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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The NAVAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL is published quarterly by ASNE. It is distributed to all ASNE members, and subscription is available to non-members. The JOURNAL is a medium for technical papers in the field of naval engineering. It also contains schedules of meetings, symposia, and other events, news, notes, and membership information. Advertising is accepted.

The Society invites both members and non-members to submit manuscripts of previously unpublished papers to the Journal Editor. Papers on the full range of subjects of interest to naval engineers are welcome. Manuscripts are published in the earliest JOURNAL for which sufficient material is not on hand. Manuscripts accepted for publication become the property of the American Society of Naval Engineers, Inc., and are copyrighted by the Society upon being published in the JOURNAL. All papers are reviewed by the Journal

Instructions to Authors

1. REVIEW PROCEDURE. The American Society of Naval Engineers invites members and non-members to submit manuscripts of previously unpublished technical papers to the technical director for publication in the Naval Engineers Journal. Papers on subjects of interest to naval engineers are welcome. Papers are reviewed by the Journal Committee for originality, depth of treatment, significance, organization, interest, and clarity before acceptance for publication. Manuscripts accepted for publication become the property of the American Society of Naval Engineers, Inc. and are copyrighted by the society upon being published in the Journal, except where authorship is by government officials on government time, in which case they are not subject to U.S. copyright protection. Any questions regarding the submission of technical papers should be directed to the Technical Director at 703-836-6727 or ASNETD@navalengineers.org.

2. SPONSOR CLEARANCE. Authors are personally and solely responsible for obtaining organizational clearance for their paper before submitting it to the society for publication.

3. PAPER PREPARATION. Papers must be objective and free of advertising and commercialism. Use of organizational and product names should be avoided. Authors should adhere to the following guidelines to facilitate review and publication:

Submit a manuscript on disk (3.5" floppy, ZIP100 or 250, or CD) or by e-mail. Include copies of all figures and tables with each manuscript. Figures submitted may be preliminary sketches, providing there is sufficient detail. Papers should not be unnecessarily long; most papers are typically 8-14 single spaced pages in length, including figures and tables.

Arrange the paper in the following order:

1) Authors names and titles, primary author first
2) Title of paper (clearly and succinctly portraying contents)
3) Abstract (summarizing principal points, not to exceed 200 words)
4) Text, written in the third person, should begin with an introduction, which includes background and the purpose of the paper and terminate with a conclusion.
5) Bibliography or References
6) Acknowledgements
7) Separate attachments:
--Author's information sheet, including full name, work address, telephone, fax, and e-mail numbers.
--Author's biography, addressing education, present employment, experience, recognition for accomplishments, and professional society memberships, not to exceed 150 words.
--List of figures and tables used in the text.

4. FORMATTING. Text should be in single column format using an easily readable typeface, such as 12 point Times New Roman. Do not underline. Avoid the overuse of capitalization, bold face fonts, and italics. The use of footnotes is discouraged; incorporate all information in the text.

Headings Section headings and subheadings are not numbered but should be flush left and differentiated by size and style of typeface, i.e., serif or sanserif; font size; bold or plain face; italics or roman; caps/lower case, all caps, or small caps (include an outline of the paper, if necessary).

Symbols and Abbreviations Use only standard symbols in text and illustrations, or provide a "Key." Identify all acronyms the first time used.

Equations Equations and formulae should be numbered; the numbers should be in parenthesis and flush right. All terms should be defined. Be clear as to subscripts, superscripts, and exponents.

Identification of Figures and Tables All figures and tables must be cited in the text. Papers should not contain photographs not needed to understand the text. Figures and tables are numbered with Arabic numerals followed by a brief caption (e.g., FIGURE 2 Combat System Data Flow). Captions are typeset below the figure or above the table. Do not embed figure and table numbers and captions in illustrations.


