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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


NALMS began in 1984 to publish the best in peer-reviewed papers on  lake and reservoir management. Since then Lake & Reservoir Management has become one of the most widely read and respected publications in the field. The journal has published research applications of lasting value and will continue to do so. A subscription to the Journal comes with most NALMS membership categories.


Instructions to Authors

Editorial Policy

Lake and Reservoir Management (LRM) publishes original studies relevant to lake and reservoir management that have not been previously published. Although literature reviews are not ordinarily published, literature syntheses and papers developing a conceptual foundation of lake and watershed ecology will be considered for publication. All papers are subject to peer review to assure uniformity and high quality in all articles published by NALMS. The Journal uses the following evaluation criteria:

  • Information presented must be relevant to lake management or contribute knowledge on subjects of interest and educational value to some segment of the lake management community.
  • Research methods and design must be technically sound and provide data that are appropriate to address the chosen topic in a balanced context without ambiguity.
  • Articles must describe an important advance, innovation or synthesis of information in lake and/or watershed management. The applicability of findings to other situations should be made clear.
  • A relationship to the management field must be clearly established by a thorough discussion of current knowledge and appropriate literature.
  • Papers must not have been published elsewhere; closely related publications by the author(s) should be discussed in the text.

These criteria are applied in a balanced manner during review. They are not intended to discourage contributions by non-technical authors--NALMS continues to welcome quality articles on all aspects of lake management.

Manuscript Submission

Authors should submit four copies of the manuscript, tables and figures/illustrations. The manuscript, including the references, must be typed, using a font size of 12, on a computer if possible (a disk will be requested upon acceptance), double-spaced, including tables, on one side only of standard 8.5 x 11 inch (letter size) paper. (If computer generated, do not use returns to double space, use the double space command or menu). Leave margins at least 1 in. wide. Do not right justify. Type only the title, authors' names and affiliations, and any necessary footnotes on the first page. Pages must be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page, including tables and the list of figure legends. Maximum length is ordinarily 25 pages, including abstracts, references and tables. Longer papers and monographs will be considered on a case-by-case basis: contact the Editor before submitting. Signatures of all authors must appear on the cover letter to assure their approval of the submission.

Manuscripts should be sent to:

Dr. James LaBounty, Editor
Lake and Reservoir Management
920 Bramblewood Dr.
Castle Rock, CO 80108-3642.

  • Title, author's name(s), affiliation and complete address appear on the first page preceding the abstract. List complete information for each author as in the papers in this volume.
  • Bibliographic strip should precede the Abstract (Authors, date, title, Lake and Reserv. Manage. Vol. 11(0): 00-00
  • Abstract must not exceed 250 words (one paragraph) and must contain the findings of the paper succinctly stated. Begin with the main conclusion from the study and follow with the most important findings. Methods should only be included if needed for the reader to understand what was done. The abstract should allow a reader to determine whether to read the entire paper and also should be able to stand alone (since it will appear in abstracting services and may be all some readers ever see).
  • Key Words: Please supply a list of keywords, maximum of eight, following the Abstract.
  • Text: Do not use footnotes. Refer to tables and figures in text in numerical order. Use the metric system with US units in parenthesis, if desired. Write units as: g.m-2.yr-1, not g/m2/yr. Type all formulas and equations, and number equations consecutively. Underline only Latin names for genera and species and appropriate statistical and mathematical notations to indicate where italics should be used. Use only generally accepted acronyms, such as SCS and EPA. (If others are used because of frequent usage within the text, be sure to define and indicate that an acronym will be used thereafter.) The following sections should be included:
    • Introduction is not titled. It should be limited to the purpose, breadth of the study and a restricted, relevant literature review which provides a background for the study. It should be kept short, usually not more than 500 words.
    • Materials and Methods: Include only the information on methods, materials and study areas that is necessary in judging the findings. Provide relevant references to already published methods, descriptions of equipment and techniques. Try to put all methods in one section, using subheadings if the section is long.
    • Results: Limit the results to findings related to the stated purpose of the work. References to tables and figures should point out important aspects of each and not repeat the obvious or restate the table title or figure caption.
    • Discussion: Provide the important or main contributions of the work compared with previous work and work of other researchers. Emphasis should be on generalizations, interpretations and synthesis of ideas. If findings or interpretations disagree with other work, point this out and contrast the available information. Limit speculation to what can be supported with some evidence.
    • Acknowledgments generally should be limited to those who made substantial contributions to the study or the manuscript, provided financial support or provided other technical or scientific input. Avoid listing clerical only contributions. Include this section in the original submission - do not add it after review or proofs have been sent.
    • References: All references must be available to others and, therefore, must have complete information (publisher, place of publication, etc.). Citation of internal memos, personal communications, reports, etc., should be used rarely and must be listed in the References if cited in the text. Personal communications need a date and a place of employment. All References listed must be cited in text, using biological style with last name of author and year of publication within parentheses. If more than two authors, the citation should read, for example (Cooke et al. 1987). References to government documents must include an NTIS or agency number. References should be carefully checked against the citations; nearly all manuscripts submitted contain errors or inconsistencies in the references and citations.
    • Tables should be grouped separately following the References and should not repeat data given in the figures or the text. Tables should be designed to fit either a 1 or 2 column space in the journal, each typed on a separate page and numbered with an Arabic number consecutively with the rest of the manuscript. Table headings should be complete and allow the table to be understood without reference to the text. Footnotes to tables are indicated by superscript lowercase letters and typed below the bottom line of the table. Use horizontal lines above and below the major headings and below the columns, not elsewhere. (Use spaces between groupings if needed). Do not use vertical lines. Note in the text margin, after the first reference to the table, "Table 1 near here".
    • Figures and illustrations: submit originals and three copies. Computer generated figures or illustrations printed on laser printers are acceptable, those on dot matrix are not. Do not write on the figure or illustration. All legends should be typed on a separate page with the heading "Figure Legends". Figures should fit either a 1 or 2 column journal format. Use a font size large enough to be readable when greatly reduced in size. Use bar scales on maps, photomicrographs, etc. Note in the margin of the text where the figure is first referred to: "Fig 1 near here". Good quality black and white photographs are acceptable. Submit two copies for review purposes. Color photographs or plates are expensive and would be charged to the author.
    • Computer transmission: Once the paper has been reviewed and edited, authors will be asked to provide both a clean hard copy and a file on a Macintosh or IBM-compatible disk, preferably in either WordPerfect or Microsoft Word. If other word processing applications must be used, submit the paper as an ASCII (text) file. If this is not possible, arrangements can be made with the Editor to have the paper scanned from a good laser-printed or dark typewriter copy (Times, New York or Courier usually scan well).
    • Proofs: Edited copy will be returned to the author for approval, along with page proofs of the article as it will be printed. Changes should be limited to error correction, other additions or changes to text which should have been done earlier will not be done at this point.
    • Page Charges: There are no page charges for NALMS members (if the primary author is a member). Non-members are subject to a charge of $30 per page. Upon acceptance of a paper, a non-member may choose to join NALMS, thereby avoiding the page charge.
    • Reprints: Reprints can be ordered directly from the printer by completing a reprint order form which will be included with the page proofs. A copy can also be obtained from the Editorial Office.

