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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Lung Cancer


Lung Cancer aims to provide the members of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (I.A.S.L.C.) and other individuals or organizations with the most recent information on lung cancer. The Journal publishes full-length articles of original research on clinical and basic science aspects of topics represented by the fields of interest of Lung Cancer (see below). Short communications, technical notes and reviews may also be published.

Each issue will also function as a forum for rapid exchange of information among members of the I.A.S.L.C. Lung Cancer contains up-to-date news from the I.A.S.L.C., reports from national and international groups working with lung cancer, book reviews and review articles, in which selected topics on lung cancer are discussed. In addition, each issue includes a reference section derived from the Excerpta Medica Database, with key abstracts covering the literature on lung cancer, classified under the following headings:
Prevention ,Epidemiology and etiology , Basic biology , Pathology, Clinical assessment , Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Combined treatment modalities,
Other treatment odalities ,  Reviews, Miscellaneous.

Instructions to Authors
Submission to the journal
Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Upon acceptance of the article by the journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information. Letters to the journal, brief reviews and news dealing with lung cancer etc. are welcome and should be submitted to:
Heine H. Hansen (Editor), Department of Oncology, Finsen Institute/Rigshospitalet, 9 Blegdamvej, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. Tel (+45-35) 45 4090; Fax (45-35) 35 6906. Types of Articles
Full-length articles of original research on clinical and basic aspects of topics represented by the fields of interest of Lung Cancer; rapid communications, short communications; technical notes; and reviews. All full-length articles will be peer-reviewed: the decision of the Editor-in-Chief, as advised by his reviewers, is final. The Editor-in-Chief should be consulted whenever a review article is under consideration for submission. Rapid communications reporting significant new advances in the field of Lung Cancer will be refereed and published within 8-10 weeks.
Language of papers is English. It is required that all submitted manuscripts be written in clear, concise English.
Manuscripts should be typewritten (double spaced) with 4 cm margins, and on one side of the paper only. They must be submitted in triplicate: the original and 2 copies (also of the illustrations) to facilitate refereeing.
The preferred medium of submission is on disk with accompanying manuscript (see 'Electronic manuscripts' below).
Letters intended for publication should be a maximum of 500 words, 10 references, and one table or figure, and should be sent to the Editor.
Structure of manuscripts
1. Manuscripts should be written in English. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by an English-speaking colleague prior to submission.
2. Submit the original and two copies of your manuscript. Enclose the original illustrations and two sets of photocopies (three prints of any photographs).
3. Manuscripts should be typewritten, typed on one side of the paper (with numbered lines), with wide margins and double spacing throughout, i.e. also for abstracts, footnotes and references. Every page of the manuscripts, including the title page, references, tables, etc. should be numbered. However, in the text no reference should be made to page numbers; if necessary, one may refer to sections. Underline words that should be in italics, and do not underline any other words. Avoid excessive usage of italics to emphasize part of the text.
4. Manuscripts in general should be organized in the following order:
Title (should be clear, descriptive and not too long)
Name(s) of author(s)
Complete postal address(es) of affiliations
Full telephone and Fax No. of the corresponding author
Present address(es) of author(s) if applicable
Complete correspondence address to which the proofs should be sent
Summary, all articles should start with a brief, one paragraph summary
Key words (indexing terms), a list of 6-8 key words must be provided with every article
Material studied, area descriptions, methods, techniques
Acknowledgements and any additional information concerning research grants, etc.
5. In typing the manuscript, titles and subtitles should not be run within the text. They should be typed on a separate line, without indentation. Use lower-case lettertype.
6. SI units should be used.
7. If a special instruction to the copy editor or typesetter is written on the copy it should be encircled. The typesetter will then know that the enclosed matter is not to be set in type. When a typewritten character may have more than one meaning (e.g. the lower case letter I may be confused with the numeral 1), a note should be inserted in a circle in the margin to make the meaning clear to the typesetter. If Greek letters or uncommon symbols are used in the manuscript, they should be written very clearly, and if necessary a note such as "Greek lower-case chi" should be put in the margin and encircled.
8. Elsevier reserves the privilege of returning to the author for revision accepted manuscripts and illustrations which are not in the proper form given in this guide.
Electronic manuscripts
Electronic manuscripts have the advantage that there is no need for the rekeying of text, thereby avoiding the possibility of introducing errors and resulting in reliable and fast delivery of proofs. For the initial submission of manuscripts for consideration, hardcopies are sufficient. For the processing of accepted papers, electronic versions are preferred. After final acceptance, your disk plus two finals and exactly matching printed versions should be submitted together. Double density (DD) or high density (HD) diskettes (3?or 5?inch) are acceptable. It is important that the file saved is in the native format of the word processor program used. Label the disk with the name of the computer and wordprocessing package used, your name, and the name of the file on the disk. Further information may be obtained from the Publisher.
Line drawings (including graphs) should be drawn in black ink on white paper. Alternatively, sharp photoprints may be provided. Professional labeling is required. The lettering should be large enough to permit photographic reduction. Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text, where they are refereed to as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. Half-tone illustrations may be included. They should be submitted as black and white prints on glossy paper and have as much contrast as possible. A scale bar should appear on the figure rather than the magnificance given in the legend. Reproduction in color will have to be approved by the Editors. The extra costs of color reproduction will be charged to the author(s). Width of figures should be approximately twice the height, to yield an optimum printed format. All illustrations must have a legend, which should be typed on a separate sheet of paper.
Should bear a short descriptive title and should also be typed on separate sheets, including legends. They should be numbered in sequence in Roman numerals.
Should be numbered in the order they appear within the manuscript and listed on a separate sheet; in the text they should be referred to by numbers in brackets. Literature references must consist of names and authors' initials, title of paper referred to, abbreviated title of periodical, year, the volume and first and last page numbers of the paper, the abbreviations of journal titles should conform to those adopted by List of Serial Title Word Abbreviations, CIEPS/ISDS, Paris, 1985 (ISBN 2-904938-02-8).
In the reference list, periodicals [1], single author books [2] and multi-author books [3] should accord with the following examples:
[1] Chang A, Boros L, Garrow G, Asbury R. Paclitaxel by 3-hour infusion followed by 96-hour infusion on failure in patients with refractory malignant disease. Sem Oncol 1995;22:124-7.
[2] DeVita VTJ, Hellman S, Rosenberg SA. Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology. 4th ed. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1993.
[3] Gurman AS, Kniskern DP. Family therapy outcome research: knowns and unknowns. In: Gurman AS, Kniskern DP, editors. Handbook of family therapy. New York: Brunner/Maazel, 1981:742-75.
1. An author, when quoting from someone else's work or when considering reproducing an illustration or table from a book or journal article, should make sure that he is not infringing a copyright.
2. Although in general an author may quote from other published works, he should obtain permission from the holder of the copyright if he wishes to make substantial extracts or to reproduce tables, plates, or other illustrations. If the copyright-holder is not the author of the quoted or reproduced material, it is recommended that the permission of the author should also be sought.
3. Material in unpublished letters and manuscripts is also protected and must not be published unless permission has been obtained.
4. A suitable acknowledgement of any borrowed material must always be made.
Authors should keep a carbon copy of their manuscripts as proofs will be sent to them without the manuscripts. Proofs will usually be drawn on lower-quality paper. Only printer's errors may be corrected: no changes in, or additions to the edited manuscript will be allowed at this stage. Reprints
A total of 50 reprints of each paper will be provided free of charge to the author(s). Additional copies can be ordered at prices shown on the reprint form which will be sent to the author with the proofs of the article.