Most artwork will be reduced to one column width (3¨ù") unless reduction is not feasible, in which case the maximum width will be 7 inches. All lettering on figures must be suitable to accept these reductions.

Camera-ready text and line art should be on clean, high-quality paper at a minimum of 600dpi. All images should be provided at 100 per cent of original size. Photographs should be glossy black-and-white prints. The quality of the original art is a determining factor in the quality of the printed end product. Photography that is dark, grainy, or poorly focussed cannot be significantly improved in a timely and economical fashion, if at all. Color photographs, separate or embedded, will lose detail when converted to grey scale. Graphic images created from presentation software are meant to be viewed on a monitor or projected on a screen and will not reproduce as well in the smaller image format of the Journal. Manuscript embedded figures will not be accepted.

The following image files are preferred: TIFF, high resolution JPEG, and EPS.

References and Bibliography References listed should be available in the open literature. References in the text should be cited by the last name of the author(s) and the year of publication of the reference. Enclose the year of publication in parentheses. The following examples illustrate the two possibilities:

a. It was shown by Johnson (1988) that the draft decreases under these conditions.
b. It has been shown that the draft decreases under these conditions (Johnson 1988).

In the case of two or three authors, include the last name of all authors in the citation, e.g., Johnson and Jones (1998). In the case of more than three authors, the first-named author should be followed by "et al."

List references alphabetically by lead author at the end of the paper. References containing more than one author should list the primary author last name first, followed by coauthors' initials followed by last name: Knachel, R.E. and W.G. MaGrogan, "An Affordable Approach for Quality Assured Shipboard Maintenance Transformation," Naval Engineers Journal, May 1994.

A bibliography may be used in lieu of references. Where a bibliography is used, the same style applies. The difference is that a bibliography is simply a list of material or publications pertinent to the manuscript's subject, whereas references identify the source of cited material. Citations should be arranged alphabetically.

Acknowledgements List those who contributed to the paper but did not participate as an author in the Acknowledgments. Authors should be restricted to those who participate in the preparation of the paper.

5. PREPARATION OF FINAL PAPER FOR PUBLICATION. Upon receipt of the results of the review of the Journal Committee, the author is responsible for making necessary changes as indicated by the committee's review, along with other changes the author may deem important for the final paper.

The final manuscript should be submitted in both a single hard copy and electronic media in current WORD or WordPerfect format.

Figures (photographs, diagrams, charts, graphs, etc.), including all letters and numerals thereon must be submitted camera-ready, i.e., fully prepared for reproduction, or as separate files on electronic media. Text embedded figures will not be accepted.

The paper returned to the technical director after changes are incorporated will be copyedited for consistency, clarity, style, and grammar. Substantive changes in response to the committee's review or offered by the author will be adjudicated by the committee.

The author should ensure that changes in the text that affect other parts of the paper, such as the numbering of figures and tables, are made consistent throughout

6. PUBLICATION POLICY. Camera-ready copy accepted for publication, which includes all associated artwork or illustrations, will not be returned unless requested by the author and accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. If returned, artwork will be in the condition resulting from the work of the publications manager, the typesetter, and the printer. Following publication, approximately 20 complimentary copies of the paper will be forwarded to the primary author.

7. MAILING ADDRESS. Address all manuscripts to:

Technical Director
American Society of Naval Engineers
1452 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-3458
Or by e-mail to:

1. DEFINITION. An article is considered to be an abbreviated paper oriented toward more timely topics of a technical, historical, or programmatic nature. While the subject may be similar to that found in a technical paper, the intent is to address issues that are of more current interest. Status reports about ongoing programs, recent technical advances, or operational events of interest to the naval engineering community are considered appropriate topic areas. Historical perspectives on naval engineering subjects are also appropriate for publication as articles. Many presentations from ASNE Section meetings are considered prime candidates for conversion to articles. Questions should be directed to the Technical Director at (703) 836-6727 or by e-mail at ASNETD@navalengineers.org.

