

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


MYCOLOGIA publishes papers on all aspects of the fungi, including lichens. Subjects appropriate to the journal are physiology and biochemistry, ecology, pathology, development and morphology, systematics, cell biology and ultrastructure, genetics, molecular biology, evolution, applied aspects, and new techniques. Publication in MYCOLOGIA is for both members and nonmembers of the Mycological Society of America. Papers appropriate for the journal are:

(i) regular articles reporting original research
(ii) notes or brief articles reporting research or new techniques
(iii) invited papers
(iv) reviews, and minireviews

Instructions to Authors


Mycologia publishes papers on all aspects of fungi, including lichens. Subjects appropriate to the journal are physiology and biochemistry, ecology, pathology, development and morphology, systematics, cell biology and ultrastructure, genetics, molecular biology, evolution, applied aspects and new techniques. Publication in Mycologia is for both members and nonmembers of the Mycological Society of America. Papers appropriate for the journal are: (i) regular articles reporting original research, (ii) notes or brief articles reporting research or new techniques, (iii) invited papers, (iv) reviews and minireviews. Authors should consult the editor before submitting a review manuscript.

Papers are limited to 10 printed pages, including tables and illustrations. One printed page is equivalent to 2.8 typed pages with one-inch margins, double spacing and 12-point type. These instructions represent 12 typed pages. Regular articles will be published in the approximate order of their acceptance. After a manuscript has been accepted, the author will receive page proofs and a form for publication charges. Authors will be asked to pay page charges, currently $60 per page. However payment of page charges is not a condition of acceptance for publication.

The Web site.— – Go to http://mycologia.allentrack.net. This page will welcome you to Mycologia’s online manuscript submission and review system. The first time you use the system, you will register for an account and be assigned a login name and password; you will use your login and password every time you return to the site to check on the status of your paper or attend to a task.

Choices.— – You will have two: One lets you submit a paper and the other provides guidelines for authors. (Take a look at those guidelines; they will save you time and help you make the best use of the system.) After you submit a paper, you will have a third option that links you to information concerning your submission.

Uploading files.— – The system receives documents in up to five separate components. These are: the file for the cover letter; the article file, which includes the text, literature cited and legends; the table file (or files); the figure file (or files); and the file for supplemental documents such as alignments. Before uploading please divide your manuscript into these components.

Files converted to PDF.— – Once your files are uploaded to the database, they are converted to PDF files that can be viewed, downloaded and printed. Most word-processing formats (e.g. MSWord, WordPerfect, text, Postscript and rich text format) are convertible. Figures can be uploaded in JPEG, TIFF, GIF, EPS, PDF or Postscript formats. Higher resolution, publication-quality figures are not required for submission and review. However if your paper is accepted for publication you will be asked to deliver the final version of your figures in specific formats that ensure high quality and accurate reproduction. (The minimum standard for publication-quality halftone photos is 300–450 dots per inch; the minimum for line art and cover art is 600 dpi. Mycologia therefore recommends creating your figures with publication in mind.

Confirmation required.— – The system will ask you to confirm that the files have converted correctly; check those files to ensure the system converted each element properly. (Even if you submit your manuscript as a PDF file, you still should check to ensure that the files open correctly.) Your paper will be considered officially submitted only after the system receives your confirmation.

Red arrows.— – As you go through the steps, keep an eye out for red arrows. These will indicate that you need to take action on something.

Saving time.— – Converting most files takes 5–10 min, but a large file, such as one of a complex illustration, sometimes takes longer. Conversion time also depends on the speed of your Internet connection. In any case the time saved by the new system makes up for any delay in uploading files.

Ready for review.— – Once a manuscript is in the system, the Mycologia Editorial Office will assign a tracking number and an associate editor; the manuscript then will enter the peer-review process.

The guidelines for preparing a manuscript are basically the same as they were when hard copies were submitted by mail. In brief prepare your paper as follows:

Papers are published in American English (USA). Spelling examples include: among, center, color, flavor, gray, ocher, program, theater and toward.

