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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Molecular Human Reproduction


Molecular Human Reproduction publishes articles on the molecular aspects of human reproductive physiology and pathology, endocrinology, andrology,gonadal function, gametogenesis, fertilization, embryo development, implantation, pregnancy and contraception. Reproductive genetics is also an important part of Molecular Human Reproduction. Studies on animal models are welcome as long as a clear relevance to human reproduction can be shown. Published papers include peer-reviewed original research reports, short review articles and commentaries. Molecular Human Reproduction is published on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.

Instructions to Authors


Please follow the instructions for submission carefully; the Editors reserve the right to return manuscripts that do not comply.

Table of contents:
Review procedure
Ethics of scientific publishing
Ethics of studies involving humans and animals
Submission of manuscript for consideration
To accompany manuscript at submission
Return of revised manuscript
Guidelines for preparation of manuscript

Molecular Human Reproduction publishes articles on the molecular aspects of human reproductive physiology and pathology, endocrinology, andrology, gonadal function, gametogenesis, fertilization, embryo development, implantation, pregnancy and contraception. Reproductive genetics is also an important part of Molecular Human Reproduction. Studies on animal models are welcome as long as a clear relevance to human reproduction can be shown. The journal welcomes orginal research reports, short review articles and topical commentaries.

Review procedure
All submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed. Each manuscript is allocated to an Associate Editor according to the subject area, and expert reviewers are selected in the Editorial Office in collaboration with Associate Editors. The reviewers reports are considered by the Associate Editor who provides a summary report and a recommendation regarding publication. The Editor-in-Chief is consulted if there is disagreement between the Associate Editor's and reviewers' recommendations or if any other concern arises during the review process. The Editor-in-Chief also takes the final decision on papers of 'borderline' importance. The decision and reports are usually returned to the authors within 4-5 weeks of submission. If the authors have solid reasons for dissatisfaction with the review process, the Editor-in-Chief is willing to consider a well-supported appeal. Articles submitted by the Editor-in-Chief or by Associate Editors are considered completely independently of these people.

Ethics of scientific publishing
Please note that Human Reproduction journals adhere strictly to the COPE guidelines on good publication practice (see Molecular Human Reproduction 2001, pp 791-796). Submission of a paper implies that it reports unpublished work and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If previously published tables, illustrations or text are to be included, then this should be clearly indicated in the manuscript and the copyright holder's permission must be obtained. Copies of such permission letters should be enclosed with the paper. Previously published material can be cited in a later review or commentary article, but must be expressly indicated using quotation marks if necessary.

Failure to comply with these guidelines will be considered a double-publishing offence and treated appropriately. Plagiarism of text from a previously published manuscript by another author is also a serious offence, unless the material quoted is similarly indicated. Fraudulent data or data stolen from other authors is also unethical and will be treated accordingly. Any alleged offence is considered by the ESHRE Publication Committee. ESHRE reserves the right to reject papers on this basis alone, to bar authors from advisory positions on the journals or from membership of ESHRE, and to publish details of any transgression. In addition, other sanctions as recommended by COPE will be considered.

Ethics of studies involving humans and animals
The Editors draw the authors' attention to the Declaration of Helsinki for Medical Research involving Human Subjects and also to the Guiding Principles in the Care and Use of Animals (DHEW Publication, NIH, 80-23). Studies involving humans and animals or human or animal material should have appropriate ethical approval. The Editors reserve the right to seek further clarification regarding the conditions under which the study was performed.

Inadequate or incorrect statistical analyses frequently cause rejection or delays in the review of manuscripts. If necessary, authors should seek advice from a professional statistician before the manuscript is submitted.

Submission of manuscript for consideration
Manuscripts should be submitted online at
http://molehr.manuscriptcentral.com. Full instructions on submitting your manuscript online can be found here, or at the online submission site.

To accompany manuscript at submission
The following must be completed and can all be found on the
authors signature form:

  • Signatures from each author agreeing to their inclusion in the list of authors in order of appearance on the manuscript, along with a brief description of each author's role in the study.
  • Declaration of any vested interests, e.g. large gifts, directorships, sponsorships. If in doubt please declare any potential interests. This will be included in an appropriate position in the published manuscript.
  • Agreement to pay for colour figures (£567/US$903 per page for 2003 publication) if applicable.
  • Note that it is the responsibility of the corresponding author to obtain permission to publish previously published material and submit with their manuscript the permission from the copyright holder.

