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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

  Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation   

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation is one of the world's leading journals devoted to original clinical and laboratory research in nephrology, dialysis and transplantation. Published monthly, the journal provides an essential resource for researchers and clinicians throughout the world.

The journal covers all aspects of nephrology, particularly clinical nephrology, but also research relating to the basic immunology, anatomy, and physiology of the kidney. It also carries special supplements and publishes the annual reports from the EDTA Registry on demography, trends, current practice, and studies relating to dialysis and transplantation in both adults and children in Europe.

Abstract and Indexing Services

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation is covered by the following major indexing services:

Science Citation Index
Current Contents: Clinical Medicine
Medline (Index Medicus)


Instructions to Authors


ALL ARTICLES MUST BE SUBMITTED ONLINE. Once you have prepared your manuscript according to the Instructions below, please visit the online submission website. Instructions on submitting your manuscript online can be viewed here.

Authors: please pay particular attention to the sections on Conflict of Interest Declaration and Figure Preparation

Aims and Scope

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation is the official monthly publication of the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association. It publishes original articles relating to clinical or laboratory investigations of relevance to nephrology, dialysis or transplantation. Papers relating to basic immunology, anatomy and physiology are welcomed if these relate to the kidney. Rapid communications, case reports, technical reports and letters to the Editor are also considered. Letters to the Editor do not necessarily express the views of the Editor, and may or may not be peer-reviewed. All material is assumed to be submitted exclusively unless otherwise stated, and must not have been published previously except in abstract form. Manuscripts related to the topic of the submitted manuscript which are in preparation or submitted to other journals, must be sent in together with the manuscript destined for NDT.


NDT now requires online submission. Please visit http://ndt.manuscriptcentral.com. You will also find more complete submission instructions at this site.

Only papers in English will be considered for publication. The text should be typed double spaced on A4 sized (30 x 21 cm) paper. A 2 cm margin should be left at both sides of the text, 3 cm wide margins at top and bottom of page.

Manuscripts should bear the full name and address, with telephone, fax, and email of the author to whom the proofs and correspondence should be sent (corresponding author). For all authors first name and surname should be written in full. In the covering letter the individual contribution of each co-author must be detailed. This letter must contain the statement:'the results presented in this paper have not been published previously in whole or part, except in abstract form'. All authors must give signed consent for publication on a separate sheet, together with the covering letter.
On acceptance the corresponding author will be advised of the approximate date of receipt of proofs. Proofs must be returned by the author within 48 hours of receipt.
To accelerate publication only one set of PDF proofs is sent to the corresponding author by email. This shows the layout of the paper as it will appear in the Journal. It is, therefore, essential that manuscripts are submitted in their final form, ready for the printer. Proof-reading must be limited to the correction of typographical errors. Any other changes involve time-consuming and expensive work. If additions are necessary, these may be made at the end of the paper in a Note in Proof.
Authors are referred to the statement on uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals prepared by an international committee of medical journal editors. (Br Med J 1982; 284: 1766-1770, Ann Intern Med 1982; 96: 766-771.)

Conflict of Interest Declaration

All authors must make a formal statement at the time of submission indicating any potential conflict of interest that might constitute an embarrassment to any of the authors if it were not to be declared and were to emerge after publication. Such conflicts might include, but are not limited to, shareholding in or receipt of a grant or consultancy fee from a company whose product features in the submitted manuscript or which manufactures a competing product. All authors must submit a statement of Conflict of Interest to be published at the end of their article. If no Conflict of Interest is declared this will be stated in the article. It is a condition of publication that a statement declaring any conflict of interest is included at the end of the manuscript on first submission. Failure to insert a statement for all authors will delay the review process. Please view http://www.publicationethics.org.uk/cope1999/gpp/gpp.phtml#gpp, to consult guidelines on conflict of interest.