Editorial Board
H.H. Hansen, Department of Oncology, The Finsen Center - 5072, Rigshospitalet, 9 Blegdamsvej, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark.
Fax: (45) 3535 6906
Editorial Manager:
B. Diemer, Denmark
Associate Editors:
P. Goldstraw, UK
H. Kato, Japan
P.A. Bunn, USA
Officers of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer:
H. Kato, (President), Japan
N. Murray, (Congress President), Canada
F. Shepherd, (President Elect), Canada
A.T. Turrisi, (Vice President), USA
G. Motta, (Past President), Italy
A. Gregor, (Treasurer), Scotland
H.H. Hansen, (Executive Director), Denmark
Board of Directors:
J. Bishop, Australia
D.N. Carney, UK
A. Gazdar, USA
P. Harper, UK
J. Jett, USA
R.-P. Perng, Taiwan
R. Rosell, Spain
V. Rusch, USA
N. Saijo, Japan
Editorial Board:
K. Østerlind, Denmark
R.P. Abratt, South Africa
H. Asamura, Japan
D. Ball, Australia
B. Bergman, Sweden
E. Brambilla, France
A. Depierre, France
W. Evans, Canada
W. Franklin, USA
M. Fukuoka, Japan
U. Gatzemeier, Germany
P.S. Hasleton, UK
Aa. Haugen, Norway
S. Hecht, USA
C. Henschke, USA
M.R. Johnston, Canada
H. Kazushige, Japan
K. Kelly, USA
C. Konaka, Japan
C. Koning, Holland
S. Lam, Canada
B. Lebeau, France
L. Molins, Spain
T.W. Moody, USA
M. Noguchi, Japan
K.J. O'Bryne, UK
J.Y. Park, Korea
U. Pastorino, Italy
E.F. Patz, USA
D.G. Payne, Canada
T.W. Price, Scotland
E. Quoix, France
T.W. Rice, USA
R. Rosell, Spain
V. Rusch, USA
M.I. Saunders, UK
W.T. Sause, USA
G.V. Scagliotti, Italy
J. Schiller, USA
J.-P. Sculier, Belgium
M. Sehested, Denmark
F. Shepherd, Canada
G. Sozzi, Italy
M.B. Sporn, USA
W.D. Travis, USA
V. Trillet-Lenoir, France
M. Tsao, Canada
R. Tsuchiya, Japan
J. Vansteenkiste, Belgium
Y.-C. Wang, Taiwan
G.S. Wright, USA
P. van Houtte, Belgium


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