It is a condition of publication that authors grant an exclusive licence to to ESHRE. At acceptance a copyright licence form must be completed. Authors may use their own material in future publications provided the Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication and permission has been obtained.

Page charges are NOT levied.

Return of revised manuscript
Revised manuscripts should be submitted online at
http://molehr.manuscriptcentral.com. Detailed instructions are provided in the letter to the corresponding author when the manuscript is provisionally accepted. A reply to the reviewers comments, item by item, must be included together with a copy of the manuscript in which changes have been highlighted. Figures for revised manuscripts should preferably be submitted as TIF files. If the figures submitted online are not of high enough quality for publication, one set of glossy figures should be sent to the Editorial Office, Moor Barns Farmhouse, Madingley Road, Coton, Cambridge CB3 7PG, UK.

Guidelines for preparation of manuscript
Manuscripts should be kept as concise as possible and not contain repetition, the editors reserve the right to remove unnecessary text. The manuscripts should be written in English, using English standard spelling and conventions following the CBE style manual (The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, Sixth Edition, 1994, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK).

For biochemical and bacterial terminology follow the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) recommendations.

Genotypes should be italicized; phenotypes should not.

Units of measurement and abbreviations
Units of measurement should be in Syst¨¨me International (SI) units and those recommended by the IUPAC should be used wherever possible. Standard units of measurements and chemical symbols of elements may be used without definition in the body of the paper. Abbreviations should be given in brackets after their first mention in the text, and used thereafter. For centrifugation rates, give g values rather than rpm.

Double spacing on one side of the paper only. Number each page top right. Number lines. Avoid footnotes. Avoid underlining. Differentiate clearly letters O, l and numbers 0, 1. Ensure unusual symbols and equations are clearly written.

Manuscript structure (listed in order of appearance on the manuscript):

Running title. Should not exceed 50 characters.

Title. Should not exceed 25 words and should be specific and informative.

Authors. Give initials and surname of all authors. For more than 10 authors the Editors reserve the right to allocate additional authors to a study group, details of which will be given in a footnote.

Addresses. The department, institution, city, postal code and country should be given for each author.

E-mail address will be published for the corresponding author, who should be clearly identified.

Current addresses should be provided where applicable.

Abstract. A single paragraph of ~200 words which clearly summarizes the findings of the manuscript. Note that abstracts should be self-explanatory. They should include the aim of the study, the methods and results as well as a brief conclusion. Citations should not appear in the abstract.

Key words. Up to five key words must be supplied by the author. These should appear in alphabetical order separated by a forward slash. The key words, together with the title and abstract, are used for online searches. They should therefore be specific and relevant to the paper.


Materials and methods. The names, town and country of origin of all suppliers should be included. Note the requirement for ethical approval from all studies involving humans and animals.

Discussion. Should be as concise as possible.

Acknowledgements. Personal acknowledgements should precede those of institutions or agencies.

Reference citations within the text. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Each reference should be cited by author and date. If there are two authors please list both, if more than two please use first author then et al. All published papers appear on the Internet. Please note that the hypertext links used to link the text with the online reference list will only work if author and year of publication are contained together within a single set of brackets, e.g. 'it was stated (Smith et al., 2001) that the study'. Authors are requested to follow this style when preparing text references, as reformatting text to this style can cause inadvertent changes to meaning.

Permission to cite personal communications (J.Smith, personal communication) should be obtained by the corresponding author. Unpublished data should be cited as (unpublished data) and not included in the reference list. Either should be used only when essential.

References to papers accepted for publication, but not yet published, should be cited as such in the reference list e.g. Bloggs, A. (2002) In-vitro fertilization. Hum. Reprod., in press.

¡¤  Reference list: please use the following style. Note that correct punctuation and journal abbreviations must be used in order to run the search programs used to edit the manuscript. Incorrectly typed references take a lot of time to correct, for which we reserve the right to charge. Up to 10 authors should be included, after which et al. should be used. Refer to the following examples. Abbreviate scientific journals according to established publications.

