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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Newsletters on Stratigraphy

Newsletters on Stratigraphy is an international journal, publishing articles of international interest dealing with stratigraphical matters for example, descriptions of new stratotypes, redefinitions of existing stratotypes, new approaches to the subdivision of stratigraphic units and the discussion of problems associated with particular boundaries.
Papers adding comment and/or critique to to original papers published in this journal or elsewhere are accepted. Newsletters on stratigraphy also publishes summaries of original papers that are not accessible in the literature, this also applies to papers in which the stratigraphic aspect is only a byproduct.
Reviews of current commission or conference discussions, recommendations or resolutions are invited, as are papers of other purport, if they are of relevance to stratigraphic problems.

Instructions to Authors


Manuscript submission Please submit 3 copies of the manuscript conforming to our rules with camera ready proofs

of figures to one of the managing editors:

Dr. C.H. von Daniels, Dr. W. Weiss

Bundesanstalt f¡§ur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Postfach 510153

30631 Hannover


Dr. K.-H. Ribbert

Geologisches Landesamt Nordrhein-Westfalen

Postfach 1080

47710 Krefeld


Editor in Chief: Prof. em. Dr. Gerd Luettig

Wittinger Strasse 126

29223 Celle


With the submission of the manuscript, the sender is automatically subject to the legal maxims laid down here. For instance, he himself is responsible for the consequences arising from a delayed return of the proofs and for possible errors if, owing to this, corrections in the text had to be made here. With acceptance and publication of a manuscript the exclusive copyright for every language and country is transferred to the publishers. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article including reprints, microfilm or any other reproductions and translations. The manuscript will not be returned to the author before the article has been printed. Proofs will be sent to the author once. The author is expected to read them carefully and to return them promptly to the publisher. If, after 30 days, the proofs are not returned, they will be dealt with here. The author will be charged for changes against the manuscript exceeding 10% of the typesetting costs.

The manuscript must be typewritten on one side of standardized paper, double spaced, and with an ample left margin.

Manuscripts should be structured in the following order:

Informative but brief title.

Author¡¯s name; one of his Christian names unabbreviated.

Two short abstracts, one in English, the other in French or German.

Newsletters on stratigraphy ¨C Instructions for Autors July 19, 2002 2

The main text. Indicate in the left hand margin the position of figures and tables. Underline persons¡¯ names with interrupted line = small capitals. - Genera and species as well as important statements and concepts are to be accentuated with = italics. - Title and subtitles are written normally, not in capital letters.

References should be given in a uniform style: alphabetically by author, year of publication after the author¡¯s name. Journal titles are to be abbreviated according to the German standard journal abbreviations (DIN 1502) or World List abbreviation, volume number double underlined. Please indicate first and last page of the article and place of publication. Example:

Thompson, G. H. & J. Hower (1973): An explanation for low radiometric ages from glauconite. - Geochem.

Cosmochim. Acta 37: 1473-1492, Oxford.

The author¡¯s name, titles and professional address.

Figure captions should be written double spaced on a separate sheet.

Illustrations should be reducible to 12,6 x 18 cm. Drawings must be submitted in original. Plates and finescreened halftone will be avoided. All figures should bear the author¡¯s name and the figure number. Do not attach captions to the figures.

Reprints: Authors will receive 50 off-prints free of charge. Further off-prints for non-commercial circulation may be ordered according to average prices fixed by the publisher on a non-profit basis.

Editorial Board


Editor in Chief: Prof. em. Dr. Gerd Luettig

Wittinger Strasse 126

29223 Celle


Managing editors:

Dr. C.H. von Daniels, Dr. W. Weiss

Bundesanstalt f¡§ur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Postfach 510153

30631 Hannover


Dr. K.-H. Ribbert

Geologisches Landesamt Nordrhein-Westfalen

Postfach 1080

47710 Krefeld




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