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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


About the journal
A leading journal in the field of systems and cybernetics, Kybernetes seeks to broaden understanding of human, artificial and natural systems. Wide-ranging and topical, it offers deeper insights into current research in the field and pays particular attention to topics of future interest and controversy.


Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines

Submit to the journal

Submissions should be sent to the Editor in Chief:

Brian H. Rudall
Craig yr Halen
Menai Bridge
LL59 5HI

Three copies of the manuscript should be submitted in double line spacing with wide margins. All authors should be shown and author's details must be printed on a separate sheet and the author should not be identified anywhere else in the article.

Editorial objectives

Kybernetes aims to endow cybernetics and general systems with an authoritative voice of its own and to establish a competent international forum for the exchange of knowledge and information. One of the primary objectives of the journal is to weed out pseudo-cybernetic claims and to base cybernetics on sound scientific foundations; therefore, highly speculative articles that lie on the fringe of cybernetics and general systems will not be published.

The journal contains original papers, research notes, book reviews, news of conferences and societies, and letters to the editor.

Reviewing process

Each paper is reviewed by the Editor and, if it is judged suitable for this publication, it is then sent to two referees for double blind peer review. Based on their recommendations, the Editor then decides whether the paper should be accepted as is, revised or rejected.



Articles submitted to the journal should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty. For ease of dissemination and to ensure proper policing of use, papers and contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher unless otherwise agreed.

The editor may make use of iThenticate software for checking the originality of submissions received. Please see our press release for further details.

Emerald Literati Network Editing Service

The Emerald Literati Network can recommend, via our Editing Service, a number of freelance copy editors, all themselves experienced authors, to contributors who wish to improve the standard of English in their paper before submission. This is particularly useful for those whose first language is not English.

Manuscript requirements

  1. As a guide, articles should be between 3000 and 6000 words in length.
  2. A title of not more than eight words should be provided.
  3. A brief autobiographical note should be supplied including:
    • Full name
    • Affiliation
    • E-mail address
    • Full international contact details
    • Brief professional biography.
    NB This information should be provided on a separate sheet and authors should not be identified anywhere else in the article.
  4. Authors must supply a structured abstract set out under 4-6 sub-headings (see our "How to... write an abstract" guide for practical help and guidance):
    • Purpose (mandatory)
    • Design/methodology/approach (mandatory)
    • Findings (mandatory)
    • Research limitations/implications (if applicable)
    • Practical implications (if applicable)
    • Originality/value (mandatory).
    Maximum is 250 words in total. In addition provide up to six keywords which encapsulate the principal topics of the paper and categorize your paper under one of these classifications:
    • Research paper
    • Viewpoint
    • Technical paper
    • Conceptual paper
    • Case study
    • Literature review
    • General review.
  5. Headings must be short, with a clear indication of the distinction between the hierarchy of headings. The preferred format is for headings to be presented in bold format, with consecutive numbering.
  6. Notes or Endnotes should be used only if absolutely necessary and must be identified in the text by consecutive numbers, enclosed in square brackets and listed at the end of the article.
  7. All Figures (charts, diagrams and line drawings) and Plates (photographic images) should be submitted in both electronic form and as hard copy originals. They should be of clear quality, in black and white and numbered consecutively with arabic numerals.
       Figures created in MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, Illustrator and Freehand should be saved in their native formats.
       Electronic figures created in other applications should be copied from the origination software and pasted into a blank MS Word document or saved and imported into a MS Word document by choosing "Insert" from the menu bar, "Picture" from the drop-down menu and selecting "From File..." to select the graphic to be imported.
    For figures which cannot be supplied in MS Word, acceptable standard image formats are: .pdf, .ai, .wmf and .eps. If you are unable to supply graphics in these formats then please ensure they are .tif, .jpeg (.jpg) , or .bmp at a resolution of at least 300dpi and at least 10cm wide.
       To prepare screenshots, simultaneously press the "Alt" and "Print screen" keys on the keyboard, open a blank Microsoft Word document and simultaneously press "Ctrl" and "V" to paste the image. (Capture all the contents/windows on the computer screen to paste into MS Word, by simultaneously pressing "Ctrl" and "Print screen".)
       Plates (photographic images) should be saved as .tif or .jpeg (.jpg) files at a resolution of at least 300dpi and at least 10cm wide. Digital camera settings should be set at the highest possible resolution/quality.
       In the text of the paper the preferred position of all tables, figures and plates should be indicated by typing on a separate line the words "Take in Figure (No.)" or "Take in Plate (No.)".
  8. Tables should be typed and included as part of the manuscript. They should not be submitted as graphic elements. Supply succinct and clear captions for all tables, figures and plates. Ensure that any superscripts or asterisks are shown next to the relevant items and have corresponding explanations displayed as footnotes to the table, figure or plate.
  9. References to other publications must be in Harvard style and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency. This is very important in an electronic environment because it enables your readers to exploit the Reference Linking facility on the database and link back to the works you have cited through CrossRef.
       You should cite publications in the text: (Adams, 2006) using the first named author's name or (Adams and Brown, 2006) citing both names of two, or (Adams et al., 2006), when there are three or more authors. At the end of the paper a reference list in alphabetical order should be supplied:
    • For books: Surname, Initials (year), Title of Book, Publisher, Place of publication.
      e.g. Harrow, R. (2005), No Place to Hide, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY.
    • For book chapters: Surname, Initials (year), "Chapter title", Editor's Surname, Initials, Title of Book, Publisher, Place of publication, pages.
      e.g. Calabrese, F.A. (2005), "The early pathways: theory to practice ¨C a continuum", in Stankosky, M. (Ed.), Creating the Discipline of Knowledge Management, Elsevier, New York, NY, pp. 15-20.
    • For journals: Surname, Initials (year), "Title of article", Journal Name, volume, number, pages.
      e.g. Capizzi, M.T. and Ferguson, R. (2005), "Loyalty trends for the twenty-first century", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 22 No. 2, pp. 72-80.
    • For working papers: Surname, Initials (year), "Title of article", working paper [number if available], Institution or organization, Place of organization, date.
      e.g. Mozier, P. (2003), "How published academic research can inform policy decisions: the case of mandatory rotation of audit appointments", working paper, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, Leeds, 28 March.
    • For encyclopedia entries (with no author or editor): Title of Encyclopedia (year) "Title of entry", volume, edition, Title of Encyclopedia, Publisher, Place of publication, pages.
      e.g. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1926) "Psychology of culture contact", Vol. 1, 13th ed., Encyclopaedia Britannica, London and New York, NY, pp. 765-71.
      (For authored entries please refer to book chapter guidelines above.)
    • For newspaper articles (authored): Surname, Initials (year), "Article title", Newspaper, date, pages.
      e.g. Smith, A. (2008), "Money for old rope", Daily News, 21 January, pp. 1, 3-4.
    • For newspaper articles (non-authored): Newspaper (year), "Article title", date, pages.
      e.g. Daily News (2008), "Small change", 2 February, p. 7.
    • For electronic sources: if available online the full URL should be supplied at the end of the reference, as well as a date that the resource was accessed, e.g. Castle, B. (2005), "Introduction to web services for remote portlets", available at: www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-wsrp/ (accessed 12 November 2007).

