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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Limnologica on ScienceDirect(Opens new window)

Limnologica publishes original contributions, news, and reviews dealing with any aspects of ecology and hydrobiology of inland waters and adjacent biotops. Also discussions and essays that develop limnological-ecological theory are published (including all qualitative and quantitative aspects of planktonic, periphytic, benthonic, neustonic, and nektonic organisms, nutrient and energy flow, bioindication, biomonitoring, water-internal control mechanisms, ecological modeling and simulation, biological-ecotechnological water quality management, protection of water and restoration). Publishing articles on theoretical and basic questions, Limnologica is dedicated to the protection and restoration of inland waters and therefore also covers practical themes.

Audience:Limnologists, ecologists, hydrobiologists, eco- and biotechnologists, biologists

Instructions to Authors

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts submitted to ACTA LIMNOLOGICA BRASILIENSIA should be original and not being considered for publication elsewhere. The original, plus two complete copies of the manuscript, including tables and figures should be sent to the Chief Editor. Manuscripts should be submitted in English and an abstract in Portuguese must also be included. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by an English-speaking colleague prior to submission. Manuscripts must be typed in A4 paper, 17x23cm, double-spaced with wide margins, and printed single-sided. After the analysis by two peer reviewers and, in case of acceptation, an electronic version (in word for windows) on diskette should be sent.

Text: The following order must be used. First page: title (in bold type), authors, addresses (including e-mail addresses). All the authors should be identified by a superscript number. Second page: Abstract (in English and Portuguese) and key-words. Third and following pages: text of the article (introduction, methodology, results, discussion, acknowledgements and references).

Abstract: A concise abstract (250-300 words) should include the objectives, methods, major results and conclusions. Four to five key-words should be supplied. Start the abstract repeating the title (in bold type). The same must be done for the abstract in Portuguese.

Tables and Figures: Tables should be numbered consecutively with the Roman numeration. Each table must be typed on a separate sheet (in diskette using .doc extension for Word for Windows, separated of the text). Figures should be numbered consecutively using the Arabic Numeration and typed on separate sheets (using JPEG extension files in separated diskette). Photographs (in black and white or color) can be used, but will be subjected to payment of charges. Tables and figures must be mentioned in the text in an abbreviated way (e.g. Tab. IV; Fig. 6).

References: Citations in the text should be in the following formats: single author (Silva, 1989); two authors (Silva & Cardoso, 1994); three or more authors (Silva et al., 1998); two citations (Silva , 1994: Cardoso, 1998); one author and two or more publications (Silva, 1994; 1998); one author and two publications in one year (Silva, 1994a; 1994b); different authors with the same last name (Silva, L., 1989; Silva, J., 1994). The list of references should be arranged alphabetically on the first author’s surname. The following formats should be used:


Carlson, R.E. 1977.  trophic state index for lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr., 22:361-364;

Bigarella, J.J., Andrade-Lima, D. & Richs, P.J. 1975. Considerações a respeito das mudanças paleoambientais na distribuição de algumas espécies vegetais e animais no Brasil. An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc., 44:411-464.

Chapter or Section in Book:

Descy, J.P. 1976. Utilisation des algues bentiques de la qualit?dês eaux courantes. In: Pesson, P. (ed.) La pollution dês eaux continentales. Incidence sur lês biocénoses aquatiques. Boras et Gauthier ?Villars, Paris. p.75-105


Esteves, F.A. 1988. Fundamentos de Limnologia. Interciência ?FINEP, Rio de Janeiro. 545p.


Marinho, M.M. 1994. Dinâmica da comunidade fitoplanctônica de um pequeno reservatório raso densamente colonizado por macrófitas aquáticas submersas (açude do Jacar? Moji-Guaçu, São Paulo, Brasil). São Paulo, USP, 150p ( Master Thesis).

Offprints. One complimentary copy of the issue and thirty offprints will be sent to the first author of thye article. In case the Brazilian Society of Limnology have no available fund for the publication, a payment of page cost will be charged from authors of the article.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Managing Editor:

Rainer Koschel 

Leibniz-Institut fur Gewasserokologie und Binnenfischerei, Abteilung Limnologie Geschichteter Seen, Alte Fischerhutte 2, D-16775 Stechlin, Germany, Tel: +49 (0)33082/69 90, Fax: +49 (0)33082/69 917, Email: rko@igb-berlin.de 


Editorial Board:

Jürgen Benndorf 

TU Dresden, Institut fur Hydrobiologie, Zellescher Weg 40, D-01217 Dresden, Germany, Email: Juergen.Benndorf@tu-dresden.de 


Walter Geller 

UFZ-Gewasserforschung Magdeburg, Bruckstra?e 3a, D-39114 Magdeburg, Germany, Email: walter.geller@ufz.de 


Daniel Hering 

Universitat Essen, Institut fur Okologie, Abteilung Hydrobiologie, Universitatsstrasse 5, D-45117 Essen, Germany, Email: daniel.hering@uni-due.de 


Editorial Assistant:

Edith Tesch 

Leibniz-Institut fur Gewasserokologie und Binnenfischerei, Abteilung Limnologie Geschichteter Seen, Alte Fischerhutte 2, D-16775 Stechlin, Germany, Tel: +49 (0)33082/69 90, Fax: +49 (0)33082/69 917, Email: tesch@igb-berlin.de 


Language Consultant:

Andrew Davis 

(Leeds, UK), Hokkaido University, Institut of Low Temperature Science, Sapporo 060-0819, Japan 

Advisory Board:

Ingemar Ahlgren 

Uppsala, Sweden 

Gunnel Ahlgren 

Uppsala, Sweden 

Tom Berman 

Migdal, Israel 

Irmgard Blindow 

Kloster, Germany 

Bertram Boehrer 

Magdeburg, Germany 

Maria Dittrich 

Kastanienbaum, Switzerland 

Martin Dokulil 

Mondsee, Austria 

Philipp Fischer 

Helgoland, Germany 

Silvano Focardi 

Siena, Italy 

Wilhelm Foissner 

Salzburg, Austria 

Leopold Füreder 

Innsbruck, Austria 

Hans Jürge Hahn 

Landau, Germany 

Peter Hancock 

Armidale, Australia 

Seppo Hellsten 

Oulu, Finland 

Bert Higler 

Wageningen, The Netherlands 

Michael Hupfer 

Berlin, Germany 

Henning Jensen 

Odense, Denmark 

Petur M. Jónasson 

Hiller'd, Denmark 

Peter Kasprzak 

Stechlin, Germany 

Martyn Kelly 

Durham, UK 

Lothar Krienitz 

Stechlin, Germany 

Vlad Matveev 

Indooroopilly, Australia 

Thomas Mehner 

Berlin, Germany 

Wolf M. Mooij 

Nieuwersluis, The Netherlands 

Ernst Nusch 

Essen, Germany 

Oscar Parra 

Concepcion, Chile 

Fernando Luis Pedrozo 

Bariloche, Argentina 

Ricardo M. Pinto-Coelho 

Belo Horizonte, Brazil 

Peter H. Rich 

Storrs, USA 

Sergei Ryanzhin 

St. Petersburg, Russia 

Astrid Schmidt-KloiberSchmidt-Kloiber 

Vienna, Austria 

Wilfried Schönborn 

Jena, Germany 

Claus-Jürg Schulz 

Sondershausen, Germany 

Ralf Thiel 

Hamburg, Germany 

Thomas Weisse 

Mondsee, Austria 

Stefan Woelfl 

Valdivia, Chile 

Heike Zimmermann-Timm 

Potsdam, Germany 


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