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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Aims and Scope: Neuropsychopharmacology focuses on the clinical and basic science studies of the brain and behaviour, especially as related to the molecular, cellular, physiological and psychological properties of agents acting within the central nervous system; and the identification of new molecular targets for the development of the next generation of psychotropic drugs.

Readership: Pharmacologists, psychologists, psychiatricts, neurologists, neurochemists, molecular biologists.


Abstracted in: BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents/Life Sciences, EMBASE, Elsevier BIOBASE Index Medicus, InPharma, PsycINFO Psychological Abstracts, SCISEARCH, Science Citation Index.

Instructions to Authors


Welcome to the electronic manuscript submission website for Neuropsychopharmacology - official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. The instructions below are structured so you can quickly and easily answer the following questions:

  1. Is my manuscript suitable for Neuropsychopharmacology? (Editorial Policy)
  2. How do I format my manuscript for Neuropsychopharmacology? (Format of Papers)
  3. How do I submit my manuscript to Neuropsychopharmacology? (Submission of Papers)

Editorial Policy


Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD

Submission is a representation that neither the manuscript nor its data have been previously published (except in abstract) or are currently under consideration for publication. Procedures involving experiments on human subjects should be in accord with the ethical standards of the Committee on Human Experimentation of the institution in which the experiments were done and/or in accord with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975. In particular, authors must ensure that patient confidentiality is in no way breached, and that a statement of informed consent is made. The College requires authors to affirm that original studies reported in publication bearing the imprimatur of the College have been carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and/or with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals as adopted and promulgated by the National Institutes of Health. An explicit statement must be provided in the Methods section of the manuscript.

Financial Disclosure/Conflict of Interest. At the time of submission, each author must disclose any involvement, financial or otherwise, that might potentially bias their work. This information should be listed in the Acknowledgements that appear at the end of the manuscript and noted in the authors' cover letter. Such relationships will be reviewed, and further clarification may be requested if deemed necessary by the editors or reviewers. For full details, consult the American Medical Association's policy, or the Society for Neuroscience's policy from which our policy is adapted. Separate notes on the journal disclosure and conflict policy for peer reviewers and editors are available in the relevant sets of instructions on this site. For information about the financial interests of our Field Editors, please download this PDF

Review Process. Authors may suggest 3-5 reviewers who are especially qualified to referee the work and would not have a conflict of interest. Please include reviewers' name, email address and institution on the online submission form. Manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two external reviewers for content, originality, importance to the field, appropriateness of statistical analysis, and derivation of conclusions. Authors should note, however, that manuscripts may be returned after initial review by the editorial office if the paper is deemed unlikely to be reviewed favorably by virtue of size restrictions and/or general interest for the readership. This rapid rejection process enables the author to promptly submit for publication elsewhere.

Rapid Online Publication Once an article has been accepted and the transfer of copyright agreement returned, the ACNP Scientific Website will pre-publish the manuscript online immediately unless notified by the authors that they would not like to participate in this option. This online pre-publication will serve as a manuscript's date of publication. Manuscripts published on the ACNP website will not be copyedited and authors will not be provided a proof prior to this online publication.

Format of Papers

The manuscript should be double-spaced throughout. Set your word processing software to 81/2 x 11 inch paper. Number pages consecutively and type the corresponding author's name on each page. Type reference lists, tables, and figure legends on separate pages. The file should use the wrap-around end-of-line feature, i.e., returns at the end of paragraphs only. Place two returns after every element, such as title, headings, paragraphs, figure and table callouts.

Title Page. Include full names of authors, degrees, academic or professional affiliations, and the complete address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the author to whom correspondence and proofs should be sent. If the title of the article exceeds 45 characters, supply an abbreviated running title in the next text box.

Abstract and Keywords. For full length papers provide an abstract of not more than 250 words as well as six key words, taken from Index Medicus, that most appropriately describe the subject of the paper.

Text. Please use American spellings. Utilize metric units throughout the manuscript; laboratory units must be followed by SI (Systeme International) units. Use the generic name of a drug unless the specific trade name of the drug is directly relevant to the discussion.

Tables. Tables must not duplicate information contained elsewhere in the manuscript. Each table should include a brief descriptive title and be numbered in order of its mention in the text with Arabic numerals. Only horizontal rules are permissible.

The use of "three-dimensional" histograms is strongly discouraged when the addition of the third dimension gives no extra information. Please do not prepare figures using Powerpoint software, as that is unsuitable for typesetting. If a table or figure has been published before, the authors must obtain written permission to reproduce the material in both print and electronic formats from the copyright owner and submit it with the manuscript.

Figures/Images. For details on Nature Publishing Group's artwork submission guidelines please see below.

