnl.gov Fax: +1 509 375 6497
Non-destructive Examination and Monitoring (Worldwide) and Risk Analysis (Worldwide) - Quantification of NDE Reliablility; Performance Demonstration; Inservice Inspection (ISI) Programs and Performance; Risk Informed ISI; Dectection and Characterization of Fabrication and Service Induced Flaws

Professor Ajaya Kumar Gupta - Editor
North Carolina State University
410 Mann Hall, Campus Box 7908
Raleigh, NC 27695-7908
Email: gupta@eos.ncsu.edu Fax: +1 919 515 5301
Deterministic and Risk-Informed Response; Qualification and Design of Buildings, Systems and Components Subjected to Various Internal and External Forces Including Earthquake and Wind

Professor Andr?Pineau - Editor
Centre des Matériaux
Ecole des Mines de Paris
B.P.87 - 91003 - Evry Cedex
Email: andre-georges.pineau@mat.ensmp.fr Fax:+33 1 6076 3160
Advanced Materials Mechanics (Worldwide) - Mircromechanisms of Plasticity, Fatigue, Creep and Fracture; Pressure Vessels Steels, Stainless Steels and Ni-base Superalloys; Computational Micromechanics

Dr Brian Turland - Editor
Serco Assurance
368/A32 Winfrith, Dorchester
Dorset DT2 8ZE
Email:brian.turland@sercoassurance.com Fax:+44 (0) 1305 202194
Thermal-hydraulics; Safety analysis (including beyond design basis and severe accidents); Accident management; Probabalistic Safety Assessments; Graphite moderated reactors; Reactor physics

Professor Genki Yagawa - Editor
Department of Quantum Engineering and System Science
School of Engineering
University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 113-8656
Email: yagawa@q.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp Fax: +81 3 5684 3265
Computational Mechanics

Contributions that do not fall within the scope of the above topics should be sent to the Principal Editor, Prof. G. Lohnert.

Upon acceptance of an article, the author(s) will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.

Types of Contribution
Peer review:

  • Original papers
  • Technical Engineering notes
    No page length restriction, subject to referee comments

Editorial review:

  • Summary Reports from Governments and Official National and International Organisations, e.g. OECD, IAEA, USNRC, etc
    Two to four journal pages' summary.
  • Summary Reports on New Regulatory Codes and Criteria and Guidelines (including revisions)
    Two to four journal pages' summary.

General Overview of Major Program or Case History
Up to ten journal pages, with chronological list of references.

  • Announcements of New International Co-operative Projects including Benchmark Tests on Nuclear Safety and Design
    Up to two journal pages.
  • Opinion Forum papers.
    Up to two journal pages.
  • Letters to the Editor - commenting on papers published in the journal
  • Book Reviews

Manuscript Preparation
Text and formulae
The text should be typewritten on one side of the paper only with double spacing, and a wide margin. The article should be logically divided into sections and subsections with Arabic numbering.
Mathematical formulae should be clearly written, with special consideration to distinctive legibility of sub- and superscripts. All Greek letters and unusual symbols should be identified in the margin the first time they are used. Equations (at least the principal ones) should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals in parentheses in the right hand margin. Nomenclature should conform to that most frequently used in the engineering field concerned; a list of nomenclature should be included.

References to published literature should be quoted in the text using parenthesis containing the name of the first author (without initials) followed by the year of publication, for example (Stoneking, 1970) and (Dendy, Jr., 1977). These references can also be expressed in the following way: Stoneking and Boresi (1970) and Dendy, Jr.et al. (1977), in case the authors are explicitly mentioned in the text. The references should be listed alphabetically according to the names of the first authors on a separate sheet (and not given as footnotes) in the same way as in the following examples.

For a paper in a journal: Stoneking, J.E. and Boresi, A.P., 1970. A theory for free vibration of orthotropic shells of revolution. Nucl. Eng. Des. 14, 271-285.

For a book:Langhaar, H.L. and Chu, S.C., 1970. Development in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Pergamon, New York, pp. 553-564.