Elliott, W.H. and Elliott, D.C. (2001) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Warren, M.A., Li, T.C. and Klentzeris, D. (1994) Cell biology of the endometrium: histology, cell types and menstrual changes. In Chard, T. and Grudzinskas, J.G. (eds) The Uterus. Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, pp. 94-125.

Duffy, D.M. and Stouffer, R.L. (2001) The ovulatory gonadotrophin surge stimulates cyclooxygenase expression and prostaglandin production by the m follicle. Mol. Hum. Reprod., 7, 731-739.

Olesen, C., Hansen, C., Bendsen, E., Byskov, A.G., Schwinger, E., Lopez-Pajares, I., Jensen, P.K., Kristoffersson, U., Schubert, R., Van Assche, E. et al. (2001) Identification of human candidate genes for male infertility by digital differential display. Mol. Hum. Reprod., 7, 11-20.

Figure legends. Should be included on a separate page. Each legend must be self-contained, with all symbols and abbreviations used in the figure defined.

In the text, number references to figures sequentially as Figure 1, 2 etc. and indicate positioning in the margin.

Tables. Each table should be submitted on a separate page and numbered consecutively with Roman numerals. Please avoid complex constructions. Each item of data should be separated by a single tab bar, avoiding the use of columnar formatting or customized packages. Each table should be self-explanatory and include a brief descriptive title. Footnotes to the table indicated by superscript lowercase letters are acceptable but should not include extensive experimental detail. References to the tables in the text should be indicated in the margins and referenced sequentially as Table I, II etc.

Figures should be prepared in the desired final size and labelled clearly in appropriately sized text. Please note that the Production Editor may alter the size of figures to balance with the text. The maximum page width is 178 mm. Scale bars must be included where appropriate.

In preparing graphs authors should avoid background tints, 3D effects and maintain a consistent label size and aspect ratio (the x/y axis ratio) throughout a paper. Figure and axes titles should be clear and NOT in bold text.

Failure to supply illustrations of acceptable quality will delay publication. The Editors reserve the right to charge for extensive changes.

All figures should be clearly labelled on the reverse with their orientation, figure number, manuscript number (revised version only) and first author. If more than one version of a figure is sent, please indicate clearly which is to be used for final publication.

Colour figures
The cost of printing colour figures is £567/$903 per page (for 2003 publication). If you wish to include more than one colour figure in your paper (even if not consecutively numbered), these should be prepared as one camera-ready plate with the figure number clearly indicated at the top left corner of each part of the figure, producing one composite picture.

Authors are sent page proofs by the Production Editor for checking ~6-8 weeks after acceptance of the article. Proofs are sent by e-mail as PDF files and should be checked and returned within 48 hours of receipt. Extensive changes of an essential nature may be made only by insertion of a Note Added in Proof. A charge may be made to authors who insist on amendment to the text at the proof stage. It is the authors' responsibility to check that all the text and data as contained in the page proofs are suitable for publication.

The author has the choice of 25 free offprints or free electronic access to their article (except Letters to the Editor). These are sent to the address completed by the corresponding author on the offprint order form sent with the page proofs. The form must be faxed or posted to the Production Editor at OUP. Late orders submitted after the journal is printed are subject to increased prices.

Editorial Board


R Ivell

Managing Editor
H K Beard

Senior Editor
R S Hansen

Editorial Office
Broadway House
149/151 St Neots Road
Cambridge CB3 7QJ
Tel: +44 (0)1954 212404
Fax: +44 (0)1954 212357/8/9

Associate Editors
R J Aitken, Australia
A Ao, Canada
J D Aplin, UK
A Cato, Germany
A T Fazleabas, USA
B Gellersen, Germany
T Gudermann, Germany
I T Huhtaniemi, Finland
K E Latham, USA
M Maggi, Italy
M Monk, UK
J E Norman, UK
R A Nowak, USA
S A Robertson, Australia
P T Saunders, UK
R L Stouffer, USA
P E Visconti, USA
E Winterhager, Germany


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