Page Charges

Authors will be charged ?00 (~160 euros) per page for extra printed pages above 5 pages for an Original Article, 3 pages for a Case Report, Technical Report or Brief Report, and 1 page for a Letter. Case Reports must be 3 pages or less, and the standard length of a Letter to the Editor is 200 words. A printed page is ~850 words, but pro rata reductions in the length of the text must be made for tables, figures and illustrations.

The number of words of text (not including references) should be indicated in the accompanying letter of submission. An estimate of the charge will be sent to authors with the letter of acceptance, and final charges will be sent when proofs are available.


Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content. This participation must include:
  1. Conception or design, or analysis and interpretation of data, or both.
  2. Drafting the article or revising it for critically important intellectual content.
  3. Final approval of the version to be published. (See Br Med J 1985; 291: 722-723.)


The order of original articles should be as follows:
  1. Title page giving details of all authors, including first or given name (see above).
  2. On a separate page an abstract of ~250 words. It should consist of four paragraphs labelled, `Background', `Methods', `Results' and `Conclusions'. They should briefly describe, respectively, the problems being addressed in this study, how the study was performed, the salient results and what the authors conclude from the results.
  3. Keywords not more than 6, in alphabetical order, characterizing the scope of the paper, the principal materials, and main subject of work. Authors are requested to supply an additional 10-15 keywords for electronic publication purposes.
  4. Running title of not more than 75 letters and spaces.
  5. On a new page: Introduction, Subjects and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References (see below), Tables, Legends to figures and Figures. All pages should be numbered consecutively commencing with the title page. Headings (Introduction; Subjects and Methods, etc) should be placed on separate lines. It is most important that authors number their pages prior to submission as reviewers will refer to particular pages when providing their comments on the manuscript.

Any statistical method must be detailed in the Subjects and methods section, and any not in common use should be described fully or supported by references.
All other types of article should be presented as in recent issues of NDT.
Authors should not use abbreviations in headings, and figure legends should be comprehensive without extensive perusal of the Subjects and methods section. Authors are advised to refrain from excessive use of uncommon abbreviations, particularly to describe groups of patients or experimental animals.


Tables must be typed on separate pages and should follow the reference list. All tables must be numbered consecutively and each must have a brief heading describing its contents. Any footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript characters. Tables must be referred to in the main text in order. All tables must be simple and not duplicate information given in the text.

Figure Preparation

Please be aware that the requirements for online submission and for reproduction in the journal are different: (i) for online submission and peer review, please upload your figures either embedded in the word processing file or separately as low-resolution images (.jpg, .tif, .gif or. eps); (ii) for reproduction in the journal, you will be required after acceptance to supply high-resolution .tif files (1200 d.p.i. for line drawings and 300 d.p.i. for colour and half-tone artwork) or high-quality printouts on glossy paper. We advise that you create your high-resolution images first as these can be easily converted into low-resolution images for online submission. For useful information on preparing your figures for publication, go to http://cpc.cadmus.com/da. Figures will not be relettered by the publisher. The journal reserves the right to reduce the size of illustrative material. All micrographs must carry a magnification bar. Any photomicrographs, electron micrographs or radiographs must be of high quality. Wherever possible photographs should fit within the print area of 169 x 235 mm (full page) or within the column width of 82 mm. Photomicrographs should provide details of staining technique and a scale bar. Patients shown in photographs should have their identity concealed or should have given their written consent to publication. Normally no more than six illustrations will be accepted without charge.
Colour illustrations
Colour illustrations are accepted, but the authors will be required to contribute to the cost of the reproduction. Colour figures will incur a printing charge of ?75 each (this does not apply to invited contributions). Illustrations for which colour is not essential can be reproduced as black and white images in the print journal and, additionally, in colour as online Supplementary material. This option is not subject to colour charges. Authors should indicate clearly that they would like to take up this option in the covering letter and on the reverse of the figures. The availability of additional colour images as Supplementary material should be mentioned where relevant in the main text of the manuscript. Instructions on how to submit colour figures as Supplementary material can be viewed here.