For an unpublished paper: Bradbury, J.N. and Morgan, P.L.T., 1975. Containment for LMFBR (CFR), Proc. Int. Conf. on Experience in the Design, Construction and Operation of Prestressed Concrete Pressure Vessels and Containments for Nuclear Reactors, York, to appear.

For a paper in a contributed volume: Dendy, J.E. Jr., Swartz, B. and Wendroff, B., 1977. Computing traveling wave solutions of a nonlinear heat equation, in J.J.H. Miller (ed.), Topics in Numerical Analysis, Vol. III, Academic Press, London, pp. 447-463.

For a laboratory report: Beck, R.L., November 1960. Research and development of metal hydrides. USAEC Report, Denver Research Institute, LAR-10.

Tables should be typed on separate sheets. They should be numbered consecutively and have a complete descriptive title. Tables should not repeat data which are available elsewhere in the paper, e.g. in a diagram.

Figures should be original ink drawings or computer drawn figures in the original and of high quality, ready for direct reproduction. Xerox copies are unacceptable as they give unsatisfactory results after final printing. Figures should be drawn in such a way that they can be reduced to 7.6cm (3") in width (i.e. the column width); in exceptional cases a reduction to a width of 16cm (6⅛") will be allowed. All lettering should be such that a height of 1.5-1.8mm (0.06"-0.07") of numbers and capital letters results after reduction. Numerical scales, scale and curve legends, and all other lettering within the figure itself should be drawn with a lettering guide (stencil) or should be done using stripletters (Letraset, etc.). All figures should have captions. Each figure should be identified in the margin with the name of the author and the figure number. The figure captions should be typed on a separate sheet.

Black-and-white photographs are published free of charge in the journal.
The processing of colour photographs is extremely expensive; therefore in case of publishing colour photographs the authors will generally be charged for part of the cost. Authors will be informed of these costs before starting the production process in order that they are able to make a choice.

Author Corrections
Elsevier will do everything possible to get your article corrected and published as quickly and accurately as possible. Therefore, it is important that all of your corrections are sent back to us in ONE communication. Subsequent corrections will not be possible, so please ensure your first sending is complete.

Offprints of Published Articles
The publisher does not levy page charges against authors. Moreover, each first named author will receive twenty-five free offprints of his (her) article from the publisher. Further offprints can be ordered at prices shown on the offprint order form which accompanies the proofs.

Neither the Editors nor the publisher take responsibility for the use of trade names in papers published in the journal.

It should be noted that authors may be charged for additional changes once the article has appeared in proof.

Author Enquiries
For queries relating to the preparation of electronic artwork, the submission of articles (including electronic submission), and any other enquiries relating to Elsevier Science, please consult http://authors.elsevier.com

Authors can also keep a track on the progress of their accepted article, and set up e-mail alerts informing them of changes to their manuscript's status, by using the "Track a Paper" feature of Elsevier's Author Gateway.

Contact details for questions arising after acceptance of an article, especially those relating to proofs, are provided when an article is accepted for publication.

Notes for electronic text preparation, for accepted final manuscripts

The wordprocessed text should be in single column format. Keep the layout of the text as simple as possible; in particular, do not use the wordprocessor's options to justify the text or to hyphenate the words.

Text preparation
The electronic text should be prepared in a way very similar to that of conventional manuscripts (see before). The list of references, tables and figure legends should be compiled separately from the main text. Do not reserve space for the figures and tables in the text; instead, indicate their approximate locations, either directly in the electronic text or on the manuscript.

The final text should be submitted both in manuscript form and on diskette. Use standard 3.5" or 5.25" diskettes for this purpose. Both double density (DD) and high density (HD) diskettes are acceptable. Make sure, however, that the diskettes are formatted according to their capacity (HD or DD) before copying the files onto them.

It is recommended to store the main text, list of references, tables and figure legends in separate text files with clearly identifiable file names (for example, with extensions. TXT. REF. TBL. FIG.).