References. List references alphabetically by author, on a separate page(s), at the end of the article, and cite them in text parenthetically using authors' name and year of publication. List all authors of papers, books, and chapters in the references. List the author(s) in the citation in the text if there are one of two authors (i.e. Smith 1984; Jones and Brown 1985); otherwise, list the first author followed by et al. (i.e. Jason et al. 1986). Periodical abbreviations should follow those used by Index Medicus. References should be styled as follows:

Journal. Barbosa MDFS, Ngyen QA, Tchernev VT, Ashley JA, Detter JC, Blaydes SM, et al (1996). Identification of the homologous beige and Chediak-Higashi syndrome genes. Nature 382: 262-265.

Book. Feldman RS, Meyer JS, Quenzer LF (1997): Principles of Neuropsychopharmacology. Palgrave: London. 909 pp.

Chapter in Edited Book. Mully, Jr AG (1990). Equity and Variability in Modern Health Care. In: Andersen TF, Mooney G (eds). The Challenges of Medical Practice Variations. Palgrave: New York. pp 145-286.

Online Publication. Citations for articles published first online should be formatted as follows: Meador-Woodruff JH, Davis KL, Haroutunian V (2000): Abnormal kainate receptor expression in pre-frontal cortex in schizophrenia. Neuropyschopharm, print copy in press (originally published online Aug. 7, 2000, at www.acnp.org/citations/Npp08080001/). When the manuscript is published in the journal, replace "in press" with the appropriate volume and page number.

Original papers

These should be arranged as follows:

  1. Title page
  2. Abstract and keywords
  3. Introduction
  4. Materials (or Patients) and methods
  5. Results
  6. Discussion
  7. Acknowledgements
  8. References
  9. Tables
  10. Figures

Perspectives Articles. These are a critical examination of the current state of research in a specific area and are generally by invitation only. Authors interested in submitting Perspectives Articles should submit an outline to the editorial office.

Letters to the Editor. Correspondence that provides a forum for the discussion of recent articles published in Neuropsychopharmacology will be sent to the author for response. Submissions should not exceed 500 words. Accepted letters may be edited prior to publication.

Controversial Topics. Brief, point-counterpoint papers on cutting-edge topics in the field published in tandem.

Complicated Cases. Complicated cases are described and then discussed in detail. These reflect the journal's responsibility to clinical neuropsychopharmacology as well as to basic neuropsychopharmacology.

House Style

As the electronic submission will provide the basic material for typesetting, it is important that papers are prepared in the general editorial style of the journal.

  1. Use the same sans serif typeface for all figures (Arial, Univers) at 12pt
  2. Do not make rules thinner than 1pt (0.36mm)
  3. Use a coarse hatching pattern rather than shading for tints in graphs
  4. Figures divided into parts should be labelled with a lower case, bold 'a','b', et cetera, in the top left hand corner. Labelling of axes, keys and so on should be in "Title Case" with no full stop. Units must have a space between the number and the unit, and follow the nomenclature common to your field
  5. Spaces, not commas should be used to separate thousands
  6. Unusual units or abbreviations should be spelt out in full, or defined in the legend
  7. Colour should be distinct when being used as an identifying tool
  8. Ensure double spacing with a wide margin

Artwork Guidelines

Detailed guidelines for submitting artwork can be found by downloading the Nature guidelines PDF. Using the guidelines, please submit production quality artwork with your initial submission if possible. A JPEG prepared using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw (or similar industry software) is preferable. Many applications have options to save files as JPEGs, but it is worth noting that sometimes they are only saved at 72dpi, whereas we require 300-600dpi. Following the peer review process, if your paper is accepted for publication, we will not require the artwork to be resubmitted if you have followed the guidelines.

File Formats

File formats for manuscript files, figures and tables that are acceptable for our electronic manuscript submission process are given on the online forms. Further advice on filetypes is also available from the 'Tips' webpage linked from this site menu bar. As a rule, you should stick to high quality JPEG or TIFF for figures - saved as separate files, a common word processing package (like Microsoft Word) for the text, and either embed tables converted into images at the end of your Word document, or as separate files in which ever program you used to generate them (such as Powerpoint). If you submit raw data, this can be done in Excel, or tab/comma delimited format.

Supplementary information

Authors are invited to submit supplementary data to be published with the online version of their paper on the Journal website. This material will be subject to the same standards and review process as the manuscript, and only data which substantially contribute to the journal will be considered for publication. Authors should state their reasons for including such data. This material should be cited at the appropriate point in the manuscript with the words 'see supplementary information'.

Supplementary material may include text, figures (including color figures), and/or video clips (which should be produced using QuickTime software). Supplementary material should be uploaded as a separate file using the appropriate file category, and all such material must be supplied to the publisher in its final form, as it will not be subedited.

Submission of Papers

The first thing you need to do, if you have not done so already, is register for an account. After this, please consult the instructions below to enable you to submit your article through our secure server.