Neatly typed, clean copy is required. Double space throughout (all parts, including title, addresses, footnotes, legends, tables, literature citations, etc.). Use line-number guides (left margin) on the original version; these should be removed in the revised version.

Identify each page (other than the first) with the first author’s name and the page number in the top right margin.

Leave at least a 2.5 cm margin on all sides.

All text must be left aligned so that the right margin is uneven (not justified).

Do not place page breaks between sections except for tables.

Paragraph indents should be consistent throughout the file. Use the tab key or paragraph indent, not multiple spaces.

Primary headings should be flush left.

Remove all extra vertical space above or below titles, headings or paragraphs. Do not format additional space (6 point or 12 point) between paragraphs or sections. These will be produced by typesetting codes at the press.

Do not use hanging indents in LITERATURE CITED. Place an extra line feed between references for improved legibility.

Boldface, italic, small caps, subscript and superscript commands should be used. These are normally the only word-processing commands used by the typesetter.

Distinguish among hyphens -, en dashes –, em dashes — and minus signs –. Each has a distinct use. Hyphens are used to join words, such as Douglas-fir. Use en dashes to indicate numerical or alphabetical ranges. Do not confused hyphen and minus signs, – and – respectively. Use em dashes in the No. 2 heading.— and three times ——— to designate repeated authors’ names in literature citations.

Never use commas within numbers (e.g. 1000 or 20 500).

Use small caps in the words TABLES(S), FIG(S). Each table is designated with Roman numerals; figures with Arabic numerals. Program settings also should be small caps (e.g. MULPARS, SUMPT, MULTREES, TBR).

Copies of DNA sequence alignments must be submitted.

Alignments will not be published in Mycologia but must be deposited in TreeBASE or similar public database for final acceptance.

Microsoft Word is preferred. Final version should not be a PDF.

Manuscripts requiring extensive alterations by the editor will be returned to the author for correction of the computer file.

Manuscripts and text.— – Authors should follow suggestions in the latest edition of the CBE Style Manual and are urged to have one or more colleagues read and criticize the manuscript before submitting it. When in doubt about style, abbreviations or punctuation, refer to recent issues of Mycologia.

Articles include these items, in this order: short title for running head, title, author(s) name(s) and address(es), Abstract, Key words, text (with desired headings), INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, LITERATURE CITED, LEGENDS and FOOTNOTES. Notes or articles of less than four printed pages, including illustrations, ordinarily will be published as brief articles. The manuscript format should be similar to regular articles, except that no primary headings are used other than to designate LITERATURE CITED. Secondary headings may be used and are encouraged for clarity of organization.

Short title.— – An idea expressed by 3–5 words is recommended.

Title.—. Make title short but informative; inclusion of a verb to communicate a complete idea is highly recommended (e.g. "Cytoplasmic dynein is involved in nuclear migration in Aspergillus nidulans", not "Cytoplasmic dynein and nuclear migration in Aspergillus nidulans"). Omit names of authors of taxa. Omit higher taxonomic categories (phylum, order, family); place these in the abstract or key words. Do not abbreviate. Capitalize only the first word and proper nouns; the rest is lowercase.

Authors.— – Place each name on a separate line, followed by the address on a new line. Addresses are italicized and typed as one paragraph. Do not indent. Authors in sequence with the same address have the address after the last author in the sequence. Provide the e-mail address of the corresponding author in a footnote after the legends.

Abstract: Include abstract (before the text) in all articles. Abstract begins in bold italic at the left margin with the text immediately following on the same line. The abstract should be written as a single paragraph, presenting the salient points of the article. It must stand alone and be informative without the need for reference to the text.

Key words: Each article must be accompanied by a listing of several key words as an aid to abstracting journals and retrieval. Key words should supplement the title and not duplicate title words. Insert the key words in alphabetical order immediately after the abstract on a separate indented line beginning with the indented designation Key words: (boldface italics).

Headings.— – Primary headings should begin at the left margin. Usual primary headings are INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and LITERATURE CITED. Do not combine RESULTS and DISCUSSION sections. Other headings, such as TAXONOMY and/or taxonomic names, may be used to suit the purposes of the paper. Start second-level headings at left margin; use only as necessary for clarity; italicize (except scientific names) followed by a period and an em dash. Third-level headings also are italicized but indented and followed by a period only.