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Formatting Information and Examples

Citation examples: (Smith 1990), (Smith 1990, Hunt 1992)

Title: large, bold, centered

Authors' names smaller, bold, centered
Addresses: italic, centered, run-on, small, period at end.
ABSTRACT - centered.


    Level 1: large bold type, left justified
    Level 2: smaller type, bold, underlined or italics, left justified
    Level 3: smaller type, left justified
    Level 4: indented and part of paragraph, normal size, italics or underlined, period at end.

Heading Level Examples:

    Periphyton Collection and Analysis
    Sampling Stations
          Size distribution of lakes. The spatial distribution of lakes in selected...
    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We wish to thank Dr. J.C. Foothills...

References (examples)

Author, C. J. 1980. Effects of grazing on foothill streams in the Great Rocky Mountains of the European continent. Lake and Reserv. Manage. 7:23-30.
Radfort, A. E., H. E. Ahles and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular plants of the Carolinas. Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. xx p.
Goldsmith, F. B., C. M. Harrison and A. J. Morton. 1986. Description and analysis of vegetation. P. 437-534. In P. D. Moore and S. B. Chapman (eds.). Methods in Plant Ecology. Blackwell Scientific, London.

Notes: Put one space between initials in the authors' names, no comma before the "and" in multiple author listings. No space between the colon and page numbers. Use 2-letter capitals for states after a city name. No periods in MS and PhD. Write out 1-word journal names, use standard abbreviations for reference sections, including:

Am. Aquat. Arch. Assoc.
Bd. Biol. Bull. Div.
Ecol. Environ. Fish. Freshwat.
Hydrobiol. Internat. J. Limnol.
Manage. Monogr. Nat. Natl.
Oceanogr. Publ. Publs. Qual.
Rep. Res. Reserv. Rev.
Sci. Soc. Suppl. Tech.
Technol. Trans. Univ. Verein.
Verh. Wat. Wild.

List of Figures

Figure is written out in the legend itself and abbreviated "Fig." in text.

Figure 2.-Map of the spatial distribution of lakes in southeast Missouri, showing all of our study stations.

Editorial Board

NALMS welcomes the input of its members. Send your comments or article submissions to:

James F. LaBounty, Editor
920 Bramblewood Drive
Castle Rock, CO 80108
Phone: (303) 986-7632
Fax: (303) 340-5695
E-mail: werlabs@prodigy.net

NALMS Office Staff:

All members of the NALMS staff can be reached at:

PO Box 5443
4513 Vernon Blvd., Suite 100
Madison, WI 53705-0443
Phone: (608) 233-2836
Fax: (608) 233-3186

Member Services

Carol Winge


Publications, Web Page, Grant Administration

Philip Forsberg


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