For optimum performance, we recommend that your browser should be either Netscape 4.7 or above, or Internet Explorer 5.0 and above.

Please be sure that your browser is set to accept cookies. Our tracking system requires cookies for proper operation. (If you have Windows XP the defaults will need changing. For more details on this, please refer to the 'Tips' function on this site.)

Navigating the System

When you first access our tracking system, you will be taken to your "Home" page, where different categories of "tasks" are listed. If you are required to perform a pending action item or task, there will be a red arrow next to a 'Manuscript' link. Throughout the system, red arrows reflect pending action items which you should address. If there are no red arrows visible on your "Home" page, then you are finished and have no outstanding tasks to complete.

At any time please press HOME to go to the submission home page.

Process for Manuscript Submission

The manuscript submission process is broken down into a series of 4 screens which gather detailed information about your manuscript and allow you to upload the pertinent text and figure/image files. The screens run in this order:

  1. A form asking for author details, the manuscript title, abstract, other associated manuscript information and types/number of files to be submitted.
  2. A screen asking for the actual file locations (via an open file dialogue). You will be able to browse for the relevant files on your computer or disk. After completing this screen, your files will be uploaded to our server.
  3. A completion screen that will provide you with a unique manuscript number for your submission.
  4. An approval screen which will allow you to verify that your manuscript has been uploaded and the files converted correctly to PDF format. You will need to approve PDF conversion to complete your manuscript submission.

You will need to have the following details for all authors before commencing online submission. Items in parenthesis may not be compulsory for co-authors:

  • Email Addresses
  • First and Last Names
  • Institution
  • (Full Postal Address)
  • (Work Telephone Numbers)

In addition, all Manuscript details:
  • Covering Letter
  • Title and Running Title (you may copy and paste this from your manuscript)
  • Abstract (you may copy and paste this from your manuscript)
  • Manuscript files in Word, WordPerfect, Text, or RTF format.
  • Figures/Images in external files in TIFF, or JPG in either grayscale or CMYK colour, not in RGB.
  • Tables in Excel, TIFF or JPEG, or embedded with the text of the Word/WordPerfect/RTF format manuscript (embedding is not possible if your text is being submitted in plain text/TXT).

NB Never embed the figures/images within the text from word processing software as embedded figures/images are not acceptable for production. Non-tabular supporting data submission (where applicable) must be as XLS spreadsheet.

Quality requirements for Figures

Graphs and Line Illustrations in Grayscale 600dpi
Photographs/Halftones (Grayscale) 300dpi minimum
Colour Illustrations in split CMYK 400dpi

    Slower Internet Connections

    If you know that your Internet connection is slow (28kbps or below) you may wish to submit low quality artwork for peer review purposes. High quality artwork will then be requested if your paper is accepted. This may be sent as an email attachment or by post on CD-ROM (600MB), ZIP (100-200MB), 3.5" floppy (1.44MB), or 5.25" floppy (1.2MB). At that stage, you should Email our journal office for the correct address and details.

    Adobe Acrobat

    We recommend that for accessing the PDF files, best results are achieved if you have access to Adobe Acrobat Reader (4.0 or above). Should you require installation of this FREE program, please download from the link here and follow the on-screen instructions. (We recommend that on completion of installation, you amend one of the default settings. Select: File - Preferences - General, and UNCHECK Web Browser Integration. This will open PDF files in Acrobat Reader itself rather than in your browser. The amendment will not affect any functionality of either Acrobat Reader or your browser software.)

    Please refrain from submitting your manuscript by e-mail attachment. If the site replicates your details on screen, then your paper has been successfully submitted.

    Once you have submitted your files and the conversion is in progress, you may log off the Internet and come back later to check and approve the conversion. This process can take up to 5 - 10 minutes before the PDF, created in the conversion process, is ready for approval. Please remember that your manuscript will not be submitted until you have approved the converted files.

    Getting Help

    If you need additional help, you can click on the help signs spread throughout the system. A help dialogue will pop up with context sensitive help. Should further assistance be required, then please contact Neuropsychopharmacology's Managing Editor, Jen Mahar, by email or telephone (001) 615 343-2065, fax (001) 615 343-0662 during normal office hours (US Central Time).

    Manuscript Status

    After you approve your manuscript it is submitted and you will receive an acknowledgement email. You can check the status of your manuscript at any time in the review process by:

    1. Accessing the system with your password or link sent to you in the acknowledgement email
    2. Clicking on the link represented by your manuscript tracking number and abbreviated title.
    3. Clicking on the "Check Status" link at the bottom of the displayed page.
    This procedure will display tracking information about where your manuscript is in the submission/peer review process.