Lists.— – Numbered lists in paragraphs should use lowercase Roman numerals in parentheses, such as (i), (ii), (iii), etc. They should be run in a continuous paragraph, not set off as separate paragraphs; see next paragraph.

Abbreviations.— – Abbreviations follow CBE Style Manual. Commonly used abbreviations are: (i) time—y, mo, wk, d, h, min, s; names of months by first three letters—Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul; (ii) volume—L, mL, mL; (iii) size—km, m, cm, mm, mm, nm; (iv) concentration in molarity—M, mM, mM, nM, pM—differs from molecular amounts—mol, mmol, mmol, pmol; (v) distinguish g (grams) from g (force of gravity) by italics for the latter; (vi) temperature—C as 28 C, not 28°C, use the degree sign only for angular measures, latitude and longitude; (vii) P probability (uppercase italics). Notice that singular and plural forms are identical and periods are not used for standard abbreviations (PCP). Exceptions are FIG., FIGS. Do not abbreviate state or province names (e.g. California, not CA; Ontario, not ON).

Marks and symbols.— – Parentheses enclose brackets in text ([]). Use the prime symbol ', as in 5' or 3' in sequences; don’t use an apostrophe ', an accent ' or a right single quotation mark '. The single prime denotes minutes and double prime (') denotes seconds in latitude and longitude. Use the times symbol x in equations; do not use x.

Scientific names.— – Italicize only generic, infrageneric (subgenus, section), specific and infraspecific taxa. Citation of nomenclatural authorities for taxa is optional except for taxonomic papers. When cited, authors of all specific and infraspecific taxa, except forma specialis, should be given but only when first used in the text or in a table. If authors for taxa are cited in a table, do not repeat in the text. For abbreviation of authors’ names, see Kirk PM, Ansell AE. (1992). Authors of fungal names. Index of Fungi supplement, also available online at: http://www.indexfungorum.org/AuthorsOfFungalNames.htm.

New taxa, keys and formal descriptions.— – Place names of new taxa flush with left margin in boldface, not italics, followed by author(s) and status (e.g. sp. nov., stat. nov.) in lightface roman. Follow with brief but descriptive Latin diagnosis (required for all new taxa except fossil forms and bacteria) in paragraph form. After the English description, designate the type specimen and place of deposit. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the Latin diagnosis; consult a Latin scholar; the editor does not check diagnoses.

An English description, in paragraph form, follows the Latin. Record measurements as length by width (or diam); place exceptional dimensions in parentheses: (10–)12–15(–16.5) x 3 5–6.2 mm. Note spacing, en dashes and multiplication symbol. Dates preferably should be cited as (example) 10 Aug 1995 or 10-VIII-1995, not 8/10/95. Authors are urged to deposit voucher specimens and to cite those specimens appropriately. Failure to do so may delay review and publication.

Scientific names for newly described species and new combinations must be submitted to Mycobank (http://www.MycoBank.org) prior to publication. The MycoBank accession number should be provided immediately after the new name in the protologue.

Type titles of keys in all capitals as a primary heading. Keys must be dichotomous, the couplets numbered and block indented. Leads of first couplet begin at left margin, as do those of third, fifth, etc. Leads of second (fourth, sixth, etc.) are tab indented equal to five spaces. Turnover lines should be justified at left with the preceding line. Normally keys with four or fewer couplets will be set in one column, while keys of five or more couplets will be set across two columns.

Citing collections.— – This standard format should be used:

Specimens examined. COUNTRY. STATE/PROVINCE: city/town, locality, map coordinates, elevation. Substrate, date (e.g. 10 Aug 1995 or 10-VIII-1995), collector number (italicize or underline collector and collector number) (HOLOTYPE, ISOTYPE, etc. designations go here when applicable. HERBARIUM). Use the standard recommended abbreviations for herbaria (Holmgren et al 1990. Index herbariorum, 8th ed. Regnum Vegetabile. Vol. 120). The word HERBARIUM is omitted.