If any tables, illustrations or photomicrographs have been published elsewhere, written consent to re-publication (in print and online) must be obtained by the author from the copyright holder and the authors, such permission being detailed in the cover letter.

Trade Names

Non-proprietary (generic) names of products should be used. If a brand name for a drug is used, the British or International non-proprietary (approved) name should be given. The source of any new or experimental preparation should also be given.


The references should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. At the end of the article the full list of references should give the name and initials of all authors unless there are more than six, when only the first three should be given followed by et al. The authors' names should be followed by the title of the article, the title of the Journal abbreviated according to the style of Index Medicus, the year of publication, the volume number and the first and last page numbers. References to books should give the title of the book, which should be followed by the place of publication, the publisher, the year and the relevant pages.

1. Madaio MP. Renal biopsy. Kidney Int 1990; 38: 529-543

2. Roberts NK. The cardiac conducting system and the His bundle electrogram. Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, NY: 1981; 49-56

3. Rycroft RJG, Calnan CD. Facial rashes among visual display unit (VDU) operators. In: Pearce BG, ed. Health hazards of VDUs. Wiley, London, UK: 1984; 13-15

References should be limited to those relating directly to the content of the paper and should not exceed 20. Case Reports should contain no more than 10 references, and letters to the editor no more than five.

Note: In the online version of NDT there are automatic links from the reference section of each article to cited articles in Medline. This is a useful feature for readers, but is only possible if the references are accurate. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure the accuracy of the references in the submitted article. Downloading references direct from Medline is highly recommended.

Supplementary material

Supporting material that is not essential for inclusion in the full text of the manuscript, but would nevertheless benefit the reader, can be made available by the publisher as online-only content, linked to the online manuscript. The material should not be essential to understanding the conclusions of the paper, but should contain data that is additional or complementary and directly relevant to the article content. Such information might include more detailed methods, extended data sets/data analysis, or additional figures (including colour). All text and figures must be provided in suitable electronic formats (instructions for the preparation of Supplementary material can be viewed here). All material to be considered as Supplementary material must be submitted at the same time as the main manuscript for peer review. It cannot be altered or replaced after the paper has been accepted for publication. Please indicate clearly the material intended as Supplementary material upon submission. Also ensure that the Supplementary material is referred to in the main manuscript where necessary.


It is a condition of publication in the Journal that authors grant an exclusive licence to the Journal, published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. In assigning the licence, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and Oxford University Press is notified in writing and in advance.

For all accepted articles, please ensure that a completed copyright licence form is sent directly to the production office at Oxford University Press.


The authors will receive electronic access to their paper free of charge. Additional printed offprints may be obtained in multiples of 100. Rates are indicated on the order form, which must be returned with the proofs.

Editorial enquiries:

Professor T. B. Drueke,
Inserm U507 Hopital Necker,
161 Rue de Sevres,
F-75743 Paris, Cedex 15, France.
Tel: +33 1 4438 1602
Fax: +33 1 4566 5133
Email: dupont@necker.fr (for original articles)
Email: tyson@necker.fr (for all other submissions)

Production enquiries:

Mark Talbot
Production Team Leader
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Journals Production
Oxford University Press
Great Clarendon Street
Oxford OX2 6DP, UK
Tel: +44 1865 353791
Fax: +44 1865 353332
Email: mark.talbot@oupjournals.org

Editorial Board


T B Drueke
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Hopital Necker
161 rue de Sevres
F-75743 Paris Cedex 15
Tel: +33 1 4438 1602
Fax: +33 1 4566 5133
E-mail: tyson@necker.fr

Deputy Editor:
N Lameire, Belgium

Editors Emeriti:
A M Davison, UK
E Ritz, Germany

Subject Editors:

Basic Nephrology
G Friedlander, France
E Imai, Japan

Clinical Nephrology/Diabetes Mellitus
P de Jong, The Netherlands
J Feehally, UK
J Floege, Germany
P Gross, Germany
S M Marshall, UK
Y Pirson, Belgium