    Journal Publication, Offprints and Author Proofs

    All accepted manuscripts will be processed simultaneously by Nature Publishing Group for hardcopy and electronic publication. For this, manuscripts will be copy edited, and authors will be provided a PDF prior to publication.

    The corresponding author receives the PDF, which must be read, corrected, and returned to the publisher within 48 hours of receipt. Alteration in authorship cannot be made to the manuscript without written notification from all authors.

    Offprints may be ordered on the form accompanying the proofs. The charges are necessarily higher if orders for reprints are received after the issue has gone to press.


    Before publication the principal author will be asked to sign a Licence to Publish form.

    Business Matters

    For links to useful email addresses for business correspondence and enquiries with Neuropsychopharmacology's publisher, Nature Publishing Group (advertising, reprints, subscriptions, back issues, permissions) please click here.

    Alternatively, you can write to the relevant Nature office at:

    Nature Publishing Group
    Brunel Road Building, Houndmills, Basingstoke
    Tel: +44 (0)1256 329242
    Fax: +44 (0)1256 810526


    Please make sure you have gathered all the required manuscript information listed above BEFORE starting the submission process. The manuscript submission process starts by pressing the "Submit Manuscript" link on your "Home" page.

    Finally, please note we are collecting membership information. If you are a member of the College, please indicate this under 'Modify Profile' from your login. Many thanks.

    Editorial Board


    C B Nemeroff, MD, PhD,
    Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
    Emory University School of Medicine,
    Atlanta, GA,
    Field Editors
    R Blakely
    Cellular and Molecular Biology and Genetics,
    Vanderbilt University,
    Nashville, TN,
    A A Grace
    University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA,
    R E Gur
    Brain Imaging,
    University of Pennsylvania,
    Philadelphia, PA,
    R N Golden
    Clinical Psychobiology,
    UNC Chapel Hill,
    Chapel Hill, NC,
    B J Mason
    Drug and Alcohol Abuse,
    University of Miami,
    Miami, FL,
    C F Reynolds III
    University of Pittsburgh,
    Pittsburgh, PA,
    A F Schatzberg
    Developmental, Translational and Intergrative Neuroscience,
    Stanford University,
    Stanford, CA,
    M Keller
    Clinical Therapeutics,
    Brown University,
    Providence, RI,
    M E Wolf
    Behavioral Neuropsychopharmacology,
    FUHS/The Chicago Medical School,
    North Chicago, IL,
    Past Editors:
    R.H. Lenox, 1999-2001
    H.C. Fibiger
    , 1995-1998
    H.Y. Meltzer
    , 1994-1998
    R.D. Ciaranello, 1994
    J.C. Gillin, 1987-1993
    Editorial Board:
    G Aston-Jones, Philadelphia, PA, USA
    J E Barrett, Montvale, NJ, USA
    W Berrettini, Philadelphia, PA, USA
    J D Bremner, Atlanta, GA, USA
    W E Bunney, Irvine, CA, USA
    E Cook, Jr, Chicago, IL, USA
    W E Craighead, Boulder, CO, USA
    S G Dahl, Tromso, Norway
    K L Davis, New York, NY, USA
    M Davis, Atlanta, GA, USA
    A Y Deutch, Nashville, TN, USA
    R S Duman, New Haven, CT, USA
    C Ehlers, La Jolla, CA, USA
    D L Evans, Philadelphia, PA, USA
    H C Fibiger, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
    S L Foote, Bethesda, MD, USA
    R Freedman, Denver, CO, USA
    M A Geyer, La Jolla, CA, USA
    J Gorman, New York, NY, USA
    F Holsboer, Munchen, Germany
    N Kalin, Madison, WI, USA
    P Kalivas, Charleston, SC, USA
    A E Kelley, Madison, WI, USA
    C D Kilts, Atlanta, GA, USA
    K R R Krishnan, Durham, NC, USA
    R Lenox, Bridgewater, NJ, USA
    D A Lewis, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
    J M Lieberman, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
    I Lucki, Philadelphia, PA, USA
    R C Malenka, San Francisco, CA, USA
    J J Mann, New York, NY, USA
    B S McEwen, New York, NY, USA
    H Meltzer, Nashville, TN, USA
    E Nestler, Dallas, TX, USA
    J Newcomer, St Louis, MO, USA
    G Pandey, Chicago, IL, USA
    M Rasenick, Chicago, IL, USA
    T E Schlaepfer, Bonn, Germany
    Y Sheline, St Louis, MO, USA
    D Spiegel, Stanford, CA, USA
    S Stahl, Carlsbad, CA, USA
    E Stover, Bethesda, CA, USA
    C A Tamminga, Dallas, TX, USA
    N D Volkow, Upton, NY, USA
    K Wagner, Galveston, TX, USA
    D Weinberger, Bethesda, MD, USA
    F J White, N Chicago, IL, USA



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