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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

  MRS Bulletin

MRS Bulletin is a monthly publication of the Materials Research Society, a not-for-profit scientific association that promotes interdisciplinary goal-oriented research on materials of technological importance. The MRS Bulletin includes technical theme topics that capture a snapshot of the state-of-the-art of materials research. These coordinated collections of articles written by experts are presented at a level understandable to a broad scientific audience. News and features cover research and development, people in the field, policy, conferences, history, education, and other issues on the state and progress of materials research worldwide.


Instructions to Authors



When you are finished with your manuscript, send the following materials to the Guest Editor:

• Author Information Form (enclosed): Include your complete address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address for yourself and your co-authors. Include your Federal Express address (which requires a street number) to receive galley proofs. Also indicate the approximate word count for your article. Indicate on the form which of your contact

information you wish to have published in the issue.

• Original manuscript, including final abstract.

• One set of original figures. Line art and photos must be of reproduction quality. See Guidelines for Submitting Tables and Figures for more information.

• One photocopy of manuscript and figures.

• Topical keyword form (for indexing purposes). See Guidelines for Submitting Topical Keywords for more information.

• A disk copy of your manuscript, if possible. Macintosh disks using Microsoft Word are preferred, but other formats may be accepted. By providing a disk, you will reduce the time required to prepare your article for publication (by eliminating retyping) and especially reduce the possibility of errors. Please indicate the word-processing software and version you have used.

• Additional or supplementary information for inclusion in the MRS Bulletin Web site. For example:

¡¤ URLs for related Web sites

¡¤ Additional figures and tables

¡¤ Color figures

¡¤ Additional data

¡¤ Appendices

¡¤ Simulations

¡¤ Expanded list of references

¡¤ Video

¡¤ In some instances, articles can be accepted via modem, e-mail, or FTP. Send email to bulletin@mrs.org to notify the Editorial Office that you plan to send electronic files. To upload files to the MRS FTP site, follow these steps: 1. Using a web transfer program (like Fetch, Anarchie Pro, or another type), ftp your files to ftp://ftp.mrs.org. 2. The server is ftp.mrs.org, the Username is "mrsbulletin," and the password is "bulletin." 3. The user should see the MRS bulletin folder, double click on it, and choose the "submissions" sub-folder to place the files. • A portrait-type photo of each author (3 in. ´ 5 in. or larger, black and white). • A brief biography of each author. Give name, position, affiliation, research interests, career accomplishments, and educational background (approximately 80 words). • A signed copyright form (enclosed). Manuscript Length and Style

Manuscripts (including text, references, acknowledgments, and figure captions) should be typed double-spaced, ~250 words per page. Please adhere to the number of pages assigned to you by the Guest Editor.

For every figure or table, reduce the length of your typed manuscript by one typed page (250 words). Tables and figures should not comprise more than 1/3 of your total manuscript pages. See Guidelines for Submitting Tables and Figures for more information. Number manuscript pages in sequence and arrange in the following order:

1. Author information form.

2. Title page.

3. Final abstract.

4. Body of manuscript. (Please be sure that heads and subheads are clearly distinguishable.)

5. Acknowledgments.

6. References. (Refer to the Guidelines for Styling References for formatting information.)

7. Any tables, each on a separate page. Include a title for each table.

8. Figure captions.

9. Original, reproduction-quality figures.

10. Topical keyword form (for indexing purposes)

11. Brief biography for each author.

12. Black and white photo (3 in. ´ 5 in. or larger) of each author.

13. Signed copyright form.


Editorial Board


Elizabeth L. Fleischer      Editor                fleischer@mrs.org     724-779-3004, ext. 521

Judith A. Meiksin            Managing Editor  meiksin@mrs.org      724-779-3004, ext. 522

Editorial Board
A.L. Greer, Chair, Cambridge University (United Kingdom)
V.S. Arunachalam, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
E. Arzt, Max-Planck-Institute f¨¹r Metallforschung and University of Stuttgart (Germany)
R.W. Cahn, Cambridge University (United Kingdom)
D.J. Eaglesham, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA)
E.J. Kramer, University of California­Santa Barbara (USA)
G.G. Long, National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA)
S.C. Moss, Aerospace Corporation (USA)
S.T. Picraux, Arizona State University (USA)
Y. Shiohara, ISTEC (Japan)
C.C. Tsai, Quanta Display, Inc. (Taiwan)
J.H. Westbrook, Brookline Technologies (USA)






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