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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Liver Transplantation

Online ISSN: 1527-6473     Print ISSN: 1527-6465

Since the first application of liver transplantation in a clinical situation was reported more than twenty years ago, there has been a great deal of growth in this field and more is anticipated. As an official publication of the AASLD and the ILTS, Liver Transplantation delivers current, peer-reviewed articles on surgical techniques, clinical investigations and drug research ¡ª the information necessary to keep abreast of this evolving specialty

Instructions to Authors

General Information

Liver Transplantation publishes original clinical and laboratory-based research related to the fields of liver transplantation and liver surgery in both humans and experimental models. Contributions may be submitted as either regular or rapid communications, the latter representing complete brief reports of unusual interest. Concise reviews of both basic and clinical topics are also published. Authors interested in contributing reviews are requested to contact first the Editor or one of the Associate Editors with an outline of the proposed article. Short reports are only considered if they provide significant new information on a specific disease. Letters to the Editors may be subjected to peer review and undergo editing for clarity and brevity.

The journal publishes only in English. Authors lacking facility with English syntax should seek the appropriate editoral assistance prior to submitting their manuscript. Material requiring major editorial work might be returned without peer review.

Authors must submit four complete printed copies of the manuscript, prepared as specified below. A computer diskette with identical text also is required together with a publication set of Tables and Figures, all unmounted. Submissions should be mailed with a cover letter from the corresponding author to:

Editors, Ruud A.F. Krom, MD, PhD and
Russell H. Wiesner, MD

Liver Transplantation Editorial Office
1729 King Street, Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314
Telephone: 703-299-9766
Fax: 703-299-9676
E-mail: livertransplantation@aasld.org
To submit your manuscript electronically and for complete instructions on how to do so, go to http://hep-lt.manuscriptcentral.com

The journal utilizes an anonymous peer-review process to evaluate manuscripts for publication. With respect to the revision and resubmission of manuscripts, it is the journal's policy to allow a single resubmission only, which should be received within 4 months from the time of receipt of the initial review letter. In general, a manuscript requiring more than a single revision or returned beyond 4 months will be handled as new. All submitted materials remain in the editorial office with the exception of glossy prints. Glossy figures returned by referees will be returned to authors if they are received in the Editorial Office. The Editorial Office will hold one glossy set for their files.

Copyright of all material published in Liver Transplantation is vested in the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. In accordance with the Copyright Act of 1976, all manuscripts must be accompanied by a Copyright Assignment form (Author's Agreement form) signed by all authors. Statements and opinions expressed in the articles and communications in Liver Transplantation are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Editor(s) or publisher, and the Editor and publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for such material. Neither the Editor(s) nor the publisher guarantees, warrants, or endorses any product or service advertised in the journal, nor do they guarantee any claim made by the manufacturer of such product or service.

Cover Letter

The corresponding author must give written assurance that neither the submitted material nor portions thereof have been published previously or are under consideration for publication elsewhere. Any material that could constitute prior or concurrent publication of similar data by any one of the authors should be submitted with the manuscript. Such material includes symposium proceedings, book chapters, invited papers, and the like.
Authors may suggest the names of reviewers whose expertise qualifies them to review the work. Any reviewers the authors wish to exclude may be listed along with the reason for exclusion. While all suggestions will be considered, the final choice of reviewers rests with the Editor or responsible Associate Editor.
It is assumed that the corresponding author speaks for his or her co-authors and certifies that all listed authors participated meaningfully in the study and that they have seen and approved the final manuscript. The letter should describe any commercial affiliation or consultancy of an author that could be construed as a conflict of interest with respect to the submitted data. If the Editor finds that such activities raise the appearance of a conflict, he may recommend disclosure in a footnote. Otherwise, the information will remain confidential.

Organization of the Manuscript

Manuscripts describing original research consist of (in this order) a title page, a footnote page, an abstract, an introductory statement (without heading), a description of experimental procedures or methods, the results, a discussion and, on separate pages, a list of references, figure legends, and tables. Authors have the option of combining the results and discussion and are encouraged to do so for short manuscripts.

Hard-copy versions should be double-spaced throughout, including footnote page, list of references, figure legends, and tables. All pages must be numbered in the upper right-hand corner, starting with the title page. The version on diskette should contain identical information.