Chronic Renal Failure
K-U Eckardt, Germany
D C Harris, Australia
W H Horl, Austria
K ogaard, Denmark
C Wanner, Germany
A Wiecek, Poland

A Albertazzi, Italy
G Boner, Israel
R Krediet, Netherlands
F Locatelli, Italy
I C Macdougall, UK
R Toto, USA

G London, France
F Luft, Germany
C Zoccali, Italy

J D Briggs, UK
J M Grinyo, Spain
U Kunzendorf, Germany
S H Sacks, UK
Y F C Vanrenterghem, Belgium

A Fogo, USA
R Goldschmeding, The Netherlands
H-J Groene, Germany
P Lesavre, France

Section Editors:
J S Cameron, UK
D N Churchill, USA
C Jacobs, France
C van Ypersele, Belgium
K Kuhn, Germany
L Monnens, The Netherlands
G H Neild, UK
M G Zeier, Germany

Advisory Board: Cellular and Molecular Basis of Renal Disease
D Bichet, Canada
P Corvol, France
H Haller, Germany
F Hildebrandt, USA
H Murer, Switzerland
P Ratcliffe, UK

Editorial Board:
A A Al-Khader, Saudi Arabia
P Altieri, Italy
A Argiles, France
P-O Attman, Sweden
G Bakris, USA
C Basile, Italy
W Bennett, USA
Y Berland, France
R W Bilous, UK
P J Blankestijn, The Netherlands
H Brady, Eire
B Canaud, France
J Cannata, Spain
J Chanard, France
C Combe, France
P Conlon, Ireland
M E Cooper, Heidelberg, Australia
R Coppo, Italy
J Cunningham, UK
S Czekalski, Poland
M de Broe, Belgium
F Dekker, The Netherlands
S Di Giulio, Italy
A J Felsenfeld, USA
A Ferreira, Portugal
J Frazao, Portugal
J Galle, Germany
L Hilbrands, The Netherlands
H Isoniemi, Finland
M Jadoul, Belgium
P Jaeger, France
C E Kashtan, USA
M Kessler, France
H Kreis, France
M Kretzler, Germany
K Kurokawa, Japan
F Lakkis, USA
M Laville, France
C Legendre, France
K M L Leunissen, The Netherlands
A Levin, Canada
E Lewin, Denmark
D A McCarron, USA
L McMahon, Australia
P Massari, Argentina
Z Massy, France
G Mayer, Austria
T Miyata, Japan
J M Morales, Spain
J Nagy, France
H-H Neumayer, Germany
I Noronha, Brazil
M Papadimitriou, Greece
P Parfrey, Canada
T Petitclerc, France
L Piera, Spain
C Pusey, UK
M Rathaus, Israel
G Remuzzi, Italy
M Rodriguez, Spain
J Rossert, France
S Rostand, USA
L C Rump, Germany
A K Salahudeen, USA
I Salusky, USA
A Santoro, Italy
P Paolo Schena, Italy
J Schifferli, Switzerland
N Schor, Brazil
G P Segoloni, Italy
M S Sever, Turkey
J Silver, Israel
R Sonkodi, Hungary
P Stenvinkel, Sweden
C Sungur, Turkey
V Teplan, Czech Republic
N Tomilina, Russia
F J Van der Woude, Netherlands
R Vanholder, Belgium
J-P Wauters, USA
J Weisinger, Venezuela
D Wheeler, UK
C G Winearls, UK
G Wolf, Germany
R P Wuethrich, Switzerland
R Zatz, Brazil

Biostatistical Advisors:
P Landais, France
J-P Jais, France
B Stengel, France

Editorial Assistants:
J Tyson, France
C Dupont, France
H Massy, France
I Van Dorpe, Belgium

Language Editors:
M Muntzel, USA
J Aslanian, USA


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