The format of the files depends on the wordprocessor used. Texts made with DEC WPS PLUS, DisplayWrite, First Choice, IBM Writing Assistant, Microsoft Word, Multimate, PFS:Write, Professional Writer, Samna Word, Sprint, TEX, Total Word, Volkswriter, Wang PC, WordMARC, WordPerfect, Wordstar, or files supplied in DCA/RFT format can be readily processed. In all other cases the preferred text format is ASCII.

It is essential that the name and version of the wordprocessing program and the type of computer on which the text was prepared are clearly indicated on the diskette label or the accompanying checklist.
For details of electronic submission and formats consult http://authors.elsevier.com

The manuscript may contain parts (e.g. formulas or complex tables) or last-minute corrections which are not included in the text on diskette; however, if this is the case then the differences with the diskette version should be clearly marked on the manuscript.

Illustrative material (original figures or high-quality glossy prints, or photographs showing a sharp contrast) should be included separately.

Editorial Board


Principal Editor:

G. Lohnert, Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme, Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 31, D-70550 Stuttgart (Vaihingen), Germany. Fax: +49 711 685 2010, Email: lohnert@ike.uni-stuttgart.de

Consulting Editor:

K. Kussmaul, Staatliche Materialprüfungsanstalt (MPA), Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 32, D-70569 Stuttgart (Vaihingen), Germany. Fax: +49 711 685 2698, Email: kussmaul@mpa.uni-stuttgart.de


S. Doctor, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, PO Box 999, MSIN K5-26, Richland, WA 99352, USA. Fax: +1 509 375 6497, Email: steven.doctor@pnl.gov
A.K. Gupta, North Carolina State University, 410 Mann Hall, Campus Box 7908, Raleigh, NC 27695-7908, USA. Fax: +1 919 515 5301, Email: gupta@eos.ncsu.edu
A. Pineau, Centre des Matériaux - Ecole des Mines, B.P. 87, 91003 - Evry Cedex, France Fax: +33 1 60 76 31 60, Email: andre-georges.pineau@mat.ensmp.fr
B. Turland, Serco Assurance, 368/A32 Winfrith, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 8ZE, UK. Email: brian.turland@sercoassurance.com
G. Yagawa, Department of Quantum Engineering and System Science, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan Email: yagawa@q.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

European Nuclear Society (ENS) Advisor:

K. Hädener, European Nuclear Society, Berne, Switzerland

Editorial Advisory Board:

D.J.M. Aragones, ETS de Ingenieros Industriales, Madrid, Spain
V. Asmolov, Kurchatov Institute, Nuclear Safety Institute, Moscow, Russia
G. Berthoud, CEA, Grenoble, France
B. Bishop, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
O.J.V. Chapman, OJV Consultancy Ltd, Derby, UK
A. Combescure, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, Villeurbanne, France
F. D'Auria, Universita di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
J.-M. Delbecq, EDF R&D, Clamart, France
B.A. Erler, Sargent & Lundy LLC, Chicago, IL, USA
Y.A. Hassan, Texas A&M University, TX, USA
M. Ishii, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
A. Kadak, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
K. Kashima, Komae Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Tokyo, Japan
R.P. Kennedy, Structural Mechanical Consulting, Escondido, CA, USA
K. Kudo, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
E. Laurien, Technology and Energy Systems (IKE), University of Stuttgart, Germany
G.M. Light, Southwestern Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA
H. Madarame, University of Tokyo, Japan
J.-C. Micaelli, Institut de Radioprotection et de Suret?Nucléaire (IRSN), Saint Paul Lez Durance, France
G.C. Park, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
V.V. Raj, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India
P.G. Rousseau, Potchefstroomse University, Republic of South Africa
T. Schulenberg, IKET, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
G.I. Schuëller, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
B.R. Sehgal, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
G. Servière , EDF SEPTEN, Villeurbanne, France
A. Strupczewski, Nuclear Safety Commission, Institute of Atomic Energy, Swierk, Poland
Y. Sudo, JAERI, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
T. Takeda, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
A.C. Thadani, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C, USA
A. Vallèe, FRAMATOME, Paris, France
Y. Xu, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China

Founding Editors:

C.F. Bonvilla
T.A. Jaeger

Honorary Editors:

S.H. Fistedis
R.T. Lahey


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