2. SUBMISSION PROCESS. Authors should submit the manuscript they wish considered for publication as an article by e-mail or disk to the technical director. They should indicate that they want their manuscript to be considered as an article, not a technical paper. Except as noted here, the technical paper guidelines should be followed. The final determination regarding publication will be made by the technical director.

3. FORMAT. An article should follow the format required by the society for submission of technical papers, the primary differences being length and depth of coverage of the subject matter.

4. LENGTH. Generally an article will run between two and four Journal pages, or 1,500 to 4,000 words plus figures. Longer pieces may be accepted if the subject matter and potential interest warrant. Shorter pieces may be more appropriate for the Engineers Log (see below).

5. STRUCTURE. Articles submitted to the Journal for publication should include the following sections:

¡× Title (brief, descriptive and straightforward. Do not use clever construction or a play on words).

¡× Introduction (brief and descriptive of the article's significant topics).

¡× Text (a narrative discussion of the topic. Figures are encouraged if they help describe the topic. Tables are also encouraged where they can more precisely or concisely present information. Figures and tables should be referenced in the text and should be titled as defined for technical papers. An assemblage of view graphs or slides is not considered acceptable as an article).

¡× Conclusion (brief summation of the major points of the article or recommendations as appropriate).

¡× References (less critical than in technical papers, but still of value to readers. Follow format described for technical papers).

¡× Biography (brief background information on the author, not to exceed 50 words).

6. COMMERCIALISM. The same prohibitions on commercialism in technical papers apply to articles. However, since they may emphasize current programs, it is recognized that it may be impossible to delete all references to organizations.

7. ORIGINALITY. Articles should not have appeared previously in another publication. Also, if an article is submitted to other publications and the author chooses to have it published in one of those other publications, the author should withdraw the article from further consideration for the Journal.
One of the primary reasons for publishing articles is to present up-to-date information on recent technical advances or program issues; therefore, an extension or update of a previously published work will be considered original for Journal purposes.

1. CURRENT ADDRESS. Notification should be made immediately when a change of address occurs or is imminent to ensure delivery of society correspondence and receipt of publications. Address your change notice to ASNE's technical director.

2. PERMISSION TO REPRINT. All papers published in the Journal, except those which are prefaced by a citation or those authored by government officials on government time, are copyrighted by the American Society of Naval Engineers, Inc. Permission is granted to reprint any copyrighted material under the following conditions:

¡× Requests to reprint or reproduce must be made in writing, stating the intended use and number of copies to be produced or distributed.
¡× The published article must be reprinted in its entirety. Extracts, summaries or condensations may be reprinted only with the author's consent.
¡× Credit must be given to the Naval Engineers Journal with reference made to the issue in which the paper or article is published.
¡× Credit must be given to the author(s).

3. SECTION NEWS. Section news is published in the Journal. Secretaries and publicity chairmen of ASNE sections should promptly submit summaries of their section meetings and other section news to the publications manager. Use full first names, middle initials, and last names (no nicknames), including ranks. Ranks may be excluded when desired by the persons in the news item.

4. MEMBER NEWS. Short descriptions of the professional activities, promotions, relocations, and accomplishments of members of the society should be submitted to the technical director for publication in the Journal.

5. NOTICES OF DEATH. Any member learning of the death of another member should notify ASNE's executive director. When the deceased is a past officer or past member of the society's council, a photograph and obituary should accompany such notification whenever possible.

6. ENGINEERS LOG. Comments on previously published papers, general interest technical notes, letters to the editor and personal anecdotes with a naval engineering theme are welcome and will be published in the Journal at the technical director's discretion. Log items should be a maximum of 3,000 words.

Editorial Board

MAILING ADDRESS. Address all manuscripts to:

Technical Director
American Society of Naval Engineers
1452 Duke Street

Alexandria, VA 22314-3458
Or by e-mail to: ASNETD@navalengineers.org


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