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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Materials and Manufacturing Processes

Aims & Scope

2009 Impact Factor: 0.968
Ranking: 119/212 (Materials Science, Multidisciplinary) and 19/38 (Engineering, Manufacturing)
2009 5-Year Impact Factor: 0.924
© 2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports®

Materials and Manufacturing Processes deals with issues that result in better utilization of raw materials and energy, integration of design and manufacturing activities requiring the invention of suitable new manufacturing processes and techniques, unmanned production dependent on efficient and reliable control of various processes including intelligent processing, introduction of new materials in industrial production necessitating new manufacturing process technology, and more. Information is offered in various formats, including research articles, letter reports, review articles, conference papers, applied research, book and conference reviews, patent reports, and entire issues devoted to symposia.

Abstracting & Indexing

Abstracted and/or Indexed in: CEABA, Chemical Abstracts, CSA - Technology Research Database; Engineered Materials Abstracts, Engineering Index/COMPENDEX PLUS, Engineering Index Monthly, INIST-Pascal/CNRS, Materials Information, PubSCIENCE, Rapra Abstracts, and Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE).

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Authors

Aims and Scope. Materials and Manufacturing Processes is a journal in the English language providing an international forum for current developments and future direction in the area of materials and manufacturing processes. Manuscripts may fall into several categories including full articles, solicited reviews or commentary, unsolicited reviews or commentary, and book reviews. 

Submission of ManuscriptsMaterials and Manufacturing Processes receives all manuscript submissions electronically via their Manuscript Central website located at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/LMMP.  Manuscript Central allows for rapid submission of original and revised manuscripts, as well as facilitating the review process and internal communication between authors, editors and reviewers via a webbased platform. For Manuscript Central technical support, you may contact them by e-mail or phone support via http://scholarone.com/services/support/. If you have any other requests please contact the journal at mamp@matmod.com. Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has not been published elsewhere and that it has not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.

References. Please cite in the text by number only enclosed in parentheses. At the end of the article, list the references in the order they appear in the text. Examples:

Journal: Pimental, D. Insect Population Responses to Environmental Stress and Pollutants. Environmental Reviews 1994, 2 (1), 1–15.

Book: New, T.R. Insects As Predators; New South Wales Univ. Press: Kensington, Australia, 1991; 178 pp.

Works Presented at Meetings and Conferences: Garrone, E.; Ugliengo, O. In Structure and Reactivity of Surfaces, Proceedings of the European Conference, Trieste, Italy, Sept 13–20, 1998; Zecchina, A., Costa, G., Morterra, C., Eds.,: Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1988.

Illustrations. Illustrations submitted (line drawings, halftones, photos, photomicrographs, etc.) should be clean originals or digital files. Digital files are recommended for highest quality reproduction and should follow these guidelines:

  • 300 dpi or higher
  • Sized to fit on journal page
  • EPS, TIFF, or PSD format only
Color Reproduction. Color illustrations will be considered for publication; however, the author will be required to bear the full cost involved in color art reproduction. Color art can be purchased for online only conversion and reproduction or for print + online reproduction. Color reprints can only be ordered if print + online reproduction costs are paid. Rates for color art reproduction are:

Online Only Reproduction: $225 for the first page of color; $100 per page for each of the next three pages of color. A maximum charge of $525 applies.

Print + Online Reproduction: $900 for the first page of color; $450 per page for each of the next three pages of color. A custom quote will be provided for articles with more than 4 pages of color. Good quality color prints should be provided in their final size. The publisher has the right to refuse publication of color prints deemed unacceptable.

Proofs. Page proofs are sent to the designated author using Taylor & Francis' E-Proof system. They must be carefully checked and returned within 48 hours of receipt. Color proofs will be provided for art physically printing in color if author consent is received by the requested due date.

Complimentary Policy. Each corresponding author of an article will receive a PDF file of the article via email. This file is for personal use only and may not be copied and disseminated in any form or posted on any website without prior written permission from Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


Editorial Board


Dr. T.S. Sudarshan, FASM
Materials Modification, Inc.
2809K Merrilee Drive
Fairfax, Virginia 22031, USA
phone # (703) 560-1371 x 11
fax # (703) 560-1372

Dr. T.S. Srivatsan, FASM
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Akron
Akron, Ohio 44325, USA
phone # (330) 972-6196
fax # (330) 972-6027

Review Board

Dr. S. Atre - Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
Dr. N. Bhatnagar - IIT, Delhi, India
Dr. N. Chakraborti - IIT, Kharagpur, India
Dr. R.J. Dowding, FASM - U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen, MD, USA
Dr. M. Gupta, FASM - National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge Cresent, Singapore
Dr. S. Jana - University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA
Dr. U. Kamachi Mudali, FASM - Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India
Prof. Y.K. Kim - Pohang University of Science & Technology, Pohang, Korea
Dr. J. J. Lewandowski , FASM - Case Western Reserve University, OH, USA
Dr. K. O'Connor, FASM - NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA
Dr. F. Pettersson - Abo Akademi University, Abo, Finland
Dr. S. Sahay - John Deere Technology Center, Pune, India
Dr. M. Stanford - Central State University, Wilberforce, OH, USA
Dr. J.J. Stiglich, FASM - Advanced Materials Associates, Breckenridge, CO, USA
Dr. S.K. Thakur, FASM - Delphi Automotive Systems, Singapore
Dr. A. Vadiraj - Ashok Leyland Ltd., Chennai, India
Dr. S. Viswanathan - University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL


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