For Regular Manuscripts, there is no page limit, but authors are expected to be as concise as possible. Manuscripts that are redundant or contain extraneous material will be returned for shortening, even if otherwise acceptable.

Rapid Communications are reports of unusual interest, justifying expedited review. A paper submitted as a rapid communication should be identified as such in the cover letter. It will undergo expedited peer review and, if revision is not needed, published within 2 months of acceptance.

Images in Liver Transplantation are the presentation of a clinical imaging study meant to challenge or inform our readers with regard to developments in liver transplantation. Images that may be accepted include endoscopic, histologic, radiologic, or physical findings that provide our readers with diagnostic information related to a pretransplant or posttransplant clinical entity. Please contact the editorial office for submission instructions.

Short Reports are of clinical interest and should provide significant new information. Authors should also limit the number of references.

Liver Transplantation Worldwide articles are consice overviews of previously published manuscripts in other journals related to liver transplantation and of interest to our readers. Editors will select contributors based on their expertise in a particular field. Unsolicited contributions may be submitted for editorial consideration.

Title page

Provide a concise title that, in the case of work with experimental animals, indicates the species used. List the full names of the author(s). Indicate the institutional affiliation. In a multi-authored work involving more than a single institution, indicate individual affiliation by means of a superscript Arabic number. Indicate a change of address similarly. Provide a short title of no more than 45 characters for use as a running title, and list up to 5 key words that do not appear in the title itself.

Footnote Page

List footnotes to the title page. Provide the contact information for the author to whom proofs should be sent (name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address). List abbreviations used with their expansions in the order of their mention in the paper. Finally, list grants and other financial support on this page.


In 250 words or less, state the rationale for the study, its results, and conclusions in terms accessible to the general reader. Nonstandard abbreviations, references, or footnotes should not be used.


Provide the minimum background information that will orient the general reader. Do not engage in a literature review.

Experimental Procedures

Provide a level of detail such that another investigator could repeat the work; for methods that are used without significant modification, citation of the original work will suffice.

Human subjects. For reports of research using human subjects, provide assurance that (a) informed consent in writing was obtained from each patient, and (b) the study protocol conformed to the ethical guidelines of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki as reflected in a priori approval by the appropriate institutional review committee. Individual patients should be referred to by number, not by initials.

Animal experimentation. In studies involving animal experimentation, provide assurance that all animals received humane care according to the criteria outlined in the "Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals" prepared by the National Academy of Sciences and published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH publication 86-23 revised 1985).

Genetic sequence data.
In papers reporting a novel DNA or amino acid sequence, verify that the data have been or will be submitted either to GenBank or EMBL, and provide the accession number. This information need not accompany the initially submitted manuscript but must be available for inclusion in the final publication. Accession numbers appear as footnotes to the text or in the relevant figure legend. It is understood that authors publishing in Liver Transplantation will make cloned DNA, hybridomas, mutant animals, and other resources available to qualified investigators.

Statistics. Identify and provide references for the statistical methods used. The legends of figures and tables should specify the number of observations and whether estimates of variance are SD or SE.

Results and Discussion

Present the major findings of the study in graphic form if practicable. Do not illustrate minor details if their message is conveyed adequately by simple descriptive text. Mention all tables and figures. In the discussion, present concisely the implications of the new findings for the field as a whole, minimizing reiteration of the results, avoiding repetition of material in the introduction, and keeping a close focus on the specific topic of the paper.


Acknowledge personal assistance and providers of special reagents. Note that grant and other financial support is listed on the footnote page, not here.


References should be numbered in the order cited as arabic numerals in parentheses on the line. Only literature that is published or in press (with the name of the publication known) may be numbered and listed; abstracts and letters to the editor may be cited, but they must be less than 3 years old and identified as such. Other material (manuscript submitted, unpublished data, personal communication, and the like) is referred to only in the text, in parentheses, as in the following example: (Chercheur X, unpublished data). If the owner of the unpublished data or personal communication is not an author or coauthor of the manuscript under review, a signed statement is required verifying the accuracy of the attributed information and agreement to its publication. Simply type references numbers in parentheses within the text and type out the reference list as normal text at the end of the manuscript.

The style for references and journal abbreviations are those of the Index Medicus. List all authors up to seven, using six and et al. when the number is greater than seven.