Specimens and molecular sequence data.— – Authors are urged to deposit voucher specimens and cultures in public herbaria and culture collections, citing these in the paper. Molecular sequence data must be deposited in a molecular sequence repository. Mycologia will not publish nucleic acid sequences or sequence alignments other than short or unique sequences. Hard copies or electronic copies on disk should be provided for review. Authors must deposit sequence alignments in TreeBASE at http://herbaria.harvard.edu/treebase/ or in a similar public database and cite accession numbers. New sequences must be submitted to GenBank or a similar public database and accession numbers cited.

Literature cited.— – Consult The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. 6th ed. Cite references in the text by author-date (name-year system). All references must be cited in the text and any extras deleted. Journal citations and abbreviations must follow the rules for abbreviating titles in The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. 6th ed. p 743–746. When in doubt provide the unabbreviated title. Do not include personal communications, unpublished data, Web page URL, manuscripts or partial page numbers from books and theses in LITERATURE CITED; place such references in the text. Manuscripts must have been accepted for publication before they may be cited as (In press). A copy of the letter of acceptance is required. Cite the journal name and volume number. Type references flush left with no hanging indent. Use three em dashes to replace repeated author(s) name(s). Use an en dash to indicate page ranges.

Consult a recent issue of Mycologia for citation style. Examples of the most common forms of citation are below (note spacing and punctuation). Hanging indents should not be used; Allen Press will set these. To increase readability for editors and typesetters, place an extra line feed between citations. These are easily removed from the computer file.

Illustrations.— – Designate all illustrations (photographs, graphs, line drawings) as figures (abbreviate FIG.) and number consecutively in Arabic numerals. A plate of drawings or photographs may be treated as one figure with letters for each element or as several figures with each figure numbered consecutively. The use of capital letters for each element is highly recommended for readability. Do not place numbers on single figures that stand alone. Type legends consecutively, in paragraph form after LITERATURE CITED. See recent issue of Mycologia for format. Plates and figures should be planned so that the figures are numbered (with Arabic numerals) consecutively in the order that they are referenced in the text to allow proper placement of the figures in the published paper.

Figures must be designed to fit a maximum of 8.2 cm (3.25 inches, one column) or 17.1 cm (6.75 inches, two columns) wide by 23.4 cm (9.25 inches) high, including space for the legend after reduction. Plan figures to use the full one- or two-column width. Figures should be less than the maximum height to permit insertion of the legend beneath. Individual graphs usually will be reduced to one column width. Maximum size of plate submitted, including margins, may not exceed 30 x 43 cm (12 x 17 inches). Numbers and letters for figures, graphs and drawings should be approximately the same style and size as those in the text of Mycologia (i.e. 12-point type [ca. 2.5 mm tall]). Times New Roman is preferred. Use uppercase and lowercase, not all capitals. Reduction or enlargement of numbers and letters should be taken into account when planning figures, graphs and drawings if they will not be reproduced at the original size. Graphs and photographs preferably should be at actual size for printing.

Footnotes.— – Avoid footnotes in the text. If used number them consecutively and place at the end of the article after the legends. Do not use your word processor footnote or endnote command. Do not include acknowledgments, except required institutional statements, in footnotes. Lengthy descriptions of tabular material should not be in footnotes to tables but incorporated into the text. Footnotes to the text use superscript numbers. Footnotes to tables use superscript lowercase letters.

Tables.— – Keep them to a minimum. Before constructing a table determine whether the data might be better treated in narrative form in the text. Almost all short tables can be put in such form. Each table begins on a separate page. Tables are numbered in Roman numerals, and the word TABLE with its number begins at the left margin. The title follows in paragraph form, double-spaced. Titles must be brief. Keep footnotes to a minimum, using superscript lowercase letters (not Arabic numerals or other symbols). Omit vertical lines. See Mycologia for use of horizontal separation lines.

Bennett JW, Arnold J. 2001. Genomics for Fungi. In: Howard R, Gow N, eds. Biology of the fungal cell. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag: The Mycota XIII:268–297.

Fallah PM. 1999. Ascomycetes from north temperature lakes in Wisconsin [Doctoral dissertation]. Urbana-Champaign: Univ. Illinois. 190 p.

