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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Winter 2008/2009 Journal

Marine Technology Society Journal

The Marine Technology Society Journal, a peer reviewed quarterly, is an internationally recognized publication. It offers a selection of original contributions by MTS members and other professionals involved in ocean science, engineering, technology and policy. Every summer the Journal features a State of Technology Report. This report presents the most up-to-date information, data, and trends in one of four topic areas: advanced marine technology, marine resources, ocean and coastal engineering, and marine policy and education. The Journal also provides book reviews and commentary.

Instructions to Authors

Review Process

All papers are submitted to a review procedure directed by the editor and editorial board. It is requested that the author(s) provide names and addresses of four persons who are not closely affiliated with the author(s) but who are experts in the area of the paper topic and can provide an objective review. Reviewers remain anonymous. The author(s) is given the opportunity to incorporate the reviewers’ comments and revise his/her paper prior to publication.

Contributors should keep in mind that manuscript reviewers are asked to assess whether a paper should be included in the Journal or in a more specialized publication; whether it is of broad interest to the marine community or several significant portions thereof; and how the work ranks within the particular field discussed.

Categories of Submissions

1. Technical/Scientific Paper
Manuscripts should be no longer than 25 pages typed (double-spaced, not including figures and references) with no more than 10 figures. Papers should fully address a topic that is timely and significant to the ocean and marine community. Use headings in accordance with Journal style, include references, and include a 150-250 word abstract stating the subject of the paper, methods used, principal results and test significance.
2. Technical/Scientific Note

Manuscripts should be no longer than 10 pages (double-spaced, not including figures and references) with no more than three illustrations. Use headings in accordance with Journal style, include references, and include a 150-250 word abstract stating the subject of the paper, methods used, principal results and their significance.

Manuscripts should define, explain or discuss the technical and scientific aspects of an important and timely topic. Notes help Journal readers to enhance their working knowledge of current topics in ocean and marine engineering, science and policy. Technical notes may be works-in-progress, addenda to previously published work or condensations of conference presentations.
3. Commentary
Manuscripts should be between 2 and 10 pages double-spaced. Commentaries offer an informed point of view on a topic of current interest to the ocean and marine engineering, science and policy community.
4. Book Reviews
The MTS Journal solicits and publishes reviews of recently published books that are timely and relevant to the interests of its readers. Reviews should be no longer than two pages, double-spaced.

Manuscript Style

The abstract should be 250 words or fewer and should be a statement of the problem to be addressed. It should identify the issues and describe the nature and utility of the results. Abstracts are used in the online MTS Web site database and elsewhere.

References should be listed on a separate sheet in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name. References must be referred to in the text in the form of (author’s last name, year of publication); numbered footnotes should not be used. Complete and correct references are the author’s responsibility. References should be in the following formats:

Article in Journal
Author(s). Year. Title of article. Abbreviated Title of Journal, volume and issue numbers, inclusive pages.
Example: Cannon. P. and Keatinge. W. R. 1960. The metabolic rate and heat loss of fat and thin men in heat balance in cold and warm water. J. Physiol. (London) 15(1):329-344.

Article in Book
Author(s). Year. Title of article. In: Title of Book. Editors, inclusive pages. Location: Publisher.
Example: Steinman. A, M. and Hayward. S. 1989. Cold 2.D water immersion. In: Wilderness and Environment Emergencies, eds. P.S. Auerbach and E. C. Geehr. pp. 907-932. St. Louis: Mosbv.

Author(s). Year. Title of Book. Location: Publisher, Total pages.
Example: Beebe. IV. 1934. Half Mile Down. New York: Harcourt Brace. 344 pp.

Author(s). Name of report. In: Name of Proceedings, name of conference, inclusive pages. Location: Publisher.
Example: Simon, P. A. 1987. Operational considerations for a scientist-piloted research submersible. In: Intervention ’87, ROV ’87 Conference. pp. 79-82. San Diego: Marine Technology Society.

Author. Year. Name of thesis. Masters/Ph.D. thesis, name of university, total pages.
Example: Rintoul, B. 1988. Mass, heat and nutrient fluxes in the Atlantic Ocean determined by inverse methods. Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology/ Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Joint Program. 287 pp.