Articles in journals:

Crawley AC, Brooks DA, Muller VJ, Petersen BA, Isaac EL, Biekicki J, et al. Enzyme replacement therapy in feline model of the Matroteaux-Lamy syndrome. J Clin Invest 1996;97:1864-1873.

Watson JD. The Double Helix. New York: Atheneum; 1968:1-6.

Book chapters:

Hofmann AF: The enterohepatic circulation of bile acids in health and disease. In: Sleisinger MH, Fordtran JS, eds. Gastrointestinal Disease. Volume 1. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1993: 127-150.

Abstract or article in a supplement:
Klin M, Kaplowitz N. Differential susceptibility of hepatocytes to TNF-induced apoptosis vs necrosis [abstract]. Hepatology 1998;28(suppl):310A.


Direct quotations, tables, or illustrations taken from copyrighted material must be accompanied by written permission for their use from the publisher and the original author. The permission is presented as a footnote or addition to the legend and must provide complete information as to source. Photographs of identifiable persons must be accompanied by a signed release that indicates informed consent.


Standard abbreviations not requiring definition are those listed in the American Medical Association Manual of Style. Do not abbreviate otherwise unless a term is used more than five times in a paper. In this case, the abbreviation should be spelled out, in parentheses, in its first use in the text and also listed on the foonote page (see previous page). Abbreviations used in figures or tables should be defined in the legend. Express temperatures as degrees Celsius and other measurements in SI units.

Drug Names

Use generic names. The proprietary name may be mentioned in parentheses.


Prepare tables on individual sheets of paper, double-spaced, and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in the order of their appearance in the text. Do not duplicate material presented in a figure.

Figure Legends

Number the figures with Arabic numerals in the order mentioned in the text. Provide a title (this should not appear on the figure itself) and sufficient explanation to render the figure intelligible without reference to the text. Explain all abbreviations and symbols. For any copyrighted material, indicate that permission has been obtained (see Permissions, above). Figure legends should be typed consecutively on a separate sheet of paper.


A total of four sets are required. Mark the back of each figure, in pencil, with the figure number, its orientation, and the name of the first author. Multi-part figures may be mounted (3 sets, for the reviewers' use). One set of black and white figures should be left unmounted for use by the publisher; see below for color figures. Do not use paper clips, ink, or other handling that could damage the figures. Photocopies of material other than photomicrographs are acceptable for review purposes if they convey the intended information; it is the author's responsibility to ensure that such material is adequate for review. Enclose the reviewers' sets of figures (3) in separate envelopes labeled with the authors' name and "For review." Place the unmounted, best-quality set in a fourth envelope, labeled "For publication."

Black and white. Provide clean laser prints of black and white drawings and high-contrast glossy photographs (15.5 cm wide) of all halftone figures, e.g., photomicrographs, gels, etc. Manually typed or hand-written material is not acceptable. Figures will be printed at a width of 1 column (7.5 cm), 11/2 columns (11.25 cm), or 2 columns (15.5 cm); lettering and symbols should be sized such that after reduction (if necessary) the smallest lettering will be a least 1.5 mm and the symbols at least 1 mm.

Color. Provide glossy prints in which lettering and symbols are clearly visible against the background. One set of figures for publication should be mounted on paper or flexible cardboard. Authors are charged for color figures, the cost being $500 for the first page (whole or partial). The publisher will provide a cost estimate once a maunscript has been accepted. If an author is unable to support this charge and the use of color is deemed essential for accurately presenting the data, appeal for cost reduction may be made to the Editor.

Digital figures. Digital figures should be submitted on a separate disk from the text. For complete instructions for supplying digital figures, please refer to the Specifications for Supplying Digital Artwork page in this section.

Specifications for Supplying Digital Artwork

In an effort to provide the printing operation with the highest quality films and/or digital files, we recommend the following guidelines for supplying digital artwork. Please understand that these guidelines were developed to facilitate the complete digital workflow and, if followed, will allow for the most cost-effective and efficient handling of digital files for the purpose of generating high-quality, "print-ready" materials.

Transportable Media

It is important to send clearly labeled media listing the job name, contact person, project name, date, and number of diskettes or cartridges (ie, 1 or 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3). It is also helpful to know which programs, versions, platforms, and operating systems were used to generate the files being supplied. Wiley has the ability to receive digital files from the following list of media types; however, we are constantly acquiring new media types as technologies change. Please consult the Production Editor, Dennis Velasco, if you have questions concerning media types.