Final submission of the article

Once accepted for publication, the editor may request the final version as an attached file to an e-mail or to be supplied on a CD-ROM labelled with author name(s); title of article; journal title; file name. Each article must be accompanied by a completed and signed Journal Article Record Form available online or from the Editor.

Authors should note that proofs are not supplied prior to publication. The manuscript will be considered to be the definitive version of the article. The author must ensure that it is complete, grammatically correct and without spelling or typographical errors.

The preferred file format is Word. For technical/maths content, Rich Text Format (.rtf) is acceptable.

Technical assistance is available by contacting Mike Massey at Emerald. E-mail: mmassey@emeraldinsight.com

Editorial Board

Editorial team


Professor Brian Howard Rudall
Institute of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics, and Bangor University, Wales, UK

Founding Editor

Professor J. Rose (in memorium)

Associate Editors

W.H von Alven
Former Chairman, Systems, Man and Cybernetics Group of IEEE, USA

Professor Wu Xuemou
CDE Institute, Wuchang, PR China

Book Review Editor

Dr C. J. Mann, Anglesey, UK

Internet Editor

Dr Alex M Andrew, Reading, UK

About the Editor-in-Chief

Professor Rudall has been involved with Kybernetes since its foundation by Professor Rose in 1971. He was the section editor for ‘Contemporary Systems and Cybernetics?and became the journal editor in 1987.

During his career, Professor Rudall has carried out some pioneering research and development in computer system and software specification, and formal descriptions of the human machine interface through cybernetics and systems. In addition to his more formal researches he has had wide ranging interests in extending the use of computer systems and in computer education. He was one of the first directors of computing in the UK higher education section.

Professor Rudall is now mainly concerned with consultancy but remains at the forefront of academic research and development in the related areas of computer science, systems and cybernetics, maintaining close links with industry, academe and the university publishing houses. He is a Fellow of six of the UK’s main societies and institutions involved with computing, mathematics and cybernetics, and is currently a Director of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics, and Head of its Norbert Wiener institute of Systems and Cybernetics.

Professor Rudall is also a chartered engineer and mathematician, and his role in cybernetics lead to the award of the prestigious Norbert Wiener Memorial Gold Medal in 1997.


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