Acronyms and other abbreviations must be identified the first time they are used in a paper. The solitary use of an abbreviation or acronym is discouraged. All-capital letters should be used only for an acronym. Ship and underwater vehicle names should be underlined. For example, Dolphin refers to the U.S. Navy’s deep diving test submarine while DOLPHIN (Deep Ocean Logging Profiler with Hydrographic Instrumentation and Navigation) refers to Canada’s remote controlled survey submarine.

Measurement and Numbers
For consistency and ease in comparison, the International System of Units (SI) should be used. Measurements should be identified the first time they are used. Symbols for a unit of measurement are not to be punctuated and should be used only when preceded by a number (e.g., “5 km’ but “a few kilometers’). For specific questions regarding style, please consult A Manual of Style by the University of Chicago Press or contact the managing editor.

Illustrations should be camera-ready. Photographs for papers should be submitted as black and white or color glossy prints; high resolution is strongly recommended. A sharp image and good contrast are essential for quality reproduction. Keep in mind that most illustrations will be reproduced in column width, generally a considerable reduction of the original size. Keep originals clean and legible.

Or, send the illustrations as one of the following:

8 1/2 by 11 inches 300 dpi JPEG, TIFF, EPS or Illustrator file. Please note that our printed Journal is black and white and our online Journal is in color. Black-and-white images will be converted for the printed version.

Each figure or table should be accompanied by a complete caption (including any necessary credit lines) and should be cited and explained in the text.


Authors are solely responsible for obtaining permission to use drawings, photographs, tables, lengthy quotations (300 to 500 cumulative words or more from one source) and other previously published material. A copy of the statement from the copyright owner granting permission must be sent to the managing editor prior to galleys being returned for approval.


It is the policy of the Marine Technology Society to own the copyright to all Journal contributions and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with the U.S. Copyright law, authors are required to sign a Copyright Transfer Form before publication. This form grants to authors and their employers full reuse of their material. Authors will be asked to submit a signed copy of this form upon acceptance of their manuscripts.

Copyright Form for authors

Reprints and Page Charges

Institutions are asked to pay a voluntary page charge of $60 per page of each published article. Reprints are also available at discounted rates. For more information, please see the reprint charges form.

Reprint/Journal Charge Information

How to Submit a Manuscript

A manuscript can be submitted in two ways:

1. E-mail submission. E-mail your manuscript to morganteeditorial@verizon.net. Manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word format and include low-resolution versions of figures, images and tables (with captions) embedded in the document to assure proper placement. Figures must also be e-mailed as separate files in 8½ x 11 300 dpi format as a JPEG, TIFF, GIFF, EPS or Illustrator file. All figure and table files should be clearly labeled with the author’s name and figure/table number.

Please note that the e-mail system cannot accommodate large files. If your figure/image files are large, please use option 2.

Along with your manuscript and figures, e-mail a completed “Author’s Information Form,” providing the lead author’s contact information and the names and contact information of four potential reviewers for your paper. Be sure to indicate for which issue of the Journal you wish to have your manuscript considered.

2. CD Submission. If your figures or images are too large to send via e-mail, save them on a CD and mail to:

MTS Journal Managing Editor
Marine Technology Society
5565 Sterrett Place, Suite 108
Columbia, MD 21044 USA

Please be sure that each figure or image file is clearly labeled with the author’s name and figure number (smith fig 2.JPG). Also, label the CD with the author’s name, title of manuscript and issue of the Journal for which the manuscript is to be considered.

If you submit your manuscript and figures on a CD, download and complete an “Author’s Information Form” and include it when you mail the CD.

Draft Papers’ Deadlines

Spring Issue: December 1

Summer Issue: March 1

Fall Issue: June 1

Winter Issue: September 1

Editorial Board

Editorial Staff

Editor: Brian Bingham, University of Hawaii
Managing Editor: Amy Morgante
Publications Director: Karin Lynn

Editorial Board

Corey Jaskolski
Hydro Technologies
Scott Kraus, Ph.D.
New England Aquarium
Jill Zande
MATE Center 
Dhugal Lindsay, Ph.D.
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science
& Technology
Edith Widder Ph.D.
Ocean Research and Conservation
Jason Stanley
Schilling Robotics
Stephanie Showalter
National Sea Grant Law Center
Donna Kocak
Maritime Communication Services,
HARRIS Corporation


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