3.5-in Diskette 90-mb Bernoulli Disk 270-mb Syquest Disk
5.25-in Diskette 100-mb Iomega Zip Disk Re-Writable Magneto-Optical
4-mm DAT Tape EZ 135-mb Syquest CD-ROM
8-mm Exabyte Tape 200-mb Syquest Disk Q150 Cartridge

Black and White Lineart

Black and White (B/W) lineart can exist in two basic types: pixel-based or vector-based. All pixel-based line!-!art is typically generated by scanning the image with either a flatbed or drum scanner to produce a raster image of the original. Vector-based lineart is generated using a drawing program such as Freehand or Illustrator. The main concern for providing pixel-based lineart graphics (scans) is file format and resolution. Wiley recommends that all pixel-based lineart figures be supplied in the TIFF format at a resolution of not less than 1,000 dots per inch (dpi). Because vector-based graphics are resolution-independent, the only concern for this type of graphic is file format. Wiley recommends that all vector-based graphics be supplied as EPS files. A B/W proof must accompany all files.

Black and White Halftones

B/W Halftones should be supplied in the TIFF format. To attain the expected level of print quality, the halftone should be provided at the proper resolution. The finished resolution should be 300 dpi. A B/W proof must accompany all files.

Color Artwork

Wiley recommends that all artwork be provided as EPS files. Files should be converted from RGB to CMYK. The finished resolution should be 300 dpi. A color proof must accompany all files.

Scaling, Cropping, Rotating

Scaling, cropping, and rotating should be performed in the originating application. Although Wiley can make these adjustments before and during page processing, it should be understood that to accomplish this we will incur added expense and may experience a loss of quality.

Originating Applications

Wiley has the experience of working with graphic files that have been generated from many different originating applications. Although most of this experience has been successful, there have been occasions when files will not process. In part, this inability to process has been due to the flavor and type of file being written from the originating application. Some applications do a very good job of generating digital files, and some do not. In the case of pixel-based graphics, we have determined that Adobe Photoshop sets the standard for smooth-running files; therefore, we recommend its use. For vector-based graphics, Wiley recommends the use of either Adobe Illustrator or Macromedia's Freehand.

To ensure that your digital graphics are suitable for print purposes, please go to Rapid Inspector™ at http://rapidinspector.cadmus.com/wi/index/jsp. This free, stand-alone software application will help you to inspect and verify illustrations right on your computer.

Supplement Policies for Liver Transplantation

Supplements must be

  • of importance to Liver Transplantation subscribers and related to the journal's academic and educational mission.
  • on a significant and timely topic.
  • on a field of inquiry and not focused on a single product.
  • from symposia that are organized by an independent body of professionals in which the funding organization does not have a controlling voice.
  • planned well in advance if they are from a conference or symposium so that the manuscripts will be available either at the time of the meeting or shortly thereafter.

Supplements will be published only if there is scientific or education logic for combining papers in one publication rather than publishing them separately.

All proposals for a supplement to Liver Transplantation must be submitted to the Editorial Office in Alexandria, Virginia.

Each supplement must have a Guest Editor who is an expert in the designated topic. The Guest Editor accepts responsibility for the overall quality and integrity of the supplement.

The Editors of Liver Transplantation and the Guest Editor retain the right to determine whether any individual article in a supplement submitted for publication requires additional peer review. For disputed manuscripts, the Editors retain authority to determine whether the final manuscript will be published.

Final acceptance of a supplement is based on review of the submitted manuscripts.

Individual authors are responsible for the content of their own contributions and for editing those contributions.

Instructions regarding manuscript submission can be found on the Liver Transplantation Web site at http://hep-lt.manuscriptcentral.com under "Instructions and Forms."

Articles published in a supplement are subject to the same copyright regulations that apply to articles published in regular issues of Liver Transplantation.


