

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774
  出版社网址:http://www.mja.com.au /

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

eMJA Banner

The Medical Journal of Australia aims to be the premier forum for information and commentary on clinical medicine and healthcare in Australia. To achieve this, the MJA publishes original clinical research, reviews and educational articles, together with commentary and informed debate on standards of clinical practice, and on social, ethical, legal and other issues related to healthcare. The Journal welcomes articles in all these categories.

Instructions to Authors


Manuscripts submitted to the MJA must be offered exclusively to the Journal and must conform with the Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals.

If a submitted article overlaps considerably with previously published articles or articles submitted elsewhere, copies of these should be included with the submitted manuscript.

The covering letter should include:

  • why the article should be published in the MJA
  • confirmation that the manuscript content (in part or in full) has not been submitted or published elsewhere.

Email: editorial@ampco.com.au

(When possible, use email for submissions and correspondence.)

The Editor
The Medical Journal of Australia
Locked Bag 3030, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012, Australia.

Tel: +61 2 9562 6666.
Fax: +61 2 9562 6699.

Email submissions ( editorial@ampco.com.au ): We prefer to receive manuscripts and letters by email, and for email submissions no printed copies are required. Manuscripts should be attached to email as Word documents (or compatible word-processing format). Do not use headers and footers, automatic referencing or footnotes and keep the layout of the file as simple as possible. Number the pages, starting with the title page. Include word counts of the main text and the abstract.

Also attach our Article Submission Form, a Word document available on the eMJA website (http://www.mja.com.au/public/information/Article_submission_form.doc).

Click here to download an Article Submission Form in Word document format

Submitting a fully completed Article Submission Form will expedite processing of the manuscript.

If no Form is submitted, the title page must give for each author:

  • full name, including middle initial
  • two relevant qualifications
  • title and address of position held when the article was produced
  • current postal address, direct telephone number, facsimile number and email address

Identify one author as correspondent.

Paper submissions: We prefer receiving manuscripts by email (see above). For a paper submission, send three copies of the manuscript (two complete and one for the reviewers without authors' names, affiliations or acknowledgements), printed with double spacing (including references) on one side of the paper.

On the two complete copies, the title page must give for each author:

  • full name, including middle initial
  • two relevant qualifications
  • title and address of position held when the article was produced
  • current postal address, direct telephone number, facsimile number and email address

If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors will be asked to provide an electronic copy by email or on a computer disk, and will be asked to fill in an Article Submission Form.

Declarations: On the page after the title page, we require

  • Statement of competing interests. Authors should declare the source of any financial or other support, and any financial or professional relationships which may pose a competing interest. They should describe the role, if any, of the supporting source(s) in study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, and in writing of the article. They should also state whether the supporting source(s) controlled or influenced the decision to submit the final manuscript for publication. If the supporting source(s) had no such involvement, this should be stated.
  • Acknowledgements. Acknowledgements must be brief. Acknowledge funding sources and people who have contributed to the study but do not qualify as authors (see Authorship above). Do not include secretarial staff. It is the responsibility of the principal author to obtain permission to acknowledge individuals.

Copyright: All authors are asked to transfer copyright to AMPCo before publication. Accepted manuscripts may not be published elsewhere, in whole or in part, without written permission from the Australasian Medical Publishing Company (AMPCo) Ltd.

Authorship: Authorship should be based on substantial contribution to (a) concept and design of the article, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (b) drafting of the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (c) final approval of the version to be published. Conditions (a), (b) and (c) must all be met, and each author must be prepared to take public responsibility for the article. Authors may be asked to sign a declaration to this effect. Order of authors should be the joint decision of all authors.

Style: Use abbreviations sparingly (spell out at first use). Give all measurements in SI units (except blood pressure, which is in mmHg). Supply reference ranges where appropriate. Drugs should be referred to by their generic, not their proprietary, names.

References: Accuracy of references is the responsibility of authors. Use the "Vancouver" style, as described in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals and abbreviate journal names as in Index Medicus. Give surnames and initials of all authors (or only the first three authors [et al] if there are more than four) and cite first and last page numbers in full (these two requirements are slightly different from the Vancouver style). Specify the type of reference (eg, a letter, an editorial, an abstract, a supplement). Cite personal communications and unpublished papers in the text, not in the reference list. Obtain written permission from people cited, and give their titles, positions and affiliations.