Klich, MA. 2002. Biogeography of Aspergillus species in soil and litter. Mycologia 94(1):21–27.[Abstract/Free Full Text]

Ridgway R. 1912. Color standards and color nomenclature. Washington, DC: Published by the author. 43 p, 53 pl.

Xiang X, Beckwith SM, Morris NR. 1994. Cytoplasmic dynein is involved in nuclear migration in Aspergillus nidulans. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 91:2100–2104.[Abstract/Free Full Text]

———, Morris N. 1999. Hyphal tip growth and nuclear migration. Curr Opin Microbiol 2:636–640.[CrossRef][Medline]

Editorial Board

Dr. Jeffrey K. Stone, Editor-in-Chief 2009-2014
Oregon State University
Dept. of Botany & Plant Pathology
Cordley 2082, Corvallis, OR 97331-2902 USA
Phone: 541-737-5260
Fax: 541-737-3573
Email: stonej@science.oregonstate.edu

John M. Donahue, Assistant Editor
Dept. of Cell & Molecular Biology
2000 Stern Hall
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118-5698 USA
Email: mycology@tulane.edu  Gerard Hebert, Assistant Editor
Biology Dept. MSC 03 2020
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA
Phone: 505-277-1177
Fax: 505-277-0304
Email: mycology@unm.edu 

Dr. Karen Snetselaar, Managing Editor 2009-2014
Biology Department
5600 City Ave
Saint Joseph's University
Philadelphia PA 19131 USA
Phone: 610-660-1826
Fax: 610-660-1832
Email: ksnetsel@sju.edu



Lori Carris 2004-2009, Chair

Christopher Schardl 2004-2009

Richard W. Kerrigan 2005-2010

Mary L. Berbee (ex officia) 2002-2007 Past Chair

James B. Anderson (ex officio) 1999-2004

Kerry O'Donnell 2006-2011

David Geiser (ex officio) 2001-2006

Gerald Bills (ex officio) 2000-2005



Manfred Binder 2009-2011
Clark University, Worcester, MA 01610

Phillipe Callac 2005-2007
INRA, MycSA, Villenave d'Ornon, France 33883

Lori Carris 2009-2011
Plant Pathology, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164

David M. Geiser 2005-2009
Dept. Plant Pathology, Pennsylvania State University,University Park, PA 16802

Steven D. Harris, 2006-
Dept. of Plant Pathology, University of Nebraska Lincoln NE 68588

Susan G. Kaminskyj 2009-2011
Dept. of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, CA S7N 5E2

Julia Kerrigan 2007-2009
Dept. of Entomology, Soils, and Plant Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson SC 29634

Maren Klich 2004-2010
USDA-ARS-SRRC, Food and Safety Research, New Orleans, LA 70124

Peter M. Letcher 2007-2009
Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487

Francois M. Lutzoni 2009-2011
Dept. of Biology, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708

P. Brandon Matheny 2009-2011
Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996

Steven L. Miller 2009-2011
Botany Dept., University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071

Mary Palm, 2005-2009
Beltsville Agricultural Research Lab, Beltsville, MD 20705

Robert W. Roberson 2009-2011
Dept. Plant Pathology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287

Conrad Schoch 2009-2011
National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda MD 20892

R. Paul Schreiner 2007-2009
USDA-ARS Horticultural Crops Research Laboratory, Corvallis OR 97330

Brian Shaw 2009-2011
Dept. of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Texas A$M University, College Station TX 77843

Margaret Silliker 2006-2009
Dept. of Biological Sciences, DePaul University, Chicago, IL 60614

Steven L. Stephenson 2003-2009
Dept. of Biology, Fairmont State College, Fairmont, WV 26554

Francis Trail 2008-2010
Depts. of Plant Biology an Plant Pathology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824

Lisa J. Vaillancourt 2005-2009
Dept. Plant Pathology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546

Merlin White 2006-2010
Dept. Biology, Boise State University, Boise, ID 83725

Loretta M. Winton 2008-2010
USDA Arricultural Research Service, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775



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