Editorial Board

Liver Transplantation Editorial Office
1729 King Street, Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314

Telephone: 703-299-9766
Fax: 703-299-9676
E-mail: livertransplantation@aasld.org

E d i t o r s
Ruud Krom and Russell Wiesner

M a n a g i n g    E d i t o r
Gregory Bologna

E d I t o r I a l    A s s I s t a n t
Brenda L. Levos-Beale

A s s I s t a n t    M a n a g I n g    E d I t o r
Lynn Price

A s s o c i a t e    E d i t o r s

Jacques Belghiti
Clichy, France

Pierre-Alain Clavien
Zurich, Switzerland

Gregory Everson
Denver, CO

S.T. Fan
Hong Kong, China

Richard Freeman
Boston, MA

Edward Gane
Auckland, New Zealand

Nina Singh
Pittsburgh, PA

Federico Villamil
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Krister Höckerstedt
Helsinki, Finland

Michael Lindop
Cambridge, England

Masatoshi Makuuchi
Tokyo, Japan

Vivian McAlister
London, Ontario, Canada

Geoffrey McCaughan
Sydney, Australia

Sue McDiarmid
Los Angeles, CA

Peter Neuhaus
Berlin, Germany

Mario Rizzetto
Torino, Italy

Roger Williams
London, UK

S p e c I a l    S e c t I o n    E d I t o r s

Walter Kremers
Statistician, Rochester, MN

Michael Krowka
Pulmonary Diseases, Rochester, MN

Jeffrey Platt
Immunology, Rochester, MN

Bernard Portmann
Pathology, London, UK

P a s t    E d i t o r s
Byers Shaw, Jr.