Tables: Present all tables in double-spaced type on separate pages; simplify the information as much as possible, keeping the number of columns to a minimum and the headings short. Information in tables should not be duplicated in the text.

Figures and illustrations: Should be submitted in electronic format, provided that high quality electronic images are available:

  • Images must be high resolution. Generally speaking, an acceptable image must be at least 3.5 inches (8.75cm) across when printed at 300 dots per inch (dpi): for a square image of 3.5¡Á3.5 inches, this means the image will contain >1,000,000 pixels. Computer screens display images at 72¨C96 dpi, creating a false impression of printable size. The printable size is only one-third to one-quarter of the apparent size on screen. If the image is small to begin with, it cannot be turned into a high resolution image: it is not effective to "blow up" an image using image editing software to increase the size.
  • Do not use JPEG compression to reduce image size. JPEG images must be saved at their maximum size, as JPEG compression reduces image quality. ZIP compression is acceptable.
  • Preferred image file formats are EPS, TIFF, Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop.
  • If providing graphs in Microsoft Excel format, it is important to provide the complete Excel file, including the data table from which the graph was generated.
  • A copy of images can be embedded in your Word document at the relevant position, but the original image file must always be sent separately as well.
  • Provide a letter of permission from the copyright holder for the use of images from other publications.

If unable to provide electronic images, or if uncertain about the quality of the images you can provide, please provide printed copies. If providing prints:

  • Supply two copies of each image, labelled on the back with the figure number, principal author's name, and orientation (arrow to top).
  • Graphs can be supplied as laser-printed illustrations on good quality paper, with a copy of the numerical data that each graph is based on (numerical data should be supplied on disk or by email).
  • Protect photographs from damage. Do not write directly on them ¡ª put labels on an overlay or photocopy.
  • Photomicrographs require internal scale markers. State the original magnification and stain.
  • Provide a letter of permission from the copyright holder for the use of images from other publications.

The MJA peer review process   

Acknowledgement: Submitted manuscripts are acknowledged, and authors will be asked to sign a copyright form.

Editorial committee: All manuscripts are initially reviewed by the MJA's in-house editorial committee and those deemed unsuitable (insufficient originality, serious scientific or methodological flaws, or a message that is too specialised or of limited interest to a general medical audience) are returned to the author(s), usually within 4 weeks.

Peer review: Manuscripts are sent, blinded, to two or three experts (from our panel of over 3000). After reassessment by the editorial committee they are returned to the authors, either for revision or because they are unsuitable for publication, about 8 to 10 weeks after the date of submission.

Revision: A request for revision does not mean that the manuscript has been accepted for publication, but is an opportunity to present the best possible article to the editorial committee for a decision about publication. Authors are generally given 4 to 6 weeks to return the revised manuscript to us.

We prefer to receive revisions as electronic copies by email. Revisions should be prepared using Word's "Track changes" feature, and should be sent together with a letter outlining the responses to the reviewers' comments.

How to use Track Changes in Word:

  • Before revising the document, go to the Tools menu; select Track Changes...Highlight Changes...tick Track changes while editing. Thereafter, deletions will appear as struck-out text, and new text will be in red.
  • Alternatively, before revising the document save it under a new name, then make your revisions; lastly use Tools...Track Changes...Compare documents to compare your new document to your old document and save the resulting marked up file.

If an electronic copy of the revision cannot be supplied, three copies should be returned (one highlighted to indicate where changes have been made), together with a letter outlining the responses to the reviewers' comments.

Editorial Board


Martin Van Der Weyden, MD, FRACP, FRCPA

Deputy Editors

Bronwyn Gaut, MB BS, DCH, DA
Ruth Armstrong, BMed
Mabel Chew, MB BS(Hons), FRACGP, FAChPM
Ann Gregory, MB BS

Manager, Communications Development

Craig Bingham, BA(Hons), DipEd

Senior Assistant Editor

Helen Randall, BSc, DipOT

Assistant Editors

Elsina Meyer, BSc
Kerrie Lawson, BSc(Hons), PhD, MASM
Tim Badgery-Parker, BSc(Hons)
Josephine Wall, BA, BAppSci, GradDipLib

Proof Readers

Raymond Carroll, Christine Binskin, BSC

Editorial Administrator

Kerrie Harding

Editorial Assistant

Christine Tsim


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