Omaha, NE

Michael Sorrell
Omaha, NE

E d i t o r i a l    B o a r d
Marwan Abouljoud
Detroit, MI

Peter Angus
Melbourne, Australia

Steven Belle
Pittsburgh, PA

Ziv Ben-Ari
Tel Aviv, Israel

Marina Berenguer
Valencia, Spain

Charles Bijleveld
Groningen, The Netherlands

Henri Bismuth
Villejuif, France

Javier Brahm
Santiago, Chile

David Brandhagen
Rochester, MN

Christoph Broelsch
Essen, Germany

Robert Brown
New York, NY

Jordi Bruix
Barcelona, Spain

Andrew Burroughs
Hampstead, UK

Ron Busuttil
Los Angeles, CA

Steve Bynon
Birmingham, AL

Paulo Chap Chap
Saõ Paulo, Brazil

Michael Charlton
Rochester, MN

Jeff Crippin
St. Louis, MO

Connie Davis
Seattle, WA

Andrea DeGasperi
Milano, Italy

Andre DeWolf
Chicago, IL

Peter Donaldson
Newcastle, UK

Jean Emond
New York, NY

Sukru Emre
New York, NY

Carlos Esquivel
Palo Alto, CA

Michael Fallon
Birmingham, AL

John Fung
Pittsburgh, PA

Hiroyuki Furakawa
Sapporo, Japan

Fred Gordon
Boston, MA

Gregory Gores
Rochester, MN

David Grant
Toronto, Canada

Ivo Graziadei
Innsbruck, Austria

Douglas Hanto
Boston, MA

Mike Henderson
Cleveland, OH

Stefan Hubscher
Birmingham, UK

Abhinav Humar
Minneapolis, MN

Ashokkumar Jain
Rochester, NY

Gary Jeffrey
Nedlands, Australia

Roger Jenkins
Burlington, MA

Mark Johnson
Chapel Hill, NC

Yoo Goo Kang
Pittsburgh, PA
Seiji Kawasaki
Shinshu, Japan

W. Ray Kim
Rochester, MN

Andrew Klein
Baltimore, MD

Goran Klintmalm
Dallas, TX

Norm Kneteman
Edmonton, Canada

Mario Kondo
Saã Paolo, Brazil

John Lake
Minneapolis, MN

Jan Langrehr
Berlin, Germany

Fin Stolze Larsen
Copenhagen, Denmark

Didier Lebrec
Paris, France

Sung Gyu Lee
Seoul, Korea

Jan Lerut
Brussels, Belgium

Gary Levy
Toronto, Canada

Michael Lucey
Philadelphia, PA

Umberto Maggi
Milano, Italy

Susan Mandell
Denver, CO

Michael Manns
Hannover, Germany

Cosme Manzarbeitia
Philadelphia, PA

Amadeo Marcos
Rochester, NY

Paul Marotta
London, Canada

Timothy McCashland
Omaha, NE

Brendan McGuire
Birmingham, AL

Paul McMaster
Birmingham, UK

William Merritt
Baltimore, MD

Charles Miller
New York, NY

Michael Millis
Chicago, IL

Enrique Moreno Gonzalez
Madrid, Spain

David Mulligan
Phoenix, AZ

Stephen Munn
Auckland, New Zealand

Santiago Munoz
Philadelphia, PA

James Neuberger
Birmingham, UK

Scott Nyberg
Rochester, MN

John O'Grady
Leeds, UK

Kim Olthoff
Philadelphia, PA

Masao Omata
Tokyo, Japan

Robert Osorio
San Francisco, CA

Robin Patel
Rochester, MN

Bill Payne
Minneapolis, MN

Bob Perillo
New Orleans, LA

James Perkins
Seattle, WA

Jacques Pirenne
Leuven, Belgium
David Plevak
Rochester, MN

Jeffrey Plotkin
Washington, DC

Elizabeth Pomfret
Burlington, MA

Michael Porayko
Nashville, TN

Robert J. Porte
Groningen, The Netherlands

Martin Prieto
Valencia, Spain

John Rabkin
Portland, OR

Jorge Rakela
Scottsdale, AZ

Parmjeet Randhawa
Pittsburgh, PA

John Renz
New York, NY

Antonio Rimola
Barcelona, Spain

John Roberts
San Francisco, CA

Luis Rodriguez
Guadalajara, Mexico

Keith Rolles
London, UK

Hugo Rosen
Portland, OR

Vinod Rustgi
Washington, DC

Didier Samuel
Paris, France

Susumu Satomi
Sendai, Japan

Myron Schwartz
New York, NY

Abraham Shaked
Philadelphia, PA

Hiroshi Shimada
Yokohama, Japan

Daniel Shouval
Jerusalem, Israel

Roshan Shrestha
Chapel Hill, NC

Timothy Sielaff
Minneapolis, MN

Rakesh Sindhi
Pittsburgh, PA

Maarten Slooff
Groningen, The Netherlands

Ronald Sokol
Denver, CO

Marco Spada
Bergamo, Italy

Steven Strasberg
St. Louis, MO

Yasuhiko Sugawara
Tokyo, Japan

Pavel Taimr
Prague, Czech Republic

Koichi Tanaka
Kyoto, Japan

Lewis Teperman
New York, NY

Satoru Todo
Sapporo, Japan

James Trotter
Denver, CO

Andreas Tzakis
Miami, FL

Bart Van Hoek
Leiden, The Netherlands

J. Nicolas Vauthey
Houston, TX

William Wall
London, Canada

Peter Whitington
Chicago, IL

Zhi Zhong
Chapel Hill, NC

American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases-Governing Board 2004

P r e s i d e n t
Bruce R. Bacon
St. Louis, MO

P r e s i d e n t - E l e c t
Teresa L. Wright
San Francisco, CA

S e c r e t a r y
Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao
New Haven, CT

T r e a s u r e r
Patricia Latham
Washington, DC

P a s t    P r e s i d e n t
Frederick Suchy
New York, NY

C o u n c i l l o r s
John M. Vierling
Los Angeles, CA

Gregory J. Gores
Rochester, MN

Arthur J. McCullough
Cleveland, OH

C o u n c i l l o r s - a t - L a r g e
Miriam J. Alter
Atlanta, GA

John J. Lemasters
Chapel Hill, NC

Andrew S. Klein
Baltimore, MD

P u b l i c a t i o n s    C o m m i t t e e    C h a i r
William Balistreri
Cincinnati, OH

International Liver Transplantation Society

P r e s i d e n t
Federico Villamil
Buenos Aires, Argentina

P r e s i d e n t - E l e c t
Sue McDiarmid
Los Angeles, CA

S e c r e t a r y - T r e a s u r e r
Timothy M. McCashland
Omaha, NE

P a s t    P r e s i d e n t
Michael F. Sorrell
Omaha, NE

C o u n c i l o r s
Jacques Belghiti
Paris, France

Andrew Burroughs
London, UK

Ronald W. Busuttil
Los Angeles, CA
Michael A. Ramsay
Dallas, TX

Juan Rodes
Barcelona, Spain

Satoru Todo
Sapporo, Japan

S c o p e    C o m m i t t e e
John J. Fung
Pittsburgh, PA

William Merritt
Baltimore, MD

Peter Neuhaus
Berlin, Germany

E d i t o r
Russell H. Wiesner
Rochester, MN

Managing Editor: Gregory Bologna

Editorial Assistant: Brenda L. Levos-Beale

Assistant Managing Editor: Lynn Price

Associate Editors
Jacques Belghiti, Clichy, France
Pierre-Alain Clavien, Zurich, Switzerland
Gregory Everson, Denver, CO
S.T. Fan, Hong Kong, China
Richard Freeman, Boston, MA
Edward Gane, Auckland, New Zealand
Krister Höckerstedt, Helsinki, Finland
Michael Lindop, Cambridge, England
Masatoshi Makuuchi, Tokyo, Japan
Vivian McAlister, London, Ontario, Canada
Geoffrey McCaughan, Sydney, Australia
Sue McDiarmid, Los Angeles, CA
Peter Neuhaus, Berlin, Germany
Mario Rizzetto, Torino, Italy
Nina Singh, Pittsburgh, PA
Federico Villamil, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Roger Williams, London, UK

Special Section Editors
Walter Kremers, Statistician, Rochester, MN
Michael Krowka, Pulmonary Diseases, Rochester, MN
Jeffrey Platt, Immunology, Rochester, MN
Bernard Portmann, Pathology, London, UK

Past Editors
Byers Shaw, Jr, Omaha, NE
Michael Sorrell, Omaha, NE

Editorial Board
Marwan Abouljoud, Detroit, MI
Peter Angus, Melbourne, Australia
Steven Belle, Pittsburgh, PA
Ziv Ben-Ari, Tel Aviv, Israel
Marina Berenguer, Valencia, Spain
Charles Bijleveld, Groningen, The Netherlands
Henri Bismuth, Villejuif, France
Javier Brahm, Santiago, Chile
David Brandhagen, Rochester, MN
Christoph Broelsch, Essen, Germany
Robert Brown, New York, NY
Jordi Bruix, Barcelona, Spain
Andrew Burroughs, Hampstead, UK
Ron Busuttil, Los Angeles, CA
Steve Bynon, Birmingham, AL
Paulo Chap Chap, Sau Paulo, Brazil
Michael Charlton, Rochester, MN
Jeff Crippin, St. Louis, MO
Connie Davis, Seattle, WA
Andrea DeGasperi, Milano, Italy
Andre DeWolf, Chicago, IL
Peter Donaldson, Newcastle, UK
Jean Emond, New York, NY
Sukru Emre, New York, NY
Carlos Esquivel, Palo Alto, CA
Michael Fallon, Birmingham, AL
John Fung, Pittsburgh, PA
Hiroyuki Furakawa, Sapporo, Japan
Fred Gordon, Boston, MA
Gregory Gores, Rochester, MN
David Grant, Toronto, Canada
Ivo Graziadei, Innsbruck, Austria
Douglas Hanto, Boston, MA
Mike Henderson, Cleveland, OH
Stefan Hubscher, Birmingham, UK
Abhinav Humar, Minneapolis, MN
Gary Jeffrey, Nedlands, Australia
Roger Jenkins, Burlington, MA
Mark Johnson, Chapel Hill, NC
Yoo Goo Kang, Pittsburgh, PA
Seiji Kawasaki, Shinshu, Japan
W. Ray Kim, Rochester, MN
Andrew Klein, Baltimore, MD
Goran Klintmalm, Dallas, TX
Norm Kneteman, Edmonton, Canada
Mario Kondo, Sao Paolo, Brazil
John Lake, Minneapolis, MN
Jan Langrehr, Berlin, Germany
Fin Stolze Larsen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Didier Lebrec, Paris, France
Sung Gyu Lee, Seoul, Korea
Jan Lerut, Brussels, Belgium
Gary Levy, Toronto, Canada
Michael Lucey, Philadelphia, PA
Umberto Maggi, Milano, Italy
Susan Mandell, Denver, CO
Michael Manns, Hannover, Germany
Cosme Manzarbeitia, Philadelphia, PA
Amadeo Marcos, Rochester, NY
Paul Marotta, London, Canada
Timothy McCashland, Omaha, NE
Brendan McGuire, Birmingham, AL
Paul McMaster, Birmingham, UK
William Merritt, Baltimore, MD
Charles Miller, New York, NY
Michael Millis, Chicago, IL
Enrique Moreno Gonzalez, Madrid, Spain
David Mulligan, Phoenix, AZ
Stephen Munn, Auckland, New Zealand
Santiago Munoz, Philadelphia, PA
James Neuberger, Birmingham, UK
Scott Nyberg, Rochester, MN
John O'Grady, Leeds, UK
Masao Omata, Tokyo, Japan
Robert Osorio, San Francisco, CA
Robin Patel, Rochester, MN
Bill Payne, Minneapolis, MN
Bob Perillo, New Orleans, LA
James Perkins, Seattle, WA
Jacques Pirenne, Leuven, Belgium
David Plevak, Rochester, MN
Jeffrey Plotkin, Washington, DC
Michael Porayko, Nashville, TN
Robert J. Porte, Groningen, The Netherlands Martin Prieto, Valencia, Spain
John Rabkin, Portland, OR
Jorge Rakela, Scottsdale, AZ
Parmjeet Randhawa, Pittsburgh, PA
John Renz, Los Angeles, CA
Antonio Rimola, Barcelona, Spain
John Roberts, San Francisco, CA
Luis Rodriguez, Guadalajara, Mexico
Keith Rolles, London, UK
Hugo Rosen, Portland, OR
Vinod Rustgi, Washington, DC
Didier Samuel, Paris, France
Susumu Satomi, Sendai, Japan
Myron Schwartz, New York, NY
Abraham Shaked, Philadelphia, PA
Hiroshi Shimada, Yokohama, Japan
Daniel Shouval, Jerusalem, Israel
Roshan Shrestha, Chapel Hill, NC
Timothy Sielaff, Minneapolis, MN
Rakesh Sindhi, Pittsburgh, PA
Maarten Slooff, Groningen, The Netherlands
Ronald Sokol, Denver, CO
Marco Spada, Bergamo, Italy
Steven Strasberg, St. Louis, MO
Yasuhiko Sugawara, Tokyo, Japan
Pavel Taimr, Prague, Czech Republic
Koichi Tanaka, Kyoto, Japan
Lewis Teperman, New York, NY
Satoru Todo, Sapporo, Japan
James Trotter, Denver, CO
Andreas Tzakis, Miami, FL
Bart Van Hoek, Leiden, The Netherlands
J. Nicolas Vauthey, Houston, TX
William Wall, London, Canada
Peter Whitington, Chicago, IL
Zhi Zhong, Chapel Hill, NC

American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases

Frederick Suchy, New York, NY

Bruce R. Bacon, St. Louis, MO

Arun Sanyal, Richmond, VA

Patricia Latham, Washington, DC

Past President
Thomas D. Boyer, Tuscon, AZ

Teresa L. Wright, San Francisco, CA
John M. Vierling, Los Angeles, CA
Gregory J. Gores, Rochester, MN

Anna S. F. Lok, Ann Arbor, MI
Miriam J. Alter, Atlanta, GA
John J. Lemasters, Chapel Hill, NC

Publications?I>Liver Transplantation Committee Chairman
Paul Martin, Los Angeles, CA
Michael A. Choti, Baltimore, MD
Jean C. Emond, New York, NY
Jose Franco, Milwaukee, WI
John J. Fung, Pittsburgh, PA
Frederick Ryckman, Cincinnati, OH
Myron Schwartz, New York, NY
William J. Wall, London, Canada

International Liver Transplantation Society

Michael Sorrell, Omaha, NE

Federico Villamil, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Past President
Peter Neuhaus, Berlin, Germany

Timothy M. McCashland, Omaha, NE

Executive Council
John J. Fung, Pittsburgh, PA
Krister Höckerstedt, Helsinki, Finland
Sue McDiarmid, Los Angeles, CA
William Merritt, Baltimore, MD
David Plevak, Rochester, MN
Jorge Rakela, Scottsdale, AZ
Juan Rodes, Barcelona, Spain
Satoru Todo, Sapporo, Japan
Federico Villamil, Buenos Aires, Argentina
William Wall, London, Canada
Russell H. Wiesner, Rochester, MN


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